Stick Ranger Comments

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#ci1Lydze Mar 26,2025 02:56
Now at Ice Castle, now to beat that boss.
#ci1Lydze Mar 22,2025 03:38
Stick Ranger goes pretty fast, like I can go through the Desert stages in a day.
#Q43U7L0n Mar 22,2025 02:31
Rain Traffic
@Agusbugus4 join the Dan ball discord
#tla94CDD Mar 21,2025 21:22
(Correction) it hasn't been a while I just don't know how to read ?
#tla94CDD Mar 21,2025 21:21
Hey!I know it's been a while since anything was said,but does anyone have the Ivan's mod on a Google drive or something?I've looked all over but I can't find it anywhere :(
#gKNUJiJ1 Mar 21,2025 13:42
And @nickname! bad things happened to my PC so I can't login until yesterday evening I meant I beat all levels in the mod, sorry bad description :( also CZ4 boss is almost immortal and FT boss dumped me tons of GAME OVER if I'm not using priest......
#ePQdib5t Mar 20,2025 20:47
I just quit SR 1 because SR 2 is better
#Q43U7L0n Mar 19,2025 03:15
Rain Traffic
@S3Rang3r, lightning drills with bullets and quicks are really good
#ci1Lydze Mar 17,2025 05:14
Now for Ice Castle.
#ci1Lydze Mar 16,2025 07:52
Well, I am now past Submarine Shrine now. Now for Pyramid.
#GW5RheKj Mar 16,2025 04:48
@nickname! Oops, sorry for the comment. It’s only my opinion :( My Apologies
#GW5RheKj Mar 16,2025 04:43
Woah. My rubbish RankS team had lost to the whole page 1. hahaha
#SMIVuxmX Mar 16,2025 04:29
@nickname! Can you send your github cuz IIRC sticky ranger is on there
#Q43U7L0n Mar 15,2025 20:46
Rain Traffic
Also, in Ivan’s mod, you all should try the Fallen 7 weapon with a Critical’s Card 8 and STR Accumalator 8, with the Angel having 110 DEX and full STR before the Accumalator happens, therefore you get 60 DEX and a lot of STR, which means with the Angel crit feature and all the rings flying, you get ludicrous danage
#Q43U7L0n Mar 15,2025 20:33
Rain Traffic
@nickname! I actually do know the creator of this mod, the newest version and the creator of the mod is on the unofficial Dan-Ball discord, thanks
#Ee1v1WcS Mar 15,2025 19:33
F the comment system!!!!!! it was fancy letters of "triple poison + catapult's card".
#Ee1v1WcS Mar 15,2025 19:32
@freezeray cz4,6,7 are HELL and FT boss too damaging. also u said u completed ivansmod,so u r the creator???????? pls gimme newest version!!!!! @srang3r for good team use spearman. its lategame weapons can instakill bosses! use 150mag 100dex. also for sub shrine,use ?????? ?????? + ????????'? ????
#ci1Lydze Mar 14,2025 05:19
@Rain Traffic, usually my Priest is only getting STR and DEX increases only. Mostly the rest of them is arbitrary when talking about stats. Weaponry is Double Fire for Sniper and Staff of Wood for Priest. If you wanna talk about modded weapons, Hammer has Fire Mallet and Spearman has Ice Halberd.
#Q43U7L0n Mar 11,2025 05:15
Rain Traffic
@SRang3r What are your SP spends and characters (and weaponry)?
#ci1Lydze Mar 11,2025 03:42
BTW, how do you beat the Submarine Shrine Boss? I cannot get past Submarine Shrine at all right now.
#Q43U7L0n Mar 08,2025 23:07
Rain Traffic
Fun fact; in Ivan’s mod, solo physical angel can beat Palace Basement (DM me on discord, username is raintraffic)
#wLS5RoQ7 Mar 08,2025 18:36
@nickname! Well in my opinion Bosses in Challenge Zone 1, 2, and 5 are pretty easy, especially the CZ5 boss. Also Final Trail Boss could be almost ruined by gambler's card & sacred rod combination. I wonder if you know it. Note: I'm not new here but I didn't register until Feb.2025. Also I completed Ivan's mod not long ago.
#Ee1v1WcS Mar 07,2025 23:05
@srang3r ivans mod is very amazing & my mod's also based on it. also the caverns 9-11 plus hc4-5 are easy with kback,f7-8 easy with vampire,wl4 and hc6 is hard. all stages past closing street are (almost) impossible (except palace,,,,,,,,,,,) @srang3r yellow aura enemy means x3 LP,AT,gold,exp, is usually rare. ALSO,would ivans mod stay forever at v8.3beta?!?!?!?!
#ZItSV08J Mar 07,2025 07:48
Explain more please, I do not understand by "defeated one"
#ci1Lydze Mar 06,2025 10:41
I wonder, I have seen a lit up enemy with a yellow aura, and defeated one, is that rare or something?
#ci1Lydze Mar 06,2025 05:51
After enough time, I managed to play Ivan's Mod, it is pretty great for a mod. I would like to see more after-game stages other than Volcano, because having a side quest after the end of the game would be amazing. @person to actually unlock that specific level, just go to the Forget Tree and leave, that is it.
#xpz8qx5K Mar 04,2025 11:36
Person man guy:)
i usually use a priest to buff my other guys. also, great game.
#wxO9dr1Z Feb 24,2025 19:46
@glope Search for stick ranger Ivan's mod and find the netlify link of it
#ePQdib5t Feb 21,2025 17:54
Between snow land and hell
#ePQdib5t Feb 21,2025 17:52
Just hover your mouse at the sea
#heq7WwMs Feb 19,2025 12:57
how to get ivans mod?
#B17OsgHh Feb 18,2025 16:27
how do I unlock the "!!!" level?
#vNPdj18C Feb 11,2025 23:53
This game is AWESOME
#wxO9dr1Z Feb 08,2025 22:11
@11345133a Vampire's card 1 and ornigri's card 1 can only be attached to boxer, gladiator and whipper
#RUJph5GD Feb 06,2025 12:18
Ok I defeated the castle boss but I couldn’t equip the cards that it drops
#RUJph5GD Feb 05,2025 23:24
Me stuck a the first castle again(help)
#N7tHn4k8 Jan 23,2025 22:34
hello i am a hum
hi what is a good team. @McCheese refresh the page.
#G3TDqLSz Jan 11,2025 02:33
Hey, I don't know why, but I clicked into another tab, and now every stickman game is in slow motion. Help!
#dEz3GOZ9 Jan 10,2025 21:43
palace basement in ivans mod is literally impossible because the fire attack instakills melees,the thunder deals average 200 dmg to all characters,plus the poison attack also instakills stickmans,and other attacks eat away at your hp. the boss has 6.67e6 lp also final trial boss is impossible because the boss is a TINY walker with 1.4e7 lp instead of a huge tree,so there's no space to dodge the hundreds of homing bullets. ALSO it took me >50 times to get a card without bronze medals..........................
#IwJIGmUl Jan 07,2025 22:33
hey but i use magician, snniper, gladiator and whipper. can it be good ( pls ans me)
#OhrdwXwG Jan 03,2025 06:49
This account is in other hands, not in SRang3r's hands anymore! So, how do you beat the boss of Opening Street?
#lgoDAytl Jan 01,2025 23:18
I just discovered the best team for beginners in vanilla SR (gladiator, priest, sniper, magician)
#dEz3GOZ9 Dec 28,2024 15:03
please comment everyone ! ! ! ! ! ratings on ivans mod class: boxer - high dmg,low range. gladiator - tanky,high damage. sniper - high range.decent dmg. magician - high range.decent dmg. priest - needed for every team. gunner - costly but OP damage. whipper - decent damage,unstable when attacking. angel - decent range,good dmg. dual sw - low range,low dmg. predator - warcry takes forever,low dmg. wizard - absurd agi,low dps. hammerer - high agi,very low dps. spearman - awesome dmg. unholy light is super op. (found in dark cave)
#4UeVzuwy Dec 25,2024 08:12
imperial crowm2
@nickname! do you know any good predator weapons? trying to beat ivan's mod with predator
#6O2OYrep Dec 23,2024 09:35
BTW, Yellow Boss Gel Tree, Yellow Demon Eel, Orange Roundhead Tree, and Pink Roundhead Mushroom are LV 69. So if you want to Level up at LV 69, those are the enemies to defeat! (BTW I was on the app game.)
#dEz3GOZ9 Dec 21,2024 20:25
i'm using a 2 priest 2 angel team in ivans mod. i modded a impact rod 10 into my inventory and breezed thru ze early stages. BUT,this team is TOO fragile. it can't even survive 1 second at hell castle(after a revival) and even the weakest enemy in cavern 9 can halve stickman's health. (i had to pass hca via console stuff) gladiator is best melee with high LP and low mag requirements,super op with magic amp card. ps.use long god and switch to other rings after throwing out all rings and switch back when rings come back. it can help outrange enemies.
#4UeVzuwy Dec 21,2024 08:11
imperial crowm2
just beat the game again with priest, sniper, whipper, gladiator. first time winning with whipper. explosion whips are so strong
#ZItSV08J Dec 19,2024 10:02
How to undo the Zombie's card fire damage effect: Purple Crystal 5
#PQZ2GKKb Dec 14,2024 02:01
@nickname! I do not get there at LV20 w/o console, yet Oe=-1 would allow you to get past those upside down trees!
#dEz3GOZ9 Dec 13,2024 23:23
@upon_the_ashes use 30 dex 100 mag or something. imma not sure cuz i play ivans mod where stickman can have 150 LV so i'd use 60dex200mag(SUPER op with magic amp's card & quick halo) also zombiecard is good in non-fire stages while trash in other stages @mrnoob64 check adblocker or internet @srang3r pplleeaassee tellme hooowww ttooo mmaakkee a lv 20 file reaching hellcastle w/o console (i can actually reach hell6 at 0 EXP with M=N=O=P=Q=R=0 and even reach volcano if the upside down trees in cave7-8 don't hit me (infernos are normal though) xD
#4UeVzuwy Dec 13,2024 03:29
imperial crowm2
@upon_the_ashes mist grove seems to something the game wants you to beat around submarine shrine, despite me usually trying to beat it around seaside 2-4
#PQZ2GKKb Dec 13,2024 00:27
Now I realized that Grassland 1's boss is so weak, only just using OS weapons, you can still manage to beat them.
#Z2q97xPV Dec 12,2024 09:18
Not sure if I'm the only one, but there's a bug with the terrain generation making holes on the ground, sometimes monsters get stuck the ground, and even the stick figures are starting to get stuck as well, making them unable to move. It's worse in Town or any area where you can sell and/or buy items, as you can't collect gold or purchased items.
#rhCHYA9u Dec 10,2024 20:55
Some SR videos make me cry
#PQZ2GKKb Dec 10,2024 04:03
Upon_The_Ashes The Zombie's Card can be equipped on any character's weapon, and increases the character's LP by 50%, yet fire damage is increased by 100% for that character. I had a User Error, and I have to start all over again.
#xk5Y4pdT Dec 10,2024 02:03
@ni ckname! Really? I always thought the Angel was kind of weak what should I build into it? PS: Is Zombies card good
#dEz3GOZ9 Dec 07,2024 17:00
@srang3r i once managed to beat sub shrine at lv18 and pyramid boss at lv26 and hell gate boss at around lv55 XD also angel is super overpowered at early stages. i also heard someone beat hell castle without using SP throughout the game! how to do it? @upon_the_ashes don't ever use ring's card in this team.
#xk5Y4pdT Dec 06,2024 22:10
I do not know if this game is still played but is the Big Card is worth? If not what are the cards I should ignore. My team is Swordman Magician,Sniper,Boxer. Ps why is mist grove so hard
#PQZ2GKKb Dec 04,2024 09:46
I am LV66 and I am at the front gate of the final boss's castle. I am usually under leveled at any stage, and I usually beat it easily.
#ZItSV08J Dec 04,2024 09:21
or just "we are" if it doesn't work.
#ZItSV08J Dec 04,2024 09:20
If any of you have the app version, and have a good high level team, try to search "we are weakness" because that is very easy to defeat.
#PQZ2GKKb Dec 04,2024 09:10
@nickname! Mountain 2? I already beat that stage, yet before I ever had beaten that stage, I got a Sept Shot 5, Quick's Card 4, Knockback's Card 4, just to beat Mountain 2, except I forgot about that stage, and had beaten Forest 6 before even beating Mountain 2 XD. I have not even beaten Frozen Lake at all (and I do not need to)!
#dEz3GOZ9 Dec 01,2024 22:14
@ergo7877 it somewhat depends on some luck cuz if the boss stays still for many minutes and you use ranged sniper w/ poison you can make it without losing hp. Otherwise yoou have a horrible time dragging 4 stickymans around or having all 'em frozen xD @srang3r quick chakram is VERY powerful in mt2,thorn weapons work too. freeze exp barely does any dmg XD WANT MORE MODS WANT MORE MODS WANT MORE MODS にまび (read it aloud)
#wY6Sss7O Dec 01,2024 12:21
#wY6Sss7O Dec 01,2024 12:20
#P7cW9YMj Nov 25,2024 14:56
Abgerny barry :)
Godamn this is awsome game dude
#s38xJQhS Nov 25,2024 10:46
im gonna enter trollface crashout mode
#PQZ2GKKb Nov 24,2024 07:43
After luckily beating the Forest 3 boss, the rest of the bosses are stupid easy because of the Sept Shot 5 I had managed to get to beat the Mountain 2 boss (which I forgot to clear that stage), and a Freeze Explosion 6 that I managed to get in Snowfield 5 by the first Big Freeze Tank I had ever defeated (yes, I call X Walkers "Tanks" from their appearance).
#PQZ2GKKb Nov 24,2024 06:50
Actually, how are you supposed to beat the Forest 3 boss?
#ZItSV08J Nov 24,2024 05:05
I am convinced that I am the best player in my school's district.
#ZItSV08J Nov 23,2024 12:05
@ Bobis 24, the first tip I would recommend is to "map out" the stage, and skip to the boss stage. From there, use Poison type weapons to lower its LP. Be sure to attack the smaller Pink Shield Zombies first, and then attack the boss. And use Ice type weapons. They help very much.
#PJ4y8nAw Nov 23,2024 08:41
I am using gladiator, sniper, priest, and magician and I'm stuck on cavern 5. how do I beat it
#PQZ2GKKb Nov 22,2024 05:50
I already beat her, sorry.
#PQZ2GKKb Nov 22,2024 05:10
How do you get past Ice Castle? I forgot the strategy. My stickmen are: Gladiator, Sniper, Magician, and Priest.
#2rxPXRQw Nov 19,2024 19:10
@Freezer, It's not done yet, I have to add "8 STICKMAN MOD" in sr logo.
#PJ4y8nAw Nov 18,2024 05:44
How do you beat cavern 5
#dEz3GOZ9 Nov 17,2024 19:19
i usually use 50 mags for gunners through the game. it's just tooooooooo expensive. ☹ in ivans mod i use unholy light which is very OP and costs 1666 gold. btw you can use kback cards for ss2 with 4 snipers. if U have a priest,get 50 dex. WANT MORE SR1 MODS tell me all you know
#pZ3zgrKF Nov 17,2024 07:33
Guys tell me your decks Imma copy em if I can
#XuwS1hcY Nov 17,2024 00:13
人如其名,只会玩枪手 (而且队伍大部分都是四枪手)
#TaBw6xEK Nov 12,2024 15:39
That 8 stickman mod looks cool, where can I get it
#PQZ2GKKb Nov 12,2024 08:58
@cooooo priest: increases def aura. gunner: increases attack speed. whipper: increases the amount of bullets. angel: increases the amount of rings, with a maximum of 4.
#wMTPhFPY Nov 11,2024 09:10
imperial crown2
@cooooo for boxer it increases attack speed, gladiator increases damage, sniper damage, magician attack speed
#ZItSV08J Nov 10,2024 00:00
I want to use volcano 2 in Volcano.
#wMTPhFPY Nov 07,2024 03:10
imperial crown2
i beat the game for the first time! just managed to beat volcano as well.
#XbV4O5BP Nov 03,2024 07:04
Hi, is there a way i can duplicate my mobile save to the pc?
#IVDPZSvW Oct 31,2024 03:21
what is Dexterity for
#PJ4y8nAw Oct 29,2024 09:17
I am doing quad sniper run and I am trying to defeat seaside 2 boss without compo items. How should I do this without compo items or with if recommended. Also I want high damage that takes a short amount of time.
#ZItSV08J Oct 24,2024 08:37
Is it a feat if you have a level 1 item and use it to win?
#dEz3GOZ9 Oct 19,2024 15:49
are there any other mods?!?!?! don't give me download files cus i cant access those sites. i've seen ivans,cavern chro,aeins,8-stickman,topaz,alien inv,etc. and they're becoming boring! help. PS. if u have 99 gold and go to lc5,you'll be OMGed.
#SPFzKxUj Oct 18,2024 20:25
#ZItSV08J Oct 17,2024 11:48
The full screen is kinda off, is not showing the usual black border
#r91yJdrl Oct 14,2024 20:04
David G
Wish you the best on your adventures, i wish creator update this any time
#5RQWVHHH Oct 14,2024 04:43
@Bobis24 This may take long but you can take the bow from opening stage because it has 150 range(like the boss) and if you upgrade Range you could win
#PJ4y8nAw Oct 14,2024 00:53
Any responses?
#PJ4y8nAw Oct 13,2024 02:19
I am doing quad sniper run and I am trying to defeat seaside 2 boss without compo items. How should I do this without compo items or with if recommended.
#QKLWqcOV Oct 11,2024 21:07
#VL4f3Z1Q Oct 09,2024 20:55
Link to legal sr hak
#VL4f3Z1Q Oct 09,2024 20:55
Dot is . srhack dot wz dot cz
#ZItSV08J Oct 07,2024 02:50
any suggestions?

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