Stick Ranger Comments | 1000posts

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#h3YHuQpn Mar 28,2025 02:46
Wait, one of them is wrong.
#h3YHuQpn Mar 28,2025 02:45
Angel, Gladiator, Sniper, and Priest now, for normal SR.
#ePQdib5t Mar 26,2025 21:01
I’m stuck at cave 5
#ci1Lydze Mar 26,2025 02:56
Now at Ice Castle, now to beat that boss.
#ci1Lydze Mar 22,2025 03:38
Stick Ranger goes pretty fast, like I can go through the Desert stages in a day.
#Q43U7L0n Mar 22,2025 02:31
Rain Traffic
@Agusbugus4 join the Dan ball discord
#tla94CDD Mar 21,2025 21:22
(Correction) it hasn't been a while I just don't know how to read ?
#tla94CDD Mar 21,2025 21:21
Hey!I know it's been a while since anything was said,but does anyone have the Ivan's mod on a Google drive or something?I've looked all over but I can't find it anywhere :(
#gKNUJiJ1 Mar 21,2025 13:42
And @nickname! bad things happened to my PC so I can't login until yesterday evening I meant I beat all levels in the mod, sorry bad description :( also CZ4 boss is almost immortal and FT boss dumped me tons of GAME OVER if I'm not using priest......
#ePQdib5t Mar 20,2025 20:47
I just quit SR 1 because SR 2 is better
#Q43U7L0n Mar 19,2025 03:15
Rain Traffic
@S3Rang3r, lightning drills with bullets and quicks are really good
#ci1Lydze Mar 17,2025 05:14
Now for Ice Castle.
#ci1Lydze Mar 16,2025 07:52
Well, I am now past Submarine Shrine now. Now for Pyramid.
#GW5RheKj Mar 16,2025 04:48
@nickname! Oops, sorry for the comment. It’s only my opinion :( My Apologies
#GW5RheKj Mar 16,2025 04:43
Woah. My rubbish RankS team had lost to the whole page 1. hahaha
#SMIVuxmX Mar 16,2025 04:29
@nickname! Can you send your github cuz IIRC sticky ranger is on there
#Q43U7L0n Mar 15,2025 20:46
Rain Traffic
Also, in Ivan’s mod, you all should try the Fallen 7 weapon with a Critical’s Card 8 and STR Accumalator 8, with the Angel having 110 DEX and full STR before the Accumalator happens, therefore you get 60 DEX and a lot of STR, which means with the Angel crit feature and all the rings flying, you get ludicrous danage
#Q43U7L0n Mar 15,2025 20:33
Rain Traffic
@nickname! I actually do know the creator of this mod, the newest version and the creator of the mod is on the unofficial Dan-Ball discord, thanks
#Ee1v1WcS Mar 15,2025 19:33
F the comment system!!!!!! it was fancy letters of "triple poison + catapult's card".
#Ee1v1WcS Mar 15,2025 19:32
@freezeray cz4,6,7 are HELL and FT boss too damaging. also u said u completed ivansmod,so u r the creator???????? pls gimme newest version!!!!! @srang3r for good team use spearman. its lategame weapons can instakill bosses! use 150mag 100dex. also for sub shrine,use ?????? ?????? + ????????'? ????
#ci1Lydze Mar 14,2025 05:19
@Rain Traffic, usually my Priest is only getting STR and DEX increases only. Mostly the rest of them is arbitrary when talking about stats. Weaponry is Double Fire for Sniper and Staff of Wood for Priest. If you wanna talk about modded weapons, Hammer has Fire Mallet and Spearman has Ice Halberd.
#Q43U7L0n Mar 11,2025 05:15
Rain Traffic
@SRang3r What are your SP spends and characters (and weaponry)?
#ci1Lydze Mar 11,2025 03:42
BTW, how do you beat the Submarine Shrine Boss? I cannot get past Submarine Shrine at all right now.
#Q43U7L0n Mar 08,2025 23:07
Rain Traffic
Fun fact; in Ivan’s mod, solo physical angel can beat Palace Basement (DM me on discord, username is raintraffic)
#wLS5RoQ7 Mar 08,2025 18:36
@nickname! Well in my opinion Bosses in Challenge Zone 1, 2, and 5 are pretty easy, especially the CZ5 boss. Also Final Trail Boss could be almost ruined by gambler's card & sacred rod combination. I wonder if you know it. Note: I'm not new here but I didn't register until Feb.2025. Also I completed Ivan's mod not long ago.
#Ee1v1WcS Mar 07,2025 23:05
@srang3r ivans mod is very amazing & my mod's also based on it. also the caverns 9-11 plus hc4-5 are easy with kback,f7-8 easy with vampire,wl4 and hc6 is hard. all stages past closing street are (almost) impossible (except palace,,,,,,,,,,,) @srang3r yellow aura enemy means x3 LP,AT,gold,exp, is usually rare. ALSO,would ivans mod stay forever at v8.3beta?!?!?!?!
#ZItSV08J Mar 07,2025 07:48
Explain more please, I do not understand by "defeated one"
#ci1Lydze Mar 06,2025 10:41
I wonder, I have seen a lit up enemy with a yellow aura, and defeated one, is that rare or something?
#ci1Lydze Mar 06,2025 05:51
After enough time, I managed to play Ivan's Mod, it is pretty great for a mod. I would like to see more after-game stages other than Volcano, because having a side quest after the end of the game would be amazing. @person to actually unlock that specific level, just go to the Forget Tree and leave, that is it.
#xpz8qx5K Mar 04,2025 11:36
Person man guy:)
i usually use a priest to buff my other guys. also, great game.
#wxO9dr1Z Feb 24,2025 19:46
@glope Search for stick ranger Ivan's mod and find the netlify link of it
#ePQdib5t Feb 21,2025 17:54
Between snow land and hell
#ePQdib5t Feb 21,2025 17:52
Just hover your mouse at the sea
#heq7WwMs Feb 19,2025 12:57
how to get ivans mod?
#B17OsgHh Feb 18,2025 16:27
how do I unlock the "!!!" level?
#vNPdj18C Feb 11,2025 23:53
This game is AWESOME
#wxO9dr1Z Feb 08,2025 22:11
@11345133a Vampire's card 1 and ornigri's card 1 can only be attached to boxer, gladiator and whipper
#RUJph5GD Feb 06,2025 12:18
Ok I defeated the castle boss but I couldn’t equip the cards that it drops
#RUJph5GD Feb 05,2025 23:24
Me stuck a the first castle again(help)
#N7tHn4k8 Jan 23,2025 22:34
hello i am a hum
hi what is a good team. @McCheese refresh the page.
#G3TDqLSz Jan 11,2025 02:33
Hey, I don't know why, but I clicked into another tab, and now every stickman game is in slow motion. Help!
#dEz3GOZ9 Jan 10,2025 21:43
palace basement in ivans mod is literally impossible because the fire attack instakills melees,the thunder deals average 200 dmg to all characters,plus the poison attack also instakills stickmans,and other attacks eat away at your hp. the boss has 6.67e6 lp also final trial boss is impossible because the boss is a TINY walker with 1.4e7 lp instead of a huge tree,so there's no space to dodge the hundreds of homing bullets. ALSO it took me >50 times to get a card without bronze medals..........................
#IwJIGmUl Jan 07,2025 22:33
hey but i use magician, snniper, gladiator and whipper. can it be good ( pls ans me)
#OhrdwXwG Jan 03,2025 06:49
This account is in other hands, not in SRang3r's hands anymore! So, how do you beat the boss of Opening Street?
#lgoDAytl Jan 01,2025 23:18
I just discovered the best team for beginners in vanilla SR (gladiator, priest, sniper, magician)
#dEz3GOZ9 Dec 28,2024 15:03
please comment everyone ! ! ! ! ! ratings on ivans mod class: boxer - high dmg,low range. gladiator - tanky,high damage. sniper - high range.decent dmg. magician - high range.decent dmg. priest - needed for every team. gunner - costly but OP damage. whipper - decent damage,unstable when attacking. angel - decent range,good dmg. dual sw - low range,low dmg. predator - warcry takes forever,low dmg. wizard - absurd agi,low dps. hammerer - high agi,very low dps. spearman - awesome dmg. unholy light is super op. (found in dark cave)
#4UeVzuwy Dec 25,2024 08:12
imperial crowm2
@nickname! do you know any good predator weapons? trying to beat ivan's mod with predator
#6O2OYrep Dec 23,2024 09:35
BTW, Yellow Boss Gel Tree, Yellow Demon Eel, Orange Roundhead Tree, and Pink Roundhead Mushroom are LV 69. So if you want to Level up at LV 69, those are the enemies to defeat! (BTW I was on the app game.)
#dEz3GOZ9 Dec 21,2024 20:25
i'm using a 2 priest 2 angel team in ivans mod. i modded a impact rod 10 into my inventory and breezed thru ze early stages. BUT,this team is TOO fragile. it can't even survive 1 second at hell castle(after a revival) and even the weakest enemy in cavern 9 can halve stickman's health. (i had to pass hca via console stuff) gladiator is best melee with high LP and low mag requirements,super op with magic amp card. ps.use long god and switch to other rings after throwing out all rings and switch back when rings come back. it can help outrange enemies.
#4UeVzuwy Dec 21,2024 08:11
imperial crowm2
just beat the game again with priest, sniper, whipper, gladiator. first time winning with whipper. explosion whips are so strong
#ZItSV08J Dec 19,2024 10:02
How to undo the Zombie's card fire damage effect: Purple Crystal 5
#PQZ2GKKb Dec 14,2024 02:01
@nickname! I do not get there at LV20 w/o console, yet Oe=-1 would allow you to get past those upside down trees!
#dEz3GOZ9 Dec 13,2024 23:23
@upon_the_ashes use 30 dex 100 mag or something. imma not sure cuz i play ivans mod where stickman can have 150 LV so i'd use 60dex200mag(SUPER op with magic amp's card & quick halo) also zombiecard is good in non-fire stages while trash in other stages @mrnoob64 check adblocker or internet @srang3r pplleeaassee tellme hooowww ttooo mmaakkee a lv 20 file reaching hellcastle w/o console (i can actually reach hell6 at 0 EXP with M=N=O=P=Q=R=0 and even reach volcano if the upside down trees in cave7-8 don't hit me (infernos are normal though) xD
#4UeVzuwy Dec 13,2024 03:29
imperial crowm2
@upon_the_ashes mist grove seems to something the game wants you to beat around submarine shrine, despite me usually trying to beat it around seaside 2-4
#PQZ2GKKb Dec 13,2024 00:27
Now I realized that Grassland 1's boss is so weak, only just using OS weapons, you can still manage to beat them.
#Z2q97xPV Dec 12,2024 09:18
Not sure if I'm the only one, but there's a bug with the terrain generation making holes on the ground, sometimes monsters get stuck the ground, and even the stick figures are starting to get stuck as well, making them unable to move. It's worse in Town or any area where you can sell and/or buy items, as you can't collect gold or purchased items.
#rhCHYA9u Dec 10,2024 20:55
Some SR videos make me cry
#PQZ2GKKb Dec 10,2024 04:03
Upon_The_Ashes The Zombie's Card can be equipped on any character's weapon, and increases the character's LP by 50%, yet fire damage is increased by 100% for that character. I had a User Error, and I have to start all over again.
#xk5Y4pdT Dec 10,2024 02:03
@ni ckname! Really? I always thought the Angel was kind of weak what should I build into it? PS: Is Zombies card good
#dEz3GOZ9 Dec 07,2024 17:00
@srang3r i once managed to beat sub shrine at lv18 and pyramid boss at lv26 and hell gate boss at around lv55 XD also angel is super overpowered at early stages. i also heard someone beat hell castle without using SP throughout the game! how to do it? @upon_the_ashes don't ever use ring's card in this team.
#xk5Y4pdT Dec 06,2024 22:10
I do not know if this game is still played but is the Big Card is worth? If not what are the cards I should ignore. My team is Swordman Magician,Sniper,Boxer. Ps why is mist grove so hard
#PQZ2GKKb Dec 04,2024 09:46
I am LV66 and I am at the front gate of the final boss's castle. I am usually under leveled at any stage, and I usually beat it easily.
#ZItSV08J Dec 04,2024 09:21
or just "we are" if it doesn't work.
#ZItSV08J Dec 04,2024 09:20
If any of you have the app version, and have a good high level team, try to search "we are weakness" because that is very easy to defeat.
#PQZ2GKKb Dec 04,2024 09:10
@nickname! Mountain 2? I already beat that stage, yet before I ever had beaten that stage, I got a Sept Shot 5, Quick's Card 4, Knockback's Card 4, just to beat Mountain 2, except I forgot about that stage, and had beaten Forest 6 before even beating Mountain 2 XD. I have not even beaten Frozen Lake at all (and I do not need to)!
#dEz3GOZ9 Dec 01,2024 22:14
@ergo7877 it somewhat depends on some luck cuz if the boss stays still for many minutes and you use ranged sniper w/ poison you can make it without losing hp. Otherwise yoou have a horrible time dragging 4 stickymans around or having all 'em frozen xD @srang3r quick chakram is VERY powerful in mt2,thorn weapons work too. freeze exp barely does any dmg XD WANT MORE MODS WANT MORE MODS WANT MORE MODS にまび (read it aloud)
#wY6Sss7O Dec 01,2024 12:21
#wY6Sss7O Dec 01,2024 12:20
#P7cW9YMj Nov 25,2024 14:56
Abgerny barry :)
Godamn this is awsome game dude
#s38xJQhS Nov 25,2024 10:46
im gonna enter trollface crashout mode
#PQZ2GKKb Nov 24,2024 07:43
After luckily beating the Forest 3 boss, the rest of the bosses are stupid easy because of the Sept Shot 5 I had managed to get to beat the Mountain 2 boss (which I forgot to clear that stage), and a Freeze Explosion 6 that I managed to get in Snowfield 5 by the first Big Freeze Tank I had ever defeated (yes, I call X Walkers "Tanks" from their appearance).
#PQZ2GKKb Nov 24,2024 06:50
Actually, how are you supposed to beat the Forest 3 boss?
#ZItSV08J Nov 24,2024 05:05
I am convinced that I am the best player in my school's district.
#ZItSV08J Nov 23,2024 12:05
@ Bobis 24, the first tip I would recommend is to "map out" the stage, and skip to the boss stage. From there, use Poison type weapons to lower its LP. Be sure to attack the smaller Pink Shield Zombies first, and then attack the boss. And use Ice type weapons. They help very much.
#PJ4y8nAw Nov 23,2024 08:41
I am using gladiator, sniper, priest, and magician and I'm stuck on cavern 5. how do I beat it
#PQZ2GKKb Nov 22,2024 05:50
I already beat her, sorry.
#PQZ2GKKb Nov 22,2024 05:10
How do you get past Ice Castle? I forgot the strategy. My stickmen are: Gladiator, Sniper, Magician, and Priest.
#2rxPXRQw Nov 19,2024 19:10
@Freezer, It's not done yet, I have to add "8 STICKMAN MOD" in sr logo.
#PJ4y8nAw Nov 18,2024 05:44
How do you beat cavern 5
#dEz3GOZ9 Nov 17,2024 19:19
i usually use 50 mags for gunners through the game. it's just tooooooooo expensive. ☹ in ivans mod i use unholy light which is very OP and costs 1666 gold. btw you can use kback cards for ss2 with 4 snipers. if U have a priest,get 50 dex. WANT MORE SR1 MODS tell me all you know
#pZ3zgrKF Nov 17,2024 07:33
Guys tell me your decks Imma copy em if I can
#XuwS1hcY Nov 17,2024 00:13
人如其名,只会玩枪手 (而且队伍大部分都是四枪手)
#TaBw6xEK Nov 12,2024 15:39
That 8 stickman mod looks cool, where can I get it
#PQZ2GKKb Nov 12,2024 08:58
@cooooo priest: increases def aura. gunner: increases attack speed. whipper: increases the amount of bullets. angel: increases the amount of rings, with a maximum of 4.
#wMTPhFPY Nov 11,2024 09:10
imperial crown2
@cooooo for boxer it increases attack speed, gladiator increases damage, sniper damage, magician attack speed
#ZItSV08J Nov 10,2024 00:00
I want to use volcano 2 in Volcano.
#wMTPhFPY Nov 07,2024 03:10
imperial crown2
i beat the game for the first time! just managed to beat volcano as well.
#XbV4O5BP Nov 03,2024 07:04
Hi, is there a way i can duplicate my mobile save to the pc?
#IVDPZSvW Oct 31,2024 03:21
what is Dexterity for
#PJ4y8nAw Oct 29,2024 09:17
I am doing quad sniper run and I am trying to defeat seaside 2 boss without compo items. How should I do this without compo items or with if recommended. Also I want high damage that takes a short amount of time.
#ZItSV08J Oct 24,2024 08:37
Is it a feat if you have a level 1 item and use it to win?
#dEz3GOZ9 Oct 19,2024 15:49
are there any other mods?!?!?! don't give me download files cus i cant access those sites. i've seen ivans,cavern chro,aeins,8-stickman,topaz,alien inv,etc. and they're becoming boring! help. PS. if u have 99 gold and go to lc5,you'll be OMGed.
#SPFzKxUj Oct 18,2024 20:25
#ZItSV08J Oct 17,2024 11:48
The full screen is kinda off, is not showing the usual black border
#r91yJdrl Oct 14,2024 20:04
David G
Wish you the best on your adventures, i wish creator update this any time
#5RQWVHHH Oct 14,2024 04:43
@Bobis24 This may take long but you can take the bow from opening stage because it has 150 range(like the boss) and if you upgrade Range you could win
#PJ4y8nAw Oct 14,2024 00:53
Any responses?
#PJ4y8nAw Oct 13,2024 02:19
I am doing quad sniper run and I am trying to defeat seaside 2 boss without compo items. How should I do this without compo items or with if recommended.
#QKLWqcOV Oct 11,2024 21:07
#VL4f3Z1Q Oct 09,2024 20:55
Link to legal sr hak
#VL4f3Z1Q Oct 09,2024 20:55
Dot is . srhack dot wz dot cz
#ZItSV08J Oct 07,2024 02:50
any suggestions?
#ZItSV08J Oct 06,2024 10:44
my storage is almost full and I need to clean it
#QJIqTvew Oct 02,2024 18:45
#SJv8dyB0 Sep 27,2024 11:51
Imma make team with gunner, magician, sniper and gladiator or smt
#SJv8dyB0 Sep 24,2024 23:52
What is the strongest team you can make?
#ZItSV08J Sep 23,2024 09:48
I kept my level 1 Thunder Glove with me and I am still using it, in Desert 5 and onwards.
#0kD4zmbD Sep 19,2024 01:57
what does priest do
#yQsR8ljm Sep 18,2024 14:18
Dragon Archives
i found redhardcore's SR mod v16.8 in my local file(dunno where i downloaded it),the stages after cavern 7 are even harder than those in my mod! all enemys have TEN times damage and health than what they supposed to have at this point of the game! every enemy is capable of killing all stickmans in seconds. -nickname!
#5RQWVHHH Sep 11,2024 03:54
What is the gold variable in this game
#x9p3CJ9a Sep 09,2024 21:14
Mika dnm squib
Can anyone plss tell me a good team i once used magician priest gladiator sniper i went high levels the i lost it plss i wanna go highere and unlock powerful things a good team plss
#L77BULoL Aug 17,2024 17:52
How to be rich in stick ranger Priest X3 Boxer build Invest SP into Str for all stickmen For priests use a long range staff with red stone 7 and gold medal 7 compo item For boxer use sonic cestus with berserk card 7 and gold rush card 1 compo item Go to inferno 2 with imperial crown 4 and get up to $2.1M
#JDnzOJZw Aug 15,2024 10:26
wait @nickname I always though emojis showed up as ??? How did you get them to show up???¿¿¿
#vbXcSzye Aug 15,2024 01:00
How to get a good team
#greXFJ1z Aug 09,2024 17:54
@nickname!,is i can't watch mod and how can i watch?
#L77BULoL Aug 07,2024 21:12
@nickname The poison spamming bat is hard but I can kill it while in moon 2 the boss summons summoners and the summoners summon more bats which makes the game screen raining with bullets which makes it harder than your mod
#L77BULoL Aug 06,2024 17:50
Play stick ranger moon mod as it is almost impossible to beat moon 2 and lunar base #1 will disappear when you click on set with save game code Stick ranger moon mod is harder than nickname's mod
#greXFJ1z Aug 06,2024 17:19
#ha2SMCi1 Aug 06,2024 14:52
l love yunli
#OsDdHj5d Jul 31,2024 18:48
I see someone online who can connect with eight people
#L77BULoL Jul 30,2024 21:55
You can use stick ranger Ivan's mod save game code for nickname! Sticky ranger mod
#3vHHEq9u Jul 29,2024 22:16
@nickname magacians are the best you olny need magicans
#G3xE2sRz Jul 29,2024 16:19
@nickname! If the game sticky ranger update it will keep the save file ? Im new
#x1jtXBzh Jul 28,2024 04:27
Uncle Al# Yes but it is not really that popular
#uIrPiGUH Jul 27,2024 17:22
Uncle Al
Does anyone still play this game nowadays?
#SzRjfZ8E Jul 24,2024 03:20
sr2 is just better
#wMTPhFPY Jul 13,2024 23:53
imperial crowm2
@¯l_ツ_l¯ i did manage to beat it after about 1.5 hours of grinding and i think i overdid it a little, ive beaten every stage up to pyramid now
#L77BULoL Jul 13,2024 10:38
@imperial crowm2 Drag a melee (example: boxer with poison knuckle) to the submarine shrine boss and use a ranged stickman like a magician to kill it
#wMTPhFPY Jul 10,2024 03:34
imperial crowm2
does anyone have tips for submarine shrine? because i can't find a way to get past it
#4SVfxKE5 Jul 08,2024 10:43
#UcB967y1 Jul 04,2024 13:39
Wasterland 7 is very easy
#GBDOXSsA Jun 25,2024 11:32
Fynn sheeley check this out and this but didn't make them tho
#L77BULoL Jun 24,2024 15:46
I found the mod
#gTRfCgxC Jun 23,2024 02:20
Guys help I got logged out and can't log in back I cleared my cache maybe that's why??? It didn't happen before!
#gTRfCgxC Jun 23,2024 02:20
Guys help I got logged out and can't log in back I cleared my cache maybe that's why???
#L77BULoL Jun 22,2024 12:14
@nickname! Send me the link to your GitHub
#zeGAcQ9g Jun 22,2024 08:57
Please comment!!
#zeGAcQ9g Jun 21,2024 22:07
I fixed the problem! It was just that I had like ~120 tabs on chrome and I just forgot to close them XD. So I closed them all and the stage/boss screen loads in like 3 seconds and I can play on 60 fps :D p.s. in Ivan's mod lighting spear 2 with magic Amp is very overpowered. p.s.p.s. heavy weapons from grasslandA are big trash don't waste your time farming them. p.s.p.s.p.s. I might make a yt channel soon where I mainly play vanilla SR and moded SR. p.s.p.s.p.s.p.s. I might get a new PC the next year cuz my old windows 7 broke and it doesn't work anymore :( RIP windows 7 (0000-2024) P.S. I live in Iraq and today the temperature is 47° we are cooked.
#VCaVADs3 Jun 21,2024 20:56
ivan’s mod is not working bro in my ipone
#VCaVADs3 Jun 21,2024 20:55
#gTRfCgxC Jun 21,2024 18:13
@Nickname ! First actual stage because uh I was lazy but now I'll get serious @Emoticon Guy in nicknames github
#L77BULoL Jun 21,2024 13:02
Where's the sticky ranger mod
#zeGAcQ9g Jun 20,2024 07:21
@salthunter001 so playing on PC will fix the problem?
#gTRfCgxC Jun 19,2024 15:53
I load mods VERY FAST in mobile mine is a realme something something cheap indian phone lol
#5RQWVHHH Jun 18,2024 23:28
What is the Gold variable in this Game
#zeGAcQ9g Jun 17,2024 18:34
I'm playing SR mods on my phone (from netlify) and for some reason when I enter a stage/the boss screen it takes about 30 MINUTES just to load it. My phone is galaxy A15, and PC players do you have the same problem or is it because I'm playing on mobile?
#jXh8cQf7 Jun 16,2024 21:45
School is finally over!
#vVSV35ta Jun 16,2024 06:13
Does this game actually have no sound?
#dfL0SAv4 Jun 13,2024 07:16
No One
Quick and bullet cards completely destroy every other option. But poison in particular.
#gTRfCgxC Jun 12,2024 01:21
HOW DARE YOU THINK STICKY RANGER ISN'T REAL also sticky ranger is a small reference to me calling SR1 and SR2 as 'sticky' instead of 'stick'
#RwKGYdaf Jun 11,2024 22:26
Maybe or MediaFire?
#RwKGYdaf Jun 11,2024 03:13
Hey there, nickname. Don't take this as being rude or anything of the sort but could it be possible that this "sticky ranger" mod isn't real and is simply (a call for attention?) or a joke? As I said, this is not meant to be rude. Just asking.
#L77BULoL Jun 10,2024 09:11
When will the sticky ranger be released
#RwKGYdaf Jun 08,2024 07:08
~ Sudo6
goated bro, the comment boards are still up
#tl64o2YY Jun 07,2024 15:25
#L77BULoL Jun 06,2024 11:16
It's sr-ivans-mod plus to play stick ranger Ivan's mod
#zt7tTSy9 Jun 06,2024 10:23
Ras Pie
here's one but it does not sent you there
#5RQWVHHH Jun 05,2024 20:36
Can someone maybe send me a link to Ivan's mod?
#zt7tTSy9 Jun 05,2024 14:47
i dont know why ivan's mod is working for you
#mkeBz0MN Jun 04,2024 18:45
I wish the IOS/Android APP was on Desktop aswell so we could have sound and not use browser for playing
#OEcZtU2y Jun 02,2024 08:52
game of my childhood
#5RQWVHHH Jun 01,2024 17:58
Where can I download Ivan's mod? On Dropbox doesn't work for some reason
#UwiB43qZ May 29,2024 23:18
cool gamer 63871
click on the link
#UwiB43qZ May 29,2024 23:18
cool gamer 63871
click on the link
#gTRfCgxC May 27,2024 20:51
just don't use iPhone @no name
#n4xHlI24 May 27,2024 13:11
no name
vs mode doesn't work on ios currently anyone have the same issue?
#gTRfCgxC May 25,2024 18:32
YAY STICKY RANGER MOD nickname ! is epic
#L77BULoL May 23,2024 20:59
There is no sound in stick ranger
#oulu88dX May 23,2024 03:25
Why isn't there sound? How do I enable sound? I have tried turning my volume all the way up.
#GBDOXSsA May 22,2024 13:46
Ras Pie
I have more that you can see tho i you want to check it out
#GBDOXSsA May 22,2024 13:42
Ras Pie
Vote this
#UwiB43qZ May 22,2024 02:04
cool gamer 63871
#UwiB43qZ May 21,2024 21:39
cool gamer 63871
#5RQWVHHH May 21,2024 17:35
@best player 6297 and also with Bombs
#wXZw4Ob6 May 21,2024 15:06
and btw I'm at inferno 2 and hell 6 now lvl 86.
#wXZw4Ob6 May 21,2024 15:05
@best player 6297, the only way to destroy the block is to put acid on it
#BkKePGIZ May 21,2024 02:01
best player 6297
#UwiB43qZ May 21,2024 01:43
cool gamer 63871
click on the link
#gTRfCgxC May 20,2024 20:31
#UwiB43qZ May 20,2024 14:31
cool gamer 63871
this is my level please liken
#5RQWVHHH May 20,2024 01:27
I mean Hell 2
#5RQWVHHH May 20,2024 00:19
What should I do in Hell 1? I have 2 Magicians 1 Sniper 1 Gladiator Lvl 72
#LLey4SFY May 19,2024 21:09
I would like to create a stick ranger mod, is it okay to do so?
#WuvJaV1P May 19,2024 20:12
finally found the best sr team
#LLey4SFY May 19,2024 15:50
Nice to meet you.
#L77BULoL May 19,2024 14:27
Right now in stick ranger Ivans mod hell castle and hell 10 not beaten cosmic beam 5 very OP can kill bosses easily
#L6yvDe7Z May 16,2024 00:38
the stick ranger modded play for computer + laptor moblie can't allow play stick ranger mod
#L77BULoL May 11,2024 09:11
Charge your phone XMAN
#iy0apOEZ May 10,2024 22:54
how to turn off slowmo
#L77BULoL May 10,2024 21:58
I'm stuck on he11 5 in stick ranger Ivan mod My team build: Priest magician wizard dual swordman
#L6yvDe7Z May 10,2024 04:19
can the stick ranger cavern chronic sr cavern chronicle netlify app ok the insane stick ranger cavern chronicle this 3 boss stick ranger cavern chronicle time insane clear all stage? stick ranger modded ivan's the of search for successfully stick ranger modded my favorite stick ranger modded goodbye stick ranger modded moon
#RoTwV9vA May 09,2024 21:34
#gTRfCgxC May 07,2024 21:52
marsmagma complete all achievements in terraced cave it's very very very very very very very very hard
#RoTwV9vA May 07,2024 03:41
in stick ranger 2, how do I get citrine amulet
#gTRfCgxC May 06,2024 16:26
nickname u should ask some intellectual people on how to post ur mod like other sticky ranger mods
#WuvJaV1P May 05,2024 17:52
RandomGamer21 :/
I read the wiki. At first, i don't recognize that cactus shape until i just played micro panda. Maybe make the 2 rectangles a L shaped?
#L77BULoL May 05,2024 17:44
@nickname! I think you need to debuff your enemies. Its getting too strong
#gTRfCgxC May 05,2024 00:45
@nickname ! You can post it in dan ball wiki or in some secret game comments in this website no one plays
#L77BULoL May 04,2024 00:14
Expand Stick ranger
#gTRfCgxC May 02,2024 01:46
@Nickname ! bro give the mod link pls i wanna play it
#L77BULoL May 01,2024 23:41
Description: Action RPG game where 4 Stickmen defeat monsters and advance the stage The game: No quests, no NPCs, just unaliving monsters
#g94ESDhT May 01,2024 08:24
Guys go to first party
#gTRfCgxC May 01,2024 01:36
@emoticon guy there's stick ranger cave chronicles tbh we need sticky ranger now
#L77BULoL Apr 29,2024 17:44
Does anybody know more stick ranger mods
#gTRfCgxC Apr 28,2024 02:08
@emoticon guy I'm on my villain arc
#L77BULoL Apr 27,2024 17:10
@nickname! It's gonna cause so much lag @Salthunter001 Wt# you doing
#gTRfCgxC Apr 27,2024 14:07
we should keednep ha55ii so he updates this game or create stick ranger 3
#wXZw4Ob6 Apr 22,2024 23:08
i watch Stick Ranger Alien Invasion so cool and so many alien stickmans in every Meadow stage... (idk why)
#L77BULoL Apr 22,2024 21:02
The drop rates in modded stick ranger is very rigged
#L77BULoL Apr 15,2024 16:38
ha55ii will never add that
#gTRfCgxC Apr 14,2024 19:17
stick ranger 3 should be a MMO like game with base raiding like minecraft minetest and mystera legacy
#gTRfCgxC Apr 14,2024 19:17
stick ranger 3 will be a MMO like game with base raiding like minecraft minetest and mystera legacy
#L77BULoL Apr 14,2024 11:56
Stick ranger 3 ideas Stick ranger 3 ver1.0 Game creation The greatest adventure of 4 Stickmen defeating dungeons and completing quests
#L77BULoL Apr 14,2024 11:54
How to kill Power plant 1 boss? The boss and the other enemies keep killing my stickmen
#gTRfCgxC Apr 13,2024 16:55
@nickname ! Can you add a low quality salt png as a boss and put ur watermark near the game title screen??
#gTRfCgxC Apr 13,2024 12:34
stcki rganer lusp piloguee
#L77BULoL Apr 12,2024 20:55
stick ranger plus epilogue
#UcB967y1 Apr 12,2024 19:10
stickr anger plus
#gTRfCgxC Apr 12,2024 00:39
oh the misery everybudi wants two b my n m e spayar the simpathi
#mjFHJF9x Apr 11,2024 21:00
Is spearman class mag better than whipper class mag?
#mjFHJF9x Apr 11,2024 21:00
I finnaly found the Ivans mod :D
#S4GRw3Hb Apr 10,2024 23:25
u guys got any tips? I think ranged is pretty good, but I end up getting game over at the cross roads. >:[
#XjIabaqn Apr 10,2024 04:26
this game is epic sauce
#gTRfCgxC Apr 06,2024 22:21
@nickname ! pls add saltinium blade(salthunter001) in the mod i will give u 20 montovontolllion salt if u do so
#L77BULoL Apr 05,2024 23:22
@nickname! The final boss should have more LP than hell castle boss
#47ekFmiP Apr 04,2024 00:46
I want to play the game so bad
#xoDQkXJf Apr 03,2024 21:04
Does it only works on Firefox? :l
#xoDQkXJf Apr 03,2024 16:17
Guys how do you play the cavern chronicles mod, because whenever I open the html file it birngs me to the get/set thingy please help :>
#pFFwy71p Apr 03,2024 14:32
oh stop walking away, I found it, I want to ask which new classes are so strong
#pFFwy71p Apr 03,2024 14:22
Does this game have mods or any other version, people and if there are mods, how to download them
#gTRfCgxC Apr 02,2024 02:52
wjordan will probably nuke ha55ii before he even thinks about an update
#L77BULoL Apr 01,2024 17:06
Stick ranger Nickname's mod in 2026
#L77BULoL Apr 01,2024 17:05
@LKTizt Ha55ii will never add updates to stick ranger ever again
#pFFwy71p Apr 01,2024 16:52
stick ranger update when ? :))))
#gTRfCgxC Mar 31,2024 22:30
@nickname ! i hope ur mod stays and doesn't get distributed by people without credit like ivan's mod
#1WxbfxSb Mar 31,2024 22:13
pls desert death
#pFFwy71p Mar 31,2024 14:15
how to use save gamee i dont understand can i play this save in another pc?
#5RQWVHHH Mar 30,2024 19:11
My account just got reseted! So i had to make a new one
#muuQjAY0 Mar 30,2024 18:59
#EWihYZpm Mar 30,2024 18:33
My level is 7 and 8
#L77BULoL Mar 30,2024 10:35
Stuck at Abyss 1, Aqua altar and Frozen cave 2 with priest, magician, sniper and cutter
#jXh8cQf7 Mar 29,2024 18:28
I'm playing sr cc rn and I'm breezing through every stage, my team is sniper,magician,priest and cutter. (Maybe because cutter is op)
#gTRfCgxC Mar 28,2024 22:38
I'm playing cavern chronicles and like 7 other games this is so true
#L77BULoL Mar 28,2024 20:19
So true
#wXZw4Ob6 Mar 27,2024 16:34
@Eaten9274, I beated ur team (in VS Mode) LOLOL i didn't lose
#mn5JDx7c Mar 27,2024 04:28
john D Ball
currently running the monster box build with a boxer, gladiator, sniper, and magician
#L77BULoL Mar 26,2024 19:48
@firemouse47 You don't have enough money for the gunner to attack GUNNERS NEED MONEY TO ATTACK
#uk3Lg4vY Mar 26,2024 02:43
gunner with handgun 1 does not seem to attack/do damage. how do i fix this?
#gTRfCgxC Mar 24,2024 22:54
@key go to nov 7 2023 comment (emoticon guy told me) kolamishaa gave link for ivan's mod there
#JzhHhFt0 Mar 24,2024 02:08
#wXZw4Ob6 Mar 23,2024 16:01
i watch stick ranger plus epilogue
#L77BULoL Mar 23,2024 10:30
Terra altar boss predictions LP 15000 Attacks Physical ball 20-30 DMG -> Smaller balls 10-15 DMG Ice mines 5-7 DMG slow 70%
#L77BULoL Mar 23,2024 10:26
Currently uncompleted stages at terra altar, coal mine 1, source and mud grotto 3
#jXh8cQf7 Mar 22,2024 23:53
#jXh8cQf7 Mar 22,2024 23:32
@salthunter thanks Have you found any more links?
#gTRfCgxC Mar 22,2024 21:41
@Key1627 there's sr-8-stickman mode
#rJwqo6cj Mar 22,2024 17:33
If anyone have a netlify link to any mod please tell me (Any mod other than ivan's mod and cavern chronicles mod)
#gTRfCgxC Mar 21,2024 17:38
@nickname ! Yo thankssssss
#DpfgT1dU Mar 21,2024 14:12
#gTRfCgxC Mar 16,2024 19:29
@nickname ! where can you get cavern chronicles mod??
#gTRfCgxC Mar 15,2024 19:57
@rutabaga go to japan and ask ha55ii
#s7GSts7L Mar 15,2024 16:36
On an iPhone, the vs mode won't work. I don't see the fights. It just shows wins and losses. How can I watch the matches?
#IKcFffQy Mar 15,2024 13:36
A sniper with triple poison can single handedly kill a submarine shrine boss
#L6yvDe7Z Mar 14,2024 08:54
can back stickmen 8 in stick ranger fan made & modded
#5RQWVHHH Mar 14,2024 04:43
My Progress just reseted Do you know how I get it back
#gTRfCgxC Mar 14,2024 02:58
i meant pyramid boss srry
#L77BULoL Mar 13,2024 23:11
At dessert 1, boss hard to kill but still killable
#gTRfCgxC Mar 12,2024 17:40
I'm stuck at desert boss time to check the wiki for strats
#5RQWVHHH Mar 12,2024 03:42
@Poopypoo I just try leveling up
#5RQWVHHH Mar 11,2024 22:18
@Poopypoo I am also stuck in snowfield 7, ice Castle and Mountain 2
#gTRfCgxC Mar 10,2024 22:42
emoticon guy thank you so much!!!
#HHlsNGqa Mar 10,2024 19:32
Help me on snowfield 7 and ice Castle please please please please ?
#HHlsNGqa Mar 10,2024 19:30
#L77BULoL Mar 08,2024 23:10
Guys, just 3 more votes to reach 1000 total votes!!!
#L77BULoL Mar 08,2024 23:06
@Salthunter001 Comment at Nov 07,2023 22:37
#L6yvDe7Z Mar 08,2024 11:43
must me no please play stick ranger made fan time me please play stick ranger default
#L6yvDe7Z Mar 06,2024 09:02
OOPS can this head cat in snowflake & mountain map head NO castle only the head cat go snowflake & mountain
#gTRfCgxC Mar 04,2024 16:35
wait nevermind he removed the links
#gTRfCgxC Mar 03,2024 18:39
ivan's mod link where???
#Pt2bixN9 Mar 03,2024 17:54
#L77BULoL Mar 02,2024 09:26
Angel crowd control build is good against large amounts of crowds with 6 rings and multiple high atk aura priests. Replace ring's card 6 with black crystal 7 in case of large swarms of fast monsters If you don't have any tanks in your team.
#L77BULoL Mar 02,2024 09:22
Angel crowd control build LP: remaining STR: 0 Dex: 60/100 MAG: 50 Quick god 8 Bullet's card 7 Ring's card 6/Black crystal 7
#gTRfCgxC Feb 29,2024 20:57
@Luke 2 because it gets updated and the comments are funny
#akNf5Id7 Feb 28,2024 05:25
Witch one do you like more stick ranger 1 or 2
#gTRfCgxC Feb 27,2024 17:03
the desert boss is a piece of poop
#zK3R0k7e Feb 24,2024 18:43
What is the official strategy website? Can someone send it out? Thank you
#zK3R0k7e Feb 24,2024 18:40
#gTRfCgxC Feb 21,2024 19:15
@Imperial crown the sequal has wjordan so nah..
#wXZw4Ob6 Feb 21,2024 17:33
#L77BULoL Feb 18,2024 14:02
Challenge: Create a team that can lose to 「Crowned to be bad」 team but all stick figures must deal at least 1 damage
#CKv8XtvP Feb 18,2024 04:51
imperial crown
better than the sequel, harder too.
#gTRfCgxC Feb 11,2024 22:22
ha55i plz update this game we need heaven castle or something
#jPnFU8ua Feb 11,2024 00:51
teh epikal duck is coming!11
#L77BULoL Feb 09,2024 21:36
U are back?
#3TjcAnho Feb 08,2024 10:28
hi guys
#L77BULoL Feb 05,2024 17:15
Explosion whipper build LP: optional STR: 0 DEX: any number in multiples of 5 MAG: 120 (4 hit)/100 (5 hit) Explosion morning star 8 Bullet's card 7 Black crystal 7 Great damage with multiple priests with attack aura Thorn whipper tank build LP: remaining SP STR: 0 DEX: 0 MAG: 80/160 Thorn morning star 8 Bullet's card 7/Purple crystal 7 Black crystal 7 Good damage and LP
#OEInRPRM Feb 04,2024 00:00
Magician, priest, magician, gladiator Good range Good in PvP Somewhat good in crowd control
#5RQWVHHH Jan 31,2024 23:18
I’m new in Stick ranger What’s the best team?
#L77BULoL Jan 28,2024 19:34
Stick ranger ideas for bosses part 1 Grey boss smiley wheel LP 87654321 Attacks Physical pellet attack 999 to 9999 DMG x 99 AGI 50 Thunder spark attack 1 to 999 AGI 20 Fire cloud attack burn rate 9.88% 20 to 30 DMG lasts for 10 secs x 75 AGI 70 Part 2 later
#EUIAXNQd Jan 24,2024 13:26
I've been playing this game for over 10 years now and I still love it so much. I only wish that I could have a physical copy of it.
#y6OU0uTw Jan 23,2024 20:51
#DhVgZ0fi Jan 16,2024 13:50
i really, really like this game, i'd type more but my brain can't think of anything else
#L77BULoL Jan 15,2024 17:52
Stickman in Thanos form
#Wc87SwwP Jan 04,2024 02:03
how do u play
#L77BULoL Jan 03,2024 22:15
Staves with 30 range not good for priests
#WmfAEm9w Jan 03,2024 14:10
i wish stick ranger 3 has multiplayer bruh
#WmfAEm9w Jan 03,2024 14:08
yo lezzgo i won ez gamez
#OEInRPRM Dec 23,2023 21:37
100% when enemy dies fire 50% when enemy dies thunder
#L77BULoL Dec 22,2023 20:36
And kolamishaa also I have more votes than you
#OEInRPRM Dec 22,2023 20:21
#L77BULoL Dec 22,2023 20:08
@kolamishaa There is still the volcano stage
#qkDIOkVN Dec 20,2023 14:08
Liquid Penguin
rapid penguins is hibernating for ever
#C0wPPdYh Dec 19,2023 00:49
Rapid Penguins
Stick ranger three steam 3-5$, multiplayer, stick ranger one way of progressing through worlds and levels,stick ranger 2 room design and formula, new elements and charterers,ton of content, and everything good from stick ranger 1 and 2.This is how I would see stick ranger 3 in my mind.
#OEInRPRM Dec 18,2023 21:15
Stick ranger would be 10 times better with multiplayer
#NDTs8ifN Dec 14,2023 17:03
stick ranger fan
I would love to see this game added to Steam with achievements. Could just be ported over for like 5$.
#pp5sinOg Dec 11,2023 21:19
I Need LL Mod
#pp5sinOg Dec 11,2023 17:00
Seach POWERFUL MAN In VS MODE And You will See Me!
#OEInRPRM Dec 09,2023 22:56
Found a random wiki link!_Wiki
#Tfqygf8b Dec 09,2023 20:54
foolish people
#uFf6v6tx Dec 09,2023 05:04
the 8 stickman mod does not work every enemy after the water area gives 1 exp.
#L77BULoL Dec 08,2023 16:26
Ohio rules
It feels good to see inpolite sentences. Please make comments that may make other people uncomfortable. It would be helpful if you could join the trolls.
#L77BULoL Dec 08,2023 16:25
@jimbo Use pyramid arrow with emerald 4 and catapult's card 4 for sniper and Mach/sonic knuckle with onigiri's card 1 and black crystal 4 for boxer.magician use icicle with aquamarine 4 and catapult's card 4
#uFf6v6tx Dec 08,2023 03:34
how do I beat the pyramid boss I have a defence priest a boxer a magicman and a archer what should I do?
#Tfqygf8b Dec 02,2023 21:36
foolish people
Who has Moon MOD
#wB2riA3j Dec 02,2023 04:42
Does anyone know of another mod besides Ivan's mod?
#pp5sinOg Nov 27,2023 17:46
@\ツ/ Ivan's Mod Is Not Saveing Because Use Save Data Press Get And Keep The Code Safe! Use Set To Return Data
#pp5sinOg Nov 27,2023 17:04
#L77BULoL Nov 25,2023 11:41
Stick ranger ver19.4 Add map "Abyss 1"
#L77BULoL Nov 24,2023 21:03
Why does the opening street boss drop imperial crown 2?
#p0f0VOGd Nov 24,2023 01:16
@AzuT found in the wild, 8 stickmen team:
#yyj1yyy6 Nov 19,2023 16:13
tham thmit
What’s the best vs mode strategy for S rank? I keep losing to blizzard + lightning combo and my team only has one magician. Also when I use knockback it loses to their knockback
#vLxmspAn Nov 16,2023 07:47
That game is fun. Anyone who says otherwise is on the death list
#L77BULoL Nov 14,2023 20:52
Ivan's mod doesn't auto save
#AYxlRBS8 Nov 14,2023 06:06
#pp5sinOg Nov 11,2023 17:42
Adds New Stages Adds More Weapons
#gTRfCgxC Nov 09,2023 20:03
What does Ivan'z mod do?
#pp5sinOg Nov 07,2023 22:37
Wan't Ivan's Mod Click Line!
#sNPtFc4H Nov 07,2023 10:15
#Aasf4ZkY Nov 06,2023 17:46
wait more importantly HOW the HECK are there lvl 1 teams in VS mode with LIGHTNING SPELL????
#NfrBlgVn Nov 05,2023 16:32
which is better: 2 priest + 1 sniper or 1 priest + 2 snipers?
#OEInRPRM Oct 29,2023 21:44
Ha55ii should add a compo item that increases movement speed
#ksHdE5Bd Oct 24,2023 20:52
how to get the 8 person mod? i aint in the discord
#DIReo6cv Oct 22,2023 11:39
I do have a copy of Ivan's mod. Which version do you need?
#DIReo6cv Oct 22,2023 11:38
@KingDracorex1 8 stick ranger mod? That's a thing. It's on the SR Discord.
#1Q9Z7upF Oct 21,2023 02:02
@hungdeptrai07 wdym you can't either you have it or you don't reply
#NKaYBknK Oct 12,2023 01:47
Im Getting Strong
#oCHjcF1M Oct 11,2023 22:50
@KingDracorex1 @Alex @CZuser lets say that i cant plus i havent see any update for ivans mod for at least one year now
#ZiTxs1PP Oct 09,2023 04:12
Can someone share Ivan's mod?
#sNPtFc4H Oct 08,2023 20:07
Stick ranger update 19.4 in 2099
#DO3mp79F Oct 07,2023 20:44
Is there a link to a mod that offers infinite health?
#mLtJ98Wc Oct 06,2023 03:17
@KingDracorex1 Thanks buddy! I also have another question, can I have to tabs open playing stick ranger but each tab be a differenct save?
#0cqd0Sj2 Oct 04,2023 12:30
Does anyone know of a mod that gives you a larger party size? For example, 8 instead of 4, or maybe even one that allows you to have any number of rangers between 1 and some arbitrarily large number like 12? 20? 50?
#BcAZwrJs Oct 03,2023 13:04
#YXXmBWKd Sep 29,2023 08:16
Daniel wilcox
I want my stick ranger ivan's mod!!!
#mLtJ98Wc Sep 26,2023 23:40
Hey does anyone have a game code that I could use, one that is fully completed?
#BcAZwrJs Sep 23,2023 08:19
The owner of Ivan's Stick Ranger mod has taken down all of the download links to his mod because people copy and redistributed it without giving credit and saying that they made it.
#eM92L31V Sep 15,2023 07:26
and version error
#eM92L31V Sep 15,2023 07:25
what the faction does user error mean?
#6FGmWIDV Sep 08,2023 11:07
girly man
It took me a while to get it @nickname! but that was pretty good XD @Adonis I'm looking for a way to get the source code/assets for the original and/or 2 Stick Ranger for a project I'm working on. This site was my childhood like a lot of us here and I want to work on a homage to it, so I'd like to find a way to rip the files somehow. If anyone knows or is getting Ivans mod back up, let me know or drop a link here!! I'd love to know :DD also Priest is the king of all classes forever!!
#VycefnLb Sep 07,2023 23:38
i can't believe people are still playing this game XD btw, does anyone knoow what happened to ivans mod? i heard all the links were taken down but it has to exist somewhere right?
#98BraF5E Sep 02,2023 22:51
ah the terrain for some reason has wierd holey apperance if you turn on an adblocker or use a browser with an inherent adblocker.
#98BraF5E Sep 02,2023 22:49
the terrain seems to be broken. Better play the mobile version.
#gTRfCgxC Sep 02,2023 22:24
magician is love magician is life
#gTRfCgxC Sep 02,2023 22:24
good luck to everyone playing this game lol
#VV8jzloo Aug 08,2023 01:52
is this no longer playable in browser ?
#Zau3t9Im Aug 01,2023 03:50
bonus:{\scriptsize \mathit {\gamma \omicron \mu r\ \rho \epsilon \eta \iota s\ go\tau \ s\tau \upsilon c\kappa \ \iota \eta \ h\epsilon r\ \nu \alpha g\iota \eta \alpha.
#Zau3t9Im Aug 01,2023 03:49
@Nickname Ivan's mod is on a website. Let me see if I can find it. I'm also compiling a modding team.
#rJhBv3ZI Jul 29,2023 15:24
how do i throw away useless items
#SBD6t6Au Jul 28,2023 02:35
Группа объявлений Томска в телеграмме. Размещение частных объявлений бесплатно! Рекламные и коммерческие объявления, согласно правил группы. Подпишись, чтобы быть в курсе.. Объявления Томска
#44kQKoff Jul 27,2023 11:48
Группа объявлений Ставрополя в телеграм. Размещение частных объявлений бесплатно! Рекламные и коммерческие объявления, согласно правил группы. Присоединяйся, чтобы не потерять.. Объявления в Ставрополе
#2ltHzpE3 Jul 27,2023 05:11
Party Snaps Ⲣhoto Booth OC | Photo Booth Rental Orаnge County 12911 Dungan Ln, Garden Grove, CA 92840 ᏀIF photo booth гental Lagina Hills
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#waCZBLqA Jul 20,2023 13:40
Nice to see that people are still around after all this time :) To whoever reads this, have a good day
#4MZfqZti Jul 20,2023 04:06
Stick ranger
#y0GwoNug Jul 14,2023 20:26
I really like the game
#N549fNe5 Jul 13,2023 01:51
that’s what you think :)
#rJhBv3ZI Jul 12,2023 20:54
the only comment board where i dont find 128percent
#pp5sinOg Jun 28,2023 14:01
Oh S--t I Was In Castle My Stickman Killing Boss But He Has 0 HP But Not Dead Is This Bug????
#Lh3mLuSD Jun 18,2023 03:53
Neutron [A]
Anyone wanna know how to edit saves?
#V3diBv2s Jun 09,2023 23:09
me the youtuber me play friend jop pad and jop phone hour
#S7RWrHbV Jun 08,2023 21:43
2 questions: Why cant i go to second ???, i am at forget tree. Why is the map missing borders?
#aS297XPe Jun 03,2023 04:17
help i am stuck on grassland 2
#RiZ8Os19 May 18,2023 14:06
i guess they are playing stick ranger 2 or something...
#tiL3KEff May 12,2023 05:54
each comment is now days apart
#tiL3KEff May 12,2023 05:54
lots of people used to comment on a daily basis :c
#RiZ8Os19 May 06,2023 19:43
wow no one comment here for a while
#0QzhJf4w Apr 25,2023 16:47
walter white
i am the one who knocks
#pp5sinOg Apr 22,2023 19:30
Opening Street is ez but lv0 is hard i win Opening Street 467 times
#VRTngqEo Apr 20,2023 21:48
hellllp stuck jk at ice castle
#6lSgZ2TI Apr 20,2023 05:02
crazy that people still play this game to this day. good luck stick rangers!
#zKgSq5E2 Apr 19,2023 21:33
can you add fire armour frome monster box in to stick ranger
#lDE39z0G Apr 15,2023 22:39
hey dudes! if you are confused about this inscrutable game try each of the classes and learn what the stat up does for each one. its different for every class. For example: strength on boxer increases damage and increases LP by 4 points. strength on magician increases max range and increases LP by 2 points Try it out! :)
#gUFXMIZG Apr 15,2023 04:47
Save code for a team of a gladiator, a priest, a magician, and a sniper.
#ID51e8J9 Apr 14,2023 04:49
hi am new to this game want should my characters be
#gQOVJeJB Apr 08,2023 02:17
#VRTngqEo Apr 02,2023 11:17
@kolamishaa use sniper or magician to beat it slowly:/
#VRTngqEo Apr 02,2023 11:08
i stuck at ice castle help
#UaYCyvOB Apr 01,2023 08:37
for team advice, i'll just give what team i beat the game with priest, magician, sniper, boxer
#pp5sinOg Apr 01,2023 04:17
help me im stuck in submarine shrine i own magician and sniper and gladiator and whipper help
#q04T4hLB Mar 30,2023 04:03
guns are good but they dont work sometimes
#ilatsKNF Mar 28,2023 08:10
@aza222 if you're looking for a good team (idk), then choose 2 priests, a boxer, and a gunner. idk what advice to give as I forgot about the game.
#VRTngqEo Mar 26,2023 12:48
what's junk shop
#VRTngqEo Mar 24,2023 21:40
any one can give tips plsssssss
#VWyuLYhm Mar 17,2023 08:01
Lemme help me make mods of stick ranger level!
#zKgSq5E2 Mar 15,2023 22:40
if you couldet tel im mike2929
#zKgSq5E2 Mar 15,2023 22:39
i got a new computer and i need to find out how to recover my old data like password and id
#CKNWpMU4 Mar 13,2023 23:24
tommy the stickm
the fire circle is from one of the enemies at seaside 3
#awC6A2zc Mar 13,2023 14:55
can soome one tell me where fire circle is for the angel class
#fSzCpTT1 Mar 10,2023 23:13
Connor Johnson
Sniper is pretty good.
#kf7w8w6P Mar 03,2023 11:33
Whats the best party?
#fSzCpTT1 Feb 28,2023 23:27
What does Dexterity and Magic do exactly, I looked up the definition of dexterity and I still have no clue what it does.
#nHbKitn5 Feb 25,2023 01:24
Anyone knows whats the range needed on players for them to start attacking immediately when a VS round starts? I currently use 332, but not sure if that is too much!
#UaYCyvOB Feb 16,2023 05:09
why is everyone in vs mode like 10-20 levels higher than me in my rank
#UaYCyvOB Feb 13,2023 12:03
i love ranging my sticks
#iRmi5Czv Feb 10,2023 10:17
Evanofthe 711
i made concept art of a engineer class , i just dont know where to post it because i cant find stick ranger on reddit so pls help
#tJ1pw9OK Feb 04,2023 13:57
Should I keep my two double Poison arrow since I have two double fire arrow (and I also have two quint shot) I have two because I have two snipers.
#FuMbcG4S Feb 02,2023 02:36
One pixelperson
I need mods!!!!!!
#5Gx0hQjx Feb 02,2023 02:14
been a while since we actually get a SR update :o
#cILKjUTK Jan 30,2023 02:09
New playthrough and I can't level pass lvl 66. Is that intentional?
#S8X2GPVV Jan 28,2023 20:21
#eM92L31V Jan 25,2023 10:53
imagine if we could use catapult's card on whips l o n g w h i p
#eM92L31V Jan 25,2023 07:28
seashrine idiot
#5n5CZ3qk Dec 07,2022 05:49 ShadowEnialator found that randomly on the internet, doing it now. thank you so much tho.
#62xcoT8Z Jan 25,2023 01:03
Tony Pajamas
Thank you very much for fullscreen!
#17JB8zKx Jan 24,2023 10:20
#y58mPn2K Jan 22,2023 21:48
ha55ii is a legend for keeping his games up to date
#cK27PJu3 Jan 22,2023 17:02
best rpg game ever
#IIkrE19Q Jan 21,2023 10:24
stick range the first
#ucctXxGq Jan 20,2023 11:29
#H9vOFCdB Jan 20,2023 11:00
Stick Ranger ver19.3 Supports full screen.
#0bU8lqgs Dec 30,2022 10:24
If you remember Ivan's Stick Ranger mod, and have played it since at least 2017, you are a legend.
#fxjXUh7E Dec 22,2022 04:46
I would really love a fullscreen version of Stick Ranger too. Really iconic game.
#SyuFZ4to Dec 21,2022 11:34
There's a bug, the map is empty with only the details visible, whats up with that?
#Avfsu9ET Dec 20,2022 06:35
Person McGuy
Hello all I am doing 1 gunner and 3 priest run Wish me luck
#62xcoT8Z Dec 17,2022 06:38
Tony Pajamas
I would love to see a fullscreen mode like in Stick ranger 2. Used to play this in computer class lol.
#5n5CZ3qk Dec 15,2022 01:04
I want to see a level editor for this game but unfortunately there will be no more update :(
#kZ3gQON2 Dec 08,2022 11:17
I want to make some enemies or bosses.What should I do?
#5n5CZ3qk Dec 07,2022 05:49
@seashrine idiot I cant get your save because they are id protected but you can use this to make your file again Just use the help button on the site for assistance
#MDOFGQHf Nov 29,2022 04:25
Quad Damage
#976itleo Nov 24,2022 05:44
AW HELL I FORGOT THE LP FOR EACH UNIT well just from what i remember, the gladiator had the most HP out of them all
#X3YDe4Uh Nov 21,2022 02:22
seashrine idiot
#HBJB9V3h Nov 02,2022 18:09 BigVis If you are using a Chrome OS with a low render or a school chrome, it doesnt work. Ive tried it multiple times, but the only games that seem to work are Powder game, PG 2, Stick Ranger 2, etc. Games like Micro Panda, Mutilation stickman, (i got that wrong didnt i) and ham race are not supported.
#X3YDe4Uh Nov 18,2022 09:10
seashrine idiot
i lost all my progress with making an account, but if anybody has a code for this, i just might be able to get it back. Lv 16, 0 SP for all units. 142$$ QuadArrow 2 sniper with Guide Card 1And Pierce card 1 STR 10 DEX AND MAG 4 Shop ThornWhip 2 Whipper (duh) with Yellow Crystal 1 STR 8 DEX 1 AND MAG 8 Shop Lightsaber 2 Gladiator with Long Sword Card 1 STR 11 DEX 4 MAG 3 Shop LongStaff 1 Priest with Black Stone 1 STR 10 DEX AND MAG 7 MAPS Grassland6 Lake (End Of Route) Castle (Skull Boss Stickman W/O Crown)_ INVENTORY Shop ThunderWhip 1 with Topaz BattleStaff 2 YellowCrystal 1
#829nvINL Nov 09,2022 05:15
Tip for boss fights and revives: 1: you might think that having more gold is more revives, but the formula for revive cost is this: lv*10 or gold/10, whichever is more costly. Because of this, the gold for the most revives is your lv * 100. Hope this helps! (lv = team level)
#h607jSbC Nov 06,2022 10:25
@theredpixle Besides from changing weapon, the only way to change class is to restart the game.
#HBJB9V3h Nov 02,2022 18:09
Yo is the game broken or some, it don't run for some reason
#SmvfDZPH Nov 01,2022 22:50
is there a way to change what type of attack a stickman does?
#sD22OuZW Oct 30,2022 20:23
какзайти на мод ивана мне пишут 404 фаил не найден
#sD22OuZW Oct 30,2022 20:14
скажите мне пж как включить мод ивана я хочу поиграть
#dSI0kt37 Oct 30,2022 14:25
#OGGumMuC Oct 27,2022 12:20
I do miss the original sound that was included in this game
#2hQ3Qw5y Oct 23,2022 03:31
uwu ;)
i created an account and just lost all my progress. i just beat submarine shrine boss :`(
#57f4DAg2 Oct 22,2022 18:41
hello i love this game but do you could add fullscreen mode?
#EdQOtCtn Oct 18,2022 14:45
still crazy to think i was playing this 8 years ago and it's still being updated. dan-ball is beyond legendary
#Er6y6SmV Oct 05,2022 17:33
obby master
the best game I played
#M08vtTcC Oct 05,2022 03:20
А как мод называется!?:(
#sD22OuZW Oct 04,2022 03:04
#7zTSjR2s Oct 03,2022 11:27
Alien Invasion
Alien Invasion 1.2 stick ranger
#M08vtTcC Sep 30,2022 04:41
Как скачать мод на ету игру скажите аж
#NH55gL7d Sep 23,2022 11:49
@dudemanbro What a coincidence
#NH55gL7d Sep 23,2022 11:43
How do I register a party for Vs?;-;
#JclyrVuL Sep 04,2022 05:07
best game ever
#W1FOdW2b Aug 30,2022 09:29
My brother used to play this game all the time. He really got me into it.
#occRZHWz Aug 27,2022 02:25
this game fills me with so much nostalgia, no matter how I do it, bad character setups, or not, its still amazingly fun to play all of the time! thank you danball for this masterpiece of a game
#fsR7GRwn Aug 25,2022 13:28
Green Guy
Fun game!
#Ly1vF0hv Aug 09,2022 04:03
#Ly1vF0hv Aug 09,2022 04:03
I can't win the game ☹
#xICw4VnM Aug 04,2022 23:35
idk if nickname! is even alive since feb 2022 he told me that he lost the internet and have to say goodbye. Then i lost intrest in this game bc of some stuffs lol
#IzNZLlV4 Jul 30,2022 21:17
after 6 months of offline experience
#HJk7esR5 Jul 29,2022 06:47
Can i have Help with the Forest 2 boss?
#xICw4VnM Jul 21,2022 23:45
well i used to talk here a lot bc of one single person named " nickname! " and we talk about modded stuff and ideas ? that was the time when the whole website got support smartphone resizing lol. scroll down to 1000posts to see goodbye now im going to continue the road to 9999999 gold in stick ranger 2 :))
#fU2YswEm Jul 15,2022 10:46
#9e9F9nzv Jul 11,2022 04:47
robot the fire
Stick Ranger ver19.3 Supports full screen.
#fU2YswEm Jul 01,2022 16:56
#UMJ3EZty Jun 30,2022 08:25
l got a code that was super cool
#UMJ3EZty Jun 30,2022 08:24
hi guys
#fI9n4vQL Jun 19,2022 09:17
Find it really weird to see my known name be posted here, and the "10 years ago" part fits right on cue with when I started regularly posting here (though as the Discordians know I've been here far longer than that). But yeah, we usually use the Discord server these days, since there isn't a limit on posts on top of a bad censor bot. Only came here after seeing the image and having to confirm who I was.
#o5mRyzXK Jun 19,2022 08:55
well uh, yeah, the comment boards aren't that active anymore nowadays we mostly use Discord
#USSqg6DQ Jun 16,2022 19:32
Guess not :(
#USSqg6DQ Jun 15,2022 06:17
What’s up. I was last here 10 years ago. People are still active?
#fU2YswEm Jun 10,2022 21:24
Because of the dragon's fireball attack I bad at dodging those balls
#fU2YswEm Jun 10,2022 21:10
Snowfield 3 boss HARD
#xICw4VnM Jun 07,2022 14:39
tips for vs mode 1. @Hell 2 Is Hard this might be the yellow arrows from : 1. vigintuple arrow 2. quint gold arrow. a good strat for sniper is go 120 str 50 mag rest on lp using double hell fire with bullet's card 5 and quick card 7. 2. freeze duration in vs mode last a tenth as long meaning u have to use freeze cestus with enough dex and mag along with quick card 7 and diamond 7 to freeze somebody but it is still garbage 3. there is many strats for magician. either 120 str 30 dex on lightning with quick card 7 and knockback card 4 to push the team off the egde to kill the backliners. or use billzard 2 with aquamarine 7 and guide card 7 or quick/bullet card 7 to get 65% slow on everybody others 1.assuming u have someone who can deal splash damage ( but nott fire at) then u can do inferno 2 for gold. otherwise do blood lake 2. tips for hill country stages : hc1 : use ranged weapons. hc2 : hit and run. hc3 : the same as hc2. for boss stage dont stay too near to the boss 3. Somewhat Good Ways To Use Gunner : in early game use 9 mag and half str half dex. After Castle invest 5 more mag and a bit more str as we will use uzi as the main weapon. other good weapons include rifle and remington. dont use homing lazers guns until endgame and the power lazer gun is pretty good. after reaching forget tree u can have different builds but i would recommend 103 str 93 dex
#xICw4VnM Jun 06,2022 17:31
@nickname! sry couldnt answer i have big chungus exam incoming, but it was closed. i remember there is an another site that was also ivan mod but i couldnt remember the link
#qOg2S1zZ Jun 04,2022 22:01
Emilia Tan
Nothing really happens when I try to play the game. It just shows up blank. Could anyone here please help me fix this problem? Thank you in advance!
#yJSSDrMy May 29,2022 13:08
Pls got new stage and new classes
#C0rt1DRh May 29,2022 02:38
@nickname! ?
#C0rt1DRh May 27,2022 10:23
what happened to ivans mod?
#9ugJD84k May 25,2022 13:58
Hell 2 Is Hard
Yeah but slow effects still work and can be strong. Freeze is garbage in pvp thi
#4mQGGAGa May 23,2022 03:58
I guess it would be op on some builds otherwise though
#4mQGGAGa May 23,2022 03:57
I noticed that in vs mode the freeze effect only lasts half as long or something
#xICw4VnM May 22,2022 01:00
randoms tips 1. every single spirits is trash, expect for fire spirit 1 and 2, and thunder spirit 3. however on late game none of these are useful 2. easy way to kill inferno 3 boss : just get poison charm 4 by killing the big eel which spawns very rarely in cavern 5 on screen 5. then go brute force and absorb every needle which was going for the other stickmens. purple crystal is also helpful. 3. ice weapons doesnt work better in damage. the ice god or charge charkram isnt good and dont even think about ice missile or ice orb. only ice gs is good as it deal splash at 4. on web version when a boss is almost dead u can select pause. then swap the equipped weapons with weapons have bronze / gold / iron for greater loot 5. if u have an angel and if there is no melees such as boxer or gladitior u can go for 60 dex 100 mag and rest lp if u are using charge ring, it is the best early weapon and it can carry up to endgame. or u can go 100 dex and rest lp if u are using power rings. 6. in vs mode the most useless cards is pierce card and vampire card. but ongiri card is the worst bc it wont work 7. to make hell castle easier u need a weapon for a tanker. it should have black crystal 7 and purple crystal 7. as the skull attack basicly one shot ( which u can block from black crystal ) and the others attacks are elemental i recommend this
#xICw4VnM May 22,2022 00:36
the old days was gone but i know that if u input the code from that site to another mod named " cavern chronicles " it will somehow work idk why but after looking at the codes i found the weapons and enemies from ivans mod. another thing worth mentioning is that in that website if u go to the places called seaside a, dark cave, dried lake, palace basement (final boss location) the game crash. but after make the code work you can go to these places without crashing
#4gVQY2Ge May 16,2022 20:27
In ivan's mod, there is an Expansion's Card which directly adds the size of the projectile, but there isn't in the original game.
#SJD5PbZ0 May 16,2022 08:09
If there is one that increases magic bullet size anyway
#SJD5PbZ0 May 16,2022 08:09
I put a bullet card 5 on a permafrost 8. I think that indirectly increases the damage output from what I can tell. Are there better compos though? Cause I was also thinking maybe I could use a big card for the freeze range
#4gVQY2Ge May 14,2022 08:36
The website ""doesn't work anymore. It seems that the direction for Ivan's mod was gone. Are there any other site for Ivan's mod?
#BIWv5pwt May 09,2022 04:16
@75th_groznyj yeah that guy can dish out some serious hurt. You really won’t want to get hit at all against him.
#ebZjU2MR May 03,2022 16:42
pyramid hard stage mega boss
#ebZjU2MR May 03,2022 16:32
cavern 5 hard
#9ugJD84k May 03,2022 12:09
Hell 2 Is Hard
What are some good sniper builds/ weapons? I just got demolished in pvp by a lvl 72 team, the sniper was rapid firing yellow arrows with seemingly no magic effect but they were doing like 100 - 600 dmg. So now I want to learn how to build snipers
#fU2YswEm Apr 30,2022 20:47
@tom Search "Stick ranger" in the App Store
#7z0LWT9L Apr 26,2022 01:55
@Fdgty Guide card is homing when within XX pixels of range
#93uZxItg Apr 23,2022 06:32
#pkdCdse1 Apr 22,2022 07:58
i once beat the game with 4 crowns and i use the lineup boxer priest sniper magician. it was on mobile and i havent beat volcano. on web version, although i didnt have a 4c team but i have a team with the same loadout as above expect i was using gladitior instead of boxer and i took down volcano with 4 imperial crown 0 i also have a second 4c lineup which is also on mobile and it is sniper angel priest gladitior but i lost it and it was on hell 2 but anyway im going to make the third 4c team
#DhJ97Mvx Apr 21,2022 12:47
What does the guide card do?
#7z0LWT9L Apr 21,2022 03:16
Why is hell2 so hard? I’m using savegame hac and i still cant do it!
#nrbdBGCj Apr 11,2022 07:50
nerf the snowfields dayum
#1hcsQjJR Apr 07,2022 09:27
Remind me to finish my replay of this game on mobile with 2 crowns... I'm using the cheap boxer gunner double priest setup, but it's still mighty hard
#7z0LWT9L Apr 05,2022 02:27
I beat opening street in 45ish seconds
#6mYEFzA9 Mar 25,2022 07:06
Came back to this after years and its unplayable :( boss stage of opening streets the whole team is stuck in a box in the ground at spawn tried it 9 times it happend once on stage 6 and every time it's gotten to the boss stage they've been trapped
#0L9cBCAB Mar 24,2022 21:17
imagine if stickranger 2 was added on mobile
#WtdATw5u Mar 21,2022 16:41
good game
#4gVQY2Ge Mar 14,2022 12:42
I found a glitch that in the mobile version. when you revive characters with a onigiri right next to the head the character revives at full blood
#OUOaXYAB Mar 11,2022 18:11
Where can i get the best mod for stickranger? I've been searching alot :(
#QcFhSIa5 Feb 24,2022 16:22
hi ha55ii i love you
#xICw4VnM Feb 20,2022 10:55
there used to be stick ranger modded stuff please swipe down to the 1000post section to see and this cbb is already dead rippp
#au5pmaw6 Feb 19,2022 00:02
and I mean it so STOP IT?
#au5pmaw6 Feb 19,2022 00:00
you better stop doing this hard stuff because if yal do it again you are going to be fired
#ymZyha9G Feb 03,2022 23:01
From hungdeptrai07 to nickname pls join the community upload in pg2 u can write to do anything
#VwENWXfv Feb 02,2022 03:35
#ZuZfGPw5 Feb 01,2022 23:35
anyone have any sites any ither modded stick ranger besides ivan mod
#vzdGoP8Q Jan 31,2022 00:42
electron megaboss yellow boss skull solid (solid i mean like wl7 boss) all attacks have agi 99-99. type thunder rain down thunder like seaside a tree for 10s. at 1-59 x 99, range 500 shot 10 star in shotgun fashion. they bounce and 50 homing range. at 1-60x10, range 200 shot 10 lazer that explode to f6 big snake lazer. but they activate after 3s lol. lazer dont deal damage, residue 1-9999, range 500 shot a beam that move horizontally and emit f6 big snake lazer. beam dont deal damage and lazer deal 1-99 at, range 500 summon a very big mine at the character after 4s it activates deal splash at and if it didnt hit it will home in character for the next second. at 1-69420, range 500 darkforest megaboss green box demon cactus. all attack have agi 25-25. type physical fire poison shot a orange lazer move slowly, 500 homing range and 100% burn rate. it last for 3s. at 2-2, burn 100% rain dark green needles like mg1 boss but they bounce lmao. at 40-60x21 shot a bullet explode to poisoncloud like deadly toxic. at 5-5x5, residue 5-5x10, time 1s frozen aurora already done its at the 1000posts rainbow megaboss soon @nickname pls make more electron stages and subflora stages
#yxAJdfIM Jan 30,2022 00:47
First time posting here in an easy 4 years. Man, time flies.
#xICw4VnM Jan 29,2022 11:10
@nickname wtf glacier megaboss blue boss shield copter. all attack have agi 50-50. attack type ice shoot 50 icicles in a arc that slide and 50 homing range. at 40-60x50, slow 30% drop a lazer that explode to f6 big snake lazer. lazer dont deal damage they pierce through characters. residue at 300-600 slow 75% drop 100 small needles from the sky at random places. at 30-50x100, slow 30% flash the screen white. it freeze all characters for 5s and dont deal damage subflora megaboss green boss triangle bouncer. all attack have agi 120-120. type poison shot a bullet like hc6 boss but poisons and bullet dont deal damage. cloud deal 1-3 at, time 2s shot a spear emit poison like pyramid but it bounces and 90 homing range. at 3-3, time 1.32s shoot 32 green pellet like sf5 mushroom. at 4-4, time 0,1s when provoked it can spawn green big triangle bouncer. it summon purple needles fall from the sky which constantly emit purple needles that poison. at 1-1, time 3s. the green big triangle bouncer can spawn green triangle bouncer that also summon needles fall from the sky but it deal physical damage lol. at 30-40
#BHmp2hGN Jan 29,2022 10:21
Does anyone know Applesauces? been trying to contact him about some project we've been doing.
#YDBj5mGo Jan 28,2022 01:19
what does thee ??? card description mean in ivan's mod
#YDBj5mGo Jan 27,2022 23:56
nick i rember u said gamble card yet i rarely reive glaider with it
#W8m4Np5C Jan 27,2022 21:49
Volcano brings me nothing but pain
#xICw4VnM Jan 27,2022 10:10
stoneland megaboss gray boss smiley stickman all attack have 100-100 agi. type physical summon 10 two arrows like hg boss but they bounce. at 100-150x10 shot 50 small balls that also bounce. at 10-20 x50 shoot a big ball in an arc that explode to 10 big mines. mine slides. ball deal 300-500 at and mines deal 100-150 at shot a slow bullet which constanty release small balls that fall down and slides. bullet deal no damage. balls deal 20-30 at drop 10 needles into the ground. they slide and acclearate. at 50-80x10 volcano megaboss orange boss sixstar dragon. all attacks have 50-50 agi. type fire summon 5 orange f6 big snake lazer. they activate after 3s and deal splash at. at 100-300x5 shoot a lazer deal no damage, but it release a f6 big snake lazer but verically. at 5-5,burn 100%. lazer last 1,5s drop 30 balls like mg1 boss. when touching the ground release 10 flames like super volcano. ball deal 15-20 at, burn 5%, flame deal 8-12 at summon a orange diamond mushroom. it have 1 lp. it release 40 flames in circular fashion that move off the screen slowly. it deal 20-30 at and burn 4%
#W8m4Np5C Jan 26,2022 10:52
Predator,hammerer,dual swordsmen,wizard,masker,enforcer,doctor,knight Rune knight,angel,boxer,gladiator,priest ,whipper,gunner,magician,sniper(17 total) is all classes that i found :P
#xICw4VnM Jan 25,2022 21:43
dark forest 1 purple cap mushroom just like f2 mushroom. at is 10-10, poison 1s. total damage 500 lmao yellow star bat shot 3 thunder in straight line. at 1-89x3, agi 50-80 orange big shield stickman shot a three arrow that pierce characters and 500 homing range. last 4s. at is 20-20, burn 4%, agi 100-100 green boss smiley dragon shot green flames that burns. it last for 5s and 100 homing ranges. at is 8-12x10, burn 5%. agi 10-10 glaciers 1 white fairy bat shoot a snowflake that explode to bigger snowflake that freezes. snowflake deal 30-40 at, residue deal 20-30 at, both freeze 1s. agi 150-200 blue big skull copter drop a ball which explode f6 big snake lazer. ball deal 20-20 at, lazer deal 40-60 at, slow 40% cyan boss box zombie shot a star constantly release cloud like pyroclastic flow. star bounces. cloud fall down and slides, deal 40-40 at
#xICw4VnM Jan 25,2022 16:48
hungdeptrai07 LOOK AT THIS PLS SWIPE TO THE BOTTOM AND U WILL SEE ME THATS RIGHT IM ON THE ALL TIME RANKING OF PG1 stoneland 2 grey smiley snake shot 4 mines that slide. at 40-60, agi 100-120 grey star eel like b2 white eel. at 20-50, agi 8-10 grey big gel mushroom like mg1 boss. at 33-66, agi 25-25 grey box bouncer shot a ball that bounces. also have 50 homing range. at 12-60, agi 100-150 grey boss x walker shot a very big ball that slides and deal splash at. it explode to 40 three arrows that bounces in high arc. ball deal 420-1260 at, three arrows deal 40-60 at, agi 250-300
#biWxfHWQ Jan 23,2022 17:56
t13-14 blowguns overcompressed blowgun 13 at 2000-4000 agi 50-60 range 60 type physical shot a very fast ball melting blowgun 13 at 72-144(burn 10%) agi 50-60 range 60 type fire shot a slow red lazer deal splash at long deep cryotic cold blowgun 13 at 6400-10800 agi 180-200 range 400 type ice bat 1600-3200x12(slow 40%) shoot a fast lazer explode into 16 f6 big snake lazer in all directions levin blowgun 13 at 1-12345 agi 50-60 range 60 type thunder like thunder blowgun 2 ares blowgun 14 at 1600-2400 agi 15-20 range 60 type physical like combat blowgun 9 afraid blowgun 14 at 2500-3000 agi 50-60 range 60 type physical mp 3000 long supernova blowgun 14 at 9000-12000 agi 180-200 range 320 type fire bat 3000-4000x30 like nova blowgun 10 long gigabolt blowgun 14 at 1-42069 agi 190-210 range 420 type thunder bat 1-69420x shot a star that explode to f6 big snake lazer
#biWxfHWQ Jan 23,2022 17:37
bad news : i lost all my ivansmod saves rip choose stoneland t13-14 swords aura sabel 13 at 1600-2400 agi 20-30 range 30 type physical thunder aurasabel 13 at 100-100 agi 20-30 range 30 bat 1-198x9 residue 1-198x9 type thuder mp 70 like thunder bs 9 fire aurasabel 13 at 110-110 agi 20-30 range 30 bat 96-144x10(burn 5%) type fire mp 70 like fire bs 9 but it deal splash at ice aurasabel 13 at 120-120 agi 20-30 range 30 bat 120-180x20(slow 20%) type ice mp 70 summon 20 snowflakes one by one deal splash damage long aurasabel 14 at 2000-3000 agi 20-30 range 80 type physical radiant lightsaber 14 at 130-130 agi 20-30 range 30 bat 1-2777x230 type thunder mp 230 like previous lightsaber but slightly longer lazer flame aurasabel 14 at 150-150 agi 20-30 range 30 bat 64-96x230(burn 8%) type fire mp 230 summon 230 spikes one by one deal splash damage and homes frozen aurasabel 14 at 170-170 agi 20-30 range 30 bat 240-360x12(freeze 1s) type freeze mp 230 summon 12 three arrows that deal splash damage and splash
#xICw4VnM Jan 23,2022 08:54
warfield 4 purple box walker lv 100 lp 82500 at 10-30 range 150 agi 50 no strength no weakness exp 1000 gold 1250 shot a bullet toward character. drop fire bs 9 and fire gauntlet 9 pink big roundhead bat lv 102 lp 250000 at 30-45 range 250 agi 10 no strength no weakness exp 3500 gold 6500 like sf9 boss. drop mp5 9 and white crystal 8 white castle snake lv 101 lp 420 at 1-42 range 42 agi 14 strength all at=1, no weakness exp 1260 gold 1260 shot a star toward characters. immume to all damage. drop thunder halo 9 and thunder ew 9 cyan boss mask stickman lv 104 lp 1000000 at 80-120(freeze 1s) range 60 agi 20 strength physical at-1000 freeze immume no weakness exp 10000 gold 12500 shot a three arrow toward character that freezes. deal like 300 dps lol. drop quick's card 8 and icicle blast 9
#xICw4VnM Jan 22,2022 19:56
warfield 3 green cap solid lv 99 lp 78000 at 3-3(poison 1.32s) range 100 agi 300 strength poison immume no weakness exp 1000 gold 1500 shot a green spear in a high arc that poison characters.drop green stone 8 cyan big smiley stickman lv 101 lp 220000 at 48-72x4 range 200 agi 200 strength physical at-2500 freeze immume no weakness shot 4 cyan arrow like ss2 boss. drop oct gold shot 9. red fairy tree lv 100 lp 80000 at 8-12x6(burn 5%) range 90 agi 50 no strength no weakness shot a slow wave of red waves that burn characters. wave last for 3s. drop red stone 8 and fire halo 9 blue big gel snake lv 101 lp 250000 at 15-20x10(slow10%) range 40 agi 50 strength ice(at=1, slow immume) freeze immume no weakness shot 10 light green two arrows above it. they slide and last 5s. drop energy whip 9. and sapphire 8 yellow boss star snake lv 102 lp 900000 at 1-9999x9 residue at 1-9999 range 500 agi 250 strength thunder(at=1) freeze immume no weakness. attack like f6 big snake but they can bounce and can hit instantly when touch. they produce residue like f6 big snake too. drop topaz 9 and ring's card 8
#0L9cBCAB Jan 22,2022 19:25
Hell 7 boss gives me nightmares...
#0L9cBCAB Jan 22,2022 19:20
ice bolt (magician weapon) sounds garbage because it just lauches 3 ice projectile... ...until i realized that it has 45% slow (better slow power than ice missile) making it the most powerful chill weapon in SR
#xICw4VnM Jan 21,2022 10:48
warfield 2 white roundhead snake lv 97 lp 68000 at 40-60x2 range 40 agi 40 no strength no weakness exp 1000 gold 1400 shoot 2 one arrow toward character. drop thunder gauntlet 9 and white stone 8 blue fairy copter lv 98 lp 57000 at 20-30(ice slow 30%) range 160 agi 80 strength ice (at=1) no weakness exp 1400 gold 1750 drop a blue needle to the ground which bounces. drop icy spectre 9 and blue stone 8 yellow x walker lv 98 lp 62000 at 1-69x4(thunder) range 200 agi 100 strength thunder(at=1) no weakness exp 1500 gold 1680 shot 4 mines up the sky which fall to the ground and bounces. drop yellow crystal 8 pink big gel dragon lv 99 lp 175000 at 50-60x10 range agi 150 no strength no weakness exp 4000 gold 7500 shot 10 pink balls in a arc that fall to the ground and slides. drop purple crystal 8 red boss demon tree lv 100 lp 850000 at 10-10(burn 5%) residue at 10-10x4(burn 2%) range 500 agi 250 strength freeze(immume) no weakness gold 8500 exp 12000 shot a big lazer that drop to the ground. it create 4 infinitely long lazer : one verically, one horziontally, two cross each other. lazer last for 3s. drop berserk card 8
#7z0LWT9L Jan 21,2022 01:30
Random person
I love how people still love this game <3
#Q77zBNGN Jan 20,2022 00:49
@hung thats a lot
#xICw4VnM Jan 17,2022 15:49
@donut here the thing. for every level your teams level is lower/higher than the enemy, you will gain 10% less xp from that enemy (if 10 lv higher/lower then 1 exp). example killing a red smiley walker from opening street when u are at lv 1 will give 80 exp (20% lower), at lv 8 will give 50 exp (50% lower) and at lv17 give 1 exp okay gonna restart making idea fan stages warfield 1 white skull stickman lv 94 lp 62500 at 70-105 range 40 agi 40 no strength no weakness exp 1000 gold 1200 shoot a two arrow toward character. drop broadsword 9 and diamond 8 red box stickman lv 95 lp 90000 at 25-40 range 90 agi 20 strength ph(at-100) no weakness exp 1200 gold 1500 shot a quick bullet toward character. drop desert eagle 9 and red crystal 8 orange big smiley wheel lv 96 lp 165000 at 10-14(burn 8%) range 60 agi 30 strength fi(at=1) weakness ice(at&time + 100%) exp 5000 gold 5000 shot 6 flame affected by gravity, and slide on ground. drop cluster explosion 9 and garnet 8 gray boss roundhead tank lv 98 lp 750000 at 1000-1500 range 500 agi 200 strength fr(immume) no weakness exp 10000 gold 9999 shot a extremely fast long bullet deal splash damage. drop critital card 8.
#W8m4Np5C Jan 16,2022 19:20
Exp collected:1 Reason? You can get 99kexp from hell castle When you reach lvl90 or above
#W8m4Np5C Jan 16,2022 19:14
I just defeated hell castile before I even reached lvl70 Stats Lvl:63 Weapon tier:7-8 Compo tier:5-7 Crown drop:true Exp collected:1 (because lvl is too low REAL) Revivals:6 Deaths:8
#2kVxPUIU Jan 13,2022 09:33
@Donut Your code is changed!!!
#0L9cBCAB Jan 12,2022 17:20
(boss) that account? yeah i use that as a risk or literally something
#0L9cBCAB Jan 12,2022 17:16
bruh its not about the long gold rod damage its about the range because priest's damage is pain priest is the best whenever it comes to buff and range is literally the best options for priest
#7EoYmtgU Jan 11,2022 23:11
Same account
#2kVxPUIU Jan 10,2022 09:32
@Boss Why your code is same as Donut's???
#xICw4VnM Jan 09,2022 12:26
idea for weapon names ( tier 9-30 ) t9-10 gauntlet t11-12 spikeglove t13-14 auraknuckle t15-16 shiningclaw t17-18 true cestus t19-20 hand t21-22 quantumglove t23-24 neutronknuckle t25-26 omegacestus t29-30 energy gauntlet swords t9-10 broadsword t11-12 infused sword t13-14 spiked sabel t15-16 shining blade t17-18 auratic greatsword t19-20 cresent blade t21-22 quantum sword t23-24 neutron sabel t25-26 ommiblade t27-28 omega greatsword t29-30 excalibur staff t9-14 spectre t15-20 wand t21-30 infused staff whips t9-10 energy whip t11-12 infused whip t13-14 spiked chain t15-16 shining flail t17-18 true morning star t19-20 compressed whip t21-22 quantum whip t23-24 neutron whip t25-26 hyper flail t27-28 morning god t29-30 plasma whip rings t9-10 halo t11-12 parhelion t13-14 pardolsence t15-16 shining chakram t17-18 creator t19-20 true halo t21-22 spiked ring t23-24 quantum circle t25-26 neutron chakram t27-28 core t29-30 infused halo
#2kVxPUIU Jan 08,2022 08:39
H07 your comments about the weapons make me amusing I think long gold rod is a bit trash because its AT And thanks for help
#7EoYmtgU Jan 07,2022 01:33
Magician is easy to use
#VIG7EaTK Jan 05,2022 12:22
What’s the best stickmen to start with?
#CJn2cDmN Dec 31,2021 21:22
How To Play Stick ranger Cavern chronicles
#CJn2cDmN Dec 31,2021 21:20
#giLXTTit Dec 30,2021 12:48
Grassland 5 is a waste. All I got was 2 rifles. My team: Angel, Magician, Sniper, Priest. So it was useless. At least I sold it for some money. :\
#XD7lXAmh Dec 27,2021 22:37
random test message season 2
#7EoYmtgU Dec 27,2021 03:07
Why are u saying priest 0/10? Priest is the best class in the game bro.
#xICw4VnM Dec 26,2021 22:54
@boss by normal standard. i told that it is a good weapon, expect for the other staffs part 2 gunner : slow lazer gun trash, napalm gun big trash, magnum great trash, rocket launcher grand trash. good weapons : all other. overall 6.5/10 okay whipper : thorn ms trash, stone ms big trash, morning star great trash, fire ms grand trash, poison ms mega trash. Good weapons : explosion ms. 3/10 great trashhh angel : thorn god trash, ice god big trash, charge god great trash, long god grand trash. good weapons : fire god, quick god. 6/10 okay stage that... (pre castle ) drop good items : gl1, gl3, gl5, castle gate, cv1, cv3 drop trash items : gl6, cv2,hc1,hc2 easy : os, gl7 hard : gl3, gl6, hc3, cv3 stage for gold : castle gate (pre submarine shrine ) drop good items : ss1, ss3, sub2,sub4,mg2,mg3, ??? drop trash items : ss2, sub3, mg1 easy : ss4, sub2 , sub3, mg1, mg3 hard : ss2, ss3, sub4, mg2, stage for gold : mg3 part 3 contain the stage that... for pre pyramid, ice castle and hell castle, along with some random tips coming soon
#AroxXdfI Dec 26,2021 22:46
Sometimes I get a check error. (0x0201c0) during vsmode matchmaking and it makes my team lose without fighting. Does anyone know how to prevent this?
#ZfZMfQjH Dec 26,2021 17:11
no,long gold rod is not that bad Its one of the best weapons in the game (seriously)
#ZfZMfQjH Dec 26,2021 17:06
Freeze is the best element whenever it comes to highly defensive bosses
#xICw4VnM Dec 26,2021 00:48
rating on t7-8 weapons boxer : freeze cestus trash, poison cestus big trash, fire cestus great trash. Good weapons : all other. 7.5/10 okay gladiator : flame gs trash, frozen gs big trash, greatsword great trash, fire greatsword grand trash. Good weapons : all other. 5.5/10 trash sniper : quint gold arrow trash, hell fire shot big trash, flame shot great trash, oct poison shot grand trash, oct poison mega trash, nonuple shot giga trash. Good weapons : all other. 2/10 grand trash lool magician : thunderbolt trash, pyroclastic flow big trash, ice missle great trash, hell fire grand trash. good weapons : all other. 6/10 okay priest : freeze exp rod trash, giga exp rod big trash, inferno rod great trash, thunder rod grand trash, power rod mega trash, strike rod giga trash, poisonous rod tera trash. good weapons : long gold rod. 0/10 godly trash part 2, contain gunner, whipper, angel weapons soon
#AroxXdfI Dec 25,2021 17:40
@hungdeptrai07 thanks a lot.
#pkdCdse1 Dec 23,2021 14:32
@bloodshrineboss okay assuming u dont have any str on sniper u should use catapult card 2 and red stone 2 you will have 150 range @stickplayer no it still works, but it dont have any proper use so use another compo
#AroxXdfI Dec 23,2021 08:19
is the effect of penetration card disabled in vsmode?
#qvU1fq5w Dec 20,2021 04:13
how to make it full screen
#t36ZblyI Dec 19,2021 15:19
Hey guys I'm stuck in seaside 1 The boss has 4800 lp and I outrage it with triple shot but the AT is TOO LOW and I can't get a quint shot Is there another strategy to beat it? PLEASE!!!!! COMMENT!!!!!
#mBCK8lZa Dec 19,2021 00:42
How im download game this in pc not browse?
#tJv9Iw6z Dec 15,2021 21:16
Is there a way to share game data between stick ranger in Mobile app (iOS) and stick ranger in the browser?
#xICw4VnM Dec 13,2021 21:32
very random tip dont use poison in late game they didnt have enough dps. example, a sniper use oct poison 7 and periot 7, when also have 200% at aura from priest will have an amount of dps is a grand total is... 900 lool hell gate strat. try to push him with a ranged weapon with knockback card 4. that character should have at least 300 range or more speaking of freeze, starting from hell 1 every boss will be 100% freeze immume there is two special weapon that is dropped from mountaintop bosses. these are indra arrow and napalm bomb ss1 need u to get 160 range lmao u can slow almost every enemy and boss ( expect for like ic boss, h6 boss, hca boss, those big bois in forest 6, and a few more ). they will attack slower so u can reduce damage taken if a fire weapon have fire dmg high enough (above 15-20), u can use other compos such as quick or bullet instead of using ruby. still keep garnet they may be helpful if u have a decent amount of gold farmed from like if2 or blood lake, u can reset ur gunner to invest more stat into str/dex most freeze weapons dont have very high damage
#t36ZblyI Dec 11,2021 12:39
Guys Im starting a new data
#eiwdfSpF Dec 09,2021 02:53
#eiwdfSpF Dec 09,2021 02:53
dont forget a freeze weapon donut so bossess are imune to all damage beside ice
#0L9cBCAB Dec 07,2021 10:09
volcano strat My stickman class Sniper,gladiator,magician,priest Meatshield recommended! Anyways I start by using gladiator as meatshield Forcing the boss to attack gladiator frequently Then I use sniper and magician to shred its health Lastly I put priest in front of magic,snip to buff them Making them moar powerful Weapons Gladiator(random weapon,purple crystal,black crystal) Sniper(you know the drill right? Double hell fire!) Magician (lighting I guest) Priest(long gold rod)
#0L9cBCAB Dec 07,2021 09:59
My stickmans have tons of strategies Especially hell Castile and volcano
#xICw4VnM Dec 05,2021 19:46
4c (basicly three time as much enemies) volcano let's go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#uMGtEn74 Dec 03,2021 15:36
Guys. What's the best team to start with? I'm new in the game
#FiVIUBOg Dec 03,2021 10:54
Do you think they'll ever update this masterpiece again?
#kv1s8NgR Dec 03,2021 01:46
Sick ranger has mods?! :O
#ZfZMfQjH Dec 02,2021 18:53
Because i was doing strange stuff in SR
#ZfZMfQjH Dec 02,2021 18:52
I was afk last time
#xICw4VnM Dec 01,2021 23:50
okay here a story about my friend " nickname! " so yea i first chatted with him when i told him i beat volcano on first try. and he say he did a lot of runs that beat volcano without revives ( i revive about 30 times lol ). forward to may 19 someone named @brian gave me this website and a code since he beat it but i decided to go with wizard priest angel hammerer and after a week or so i beat it. nickname! also beat it too. after some time after beating ivan mod some times we went on and made post-hell castle ideas and now we had completed 4 series and which currently is at lv 171-200 and t15-16 weapons. And of course it is godly diffcult and it mainly make the player LOSE THEIR SANITY loool. I secretly named the mod idea " Stick Ranger Lunatic! " and of course it is godly diffcult bc lots of projectives so lot of damage taken and lots of death rippppppppp it was funny until nickname quit. that's all. end
#9dMQj6za Nov 28,2021 22:34
shameless advertisement for this thing I made 5 years ago, check it out:
#fihRe4vC Nov 28,2021 08:28
Anyone have some tips on beating Volcano 12? I’m running a pure STR Priest, Mag, Angel, and a Whipper.
#l5IsDb3S Nov 25,2021 10:37
@AstroBladeZ If the game isn't showing up, and you're using an adblocker, try disabling it; that worked for me. It's not like there are any ads on this website to block, anyway.
#fihRe4vC Nov 25,2021 02:09
God, Volcano is immensely difficult.
#FPbD1m2y Nov 22,2021 03:18
I’m defeat to seaside 4 and most gvove 1
#AMGKQEqe Nov 20,2021 00:16
Ya Boi
Donut is really bad at this game too.
#ZfZMfQjH Nov 19,2021 07:46
Tips Gladiator(normal greatsword,silver crystal,vampire’s card4) Priest,you dont need healing if you have a priest(long gold rod,heal’s card2=heals all 3 stickmans with each damage,exept for himself Sniper,nonuple shot,knockback’s card3=push enemies with each shot like a minecraft piston) Magician,ice bolt,aquamarine,quick card7=slow enemies like sticky glue,but why? Because,ice missile is 30% slow,but ice bolt is 45% slow Gunner(napalm bomb,quick card7,catapult card7=kill enemies like a nuke launcher Angel(quick god,black crystal7,bullet card5=a bit weak damage but insane perks Boxer(sonic cestus,black crystal,vampire card7=Defense and life stealing Whipper(explosion ms,ruby7,Dex or str=gives massive damage like a nuke tied in a whip
#ZfZMfQjH Nov 19,2021 07:28
My stickranger tier list S+(priest,increases your other stickmen’s damage) S(gladiator,meatshield,def and magic def recommended) S-(angel,boss killer,insane perks) A+(boxer,boss killer,light meatshield,health shredder) A(Magician,buff,freeze support,health shredder) A-(sniper,push supporter,health shredder,light boss killer) B+(gunner,health shredder,money waste,strong) B(whipper,i din’t used whipper yet :(
#0IzDJtlO Nov 18,2021 17:24
@all look at this nickname! sorry I'm gonna leave bc my father don't let me use ipad I'm on another device
#NjrxlTJu Nov 17,2021 04:39
i cant play it wont show up
#WP5Yl8Hy Nov 14,2021 23:57
All 4 magicians with lightning 7... TOP NOTCH
#Pz22ezBX Nov 13,2021 06:48
Elephant protect
#0IzDJtlO Nov 12,2021 16:40
#14ybIf6N Nov 10,2021 00:34
Ya Boi
Nickname! is really bad at this game
#cQtQjWeM Nov 06,2021 05:08
picking shrimp
@STICK RANGER that team (boxer, gunner, priest, priest) is very good but it's not good for beginners that don't know how to manage money or use strategies such as dodge, bait, etc. The double boxer team is good at the end of the game but struggles against flying enemies. my favorite class is the priest because it's so useful. I also like the sniper and gladiator. in my opinion, the best team for beginners is priest, sniper, mage, and gladiator. you have a solid hp tank in front with two good ranged characters behind you and a priest for support.
#eKdKduYO Nov 05,2021 00:10
Y ... mi progreso acaba de reiniciarse :(
#ZfZMfQjH Nov 04,2021 18:53
Part 2 Sniper’s combo(knockback,insane damage,healing) Boxer’s combo(insane damage,defense,healing) Gunner’s combo(insane damage,bombs,drecrease money robbing) Whiper’s combo(insane damage,defense,bombs) Priest’s combo(str,freeze,range,mag,catapult card7) Angel’s combo(dex,mag,healing,perks,def,mag def,giant killer,origini robber) Gladiator’s combo(insane lp,mag,def,mag def,block,meatshiled,luck) Magician’s combo(freeze,insane damage,knockback,def breaker,support)
#ZfZMfQjH Nov 04,2021 18:27
Priest(low damage,increases your other stickmen’s damage) Gunner(money robber,great attack,powerful combo with priest) Boxer(melee,looks trash at the beggining,powerful combo with priest) Part 1 Sniper(usefull,great attack,powerful combo with cards) Gladiator(meatshiled,Super Powerful combo with defense) Whipper(i din’t used this stickmen yet’) Angel(healing,looks trash at the beggining,powerful combo with quick god)
#7EoYmtgU Nov 04,2021 12:15
Gunner is broken
#PYTjRxvs Nov 04,2021 01:16
Beat the game with 2 priest, gunner, boxer. Trying 2 priest 2 boxer for max dps. What’s your best class?
#Vkpwb192 Nov 02,2021 03:59
picking shrimp
@Confused they are found in mods only
#Vkpwb192 Nov 02,2021 03:59
picking shrimp
double hell fire is really underrated you can just spam it
#ZfZMfQjH Nov 01,2021 07:50
For magician,my best option is permafrost?(better than lightning for me) Because not only freeze and physical,it can break any defence(that means it will be extremelly useful for freezing enemies and fighting enemies with insane defense Just like those Oversided box thingy
#ZfZMfQjH Nov 01,2021 07:32
There is one good thing for boxer,so if the sonic glove has insane attackspeed,you can give it a vampire card as lifesteal,you can use that combo to heal boxer just in case when boxer is about to die ;)
#aeOaFlox Oct 29,2021 21:04
And... my progress just reset :(
#aeOaFlox Oct 29,2021 20:57
Help please, I can't beat the hell Castile boss. I am level 92 with boxer, magician, priest, angel.
#Yo1W21jF Oct 29,2021 06:02
i cant play this game anymore. the screen just never shows up no matter how many times i reload the page
#zHi94N91 Oct 28,2021 04:53
#7EoYmtgU Oct 28,2021 03:24
Its a mod
#zHi94N91 Oct 27,2021 23:04
I keep seeing comments about hammerer, dual swordsman, and predator, and I am extremely confused on what they are. Are they secret classes? Or is this just a mod?
#DEWKgvu5 Oct 27,2021 00:56
ok why i fell like this is hard
#vljUUC0t Oct 26,2021 16:43
I just realized there is an app!
#mY7PRMTC Oct 26,2021 16:25
I want a Stick Ranger App for my phone. It’s got to be the original though with no modifications. 2 wasn’t that good tbh, but the original was great
#0h5g8p5A Oct 24,2021 08:17
Whipper is underrated
#dKOX8Xg4 Oct 23,2021 21:46
#0IzDJtlO Oct 23,2021 12:13
dead board
#KKSLU3NL Oct 22,2021 18:11
Why was nickname! And the rest of you all spamming whatever i just read? Soo confused.
#Ynr3rikY Oct 20,2021 00:35
Does anybody have a inf coins seed. Thanks.
#0IzDJtlO Oct 11,2021 08:25
mmpb had got to pyramid. thank to spark knuckle with qiuck 4 and bullet 4
#0IzDJtlO Oct 09,2021 22:31
i will try to describe it by pg1 upload. mmpb had got past mg1 and ss1. memento card is a card that increase at/bat by a lot divided by weapon tier. it exist for bringing low tier weapons to make them in par to current tier weapons. ex : spark knuckle will be good with this and quick i guess i have a idea about a new card : compressed bullet's card. it is equipable by weapon with projectives >1. It decreases the number of bullet down to 1, but increase at along with other things. lv 2 : bullet = 1, all at + 40% of bullets lost lv 4 :bullet = 1, all at + 60% of bullet lost, residue count + 30% lv 6 : bullet =1, all at + 80% of bullet lost, residue count + 60%, projective/residue lifespan + 25% lv 8 : bullet = 1, all at + 100% of bullet lost, residue count + 100%, projective/residue lifespan + 50%, projective/residue size + 100% lv 10 : bullet = 1, all at + 125% of bullet lost, residue count + 150%, projective/residue lifespan + 85%, projective/residue size + 200%, 20% chance of at + 1250% lv 10 : bullet = 1, all at + 160% of bullet lost, residue count + 200%, projective/residue lifespan + 125%, projective/residue size + 300%, 25% chance of at + 1600%
#5zLe3ljC Oct 09,2021 18:09
#fd8aOAwL Oct 09,2021 02:03
im new to stickranger, any tips on how to kill castle boss?
#8TENYiNg Oct 08,2021 20:00
@hung oK ThatS unfortunate
#aTfFV9MT Oct 08,2021 01:40
Dragon Archives
You get yourself into a rhythm. It's a beautiful thing. You know, Dad, the more I think about it, maybe the honey field just isn't right for me. You were thinking of what, making balloon animals? That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger.
#aTfFV9MT Oct 08,2021 01:40
Dragon Archives
Dad, you surprised me. You decide what you're interested in? - Well, there's a lot of choices. - But you only get one. Do you ever get bored doing the same job every day? Son, let me tell you about stirring. You grab that stick, and you just move it around, and you stir it around.
#0IzDJtlO Oct 08,2021 00:53
@help bad news is no ben105 use gambler with beresk card 8 fa7 white fairy germ shot 8 two arrow around it that freeze. deal 10-10 at white big diamond mushroom shot a spike that home and freeze. at is 1-18, 80 homing range orange big demon stickman shot a big two arrow that explode to 8 oval deal fire at. two arrows deal 100-140 at, residue deal 80-120 at cyan big diamond tree like h2 boss but freeze. deal 20-30 at. red boss vampire solid shot a homing spike that are big, deal 4-4 at but burn 100% xd. spike last for 30s, but boss agi only allow it to attack every 31s lmao wf7 red skull gunner shot a lazer like lazer gun. at is 10-15 and burn 3% green big gel tank shot a bullet emit poison at 100% per frame. at is 1-1 and last for 4s yellow smiley wheel like wl1 yellow wheel but with 1-1 agi. at is 1-31 however blue fairy copter rain a big snowflake like ice shard. at is 40-60, residue is 10-10, slow 20% gray boss x walker shot giant ball that explode to 6 giant mines like volcano. agi is 150, ball deal 400-750 at, mines deal 150-275 at
#7EoYmtgU Oct 07,2021 22:45
What trash
What trash i want it also
#XTENQntB Oct 07,2021 21:36
i dont care if it trash i still want it
#4RaNiIML Oct 07,2021 21:04
Does anybody have eashy sr modding tools ver 6.12 code? The code is removed from pastebin.
#7EoYmtgU Oct 07,2021 20:49
I got it working thanks.
#7EoYmtgU Oct 06,2021 20:27
How to install cavern chronicle mod i download it from Fandom and downloaded the source from this website and used flips but doesnt work help please.
#XTENQntB Oct 05,2021 22:55
i have killed every boss beside mountain and volcano bosses
#XTENQntB Oct 05,2021 22:44
advice don't have crowns when you trying to get gambler card it wont end well and use poison charm 8 and satan card or black crystal with poison BS 10 for the poison enemies and lighting bs 10 with magic card 6 and satan card for the lighting enemies and have take out the fire enemies first then the poison enemies then the boss
#0IzDJtlO Oct 05,2021 21:14
did u get past f5, if dont then do mountain 1 to get purple crystal 5 and black crystal 5. or purple crystal 5 and white stone 5. also try to do sub3 for bronze medal, move to oasis for tier 4, and finally do frozen lake for t5. okay i will try for that fire is good in very early game
#aTfFV9MT Oct 05,2021 00:20
Dragon Archives
「STARKING」 0vote by Dragon Archives Oct 05,2021 00:16 Please Vote! ※投票ありがとう御座います。 Tribute to former #100 who I booted off the leaderboards. Genuinely a great uploader, should not be forgotten. I'll be making more of these tribute uploads as I pass other top 100 uploaders in vote counts...
#hL5VVZYf Oct 04,2021 12:12
A puddle jump for us, but maybe you're not up for it. - Maybe I am. - You are not! We're going 0900 at J-Gate. What do you think, buzzy-boy? Are you bee enough? I might be. It all depends on what 0900 means. Hey, Honex!
#hL5VVZYf Oct 04,2021 12:12
Trying to alert the authorities. I can autograph that. A little gusty out there today, wasn't it, comrades? Yeah. Gusty. We're hitting a sunflower patch six miles from here tomorrow. - Six miles, huh? - Barry!
#0IzDJtlO Oct 02,2021 23:37
str mage wizard priest mag mage. i will do this thankfully my laptop is fixed
#bLbFdN12 Oct 01,2021 23:57
T13 resort weapons Charge spike glove shot a blue ring of fire on enemy like fire god. There is 26 flames each deal 52-104 at and burn 5,2 percent Vampire sword it is slow with 65-91 agi. But it have 1800-3200 at and heal by 30% of damage dealt which is 7.5 time more than vampire card 4 loool Firefly arrow shoot 24 tiny arrows that home and deal fire at. Arrow deal 36-72 at and burn 6% Atomic plasma ray it have 50% burn rate. At is 12-18 and last for 12 s
#0h5g8p5A Oct 01,2021 11:18
Pr*est is a garbage class. Real Chads use the whipper
#pKPO0tts Oct 01,2021 02:48
I need a download link please
#eejgfjia Sep 27,2021 02:46
Com marinha
#eejgfjia Sep 27,2021 02:35
#HWbLhzxF Sep 25,2021 20:29
Just stop with your bratty behavior nickname. *facepalm*
#PZtmGeyI Sep 25,2021 14:42
#0IzDJtlO Sep 24,2021 07:49
oh whoops i didnt do that lineup but anyway press the three dot button and press history
#aTfFV9MT Sep 23,2021 00:26
Dragon Archives
Yeah. Once a bear pinned me against a mushroom! He had a paw on my throat, and with the other, he was slapping me! - Oh, my! - I never thought I'd knock him out. What were you doing during this?
#hL5VVZYf Sep 22,2021 00:37
Those ladies? Aren't they our cousins too? Distant. Distant. Look at these two. - Oouple of Hive Harrys. - Let's have fun with them. It must be dangerous being a Pollen Jock.
#hL5VVZYf Sep 22,2021 00:36
You can'tjust decide to be a Pollen Jock. You have to be bred for that. Right. Look. That's more pollen than you and I will see in a lifetime. It's just a status symbol. Bees make too much of it. Perhaps. Unless you're wearing it and the ladies see you wearing it.
#aTfFV9MT Sep 22,2021 00:30
Dragon Archives
You're monsters! You're sky freaks! I love it! I love it! - I wonder where they were. - I don't know. Their day's not planned. Outside the hive, flying who knows where, doing who knows what.
#aTfFV9MT Sep 22,2021 00:30
Dragon Archives
I've never seen them this close. They know what it's like outside the hive. Yeah, but some don't come back. - Hey, Jocks! - Hi, Jocks! You guys did great!
#0IzDJtlO Sep 21,2021 13:53
Aurora Castle a megaboss stage and it is at lv 171 so industrial zone megaboss can be at lv 200 lol landscape : like in ice castle but use frozen lake tileset and it is slippy. also have mist Cyan boss castle stickman lv 171 lp 77777777 min agi 77 expected agi 100 range 777 attacks shot 30 spear up the sky and fall down. when it touch character create f6 big snake lazer spear deal 10-20 at, lazer deal 20-27 at, freeze for 77 frames shot 32 sf7 bullet around it. bullet deal 40-60 at, needles deal 20-30 at, freeze for 177 frames shot a giant homing snowflake that emit needles. needles slide on terrain. snowflake deal 77-277 at, needle deal 7-7 at. freeze for 2s shot a beamstrike but blue and slows. beam dont deal at but lazer deal 20-20 at and slow 40% summon a giant snowflake on characters. after 4s it will activate and deal splash at. it deal 777-777 at and freeze for 777 frames so it will be turned to ice cream lol shot a lazer up the sky that fall down and explode to 77 mines that slide and last for 277 frames. lazer deal 777-777 at and mines deal 11-77 at. freeze for 77 frames summon a white big castle dragon. it have 1000000 lp and shot bullets like h5 boss and have 20-20 at shot 77 clouds like pyramid boss but freezes. deal 17-17 at and freeze 17 frames gold 777777 exp 77777 drop aurora spirit 10 and aurora soul 10 and vampire 10 along with ice charm 10(100%), and a t14 tome
#0IzDJtlO Sep 21,2021 00:03
fc2 boxer : what 80 white box stickmens : we shot a bullet that freezes boxer : got frozen and died sniper : skip screen priest : what is this a ghost again yellow big demon ghost : haha i shot bullet that explode to f6 big snake lazer sniper : OH GOD PLS COME HERE ghost : no(shot bullets) sniper died magician : skip to boss priest : okay a stickmen this is easy white boss skull gunner haha i have 800-1200 at and it is f6 big lazer but vercially and splash Priest : nOOOOOOOOO priest died magician died GAME OVER XD
#8vDahj4Y Sep 20,2021 15:36
I have done everything.
#qzwRijpl Sep 20,2021 12:06
@hdt gimme sniper priest hammer dualsw team quick post on db fandom also whats the code in fb fandom? got it on another device but not possible to enter ivanmod site bc of server :( im nickname on other device
#c4hc0CRR Sep 19,2021 01:55
Dragon Archives
I don't know. But you know what I'm talking about. Please clear the gate. Royal Nectar Force on approach. Wait a second. Oheck it out. - Hey, those are Pollen Jocks! - Wow.
#c4hc0CRR Sep 19,2021 01:55
Dragon Archives
Why would you question anything? We're bees. We're the most perfectly functioning society on Earth. You ever think maybe things work a little too well here? Like what? Give me one example.
#kv1s8NgR Sep 19,2021 01:11
Nevermind, I beat Ice Castle B)
#kv1s8NgR Sep 18,2021 21:41
Halp, I stuck in snowfield 7 :(
#0IzDJtlO Sep 17,2021 22:18
spoiler of frozen city dual sw : hmmm...okay 40 white skull gunners : shot bullet in their unison dual sw : oh god dual sw : dies priest : i have freeze spectre 13 white big x walker : oh all enemy resist to freeze lmao priest : oh white big x walker : shot a big ball in a arc to priest priest : dies predator : lets buff with war cry cyan big shield tree : summon f6 big snake lazer but is freeze predator ; oh no we got frozen predator : dies to white big x walker sniper : hello boss 3 white boss demon stickmens : hello and we have 240-360 at and it appear rapidly also it freeze sniper : oh god ew sniper : dies to boss's four arrows Game Over XD
#0IzDJtlO Sep 17,2021 17:39
210 dex on charge hammer and 50 str on str and these make the hammer 9,27 time more powerful lol with nothing it will have 3272 dps rip with yellow crystal and quick 8 it will deal 20000 dps, with 310 str priest dps will be 82000, with 37.9 times at boost dps will be 758000 kill cs boss in 3,29s looool sadly max lp is 5025 dps of boxer lv 141: okay mach gauntlet have 3-3 agi use quick 8 to get 1 agi avg at of weapon is 204, with 280 str at is 344, with berserk at is 1720, dps is 86000, with 330 str priest dps is 369800, with 37,9 time at boost dps is 3259400 kill cs boss in 1,3s WTF spark gauntlet 10 : with only compo have 180360 dps, with 37,9 time at dps is 6385644 ( wow) max dps is 9234432 sr comic the stickmens : lets go mg2 mg2 boss : no u boxer : haha u cant deal at mg2 boss : haha u dont have a priest or predator and my dragon have 4-5 at and oh i can spawn 89 of them we : oh god ew 30 sec later the stickmen is dead hahaha
#919LsK1J Sep 16,2021 06:59
No seaside 2 meu stickmans morrem sempre
#0IzDJtlO Sep 15,2021 22:33
woah what lineup are u using also, i beat the game three times in fact, freeze at is the same to everything assuming the survivability of the stickmen is 100%, the gambler card reduce lp by 99% so lp will be 1% but it provide 99,7% block rate, meaning it increase the survivability by 3,33 times or 233,33% more Comparsion with other compos, assuming having 2850 lp gambler card : will have 28 lp, but the block make it have 9333 effective lp black crystal 8 : 11400 lp zombie card : 4275 lp white stone 8 : 3350 lp this prove that gambler card is trash for this time i will also use zombie card gambler : 14000 lp black crystal : 17100 lp Now, this is a much bigger margin. this is due to lp from gambler card lp reduce happen after all lp boost, and it seems to get rounded, so there goes 50 or 75 lp, and even that, its effective lp is equal to black crystal 7. so, is it trash ??? well not really. Gambler card seem to go EXTREMELY well with beresk card, cus 1 hit only from gambler dont affect beresk at taken increase, and prove high at and block, it seems good
#o87YMEJC Sep 15,2021 21:04
What Does the gamble card do I lost my save that had and forgot what it does as well freeze damage can still hurt all the enemies at wasteland B
#hL5VVZYf Sep 14,2021 02:04
"What's the difference?" How can you say that? One job forever? That's an insane choice to have to make. I'm relieved. Now we only have to make one decision in life. But, Adam, how could they never have told us that?
#hL5VVZYf Sep 14,2021 02:04
You'll be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off in 27 million years. So you'll just work us to death? We'll sure try. Wow! That blew my mind!
#aTfFV9MT Sep 14,2021 01:12
Dragon Archives
that every small job, if it's done well, means a lot. But choose carefully because you'll stay in the job you pick for the rest of your life. The same job the rest of your life? I didn't know that. What's the difference?
#aTfFV9MT Sep 14,2021 01:11
hey, nick. maybe don't cuss out the only person on this website that wants to play this game with you lol. maybe ask politely, say please? AND try being grateful and saying thank you when hung does something nice for you. it might go a long way
#0IzDJtlO Sep 13,2021 00:02
Here we have our latest stage on ivans mod, the Palace Basement. The guy who beat palace : What does that do? me : make the screen turn into black screen that make the console go boom boom. Saves us 99999999 gold. can anyone make palace basement not going black? Of course. Most megaboss stage are grand hard. But I know how to fix it best in the most of us the cavern chronicles sr mod, our aboslute legendary tool, turn black screen thingy to total stages but they will turn your money to thin air also they are only for pc, and not nickname so sorry now its time... for one and for all... (a minute later) whoops ! I accidentally beat palace basement boss and got legendary crown lol rip money
#c4hc0CRR Sep 12,2021 02:07
Dragon Archives
Here we have our latest advancement, the Krelman. - What does that do? - Oatches that little strand of honey that hangs after you pour it. Saves us millions. Oan anyone work on the Krelman? Of course. Most bee jobs are small ones. But bees know
#c4hc0CRR Sep 12,2021 02:06
Dragon Archives
wait, I thought that hung was stepping away for a while? I can keep commenting but I thought this comments section was just going to be Nickname for a while
#0IzDJtlO Sep 10,2021 22:06
rip it froze
#0IzDJtlO Sep 10,2021 22:01
#c4hc0CRR Sep 06,2021 06:32
Dragon Archives
「A Rarer Gun」 0vote by Dragon Archives Sep 06,2021 06:30 Please Vote! ※投票ありがとう御座います。
#WkR8I3Tr Sep 03,2021 21:43
Been playing this game on and off since 2008. I remember when HC and GL were still in development. Still love this game.
#Gg7dlBKr Sep 03,2021 05:38
On wiki there is a lot of mentions of game source code. How could I view that?
#0IzDJtlO Sep 03,2021 00:59
frozen aurora 2 white big diamond tree lv 144 lp 5000000 at 0-0 type ice slow 30% bat 5-5@5% range 500 min agi 50000 expected agi 50000 strength freeze immume no weakness gold 10000 exp 10000 release a hidden projective, that emit full screen attack that are white. the projective last until the enemy attack again blue diamond dragon lv 142 lp 750000 at 10-20 type physical range 100 min agi 60 expected agi 80 no strength/weakness gold 3000 exp 1500 shot a needle toward characters cyan big x walker lv 143 lp 4000000 at 120-200 type physical range 500 min agi 200 expected agi 200 freeze immume slow immume no weakness gold 12000 exp 9000 like sf1 boss white boss triangle walker lv 144 lp 6500000 at 30-30x30 type ice slow 30% range 500 min agi 100 expected agi 200 freeze immume slow immume no weakness gold 20000 exp 12500 shot 30 three arrow up the sky. the arrows will slide for 3s when contract the ground
#aTfFV9MT Sep 02,2021 04:16
Dragon Archives
- She is? - Yes, we're all cousins. - Right. You're right. - At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology. - What do you think he makes? - Not enough.
#aTfFV9MT Sep 02,2021 04:16
Dragon Archives
is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey! - That girl was hot. - She's my cousin!
#hL5VVZYf Sep 02,2021 04:15
We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive. Our top-secret formula
#hL5VVZYf Sep 02,2021 04:14
- Wonder what it'll be like? - A little scary. Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group. This is it! Wow. Wow.
#0IzDJtlO Sep 01,2021 10:11
Welcome to Helnex, a division of Hell Of Card Grinding and a part of SANITY LOSING ON IVANS MOD. This is it! s--ks! s--ks! We know that you, as the third guy to post here, have worked your whole life
#aTfFV9MT Sep 01,2021 02:48
Dragon Archives
And begins your career at Honex Industries! Will we pick ourjob today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times.
#aTfFV9MT Sep 01,2021 02:48
Dragon Archives
Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies.
#hL5VVZYf Aug 31,2021 01:39
That's why we don't need vacations. Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. - Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah!
#hL5VVZYf Aug 31,2021 01:35
Everybody knows, sting someone, you die. Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day.
#aTfFV9MT Aug 31,2021 01:33
Dragon Archives
Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different. - Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going.
#ozVir1fg Aug 28,2021 22:13
okay lets figure what the enemies will drop
#0IzDJtlO Aug 28,2021 11:17
lets redesign them cliffside(lv121-141) get destroyed warfield(lv121-141) drop t11-12 weapons industrial zone (lv141-161) drop t13-14 weapons subflora(lv161-181) drop t15-16 weapons heaven(lv181-200) drop t17-18 weapons sky toy kingdom (lv 201-231) drop t19-20 weapons frozen aurora (lv231-251) drop t21-22 weapons laboration(lv251-271) drop t23-24 weapons electron(lv271-291) drop t25-26 weapons space(lv291-321) drop t27-28 weapons smartphone resizing hell(lv321-350) drop t29-30 weapons, final area
#aTfFV9MT Aug 28,2021 01:16
Dragon Archives
- Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it. Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward.
#aTfFV9MT Aug 28,2021 01:16
Dragon Archives
- You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me! - Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry.
#faahpc8E Aug 28,2021 00:15
[insert ur name]
call me hungdeptrai07 nickname haha a lot of series
#faahpc8E Aug 28,2021 00:15
[insert ur name]
new series : heavenly (lv 111-141) sky toy kingdom(lv141-171) fairy forest(lv 131-151), smartphone resizing HELL(lv171-200), abyss(lv70-90), laboration(lv161-181), unstable time (lv171-191) frozen aurora (lv151-181) sewer(lv111-131) Hexagon Group(lv 50-70) bee time thank to ds hallowed forest(lv140-160) a lot of series lmao
#0IzDJtlO Aug 27,2021 09:44
Will we pick ourjob today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your alt accounts and SANITY inside the board at all times. - Wonder what it'll be like? - a bit lmao.
#ZWyWaLa3 Aug 27,2021 09:44
#0IzDJtlO Aug 27,2021 09:41
Students, faculty, distinguished people on the board, please welcome dragon-slayer. Welcome, stick ranger comment board graduating class of... ...guess i forgot that. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Helnex Industries!
#aTfFV9MT Aug 27,2021 08:58
Dragon Archives
Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son. A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here.
#hL5VVZYf Aug 27,2021 00:43
Hello? - Barry? - Adam? - Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those.
#hL5VVZYf Aug 27,2021 00:43
Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second.
#aTfFV9MT Aug 27,2021 00:36
Dragon Archives
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible.
#0IzDJtlO Aug 26,2021 23:23
warfield 3 moment grey big smiley tank lv 126 lp 2500000 at 180-240 type physical bat 60-60 min agi 240 expected agi 240 range 240 no strength/weakness gold 7000 exp 7000 drop energy whip 9 and white stone 9 shoot a quick bullet that explode into a ball deal splash at red big x walker lv 127 lp 2800000 at 250-250 type fire bat 125-125 min agi 240 expected agi 240 range 500 strength fire at=1 no weakness gold 7777 exp 7777 drop fire infused sword 11 and red stone 9 yellow boss smiley walker lv 128 lp 3500000 at 1-31x31 type thunder min agi 20 expected agi 20 range 512 strength thunder at=1, slow immume, freeze immume, lethal immume no weakness gold 18888 exp 17777 drop thunder parhelion 11, black stone 9 and slider card 9 summon 31 thunder rain from the sky and each slide on the ground and 31 homing range. thunder last for 10s
#DwBlpFVN Aug 26,2021 09:03
@DS congratulation now rip New weapon again for wizard Teravolt 11 at 1-99999 agi 1-999 range 999 type thunder bat 1-99999 mp 999 Shot a ball 99 pixels big that move at the speed of 99 pixels per second, that pierce terrain and on contrast summon a f6 big snake laser pierce terrain. The ball last for 9 sec Lotta 9
#hL5VVZYf Aug 26,2021 00:29
Awh, I messed it up. Guess I have to start all over again
#hL5VVZYf Aug 26,2021 00:28
- She is? - Yes, we're all cousins. - Right. You're right. - At Honex, we constantly strive to improve every aspect of bee existence. These bees are stress-testing a new helmet technology.
#aTfFV9MT Aug 26,2021 00:27
Dragon Archives
into this soothing sweet syrup with its distinctive golden glow you know as... Honey! - That girl was hot. - She's my cousin! - She is? - Yes, we're all cousins.
#aTfFV9MT Aug 26,2021 00:27
Dragon Archives
to get to the point where you can work for your whole life. Honey begins when our valiant Pollen Jocks bring the nectar to the hive. Our top-secret formula is automatically color-corrected, scent-adjusted and bubble-contoured
#0IzDJtlO Aug 25,2021 11:37
special weapon for wizard absolute corruption 12 at 6666-6666 agi 666-666 range 666 type freeze bat 666-666x666 time 1.32s mp 1666 a skull that move slowly and pierce terrain, last for 66 sec and 666 homing range. in contract, 666 f6 big snake lazer appear one by one. assuming the wizard have enough mana to feed the insane mana cost and the enemy is near enough, it will be frozen for eternal if it dont immume to freeze, and would take a steady dps of 33,300 at freeze claw/gauntlet is trash
#hL5VVZYf Aug 25,2021 01:22
Welcome to Honex, a division of Honesco and a part of the Hexagon Group. This is it! Wow. Wow. We know that you, as a bee, have worked your whole life
#hL5VVZYf Aug 25,2021 01:22
Will we pick ourjob today? I heard it's just orientation. Heads up! Here we go. Keep your hands and antennas inside the tram at all times. - Wonder what it'll be like? - A little scary.
#aTfFV9MT Aug 25,2021 01:20
Dragon Archives
Students, faculty, distinguished bees, please welcome Dean Buzzwell. Welcome, New Hive Oity graduating class of... ...9:15. That concludes our ceremonies. And begins your career at Honex Industries!
#aTfFV9MT Aug 25,2021 01:19
Dragon Archives
Hey, listen. I don't play stick ranger but I'm here to do the Lord's work and keep you two out of the powder game comments with your stick ranger stuff. Don't worry about the fact that it's the bee movie script, be grateful that I'm helping you actually talk to each other in here :P
#0IzDJtlO Aug 24,2021 08:52
oh god nickname what did u do now it is filled with random comments
#hL5VVZYf Aug 24,2021 00:41
Boy, quite a bit of pomp... under the circumstances. - Well, Adam, today we are men. - We are! - Bee-men. - Amen! Hallelujah!
#hL5VVZYf Aug 24,2021 00:40
Don't waste it on a squirrel. Such a hothead. I guess he could have just gotten out of the way. I love this incorporating an amusement park into our day. That's why we don't need vacations.
#aTfFV9MT Aug 24,2021 00:39
Dragon Archives
- Hi, Barry. - Artie, growing a mustache? Looks good. - Hear about Frankie? - Yeah. - You going to the funeral? - No, I'm not going. Everybody knows, sting someone, you die.
#aTfFV9MT Aug 24,2021 00:39
Dragon Archives
Three days grade school, three days high school. Those were awkward. Three days college. I'm glad I took a day and hitchhiked around the hive. You did come back different.
#0IzDJtlO Aug 22,2021 13:43
time for t11-12 blowguns compressed blowgun 11 : at 1200-1800 agi 50-60 range 60 type physical it is slightly faster than dense blowgun molten blowgun 11 at 240-360 agi 50-60 range 60 type fire bat 48-72@20%(4s) burn 10% shoot a bullet spreading blazes. note that the effect will end if bullet touch terrain or enemy cryo blowgun 11 at 300-600 agi 50-60 range 60 type fire bat 100-100x60 slow 40% shoot a icicle that will turn into 60 clouds deal splash at over 2 second brave blowgun 11 at 900-1350 agi 20-30 range 60 type physical like combat blowgun 9 nightmare blowgun 12 at 600-900 agi 50-60 range 60 type physical bat 200-300x2 mp 4000 each pellet turn to 2 mines on contract with enemy or terrain long radiation blowgun 12 at 400-600 agi 150-170 range 230 type poison at 120-150 time 1.32s like long viral blowgun 10 thunderstorm blowgun 12 at 1-2222 agi 50-60 range 60 type thunder bat 1-2222x6 shoot a lazer in a arc that create 6 f6 big snake lazer long compressed blowgun 12 at 3000-4500 agi 170-180 type physical like long dense blowgun 10
#0IzDJtlO Aug 21,2021 17:23
@nickname name for every t11-12 weapons for each class boxer : didnt know gladiator : infused sword (is) cus megasword is going to be like (ms) which look like morning star priest : sceptre whipper : also didnt know angel : parhelion dual swordmen : dual scimitars hammerer : spikeaxe
#a0klBGq0 Aug 21,2021 00:19
i am gonna try to complete stickranger after not playing for 7 months
#0IzDJtlO Aug 20,2021 17:33
#hL5VVZYf Aug 20,2021 00:31
- Wave to us! We'll be in row 118,000. - Bye! Barry, I told you, stop flying in the house! - Hey, Adam. - Hey, Barry. - Is that fuzz gel? - A little. Special day, graduation. Never thought I'd make it.
#hL5VVZYf Aug 20,2021 00:30
A perfect report card, all B's. Very proud. Ma! I got a thing going here. - You got lint on your fuzz. - Ow! That's me!
#aTfFV9MT Aug 20,2021 00:28
Dragon Archives
- Oan you believe this is happening? - I can't. I'll pick you up. Looking sharp. Use the stairs. Your father paid good money for those. Sorry. I'm excited. Here's the graduate. We're very proud of you, son.
#aTfFV9MT Aug 20,2021 00:28
Dragon Archives
Ooh, black and yellow! Let's shake it up a little. Barry! Breakfast is ready! Ooming! Hang on a second. Hello? - Barry? - Adam?
#0IzDJtlO Aug 19,2021 09:08
my ideas for t11-12 swords infused sword 11 at 900-1200 agi 20-30 range 30 type physical fire is 11 at 60-90 agi 20-30 range 30 type fire bat 60-90x15 burn 10% mp 60 shoot 15 blazes drop into the ground like fire gs but they are splash at. the blazes last for 5s thunder is 11 at 60-90 agi 20-30 range 30 type thunder bat 1-99x21x11 mp 65 creates mines in 11 sets of 21 like the thunder bs 9. mines have 30 homing range and last longer than thunder bs 9 ice is 11 at 60-90 agi 20-30 range 30 type ice bat 0-0x2 + 45-60@35% ( 3s ) mp 90 create a snowflake that pierce terrain, spray out icicles that slide on the ground. both of them last for 3 s long is 12 at 1200-1800 agi 20-30 range 70 type physical lightsaber X-2700 12 at 75-120 agi 20-30 range 30 type thunder at 1-999 x1x180 mp 180 like mircale lightsaber 10 flame is 12 at 75-120 agi 20-30 range 30 type flame bat 54-72x1x150 burn 6% mp 180 like flame bs 10 frozen is 12 at 75-120 agi 20-30 range 30 type freeze bat 325-475x4x4 time 0,1s mp 180 release 4 set of 4 three arrows special weapons sonic is 11 at 100-200 agi 5-10 range 25 type physical bat 100-200x60 mp 150 create 60 mines rapidly that deal splash at lunar is 12 at 75-120 agi 20-30 range 30 type thunder bat 1-999x6+1-49x25 mp 180 create 6 star fall from the sky. each star explode into 25 sparks that homes like spark cestus 8 lmao lmao lmao
#hL5VVZYf Aug 19,2021 08:39
According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway because bees don't care what humans think is impossible. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black. Yellow, black.
#hL5VVZYf Aug 19,2021 08:37
dragon-slayer EvisnfhaowbdgaisebskOa
#aTfFV9MT Aug 19,2021 08:36
Dragon Archives
no. I defeated 170 opening street red walkers and got 8 green stones,4 stone hammers,3 staffs of wood,and NO triple shot :(((((((( lineup:sniper wizard priest gladiator i usually spend 3/(x%) times for a x% droprate item sniper gunner priest gladiator got to palace yesterday heaven castle boss lp:66666666 has 6 attacks physical release 6x size big skull 66666 dmg,thunder shoot 6 lasers do 1-333 dmg,poison shoot 66 spears 666 dmg,freeze bullet 88 dmg flake 55 dmg freeze 6.66s,ice shoot 16 sparks emiting mine both 66 dmg 66% slow,fire shoot 66 fireballs 16-26 dmg lmaolmao reply me hungdeptrai also which wizard weapon best in midgame
#0IzDJtlO Aug 17,2021 18:15
@nickname hooray cosmic flare is good, i used it until palace
#eabCW9bc Aug 15,2021 17:14
Green smiley bat
Green,smiley,bat LP:333
#dFLXa6eY Aug 15,2021 02:46
Is it possible to beat the game without moving any stickmen to dodge attacks?
#44IjY5Oy Aug 14,2021 08:39
Wait wtf it had been deleted Anyway, it is basically the Ivan’s mod but better, and u don’t have to patch them so u can open in Firefox Do u have computer? @dragon-slayer at least after finishing element war u can join us. sr is not that hard, and not that difficult to understand the game
#hL5VVZYf Aug 14,2021 00:34
Element war bb
#hL5VVZYf Aug 14,2021 00:34
Yay ayy
#aTfFV9MT Aug 13,2021 03:00
Dragon Archives
glad y'all are having fun :)
#aTfFV9MT Aug 13,2021 03:00
Dragon Archives
courtesy comment
#iPAUVddh Aug 10,2021 06:28
Cool game! =D
#aTfFV9MT Aug 07,2021 00:06
Dragon Archives
help help
#aTfFV9MT Aug 07,2021 00:06
Dragon Archives
courtesy comment
#d4tYLRgV Aug 06,2021 15:14
ayy ayy ayy ayy ayy the number is 5 3 11 8 waa waa waa waa the lineup is priest sniper predator angel waa waa waa waa That’s it yes Mg1 : check it Mg2 : wait then lure the dragons one by one ??? : no Cv5 : drag into the top of the zombies and tank the boss. Hopefully u destroy it fast enough before the boss do the same to you Sf7: no Hell castle: big no
#aTfFV9MT Aug 06,2021 00:21
Dragon Archives
ayy ayy
#0IzDJtlO Aug 06,2021 00:16
alright time for a randomized run the LineuPs is ... say from next post how i randomized : i made 10000 random lineups. each lineups have 4 randomized class, which each class is randomized from 1-12. The class is the (whatever)th class. Finally, i random a number from 1-10000 and make a button to start They are all done in excel
#aTfFV9MT Aug 05,2021 00:47
Dragon Archives
#hL5VVZYf Aug 03,2021 23:45
Ayy comment comment
#0IzDJtlO Aug 01,2021 14:27
what ever i tried, it wont work cus i couldnt find the inventory section and even if i could, change some things, it also wont work oh and war cry stack too alright i will beat sub shrine soon wlb boss deal 666-666 physical at didnt know, but i think maybe the hex color of it contain 37564 gambler card have 5% chance
#5h77V8VV Aug 01,2021 10:07
Give it back
#5h77V8VV Aug 01,2021 10:07
You were born with my butt
#0IzDJtlO Jul 31,2021 17:47
um 666666 or 66666666, and will take a extra 1000% fire damage the same to all other ones the boss shoot a charging three arrow like h5 it have the resistance of f5 boss, but physical weapon deal extra 666 at per hit
#0IzDJtlO Jul 31,2021 10:36
oh no my game is running at 10 fps instead of 50
#QDFNuk5n Jul 31,2021 08:36
I was born with only half a butt
#aTfFV9MT Jul 31,2021 07:10
Dragon Archives
courtesy comment
#o5mRyzXK Jul 31,2021 01:14
SR update in 2021 O.O lol
#0IzDJtlO Jul 30,2021 17:40
hooray we finally got a update after 2 years and it is GRAND TRASH lol 3 predator 1 priest soon
#H9vOFCdB Jul 30,2021 13:55
Stick Ranger ver19.2 Supports smartphone resizing.
#0IzDJtlO Jul 29,2021 11:56
m40 + quick 8 + crit 8 + 93 dex rest str = truck damage mossberg 590 + quick 8 +crit 8 + 201 dex rest str = wtf horror blowgun + quick 8 + catapult 8 = okay trigintuple arrow shoot 30 arrows, with bullet 8 + focus 7 = fat arrow toxic dbs + expansion 7 + flare 8 = grand lag 4 fire spirit on 4c if2 = mega lag
#p1oStWHL Jul 28,2021 19:18
thanks DrWhoosh, turned out that brave has a built in ad blocker that removed stick ranger aswell. chrome seems to be working fine so far :) <3
#0IzDJtlO Jul 28,2021 15:20
nickname! assuming if war cry stacks, each have 260 mag, horror blowgun and mag exchanger 8 and blue stone 8. then we have 410*3=1230 mag. then multiple it with 0.6 and we got 738 war cry. Multiple it by 5% and we got 3690% at which is 37,9 time stronger if m40 deal 15000 at without crit 8 then with crit we got 165000 at, multiple it by 37.9 and we got 6253500 at
#Pz22ezBX Jul 28,2021 12:24
Elephant protect
@ragge The game runs on java which is pretty old so some newer devices might not be able to run it. Try going on a computer or an older device.
#pFelGsVh Jul 28,2021 08:08
Try turning off your adblocker.
#IrX11xgZ Jul 28,2021 00:04
Hey! why doesnt the game work? i wanted a nostalgia trip and launched this up again but the game window doesnt even show up :C
#0IzDJtlO Jul 26,2021 23:05
next one like last post and also each str on hammer give 2% an both min and max at Gunner : intense lazer gun=trash, milkor 192=big trash, rpg-7=great trash, icicle gun=grand trash, bio shotgun=godly trash. good weapons : all other. Overall : 8.5/10 i give 1.5 extra cus the good one are amazing. Very good. Predator : long viral blowgun trash, nova blowgun big trash, combat blowgun great trash, spark blowgun grand trash, scorching blowgun mega trash, glacial blowgun ultra trash, arctic blowgun giga trash, dense blowgun godly trash, tranquillizer=what, indra blowgun=whatever. good weapons : horror blowgun, long dense blowgun, tranquillizer(if), indra blowgun(also if) overall : 1.5/10 almost grand trash Boxer : burst gauntlet=trash, fire gauntlet=big trash, freeze gauntlet=great trash, ice gauntlet=grand trash. Good weapons : all other. Overall, 7/10 cus boxer is already amazing at this point whipper : thorn ew trash(if), molten ew big trash, stone ew great trash, ice ew super trash, thunder ew grand trash, fire ew mega trash, ew giga trash, poison ew godly trash, greed=why Good weapons : explosion ew, holy light ew, greed(if). overall, 1/10 grand trash magician : avalanche trash, meteor storm big trash, energy bolt great trash, holy light grand trash, infernal blaze mega trash, icicle blast giga trash, toxic smog godly trash. good weapons : cluster explosion, eletrocution, diamond dust. overall : 4/10 not much better haha i laugh out loud when writing them lmao
#0IzDJtlO Jul 26,2021 21:29
@nickname rating of some endgame weapons not their class but their t9-10 weapons Wizard : glacier=trash, ghost flame=big trash, mana storm=great trash, gigavolt=grand trash, deadly toxic=mega trash, venom rain=godly trash. Good weapons : mega thunderstorm, absolute zero, scalding ice flare. Overall : 3/10, most are big trash sadly Angel : thorn halo=trash, ice halo= big trash, quick halo=great trash, long halo=godly trash Good weapons : all other halos. Overall : 7/10, decent although not very good Hammerer : ice mjolnir=trash, fire mjolnir=big trash, needle mjolnir=great trash, iron mjolnir-super trash, mjolnir=mega trash, explosion mjolnir=ultra trash, freeze mjolnir=godly trash. Good weapons : all other one. Overall : 3/10 sadly trash Sniper : diamond shot=trash, quint flare shot=big trash, quint gold shot=great trash, sept toxic shot=mega trash, quad frost arrow=ultra trash, arctic shot=giga trash, dec poison=godly trash Good weapons : triple inferno, trigintuple arrow. Overall : 2/10 most are big trash
#6L5SZ7PC Jul 26,2021 16:00
Guess this game is up next to be updated!
#0IzDJtlO Jul 26,2021 11:19
Forest 1 : use thunder and hit-and-run lake : use triple shot with some str, remember to lure the smaller ones castle : use poison arrow, solo with him, try to dodge the pellets and the two arrows. recommend to use catapult card or red stone Also recommend some weapon as volcano from f1 mushrooms, double poison from cv1 walkers, lightsaber from cg, and ice ring from gl6. try leveling up to 18 and get 5k gold (maybe in cg )
#rHy0SkoH Jul 25,2021 09:38
Sorry to interrupt the current conversion but I would like help on getting pass these boss levels. I am in a situation in where I cannot not pass the Forest 1, Lake, or the Castle boss. I don't have any mods, and I am playing the game normally. All of my team members have a LP of under 250 and are at level 13. My team consist of a Sniper, Gladiator, Magician, and Angel. The Sniper has Tripple Shot 1 + Black Crystal 1 + White Stone1 as their main weapon. As well as a Poison Arrow 1 + Poison Charm 1. The Gladiator has a Flame Sword 2 + Red Stone 1 as their main weapon and a Thunder Sword 1 + Green Stone 1 + White Stone 1 The Magician has a Explosion 1, Thunder 1, Freeze 2 They also have a Fire 1 + White Stone 1 + Red stone 1 as their main weapon and a Ice 1 + Blue Stone The Angel has a Long Ring + Red Stone 1 + White Stone1 I have 1301 gold (at the time or writing this) and have more combo items like a Ice Charm, Explosion Card 1, 2 Blue Stone, 1 Black Stone, 1 red Stone, and one Green Stone. I would like to know how to use these items to help me beat these boss levels, I know this is very specific sorry!
#qPey7iNU Jul 20,2021 16:49
Reply to nickname : 1. Firstly, i charge skirmish blowgun with blue stone 7 and catapult 7 to near max. My predator have 20 dex and 60 mag so with blue stone 7 he will have 100 mag, which mean 60 war cry. Also each war cry give 5% at and 1 def aura so my team will have 3x atk and 60 def. next, i have a gunner with triple shotgun 7 with critical 7 and bullet 7, a sniper with double hell fire 7 with bullet 5 and quick 7. Dual swordman have long dss 8 with vampire 4 and quick 5 will help him survive longer despite he had only 364 lp. Now I activated war cry and drag dual swordman under hca boss, drag gunner nearby him to let him shoot some rounds dealing good damage. Remember to revive team when they die, dodge the skulls, and always keep war cry going. 2. You will need a fresh version of ivansmod to make it not black. Otherwise u would have to use ccmod as third-party mod to make the website version not black. 3. I mean the lineup before u posted. I posted that before u give the code but my lineup i was doing was lost Tip for ur whipper lineup against ice castle: remember to use electric shock, crystal blowgun, long silver staff, thunder flail or explosion chain
#Lc0ldB6H Jul 20,2021 12:56
Well now I have to replay the entire... game... again just for ivansmod. *sigh*
#0IzDJtlO Jul 20,2021 12:35
i beat hell castle: class : like last post lv : 41 Nickname ! : after he beat hellcastle, he go to the stage in the west of it, which is call dark cave havent created whipper team so i will speedrun it soon to go to what tier, type #Tier_n ( n is what tier u want from 1-8 ) @Prof_Slime its the ivan's mod which is from this website
#Lc0ldB6H Jul 20,2021 10:57
Oh I see, well I defeated the boss after a few tries. Volcano is absolute evil for me. Also, what's the mod?
#0IzDJtlO Jul 20,2021 09:29
welp im at hellcastle: class : dual swordman predator gunner sniper lv : 41
#7toMGGcT Jul 20,2021 07:58
prof_ slime, its a mod for stick ranger
#hL5VVZYf Jul 20,2021 02:26
If I played this game I’d be down to help, but I’m really just a powder game nerd. Good luck with the wiki and with your gameplay!
#Lc0ldB6H Jul 20,2021 00:33
@nickname! I'm confused did someone make a fan made extension for Stick ranger?This is very confusing for me. I'm at the final boss and I need tips to defeating. Got any?
#Lc0ldB6H Jul 19,2021 05:39
@ hungdeptrai07 @nickname! Wait a minute. There's a palace basement, dried lake, and more levels?! It doesn't say that in the stick ranger wiki. How?! Where?! And when has there been new levels?!!
#0IzDJtlO Jul 17,2021 19:24
sorry nickname, i tried to speedrun the game and the bad ending is im stuck on seaside 4
#0IzDJtlO Jul 17,2021 14:31
Nickname! snowfield 4 : use ice weapons. snowfield 5 : bait the shots from the x walker while make it affected by priest aura. snowfield 6 : tank the shot, if u dont then try do dodge on all the enemies. snowfield 7 : bait the snake shots for the boss i recommend freeze weapons such as freeze explosion 6. snowfield 8 : bait it. for screen 2 try to tank all the shot, recommend go to the right side of the trees, skip screen 3, then the boss is not too hards just swipe around it.
#aTfFV9MT Jul 17,2021 00:11
#VhTznbwq Jul 15,2021 01:25
Prof-Slime sorry the mod game auto save is disabled, so u have to use get-set every time u clear a stage. Nickname I lost the save. So wait me speed run the game while thinking what theory would suits with u when u died before it dropped quick 8 Theory 4 : when u lost the chance to recover the damages, it would drop
#NfZaw9wy Jul 15,2021 00:59
Nickname! It is totally possible just need a desktop, a few mb and a ivansmod save. Oh No ! I accidentally beat palace basement boss and it gave me legendary crown lol. Pls trust me it worked and I tested it legitimately ! Oh and you can do multiple mods at once so u can do cavern chronicles and ivansmod at once xd
#Lc0ldB6H Jul 15,2021 00:06
But all the progress was wiped and my codes are loading them back.
#Lc0ldB6H Jul 15,2021 00:05
My game worked now. I guess it was a one time thing
#0IzDJtlO Jul 14,2021 13:44
Strange fact: step 1 : create a new ivansmod get-set code step 2 : install cavern chronicles mod step 3 : extract it step 4 : open firefox and type " about:config" on the bar at the very top of the screen and enter step 5 : you should enter advanced setting. enter " security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy " on the bar appeared and set it false step 6 :open the file extracted after that and find the " Stick Ranger Modded " and right click it. Then use open with and click on firefox step 7: put the code copied to the box. click set and ?????????????????????????????????
#Iazdd7qM Jul 13,2021 23:56
Not sure why, but I'm not able to play the game. I just started playing and got past submarine temple or what not, but the next day, the game wouldn't start. There was just the background and no game. I don't know how to fix this problem and wanna keep playing!! hungdeptra07 or nickname!I call for your help!!
#0IzDJtlO Jul 11,2021 18:31
Replying to nickname! 0. didnt know 2. yeah i think so 3. wait i didnt know guess i looted it for JUST ONE TIME and didnt loot that again also it is hard 4+7. I decided to see the playlist of magican+gunner+priest+dual swordman by dire storm on youtube. on the near end of the last video on the playlist, he went to dark cave. and i found weapon with type darkness. the boss also drop cursed gem ( if i am right, and he didnt went to the boss ) 5. they increase the chance by 125% 6. yeah 8. wait i didnt know that i want to see cus it is VERY VERY hard
#0IzDJtlO Jul 10,2021 22:08
even extra fact thorn halo + bullet 8 + expansion 7 = lagggg found something in the console : 1. found fact about the final boss of the mod. it is a stickman with skull head, have 9999999 lp, and lv 131 2. found something that are called legendary crown. it increase enemies lp by 100% per crown and it stack to 4 like imperial crown 3. the gambler's card 8 said that it decrase lp by 99% ( WTF ) 4. found some weapon with type darkness, they work like devil card, with magical attack drain scaled lp 5. found tier 8 medal, they are 25% stronger than tier 7 6. expansion 8 triple projective/residue size 7. a compo named cursed gem, which double lp drain ratio, which mean double darkness damage 8. did you found something named thunder sprit 8 ??? if dont, then here is how it works : there is a 10% chance that it will summon extreme voltage, which is 10 time stronger than gigavolt (1-111111 compared to 1-11111 from gigavolt 9 ). guess it drop from dried lake boss
#6L5SZ7PC Jul 10,2021 03:45
I'm not sure why, but this game is impossible to play. This has been an issue for a while and I'm not sure if it's just me but the games just won't open. If you go to the game on dan ball then the screen for the game doesn't show up. However, I am able to play stick ranger 2, so it might be because they run on different engines or something. It's not too big of an issue though since it might be just me and I also like the sequel more than the original.
#yyuHTwHi Jul 08,2021 12:42
#0IzDJtlO Jul 05,2021 11:59
wtf is going on I lost my save of my lineup so i lost everything
#btPgI58G Jul 05,2021 10:14
Oh no im stuck at submarine shrine my lineup is sniper gunner predator dual swordsmen
#4iU8OqFN Jul 05,2021 03:49
hello I have back to this game,what can I help y'all
#6L5SZ7PC Jul 05,2021 01:33
I can beat Stick Ranger 2 pretty easily but I struggle even beating the first megaboss (Castle) I'm not sure if SR2 will get harder but it's intresting how much easier it is.
#6L5SZ7PC Jul 05,2021 01:32
This game is pretty cool. I'm really really bad at it though.
#0IzDJtlO Jul 02,2021 17:06
@nickname did u give me ur code ??? i didn got it pls post again even extra fact combat blowgun is trash fire bs is trash dec poison/sept toxic shot is big trash quint flare shot is trash tera exp rod is big trash poison ew is trash I had done 4c volcano
#0IzDJtlO Jul 02,2021 09:00
@Benro75 If your magican have above 130 range, equip red stone 3 and catapult card 3 from submarine 2 boss. Do everything u can do to make the range above 200 and you will outrange it. If u cant or dont want to then dodge the needles they arent too hard to dodge
#IJZRVzw7 Jul 02,2021 05:16
Does anyone know how to defeat the Forest 3 boss? I'm stuck due to the poison lasting forever, My team is 3 Priests and 1 Magician
#IJZRVzw7 Jul 02,2021 04:41
Are most of the comments here about mods?
#0IzDJtlO Jul 01,2021 00:40
extra fact there is 6 types of battle staff, and 6 types of long staff, but 9 staffs have fire type, 5 staffs have poison type, 5 staff of thunder type, and total combined of ice and freeze is 7 staffs with no str/dex on dual swordman, starting from tier 5, all dual sword will be slower than sword ghost flame is trash mana storm is also trash icicle blast/scalding ice flare + aquamarine have highest slow, with 90% 4 ray gun with quick 8 while on 50 fps will drain 15 * 50 * 4 = 3000 money per second but 4 homing lazer storm consume more money lol mega thunderstorm have highest mana cost with 780 mana ray gun or mach gauntlet can reach 1 agi with quick 8 explosion mjolnir is trash normal mjolnir and iron mjolnir also trash dense blowgun is trash long halo is trash death ray + expansion 7 + quick 8 + imperial crown 4 + inferno 2 = mega ultra super duper ultimate insanely laggy that would put the game into 1 fps if you use 2 or more gunner with it you can 1HKO hell castle boss
#GBTU0mnI Jun 30,2021 13:37
i got cod @nickname! ill give you.
#UNRnohhZ Jun 30,2021 10:56
Fun fact radiantdarkblaze and dire storm was here 2 years ago
#UNRnohhZ Jun 30,2021 10:50
Did u get da code ???? Can I get your code pls
#0IzDJtlO Jun 29,2021 23:07
@nickname! It is the web version of the game. I found a video from dire storm stick ranger that he has done beating volcano while under the effect of imperial crown 4 ( so called 4c which triple every enemies including bosses chance of imperial crown is 50% from the hell castle boss
#QHFrtMD2 Jun 28,2021 22:50
4c volcano in vanilla is impossible. I couldnt pass screen 12 :(((
#0IzDJtlO Jun 27,2021 10:32
I will make a new team with dual swordman predator gunner sniper
#0IzDJtlO Jun 27,2021 10:30
Fun fact : Holy light halo + expansion 6 or 7 : the lazers disappear cus they are too big ( what ) Toxic halo + magic amp 8 + peridot 8 = insane poison damage, 552 poison frame, 594-891 poison damage ( avg 722,5 dmg ), total damage with 1 priest with 410 str is 722,5 * 552 * 4.10 = 1 635 162 dmg Glacier 10 + expansion 7 = giant residue Charge halo 10 + expansion 7 = also giant snowflakes plus lag Rapid explosion 9 + bullet 8 + expansion 7 = ultra laggy most endgame angel weapon deal insane damage with magic amp 8 ( fire halo wipe 4c palace in 1 minute, thunder halo have max 9999 bat dmg, ice halo deal 450k dmg with bullet 8 ) Hammerer too also have insane damage with magic amp 8 ( fire mijonir deal lotta damage with spinel, thunder one deal much damage with bullet 8, poison one also have insane poison damage ) The 10%/20%/40% thing on the souls and satan/devil card. There is 2 scenarios that how they work : 1. Each of the chances base on agi, lower the agi, lower the chance and vice versa 2. Each of the chances are for each class. Boxer have the lowest one, Whipper, gladiator, dual swordman have the middle chance, and hammerer have highest chance Hill country 5 is super easy if ur priest have like 100-150 dex or higher The angel crit bug is fixed on this mod, so u dont see angel kill palace boss in 1 hit So power halo is weaker than u expected, but still have insane dps with critial 8 and explosion 8 )
#QDFNuk5n Jun 26,2021 19:19
i was born with no butt
#0IzDJtlO Jun 25,2021 09:08
also hill country 6 is impossible
#0IzDJtlO Jun 25,2021 00:42
@nickname! nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not green stone and 260 dex . they decrease agi so i will go with 260 str and str exc 8 so I have 360 str ( 3 600% crit ). 3 priest with 260 str, red stone 8 and str exc 8 so each will have 410 str so 1 230% atk aura for all three priest. We will have 2 400 * 36 * 11 * 12.3 = 11 689 920 dmg Also calculated the same with hammerer, 260 str with crit 8 and yellow crystal 8, 3 max str priest aaaaannnnnddddd I got 5 065 632 dmg. By doing headbonk into all da trees on inferno 2, I got 1 519 689 600 total damage lol
#QDFNuk5n Jun 22,2021 13:29
i was born with a 3rd buttcheek can you say the same?
#R3JieOqA Jun 20,2021 00:22
@nickname! Try getting to the Forget Tree first, then. You might find an useful item in one of the Forest stages leading to it. I didn't get your code, by the way.
#0IzDJtlO Jun 19,2021 22:14
while messing with my endgame save, i somehow healed 22 907 557 lp. Yes, Im not kidding you, thats was 22 mil hp. I used priest with 256 str, red stone 8, str exchanger 8 and hammerer with megahammer 5, 256 str, critical 8 and vampire 4. Also i have imperial crown 4. I entered inferno 2, do a headbonk into all da trees and somehow result in a crit and we just dealt 22 907 557 : 0,05 = 458 151 140 dmg lol I gonna make a new lineup soon, but let me making working shoes lmao
#R3JieOqA Jun 19,2021 00:05
Try equipping bronze medals, they improve your luck. You can get some good ones at the secret stage after the Forget Tree
#6L5SZ7PC Jun 18,2021 03:10
Filler comment so nickname can comment 2
#6L5SZ7PC Jun 18,2021 03:10
Filler comment so nickname can comment
#4iU8OqFN Jun 15,2021 22:11
@nickname ho I was playing other game,what code,can you give me that again,I will help you my friend.
#0IzDJtlO Jun 10,2021 18:35
@sinnerman456 F my computer. While im doing desert 5 (and lv 44) on your save, my page crashed and suddenly, I lost my save and got reverted back to lv 33( still had beaten sub shrine )
#0IzDJtlO Jun 10,2021 09:30
@sinnerman456 Im done with seaside 1-4 and submarine 1. I will give u soon
#4iU8OqFN Jun 09,2021 22:42
@nickname I had given to you all my code if y'all need the help just send the code to me
#sHT6TmBq Jun 09,2021 08:47
also, is lightning blowgun and indra blowgun good
#sHT6TmBq Jun 09,2021 08:06
@Nenononenenone sure, the ivans mod is now v8.2
#r5OTnr3Y Jun 08,2021 23:59
@nickname! this is just the beginning.
#0IzDJtlO Jun 08,2021 23:43
@sinnerman456 I mean to extract the file inside the zip folder also first, boot firefox ( if u have ) type on the website bar : about:config then, you will found a bar under it. Now type the thing u need and do the next step @nickname! Sorry but I CANT find its website version, Also NO WAY to open other mod than ivans mod the server unvaliable? DOWLOAD THE CC MOD AGAIN AND DO THE STEP again, you will get it soon. the funniest build would be magican with lightning7 +quick 7 + knockback 5. It is funny to see enemies bouncing around, got stuck or fly around the screen and get to da other side :) But Most IMPORTANTLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope all of u playing the ivans mod website didnt terrified about this. When I was enjoying the website and on the discord, I click on some modded thingy and I FOUND THIS: I found Ivans mod !!! but not normal website thingy. IT WAS a lot better than this. The four scared place which u cant go is removed, found the spearmen class and a new continent which have purple outline and a load of stages. HOWEVER there is NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO way to play it. You will need a lot of thing and the tutorial how 2 open the mod was taken down. Also I found aeins and srmee( some sr mod on discord ) and be played by downloading the file and do the same thing to CC. the invite link was goodbye
#r5OTnr3Y Jun 08,2021 04:51
Wait-wait-wait... So you say, there's began to appear MODS to Stick Ranger?! WWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YYEEEAAAAHH!!! +20 years to game life minimum. Love it.
#OmLBNXAO Jun 08,2021 02:17
Can anybody help me get the game working? when i go in the game webpage, it just doesn't show up :/
#7toMGGcT Jun 08,2021 00:41
how do you set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false???????????
#7toMGGcT Jun 08,2021 00:36
@hungdeptrai07 step 2 is the part that doesn't work for me. When I click Alt E it just goes to the Microsoft help page thing.
#0IzDJtlO Jun 06,2021 23:43
@sinnerman456 well it is kinda complex : step 1 : download this link step 2 : find the new zip file dowloaded, open it, click the file named Stick ranger... but not open it. Instead, right click on it and hold alt + e and click ok. step 3: download Firefox ( if u dont have, if u have then skip this step ) step 4 : open firefox and type " about:config" on the bar at the very top of the screen and enter step 5 :( Important !!! ) enter " security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy " on the bar appeared and set it false step 6 :open the file extracted after that and find the " Stick Ranger Modded " and right click it. Then use open with and click on firefox step 7: Profit ! anyway if something go wrong then contract me on this board
#4iU8OqFN Jun 06,2021 09:24
@shroomy1 what team do you have
#JkcOpFSF Jun 06,2021 05:26
I'm really happy that I am progressing in stick ranger! But I do have a question Are the books you buy at the town worth the information fee? I have enough money to buy the book about the opening street. But I am little worry that it won't be a good purchase.
#4iU8OqFN Jun 03,2021 03:54
@nickname yes I have I have thunder and magic in my team.
#7toMGGcT Jun 02,2021 02:32
How do you play cavern chronicles???????????????????????????????????
#4iU8OqFN May 30,2021 02:29
@nickname last time I just giving the code to you but someone block my comments.:((((((
#4iU8OqFN May 30,2021 02:26
@nickname just give me the code I will help you to kill the seaside boss:)))))))
#O7VHRd0b May 29,2021 01:15
I might be quitting stickranger.
#O7VHRd0b May 29,2021 01:14
The SR drop rates are low af. i can't even get a ice whip.
#7toMGGcT May 28,2021 23:48
seaside a boss black, dark cave black, and dried lake also black.
#4iU8OqFN May 28,2021 19:43
@nickname I can help you that team,but can anyone please can not blocked my comment:((((((
#nqzIiKxN May 27,2021 10:54
Le Kevnie
ah yes.. i stuck at sub shrine
#7toMGGcT May 27,2021 00:35
What in ivan's mod drops shockwave tome?
#7toMGGcT May 26,2021 23:57
How do you play a mod?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
#3Jt57qi2 May 26,2021 22:56
@nickname! for waste seven the boss has to shot you but can only kill one stick man at a time ice and freeze effects have no use one him so you need to either the devils card 4 or satan card. you might want to use the devils card if you don’t want to gamble to see if you can one shot it and as well you can’t go boss level into the seaside A you turn black but you as well get highest bronze metal you can get your hands on then grind grass land A boss till he drops a magic amp card then keep doing it till he drops another one after that get fire arrow 1 with 2 slots and spark d sword 2 with 2 slots equip the magic amp card on them then put all your sp till you able to use it bat attack after 5 or 6 hits then put the rest of sp in str intill you able to shoot enemies from half way across the stage then get catapult 2 for the second slot for the dual swordsman put all sp in mag
#nqzIiKxN May 26,2021 21:11
Le Kevnie
seaside 1 has 24 level so that why this boss is so hard *seaside 2 boss maybe even harder than s1 boss*
#nqzIiKxN May 26,2021 11:00
Le Kevnie
welp ima just starting my stick ranger with 4 crown after beating volcano and hell castle
#7toMGGcT May 26,2021 06:27
you revive to beat it.
#4gEKnDUe May 26,2021 04:04
bizzare mountain
how do you beat oasis
#7toMGGcT May 26,2021 01:29
How do you download a mod???????????????
#Iy14nqhL May 26,2021 00:20
whats the meta?
#diLr26lQ May 23,2021 19:38
Can you guys tell me what's the best class and strategy to start with? I would love some help.
#0IzDJtlO May 23,2021 09:52
@nickname! Firstly u have to level up cus ur level is over twice lower than seaside 1
#3Jt57qi2 May 21,2021 23:06
use triangle arrow with knock back 4 and quick card seven it with as much str as possible at least 414 range at minimum to or to be safe have 470 range as well use multiple weapons with spirit for to take out more easily spirit 8 and be useful or and anger crown so you just need to put one of your stick man and boom take care of lots of the minions hp
#3Jt57qi2 May 21,2021 22:59
i am at closing street
#7toMGGcT May 21,2021 03:11
do you play a mod?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
#7toMGGcT May 21,2021 03:08
Snowfield 3 is impossible.
#O7VHRd0b May 20,2021 23:53
i completed stickranger with a mage.
#3Jt57qi2 May 20,2021 21:04
i only use other codes for the books i like my team already
#3Jt57qi2 May 18,2021 23:27
use hammer with berserk and gold card witha str priest that why any time you drop gold from your hit it gives you insane amount of money had can destroy all boss just after it hit let it die and revive it in tell the boss is dead as well i need helm kill the fire thing from hell 8 so i can get the flame gs any one know how
#7toMGGcT May 17,2021 07:04
thank you!
#KTEzy3qp May 16,2021 21:50
which game?
#KTEzy3qp May 16,2021 10:46
@brian i did snowfield 8
#4iU8OqFN May 16,2021 06:36
@sinnerman456 something you have level up wrong,do you have to level up Sniper mage and dex you have to level up dual swordman mage it will make sword have mp then it will make BAT same to the Hammerer and can you play again I really can't help,I will try to help you kill the submarine shrin
#O7VHRd0b May 15,2021 23:21
I played stickranger on a tablet for about 9 or 6 hours. I didn't stop. Anyways, heres my team that i used! Priest, sniper, swordman, and boxer.
#4iU8OqFN May 15,2021 22:53
@nickname if you are not going to help me I will not give you code about my team You did a bit too much:(((((((((((((
#0IzDJtlO May 15,2021 15:54
well I created 2 other lineup btw
#OtdSsqZS May 15,2021 04:45
@sinnerman456 for the sub-shrine boss, you might want freeze charms, as they will help greatly against its snowflakes. Another thing to keep in mind is its tendency to flee so you can either position your team in a way that they circle the boss (all of them have to be equal distance away for this) or pin it to a corner.
#7toMGGcT May 15,2021 04:22
I could help you with that!
#7toMGGcT May 15,2021 04:15
#0IzDJtlO May 14,2021 22:45
now im done with my team, lets move on the next team
#OtdSsqZS May 14,2021 04:34
@sinnerman456 original version of the game right?
#7toMGGcT May 14,2021 02:02
How do you beat sub shrine
#7toMGGcT May 14,2021 02:01
can anyone here play a mod thats not ivans mod?
#A4TUH0oN May 13,2021 22:16
@nickname you know what I just very good at this game, I just killed a hill Country 5 and the Hill Country 6,can I get one mage Thunderstorm 10.we can't get into the dark cave,when I kill the hill Castle boss and it just shows go into the settlement and I sell something in the settlement it shows a Road into the cave 9.
#KTEzy3qp May 13,2021 20:27
found it, now ill get the card
#KTEzy3qp May 13,2021 20:25
@brian bronze medal 7? where do I get that? how do i get it? ill buy bronze 5
#0IzDJtlO May 13,2021 12:25
btw now im at lv 106 and i beat the palace boss anyway im need to level up to do hill country 4 + wasteland B + wasteland 8( to get the charge mjolnir 10) all on 4c
#7toMGGcT May 13,2021 10:54
can anyone here play a mod?
#0IzDJtlO May 13,2021 10:52
@sinnerman456 me second try now i have two of it
#7toMGGcT May 13,2021 00:15
I got ??? card on my first try.
#A4TUH0oN May 12,2021 21:53
@nickname the Hill Country 5 was too hard,I can't even kill a lot. I have a task for you now,you must kill all the boss in the new was so hard,are using one month to get into the palace.if you want to get a card name ??? you need to using bronze medal 7 ,and 4 imperial crown you want to kill more at one time,because the drop rate of card ??? it's very low.
#7toMGGcT May 12,2021 09:32
What's a mage and how do you play mods`?
#0IzDJtlO May 11,2021 23:53
@nickname! it is possible to unlock it ( beat the hell castle boss ), but due to somethings that im didn't know, you cant enter it it just turn black screen btw
#7toMGGcT May 11,2021 09:39
whats a mage
#A4TUH0oN May 11,2021 03:27
@nickname what grade are you on?
#A4TUH0oN May 09,2021 22:29
@nickname sorry nickname someone blocked my comments ,the enemy in the palace it was the opening Street the green slime.everyone can kill them easily.someone was lying,the palace basement it's nothing just black.the enemy in palace each attack just 1 lp. I'm so sorry nickname I don't even know did Dad blocked stick ranger modded if you have some question about stick ranger mode you can ask me.can can you turn on the YouTube。did you dad block you YouTube.if he didn't click on search and type in 【dire_storm stick ranger】and click playlists click sniper+wizard+priest+angel,this is what someone playing the mode.
#KTEzy3qp May 09,2021 11:24
star drop rate? also which item?
#A4TUH0oN May 09,2021 07:41
@sinnerman456 4 place you can‘t go it's dark cave Seaside A dried lake and palace basement you can kill the palace boss and get the card ???remember to put Drop rate 7,using the code I give it to you last time. @nickname you can go to mode and take a look,it was changing a lot but it was the same hard
#7toMGGcT May 09,2021 01:43
palace basement is all black like dark cave.
#A4TUH0oN May 08,2021 06:38
@noulmao do you play the new map in there?don't think you can break my Saving Island!I have other copies of this!did you kill the palace boss?and did you get the card named ???drop from palace boss?please tell us that everyone just don't trust me!!!!!
#7toMGGcT May 08,2021 02:11
its impossible
#A4TUH0oN May 08,2021 00:46
cave 9 boss and Monster just like cave 3,the boss will squirt inferno fire and the monster will squirt inferno fire too.and the palace boss well drop a card named ???.I'm not joking the this card really name ???,it say:find the place with green rain the true king lives west of this place... what does that mean???
#7toMGGcT May 08,2021 00:14
cavern 9 is impossible any tips?
#A4TUH0oN May 07,2021 23:27
when I first time get in the palace ,it has a green slime just like opening Street green slime lv is 131,lp is 6666666.when I kill the green slime he shows the end? and guess what I found after the palace I was trying to found it has other hiding place and it did I found Palace basement!the map didn't show any redpoint just like mist grove???.it was in top of the palace,when I get in palace basement the screen just shows all black.I wish I could see but it's not.
#3Jt57qi2 May 07,2021 22:00
Nick name Use lightning weapons at submarine shrine as well as well use fire items items and well you you need at least bronze metal 3 one all weapons for grinding but it does not make everything drop a 100% as well it be easier with a 1 other range then to mages best to use a sniper with a gunner or a sniper with triple posion as well you need to check your level kill a enemy each submarines and mg you have and what ever one gave you the most exp then do that one as well on mg2 you want to go straight to the boss cause you need much hp as possible once you are there kill it first before focusing on the minions once you kill then all you have to do is kill the minions
#A4TUH0oN May 07,2021 08:04
paste the password Here【】all I want to do it share my fun.
#OtdSsqZS May 07,2021 07:35
@sinnerman456 good work getting that far. Use fire weapons on mist grove 1
#A4TUH0oN May 07,2021 01:41
@Benjamin10 now try again.
#7toMGGcT May 07,2021 01:41
my team is boxer, boxer, gladiator, and sniper. I'm at seaside two and mist grove 1
#3Jt57qi2 May 07,2021 01:09
Brian it say you need permission
#A4TUH0oN May 07,2021 00:42
using this to go to the palace
#3Jt57qi2 May 06,2021 21:37
Pyramid hard when you don’t have the right gear
#A4TUH0oN May 06,2021 21:37
@nickname nickname you should go to the mode and see,it has a lot enemies.I using 2 weeks to get into the palace it's very hard.I just want y'all to see the new enemies the new weapon ,y'all can go in take a one look and you can get out and get back here.All i want to do is share my happiness.
#7toMGGcT May 06,2021 05:04
Mach punch with high strength is OP for early game.
#3Jt57qi2 May 06,2021 03:24
No not satisfying use the vingatple arrow is only distance and it at the endgame for gladiator get fire sable 4 and look at the damage as I wipes thorough everything it even more when it team with a boxers thin it satisfying just see the grasp of how much damage that is as a low level weapon
#3Jt57qi2 May 06,2021 03:20
It only hard at pyramid and hell 8 and the ice castle and the snowfields 8 6 mostly causes the bosses and also the the one right before cave 7 mostly cause of the fire minion that hang so close to the boss
#7toMGGcT May 06,2021 02:10
how do you download cavern chronicles
#A4TUH0oN May 05,2021 21:47
But I will also support your ideas
#A4TUH0oN May 05,2021 21:46
@nickname it's not easy to get in the hell castle,every enemies are the same hard.except after Hell Castle there was a new boss in the palace,I used 1 months to go to the hell Castle,now I stuck in the cave 9.The only bad thing is that he didn't finish the game. 4 place you can't just like stick ranger.
#3Jt57qi2 May 05,2021 21:05
I beat both stick rangers tho I need mods for entertainment
#BTRPc1J1 May 05,2021 07:24
Brain make a team with gladiator it so satisfying to do it damage and the amount of numbers hit the bottom screen I would do it but I can’t get past the any the stages
#O7VHRd0b May 05,2021 06:47
Stickranger is just a friendly verion of Doom.
#A4TUH0oN May 05,2021 04:21
t's so fun it has the new map in the mode,and the new weapon,and 4 new has dual swordsman,hammerer,predator and wizard.
#O7VHRd0b May 04,2021 22:43
i dont think you should share your game password.
#A4TUH0oN May 04,2021 21:45
y'all can searching lvans mod by Google
#OtdSsqZS May 04,2021 21:11
@nickname! The funniest? Uhhhhhhhhh...
#OtdSsqZS May 04,2021 05:12
@brian uhhhhh...
#A4TUH0oN May 03,2021 23:44
hey guys I will give y'all some funny things to do !!!!!!! 1.copy this password 1pq92wohbWSPNNrtPSin3AUdzP51*EUKPAXxUzLrpEpkCnjEt0a9l8neIlR8udNwiVJ8.xpKGFB8655ae*ENhwGbwBXAYGmRxMuPsNvmO9qFosWN8UEZDF4A2paofoknnnqafrprpVYijDQs6HZq97K.DyOeykApGiHW2nEHkgIcFoNP5.oP9Dw4pyeL3okhYsuvstvGKbnq.JTqyBLLWCKTdo.BPeu9Rk2Nj4SrFg6Z1W0X3cAlLyaDtYExfO8viWLB2vqkfbYVTSSW3DKsz7Yo*Hk.dt7R.IfFczO4bHmEiI6gJGrXR3kO20jQo740 here 3.paste the password in top the withe box,then click set.??
#O7VHRd0b May 03,2021 23:43
I'm using the OG team.
#GZkriHit May 03,2021 22:13
all snake
#KTEzy3qp Apr 28,2021 21:00
alright i am gonna use sniper instead
#OtdSsqZS Apr 28,2021 14:30
@noulmao if you have a gunner on your team that would be why
#KTEzy3qp Apr 28,2021 12:11
why the hecc am i losing money?
#OtdSsqZS Apr 27,2021 06:24
I’ve noticed that angel’s “charge” rings seem to function very different from the rest of the rings in terms of the magic abilities and seem to be more powerful as a result. With that said is there a “best” charge ring or are they all equally useful depending on circumstances?
#7toMGGcT Apr 27,2021 04:33
how to play mods
#OtdSsqZS Apr 25,2021 20:46
@brian and don’t try to use thunder type weapons against it
#A4TUH0oN Apr 24,2021 22:26
@superdino85 no it's the ocean in the desert.
#OtdSsqZS Apr 24,2021 04:11
@brian you’re referring to the sub shrine boss right? If so the only thing you really have to watch out for is the snowflakes. There’s a couple ways you can go about this. First, put some lv 2 freeze charms on your boxer and gladiator cause they’re going to soak up most of the shots by default. The second option is to position everyone on all sides of the eel at roughly equal distance so it’ll have a hard time running and focusing on anyone.
#A4TUH0oN Apr 24,2021 02:37
did anyone know how to kill the ocean boss, my team is gladiator,gunner,priest and boxer.
#OtdSsqZS Apr 23,2021 10:13
#w8aHpgXa Apr 22,2021 19:41
@nickname! F myself I DIDN USE GET SET EVERYTME I LEAVE SO NOW IM ALWAYS STUCK ON LV 11 that gonna blame on me.
#O7VHRd0b Apr 21,2021 22:28
I broke the EXP thing again. time to restart!!!
#sHT6TmBq Apr 21,2021 18:37
yes yes yes yes yes
#rPVUGryW Apr 21,2021 10:07
Remake: @brian, please make IvansMod on SR2 please.
#rPVUGryW Apr 21,2021 10:05
@brian, plz make this on SR2 plz.
#A4TUH0oN Apr 20,2021 01:25
are y'all want to use other team?click to have more
#O7VHRd0b Apr 19,2021 01:56
i replaced the boxer with swordman and i replaced the gunner with sniper.
#w8aHpgXa Apr 18,2021 23:55
@nickname! step 1 : grind exp until you get kinda level 21-24 (probably in cv1) step 2 : if ur priest have 2 def ( 10 dex) then do seaside 4. it have lot of enemies and they give like around 150 xp. grind it until you get on lv 27-31 step 3 : you have to beat mg2. there are some thing u can do: get the sabel 3, a vampire card, a yellow crystal or crit card. also get 2 delta explosion 3 for ur mages. also hope u have 3 def on the priest. (this is risky but fast and u should got a decent lp for ur gladiator ) the second way for mg2 is super tedious: get a white stone and a black crystal, equip it to the gladiator. Get 2 delta explosion like last way. enter the boss stage and turn auto move off. then bait some enemies and kill them. then do it again until the boss stop spawning dragons, and u can kill it ( a safe and long way, maybe take 15-30 min) I don't know if this work for you, but you should got high gold. anyway I hope you success and pls tell me if something go wrong. sub 3-4 soon
#O7VHRd0b Apr 18,2021 22:56
i freaked up on the EXP on a tablet. So if you have an iron medal 3 on both priests and remove it, then the exp will have a seizure and count the exp as 1. it was on tablet stickranger.
#sHT6TmBq Apr 18,2021 16:37
anyways im going create a new team with magician gunner priest boxer
#sHT6TmBq Apr 18,2021 16:32
@nickname! can u give me about your team, your lv, what submarine are u stuck
#O7VHRd0b Apr 13,2021 22:05
my new team: sniper, mage, sword idiot, and boxer.
#O7VHRd0b Apr 13,2021 05:22
i restarted, i got the crown.
#I2X9LLUp Apr 12,2021 10:00
needle cestus kinda good, it makes an orb of needles around the boxer.
#I2X9LLUp Apr 09,2021 23:56
@nickname! i have restarted so many times. i used so many teams. i don't think none of the teams i have used will work.
#UVsTIoYN Apr 09,2021 17:51
@sinnerman you donot there are so many mods there,go play em @applesauces hell1 is real easy with baitbaitbait strategies but hell2 is hard For brrrrrr of characters,1.bait h7 boss high and keep stickmen away so it dont move and shoot tons of fire,go into the fire a moment later. 2.let everyone attach the poison of f3 boss. 3.the 2nd screen of IF2.4.the fire of pyramid boss.℮tc ℮tc Magician magician priest gladiator,leveling up takes really long and is boring,stuck at mistgrov℮ 2 and submarin℮ 1.cant get fire spirit 2. Also applesauces,how many teams do you have?this is my 6th t℮am. Btw i have a fαηcγ ηαཀ℮ now. :D
#7toMGGcT Apr 09,2021 09:43
can you update this
#I2X9LLUp Apr 09,2021 00:46
#A4TUH0oN Apr 08,2021 23:52
How to use the mode?
#I2X9LLUp Apr 08,2021 23:40
haha boxer go brrrrrrrrr. But for real, needle weapons are OP as hecc. @nickname! use big thunder on submarine shrine boss.
#t9ara1Fu Apr 05,2021 06:19
@nickname I didn't have several iron medal 7.Do you know how to get this? I have anger crown and imperial crown. the book says the volcano boss only drop and anger crown
#R3JieOqA Mar 31,2021 16:28
What are the other 2 classes you have?
#I2X9LLUp Mar 29,2021 23:49
@nickname You might have a hard time with the submarine shrine boss. Thunder-type weapons are best to use for the boss.
#I2X9LLUp Mar 29,2021 23:46
I might be leaving Dan-Ball for a while. please don't expect messages from me. T_T
#t9ara1Fu Mar 28,2021 00:04
now I kill the volcano boss 6 I in level 99 !!!!!!!!!!!!
#t9ara1Fu Mar 27,2021 08:32
I killed the boss of the volcano for the second time!!!!!!!!I got it victory!!!!!!!I only resurrected the boxer and gunners six times!!!!!What a day to celebrate!!!!
#L2PbCSdm Mar 27,2021 08:25
The game doesn't show up for me even when I reload. Anyone know what to do?
#I2X9LLUp Mar 25,2021 22:25
I only have my Gunner fighting the pymarid boss. i got a red stone 4 and replaced the green stone 4 with the red stone 4.
#t9ara1Fu Mar 25,2021 21:57
@nickname l think about it.triple shootgun More suitable for you This gun is more powerful than other guns.
#t9ara1Fu Mar 25,2021 21:51
@nickname you can try homing laser wave 8 this is a lightning gun He has tracked and walked through walls without a can get from hell Gates:3 the X will drop it.
#FWCmdIHJ Mar 25,2021 05:01
I'm stuck in Submarine shine and it hasn't next nevel after the mist grove 3
#4vlSMJZD Mar 24,2021 04:32
Is anyone else having issues getting this to run? I have a blank screen when I try to play it
#I2X9LLUp Mar 24,2021 00:10
I killed the boss. E
#I2X9LLUp Mar 23,2021 22:55
@nickname! my team: 2 priests, 1 gunner, and one boxer. it's going well.
#dYw7dtjy Mar 23,2021 14:59
elliot dum boi
thanks for making this game it is so fun
#YnFy16mz Mar 23,2021 11:19
I need advice to further progress in stick ranger Usually after the first boss one or two people of my roster survives while the rest are dead and it cause to much to revive the whole team and the only survivor(s) are VERY low on health. Any tips to make further through?
#t9ara1Fu Mar 23,2021 03:16
@nickname You can get triple shootgun from inferno 1 boss and add Quick‘s card 5,critical’s card 5.That will be Easy to Kill the Boss, Remember to kill that soldier.
#I2X9LLUp Mar 22,2021 21:17
how to beat oasis?
#rPVUGryW Mar 22,2021 09:03
IM A H4c3R!!
#4wpMrSWR Mar 21,2021 13:38
喜歡射手 苦惱洞穴關卡的玩家 除了貫穿卡 也可以玩玩反彈卡 尤其綠洲販賣的毒霧弓 會讓洞穴一片紫色
#FWCmdIHJ Mar 19,2021 22:51
In grassland 7,the tower monster has the attack like poop of monster because of the color of the attack
#t9ara1Fu Mar 19,2021 08:18
@nickname tell me which group are you use?Is there any group injury?
#t9ara1Fu Mar 18,2021 23:18
@applesauces I tell you why I use this group.2 priests Greatly reduced lethality,a gunner Greatly increased the attack power against the enemy,a boxer, a boxer is very helpful for hell 2,sonwfield 6 sonwfield 7 and desert 5,so this group is most powerful.
#I2X9LLUp Mar 18,2021 01:18
im now at D1 boss and its going great. just a few more hits.
#I2X9LLUp Mar 17,2021 00:20
I have been fighting the submarine shrine boss for 3 hours.
#t9ara1Fu Mar 17,2021 00:08
@nickname If you have a boxer you better use sonic knuckle 4 and add a Vampire's card 4 You can get vampire's card 4 in pyramid.That will be easy to Kill the Boss.
#t9ara1Fu Mar 16,2021 23:25
@applesauces Is my recommended group easy to use?
#I2X9LLUp Mar 16,2021 22:41
@BRUH press new game. pick 4 classes. i recommend 2 priests, a gunner, and a boxer.
#y0Z1MrUM Mar 16,2021 03:27
HOW DO I DANG PLAY THIS?, It says get/set IDEK HOW TO START anymore, i remember 8.1
#t9ara1Fu Mar 15,2021 06:59
@player you need a boxer or a gunner.What group are you using?You can dodge his bullet.He has the highest health.
#t9ara1Fu Mar 15,2021 06:53
@nickname Actually that one is the one I recommend to you.I use that gun until I kill the final boss.And you need a boxer.
#FWCmdIHJ Mar 15,2021 03:56
How I can defeat the boss of forest 2?
#FWCmdIHJ Mar 15,2021 03:55
I'm stuck in Forest 2 and Seaside 1,I can't reach to Cavern and Combo shop.
#I2X9LLUp Mar 13,2021 23:41
i woke up and the first thing i do is just play stickranger.
#t9ara1Fu Mar 13,2021 04:47
@nickname late,The gun that fell from the big spider.
#t9ara1Fu Mar 13,2021 04:27
@nickname the magazine Will it be better than before?Can I change it?
#I2X9LLUp Mar 12,2021 04:31
#I2X9LLUp Mar 12,2021 03:16
I'm now using 2 priests, one gunner, and a boxer
#t9ara1Fu Mar 11,2021 22:21
@nickname My recommended gun easy to use?
#t9ara1Fu Mar 11,2021 03:45
I started playing this game again.Why is there five dollars for a bullet that I shoot out now? I remember when I played for the first time, he only paid 1 bullet per post
#I2X9LLUp Mar 11,2021 00:03
i should restart after im done trying to kill D1 boss.
#I2X9LLUp Mar 10,2021 22:47
tips on how to defeat D1 boss?
#t9ara1Fu Mar 10,2021 00:45
@nickname You need to kill the giant spider It will drop 3-round burst 5 And put bullet‘s card 4 and catapult’s card 4.In desert 4 boss and desert 2 boss
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