Monster Box Comments
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#ryRuuqKB Feb 16,2025 15:34
half life boxer is hard capped at just under 120k dps and only deals decent damage to bosses
#ryRuuqKB Feb 16,2025 15:32
half life boxer is only good for speedrunning/early game bossing, it eventually gets outclassed by archer/sniper and other boxers cause it doesn't get bonus damage from anything, archer could deal millions of damage if used properly (20 pierce chance then everything else but range spread out with 10 less on pierce damage)
#bRYNr38V Feb 10,2025 12:34
dude roy, this game is barely notice by anyone, you think that this game would get an update?
#bRYNr38V Feb 10,2025 12:33
This game should get an update
#RUJph5GD Feb 06,2025 20:44
I’m still defeating first monsters
#ZItSV08J Jan 22,2025 09:09
There should be eight though, one for each slot
#ZItSV08J Jan 22,2025 08:51
What would be better is more classes.
#huU9oqd5 Jan 17,2025 00:37
magcian sukcs
#311uzrgA Jan 16,2025 07:28
Im just realizing that snipers with pierce damage are kinda op for farming multiple bosses
#EB99Elc9 Dec 17,2024 02:37
nvm, the cap of jewels you can get from bosses is 50 for each boss. I just happen to hit that cap.
#EB99Elc9 Dec 17,2024 02:34
I'm not getting anymore jewels from killing bosses, why?
#sK7sWlSE Dec 12,2024 04:22
Beijing Corn
@Elementarie you are noob
Console commands that work: im only giving you one cuz it takes the fun out of making an entire file containing every command to almost all games
Lb = 1;
instantly remove a medal notification
#72AzsP9Y Dec 06,2024 15:05
@jimbo you need all max half-life boxers and it still takes about an hour
#8AaBMQQE Dec 06,2024 04:40
hallo komeradens :D ( i think thats how its spelt idk )
#jidZ8BEr Nov 30,2024 01:42
I have a boxer that does 10000 damage a hit and it still can't kill the lvl 50 bosses
#PI0pnZSn Nov 26,2024 14:14
Restarted this game and currently have 5 lv40 snipers and then...just some lv55 slimes spawning. Really just an early-game setup I think (Forgot the "itz" on my last post. Oops. Sorry.)
#PI0pnZSn Nov 26,2024 09:21
Ah, nostalgia...
#hj8ef4M9 Nov 19,2024 23:33
This game is so addicting lol
#fUcpP9r2 Nov 01,2024 21:31
Guys I took the wettest fart ever and now it hurts :(
#FvBc6e3i Oct 30,2024 01:50
gladiator is best start cause it attacks the fastest
#36aWQLT4 Oct 28,2024 23:07
Heavenly Master
Guys pls help me which is the best to start with: sniper, gladiator, magician or boxer? I feel the magician is not good enough cause it doesn't attack fast enough but I'm confused bout the other three.
#4xmsiNxv Oct 22,2024 03:53
@kolamishaa_alt, Maybe not real, Cause this is cost sixsixsix gold, A glich
#EB99Elc9 Oct 18,2024 22:14
jewels are rewards for defeating bosses
#SJv8dyB0 Oct 18,2024 09:43
8/10 it’s so tempting to binge the this game lol but seriously guys how does jewels work?
#m8H49UF0 Oct 10,2024 22:09
Archers are OP ngl, lol
#EB99Elc9 Oct 03,2024 02:47
fun fact: there is a point to resetting, there is some medals you can get ONLY from having a team with one class. I suggested resetting when your people get around lvl 150, since the rate you get stuff starts to extremely slow down.
#fUcpP9r2 Sep 26,2024 22:02
Just found this game a few days ago and I already fell in love with it
#gfnGX4sb Sep 23,2024 01:37
I accidentally upgraded the slimes to have 250ish revive chance so now I'm cooked but not for a long time :(
#tU0RBxpU Sep 21,2024 21:41
It's a fun game.
#Nu4juGvG Sep 20,2024 22:01
Please don't risk game over
#0kD4zmbD Sep 16,2024 23:34
how do i get them
#5RQWVHHH Sep 11,2024 03:52
@Beijing Corn I tested a few but all they do is nothing or crash the game
#sK7sWlSE Aug 30,2024 01:39
Beijing Corn
any console commands here
#qPXiEZog Aug 15,2024 20:53
i came to the comment secton to feel good about how good im doing and everyone elseis way better
#FPbsbFoR Aug 09,2024 02:43
good work, one of the most interesting indle games imo
love from china
#uIrPiGUH Jul 30,2024 18:22
Uncle Al
How much money do I need exactly for the 10 minute money medal?
#aDjPnPMb Jul 10,2024 11:04
10,000,000 max coiiiiins lets goooooooooo
#2F7Rbbjl Jun 26,2024 08:15
i like this game
#u0JUJv5o Jun 25,2024 08:52
Versão mobile não vai atualizar?
#a1JooYGs Jun 22,2024 12:56
Underrated game
#ciU5OsTp Jun 18,2024 07:14
save for more dudes, 2 of each type
#k3ZnGgbp Jun 17,2024 08:53
Nevermind just use full boxer with these upgrates:
Range AT:
#k3ZnGgbp Jun 16,2024 06:41
Use full sinper!, bc Its Super fun with 5784136 monsters and you get tons of money
#LS7wAKSy Jun 09,2024 10:51
Needs get and set to save medals
#FWefgn1G Jun 01,2024 23:27
the stickmans being used for every fighting game on dan-ball:
#DDag7BI9 May 11,2024 10:48
#OB8PwbvR May 07,2024 23:11
Everyone fighting over the best class, while I patiently await the day Monster Box 2 arrives
If it is ever to become real
#JDnzOJZw May 06,2024 11:00
This is literally no doubt the best kill-time game
#nu7uylKK May 01,2024 19:29
I have full snipers and they are doing bits. I have 1.4b per minute
#gTRfCgxC Apr 14,2024 23:54
snipers aren't worst class bcz the multiple arrow is very healthy to increase attention span @hello but i agree with other things u said
#dhrIUGTi Apr 14,2024 07:41
everyone says boxers, magicians and snipers are the best builds but it has to be gladiators. with 7 or 8 and a magician with flame armor to buff damage and a lot of range you can really make a lot of money killing high LP white tree monsters especially with money up jewel upgrades over level upgrade(though you need a balance of player LV max to make the most out of the magician, if you do use it) to get damage and highest LP white tree. the build is max damage on nomal sword(not sword strike) to try to do the max damage somewhere above the max LP white trees. snipers are the worst class since they only have one build and don't have a controlable AOE and pretty low damage so it's really hard to get DPS and mps metals. This games skill ceiling is high and it's honestly really crazy, we NEED NEW CONTENT HELP ME DEVS. I been playing this game since near it's release so so many times, its still really good and I'm still mastering the tech to get the most hard medals.
#gTRfCgxC Apr 13,2024 21:39
THE NEW UPDATE CALLED THE uhh more monsters
#sxP89jl6 Apr 07,2024 23:38
i was having many gladiators and one boxer (boxer is very big dmg and it killing bosses very fast) and............ i spammed revival (slime) and i cant kill it i just spammed bosses to game over......................
#fZTTLeVA Apr 03,2024 09:49
snipers and magicans are the best
#gTRfCgxC Apr 02,2024 00:32
happy fpril aools guy s
#EGTFCOe5 Mar 21,2024 12:30
I had a level 150 sniper that had 86 points put into arrows so the whole screen was just constantly filled with arrows
#gTRfCgxC Mar 08,2024 14:04
frieD195 start a new build and use all money all snipers arrows
#ZTvoKxrZ Mar 08,2024 05:10
Alrighty, I've maxed out all the upgrades and all bosses are at LVL 50. All my fighters are at LVL 180. Nothing else left to do other than maybe try another build or try to max out the games money counter.
#wXZw4Ob6 Feb 21,2024 22:55
gladiator good
#gTRfCgxC Feb 18,2024 23:06
hello my fellow monster boxers
#pGxaa72a Feb 10,2024 18:18
good game all my sticmans 150 lvl!
#OEInRPRM Feb 08,2024 22:20
Idle game but not
#u3FV6FQd Feb 08,2024 20:55
only do gladaiator with max sword strike. then only do green box monster upgrade bound a lot. i got to $789,343,543,000
#ZTvoKxrZ Feb 08,2024 02:03
Got all my characters to 180 and am farming gold for my last Max Monster upgrade to the 5,000 limit. I want an update to remove the max level for the bosses so I can keep earning the boss gems and leveling up. PLZ UPDATE SOON PLZ!
#OGpTZJUr Jan 19,2024 23:32
this is a fun game i probably earned 100,000 money
#g7GcYg2S Jan 16,2024 04:10
i wish this game was on steam with cloud saving because yes
#oxAB2Trn Jan 16,2024 01:06
Delta 1000 MAX BJS
#ioly1b2j Jan 10,2024 16:45
Oh yeah and if you click the monster again on the right it'll go back to the monsters tab
#ioly1b2j Jan 10,2024 16:44
You gotta click the monster you want on the right then click the thing that looks like a ☠️ (bones making an X shape), if you have enough money you can click "Up" and it'll spawn a boss
#F67vgMID Jan 09,2024 05:00
How do you summon the boss? im stuck
#EFah5e49 Jan 08,2024 12:32
Answering some old questions.
Tower medal is obtained by having 500 or more of Ohagi (ball on the tower monster) with a tower height of 10 (the maximum height). This is achieved by leveling the tower (at least 30 point in tower, higher increases the odds) and spawning more monster.
Half life attack seems to have damage limit of 9999 on bosses.
Easy way to achieve 99.9 is to make population of Kusamochi (slime) 200-500 and kill one and spawn more until 999/1000. 99.98 is not possible until monster limit is at least 5000.
#EFah5e49 Jan 08,2024 12:21
You cannot currently get the medal for 99.98% monster bar unless you have a limit of 5000 or greater. You also cannot get the 1600 level milestones as you would need 275 gems and can only allocate 200 (180 is at 180 gems). There are classes in the source code for "priest", "gunner", and "whipper" for the future, they are not implemented. The game is fun but the mobile app contains key are currency for additional upgrades. You can purchase additional flat money, money percent, and bonus damage percent. These require keys from watching advertisement and cannot be purchased with real life monies.
#V0umM6IM Dec 15,2023 11:02
tbh games amazing played for hours but a bit concerning because my sniper has 120 arrows
#L77BULoL Nov 19,2023 12:14
Monster box needs get set function
#7TdC0XKL Nov 12,2023 09:13
Can you add more characters like "gunner" please
#pp5sinOg Nov 03,2023 00:08
Kolamishaa Says Skydive Time! Kolamishaa Says Nuh Uh It Did not Work
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#sNPtFc4H Oct 28,2023 15:31
The goal of this game is to kill monsters and earn money
#pp5sinOg Oct 22,2023 20:11
kolamishaa says Here's A Money skyk says Thanks
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#LD10Lb22 Oct 13,2023 21:15
#v6S1IyOo Oct 11,2023 07:19
#BcAZwrJs Sep 22,2023 12:03
Smash or pass: loons from helluva boss. *these are just random thoughts so pls no hate :(*
#oNWXAK7N Sep 20,2023 19:39
My Singing Monsters reference.
#VRTngqEo Aug 10,2023 19:02
@the guy under me :just use all snipers
(btw my stick men lv 160)
#rJhBv3ZI Aug 10,2023 18:15
my stickmen are all level 70 and the monsters are level 60
#VRTngqEo Aug 10,2023 09:15
i played for 2hour and now my every stick men is lv16 most monster is 3000 most coins is 1 000 000 000.(all sniper s)
#rJhBv3ZI Aug 09,2023 14:49
help my stickmen managed to colonize the andromeda galaxy
#BxTigAUb Jul 27,2023 11:27
sorry, wrong comment section
#BxTigAUb Jul 27,2023 11:26
is there a way to know if the 6 hour timer ended?
#JnPvOldq Jul 23,2023 13:06
They really need to update this game.
#JnPvOldq Jul 23,2023 13:04
760 keys lol
#rJhBv3ZI Jul 18,2023 20:10
nevermind i game overed and lost my 1 hour progress
#rJhBv3ZI Jul 18,2023 18:54
bro i just got back into the game and i already got my stickmen to turn into death machines
#BzM3sLq9 Jul 18,2023 05:35
I have a few
No I don’t know what to do
#BzM3sLq9 Jul 18,2023 05:34
No matter
#JnPvOldq Jul 15,2023 05:07
I love This game Why don't they update this game?
#JnPvOldq Jul 15,2023 05:05
#pp5sinOg Jun 28,2023 18:46
Sadly I won't comment today due of a Thunderstorm
#rJhBv3ZI Jun 27,2023 18:37
jokes aside this is pretty cool
#N549fNe5 Jun 23,2023 03:09
calm down :(
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