Stick Ranger 2 Comments

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#cpELbg7T Mar 29,2025 04:41
>>GabeJCool we should all "pee on" this new enemy
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 29,2025 01:04
I wish the new enemy has a level 35 or above. It still gives pitiful exp
#DhVgZ0fi Mar 29,2025 00:16
please do take this with a grain of salt though because i don't know what is to come in the next updates
#DhVgZ0fi Mar 29,2025 00:15
i think the new dragon is meant to be fought alongside a bunch of other "peon" type enemies, hence it's weakness, since it's not quite supposed to be a boss on it's own
#5RQWVHHH Mar 28,2025 21:48
Y'all remember how hard original Stick Ranger was I kinda want back the old Difficulty
#5RQWVHHH Mar 28,2025 21:47
I like it, but it should have more Hp and should do Way More Dmg But while absolutely storming to new Enemy I discovered something weird about the green Lasers: If you move you Stickyman REALLY fast through the Laser, it sometimes won't take any Poison Damage
#ePQdib5t Mar 28,2025 19:00
This is the longest dragon I’ve ever seen
#ZaUdBLeF Mar 28,2025 16:27
There is still hope for my headband fish guess... also new headband creature is more free money
#ElE31IGu Mar 28,2025 10:39
Am I missing something or is there only one of these that can spawn per cave entry? Cuz' this thing an incredibly low HP value for what seems to be a boss enemy. Still a cool enemy design/attack though, I'm just kinda confused by how weak it seemingly is
#h3YHuQpn Mar 28,2025 10:37
I am sure we might get some fish enemies in the lake of Limestone Cave 6.
#h3YHuQpn Mar 28,2025 10:35
Has not a lot of LP, as it has just 3000, and resists lightning. Gives 900G, and at LV34 gives 1000EXP. Yellow Dragon (Yellow Box Dragon)
#ZItSV08J Mar 28,2025 10:22
Yellow Box Dragon. No fifth stickman here. Sorry.
#0UmU7BUz Mar 28,2025 10:14
Stick Ranger 2 ver26.4 Enemy addition.
#KzUt1aXM Mar 28,2025 08:30
Well I guess so too ... But I don't know what speaks against it ... Something new ... Maybe a special challenge or something ... Extra hard contend with a 5fth ranger as reward ... I mean would be more funsies ... And we have enough items so why barriers when its a game that should be there for fun ? xD
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 28,2025 01:22
Were probably not getting one
#77QgR43l Mar 28,2025 00:36
i hope we get a fifth ranger
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 27,2025 04:24
Legend has it that stick ranger 3 would have 5 rangers
#ZaUdBLeF Mar 27,2025 02:08
ah yes, fifth ranger... not gonna happen
#cpELbg7T Mar 27,2025 01:31
After careful consideration and analysis, I can say for certain that there will be no fifth ranger. Let's face it, there's no historical precedent for any fifth ranger in any previous games. Even if we DID hypothetically have a fifth ranger, such a situation would make the Amethyst Amulet IMPOSSIBLE to obtain.
#3m1K62d2 Mar 26,2025 22:12
Random person
plagiarism be like || v
#ePQdib5t Mar 26,2025 21:01
Huh I don’t think fifth ranger would be added because there are only four rangers in SR 1 and I don’t think amethyst amulet would be possible to get
#ZItSV08J Mar 26,2025 10:53
Look at the space that can be used for a fifth stickman. THE SPACE!
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 26,2025 08:40
Having 5 rangers would make getting the amythest amulet impossible
#KzUt1aXM Mar 26,2025 01:36
Well the ppl have spoken ... We have so many items ... Why not have a fitfth warrior ? o.o Makes more funsies so why tf not ? xD
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 25,2025 23:43
Not gonna lie, all the passive charges are not good. They are very unreliable and in the limestone caves, doesn't really harm the enemies that much.
#wjSWq1vV Mar 25,2025 12:56
nice game bro
#ePQdib5t Mar 25,2025 08:15
Just find the small stick man on the wall then click it over the water
#RDRqhoWn Mar 25,2025 05:28
Victor Aguayo
how do I get the stickman medal in Cave 1
#pFJAe4uo Mar 24,2025 21:28
soul blade is funny
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 24,2025 01:22
I can only imagine how difficult it would be to kill that headband fish
#ZaUdBLeF Mar 23,2025 07:44
if there's a plant with head band and then ppl with headband, THEN IN BIG LAKE THERE WILL BE HEADBAND FISH!
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 23,2025 04:26
In Stick ranger 1 there was only 4 rangers, so i dont think we will get a fifth ranger. And honestly, i dont think we need a fifth ranger, 4 rangers are enough
#GW5RheKj Mar 23,2025 00:23
The blank on the right of 4th ranger can perfectly fill in another ranger———so @ha55ii!!!!!! ADD 5TH RANGER ON THE END OF LIMESTONE SERIES LEVELS PLEEEEEEEASE!!!!!!!! IF YOU DO THAT AND THEN A BIIIIIIIIIG THAAAAAAAAANNK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUU!!!!!!
#cj3LH2w6 Mar 23,2025 00:20
мне кажется хорошей идеей добавить режим VS в эту часть
#ci1Lydze Mar 22,2025 03:35
These enemy stickmen are insane. There are a lot, yet have an AT of 3, and have 3000LP. Drops 5G, and at LV32 gives 200EXP. Wood Doll (Brown Box Stickman)
#cpELbg7T Mar 22,2025 02:12
Soul Blade is one of only two weapons capable of full clearing cave two... outside of that one very niche, gimmicky use, its honestly probably the worst charge in the game. It's difficult to use effectively and its damage output is just bad. Also: did anyone else think it was a fifth ranger update? XD
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 22,2025 00:19
Soul blade was never good
#IBgiQokv Mar 21,2025 23:44
@hemlok "Soul blade" is pretty weak now that we have better options for short-ranged physical damage. If there's a lot of enemies stacked (multiple dozens of them) the best short-ranged physical charge is "Range gale," otherwise if only a few enemies, or just one, the best is "Quick slash." - It does less damage than "Power slash," but lower emit required and with a +3 charge weapon ("Claw" for single-target, otherwise "Sabel") and the "Crystal amulet" you can get emit down to 6, so every second attack will release the charge attack. Every third attack, if you use the "Crystal amulet" on a different stick man.
#UW2d1NbL Mar 21,2025 22:31
whats yalls opinion on soul blade?
#5RQWVHHH Mar 21,2025 22:22
Kinda Weak any why do all brown Enemies in new Area deal 2 Dmg
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 21,2025 22:21
The chocolate fighters are... interesting ig. i wish there was another monster that gives more exp
#UcB967y1 Mar 21,2025 19:09
chocolate monster
#ePQdib5t Mar 21,2025 17:37
That’s exactly what I thought stickmans with headband
#gKNUJiJ1 Mar 21,2025 13:36
First one to try! 80 brown box stickmans appear in a large swarm, using melee attack. Flame shot helps
#0UmU7BUz Mar 21,2025 10:22
Stick Ranger 2 ver26.3 Enemy addition.
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 21,2025 00:33
Also I got to level 43. Anything beyond that is impossible. (Unless if you are insane)
#cpELbg7T Mar 21,2025 00:25
spears need an upgrade to go from being mid to being medium
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 20,2025 21:00
Yeah the spear types are petty bland, the only attribute is lightning, and its not that interesting anymore.
#ePQdib5t Mar 20,2025 20:46
#Eu4R0yKt Mar 20,2025 13:36
plz add some ice type spears and lightsabers
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 18,2025 20:57
I really wish they would add more Thunder and fire things, but for some reason everyone in these limestone caves seem to be resistant to fire and thunder. its so annoying
#MyhdbPqO Mar 18,2025 13:13
Sometimes thunder trident's bullets become purple when a stickman has high poison bow. Is it a bug?
#MyhdbPqO Mar 18,2025 11:17
The star of this version: Weapon: Physical: Sabel(More safe than claw) Ice: NONE Fire: NONE Thunder: lightning bullet Poison: high poison bow Charge: Physical: gale slash Ice: ice blade Fire: flame shot Thunder: lightning burst Poison: poisonmist shot
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 18,2025 04:26
My experience just completely froze and can only increase when i kill the enemies in LC6 So i guess the max level you can realistically get right now is 40 to 42
#4aKzlc94 Mar 18,2025 02:33
This game is so fun but so grindy
#ePQdib5t Mar 17,2025 17:26
U need to see the achievement areas in LC4(check in SR2 wiki)
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 16,2025 23:31
Killing tree head with a sniper in LC4 is very confusing. I keep killing him with range but it does not count for some reason
#ePQdib5t Mar 16,2025 12:39
I have all changes and weapons but I don’t have firework burst
#KzUt1aXM Mar 16,2025 11:37
Well I have everything and did everything o:
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 16,2025 02:38
Problem with that loadout: Diamond ring is impossible to get, explosive arrow is impossible to get,
#KzUt1aXM Mar 16,2025 01:29
@Kairousi P1: light glove ; Explosive Arrow ; Ruby Ring ; Craft Amulet P2: Knuckle ; Range Burst ; Diamond Ring ; Citrin Amulet ; P3: Light Knuckle ; Poison Mist shot ; Craft Ring ; Elf Amulet P4: Thunder Knuckle ; Spark ; Topaz Ring ; Crystal Amulet P.S: I guess this boss specialty is that he has all res to 999% ... So in order to kill him fast you gotta hit him as fast as possible ... So I concentrated on Hits Per Second ... And this setup should do the trick ... Might not be the most optimal but yee ... And for a small other tipp ... To be also as fast as possible make sure you start from the left entrance in limestone cave 4 ;P may not work at first but try it a couple of times ... This may not be the best solution or optimal setup but yee helped me ... Happy for feedback ^^
#90S0FQ6a Mar 16,2025 00:04
Just found a funny thing: find a stickman equip:Light glove/knuckle, fire wave, craft ring, elf amulet console type in: he=2 that results in a lot of fire rings produced during the stickman's attack. "the might of SR1 fire god 7" bruh
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 15,2025 23:01
Yeah but its resistant to everything except for poison, and my poison weapons dont do enough damage even when they are fully leveled up
#YtP0sDWj Mar 15,2025 21:21
I’m stuck on that too, all the poison weapons don’t do enough damage
#mBdoZDkE Mar 15,2025 17:37
My birthday tomorrow
#ePQdib5t Mar 15,2025 12:11
Use weapons with great dmg
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 15,2025 10:47
thanks, now how do i kill black slime in LC3 in 60 seconds
#ePQdib5t Mar 15,2025 10:18
Yes,just press the gold coins on the top left of the light blue tree to a circle(only borders)
#KzUt1aXM Mar 15,2025 08:05
Yep :I
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 15,2025 06:56
does anyone know what golden circle medal in LC 2 is?
#wYaWCnlZ Mar 15,2025 06:11
I celebrate the new worm enemy
#e9gKgS0a Mar 15,2025 05:51
WHERES MY GOLD I BEST EACH BIIG MONSTER><,,,,-=p; ']\74\897485455545524555454548522549525455574785777777777777999999999997777444444444 anyway heres my pjone number\ 2189919 jokeing
#ci1Lydze Mar 15,2025 03:29
A huge snake that has the Droplet head, which has not been used since Terraced Cave. Pretty strong for an enemy, as it has 80000LP, yet has a pretty weak melee attack. Drops 10G, and at LV34, it gives 1000EXP when defeated.
#ZaUdBLeF Mar 15,2025 03:03
I predict that the new monster will drop op weapon
#cpELbg7T Mar 15,2025 02:41
this foe is... uninspired? if that is the word. not particularly interesting. one can hope there's something more beneath the surface on this one.
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 15,2025 00:20
These big enemies should be dropping insane amount of XP and gold, its not worth spending all that time just to get 10 gold and 1% experience
#5RQWVHHH Mar 14,2025 21:54
Brown Wormy Worm: Attacks slowly for only 2 damage Drops 10 Gold even though it has 80000 Hp
#wxO9dr1Z Mar 14,2025 14:57
It's just a very tanky worm
#ePQdib5t Mar 14,2025 14:18
And why it only drops 10 gold?
#ePQdib5t Mar 14,2025 14:02
Why the new monster looks like a brown bear
#ZItSV08J Mar 14,2025 13:32
And Droplet too.
#ZItSV08J Mar 14,2025 13:32
We got cool worms before GTA 6.
#jjxWviz4 Mar 14,2025 13:13
Ian God
CB ×11.44
#0UmU7BUz Mar 14,2025 12:05
Stick Ranger 2 ver26.2 Enemy addition.
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 14,2025 03:33
I have not gotten all the amulets yet, but I can tell most of them are not that good
#SELQXPrQ Mar 14,2025 00:40
Personal rank for amulets here: craft amulet:neutral shell amulet:pretty good elf amulet:good for multi-projectile weapons crystal amulet:not bad bandit amulet:not really useful… amethyst amulet:trash without console tricks platinum amulet:neutral citrine amulet:not very useful sapphire amulet:SUPREME with ice blade garnet amulet:mild peridot amulet:strong with poison weapons ammolite amulet:focus card in a certain mod warrior amulet:actually helps but not much
#AMHCqJOY Mar 13,2025 11:23
Seems SR1 has faded out of existence, it had a surge with modding then just died. Anyone got any console tricks? we need a forum or something for them.
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 11,2025 03:23
yeah that happens sometimes. I learned to export your game data and copy it just in case
#CZuMBDHW Mar 10,2025 21:43
my data got erased for some reason, is there a way to fix it?
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 09,2025 23:57
I LOVE the lightning fish in Limestone cave 3. They give so much moneyyyyy!!!!
#mBdoZDkE Mar 09,2025 20:21
Next update is 2 days after my birthday (update at 14 March) ( my birthday at 16 March)
#mBdoZDkE Mar 09,2025 20:19
I'm too weak
#ZaUdBLeF Mar 09,2025 07:58
new enemy is easy to kill if you have a ranged build stickman (or more)
#0PJ0GVfB Mar 09,2025 02:37
bruh the amulets i get are so garbage. i just got the citris amulet. was not worth my time in the slightest
#90S0FQ6a Mar 08,2025 23:24
MultiShot will become to an UZI if you type in $c=(a huge number e.g. 999) in console...LOL
#KzUt1aXM Mar 08,2025 10:38
Gratulations :P Reading the wiki really helps hm ? ;P x'DDD
#ffA2jNfB Mar 08,2025 08:29
finnaly got all the amulets just need the stone and wood ring to go I also have every weapon max upgraded i was bord and decided too just to se the max potentiel of them the citrine amulet and ruby ring on my bow guy has the explosion bow thing it decimates crowds and high health eneimes aswell
#KzUt1aXM Mar 08,2025 06:57
@bulby not a new head as to wear it ... But a head as enemy to distroy x'D
#cpELbg7T Mar 08,2025 04:37
it's really sad that mid range weapons are confined to lightning and physical. and these new enemies have headbands on. which isn't as sad.
#ci1Lydze Mar 08,2025 02:44
Cool, a new enemy, and are at at the exact spot where the gimmick is. They shoot lasers that do not deal damage for around 1 second before dealing lightning damage, which they are immune to lightning as well. Has 30000LP, drops 900G, and at LV33 they give 300 EXP. Yellow Laser Tree (Yellow Big Box Tree)

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