Stick Ranger 2 ver26.3
Overview :
Great adventure with 4 stickmen!
Explore deeper dungeons & capture and get rare items!
Genre : Hack and slash
Controls : Left click and drag
Stick Ranger 2 Comments
Game TipsGame Operation
Move | Drag a stickman |
Area switching | Move a stickman to edge of screen |
Attack | full automatic |
Going to the right from the first point (village) there is a dungeon.
Party increase as you capture dungeon.
When one person dies, an ally eats damage.
Game over when everyone dies.
LV | Level |
EXP | Experience point |
G | Gold |
LP | Life |
SP | Skill point (2 points per 1 LV) |
AT | Min attack - Max attack x Number of attacks |
AGI | Agility |
RANGE | Attack range |
CHARGE | Mana that accumulate on attack |
EMIT | Mana to consume when attacking |
SML | Range type |
ATR | Attribute type |
LP | Life Point |
Short Attack | Short-range attack |
Middle Attack | Middle-range Attack |
Long Attack | Long-range attack |
Physical | Physical attack |
Elemental | Attribute attack |
Dodge | Evasion rate |
ARMS | Normal weapon |
CHARGE | Charge weapon |
HEAD | Guard item |
Auto move | Automatic walking |
Cliff stop | Stop just before cliff |
Shortcut key
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