Monster Box ver5.7

Game overview :

Monster overflowing and Battle of Stickman!
Stickman after upgrade in gold and jewel, please earnestly defeat a lot of monsters.
By upgrade the monster, enjoy fight against powerful monsters.

Genre :

Simple strategy game

Controls : Left click and drag
NewSupports full screen.
Full Screen

Monster Box Comments
Game Tips
MoveDrag the Stickman
AttackFully automatic
UP buttonclick or press and hold

Player does not die, it is invincible.
By increasing each skills, defeat more enemies.

Monsters will not attack. Is the weakest.
By increasing each skills, pop-up more enemies.

If you hold down the box, "pop-up speed" goes up.
Keep in mind it will be game over monster exceeds a certain limit!

It is a game to collect achievements and more money.
Range AttackShock wave range attack
AT%Damage magnification
RangeRange of shock wave
Half life AttackProbability to halve life of enemy

Critical ChanceProbability of occurrence of critical hit
Critical DamageDamage magnification of critical hit
Sword StrikeRange attack by wind pressure of sword
Strike RangeRange of wind pressure of sword

ArrowsMultiple arrow
RangeFlying distance of arrow
Pierce ChanceProbability of arrow to pierce
Pierce DamageMore damage magnification of pierce

Electric ShockEnemy adjacent to electric shock
Multiple ChainProbability of electric shock is branching
LightningEvoke lightning
Flame ArmorBurn surrounding enemies wearing a flame
Flame RangeRange effect of magic
BurnEnemy burned in flames assume burn, all damage is increased

 [Walking algorithm]

Toughness"LP" and "Money" is up
Pop-UpPop-up number
BossBoss! maximum level of monster goes up when you defeat

 [Option skill]
RevivalProbability of revival after defeating
BoundPop-up time, to appear a new enemy with bound
Delta featherFeathers appear "two" as a new enemy after defeating
TowerEnemy does not fall down the tower until the low

Mouse AcceleratorAccelerated magnification of when you press the box
Maximum MonsterMaximum appearance number of monsters
Money BonusAcquisition amount increase
Money BoostAcquisition amount magnification
Max Player LvMaximum level of player (Need Boss Kill)
Monster SelectionReduce Pop, Raise Money (Need Boss Kill)
Multiple BossPlurality of boss (Need Boss Kill)
Box AcceleratorAccelerated magnification of box (Need Boss Kill)
Max Time BonusMaximum magnification of time bonus
Time Bonus IntervalInterval reduction of time bonus

 Medal is given if achieve the specific conditions
Medal RateNumber of medals acquired / Maximum number of medals
Money BonusAcquisition amount increase
Money BoostAcquisition amount magnification
Damage BoostDamage magnification

MPSMoney per second
MPMMoney per minute
DPSDamage per second
DPMDamage per minute
KILLMonster punitive number
MAX BARMonster maximum incidence
FPSFrames per second
TIME BONUSMoney magnification increase in time
DAMAGE EFFECTDamage effect display
MONEY EFFECTMoney effect display
COLLAR MONSTER BARColor of each monster
MAX MONSTER COUNTMax number of monster
BOSS COUNTNumber of boss
TOTAL TIMETotal play time
TOTAL KILLTotal monster punitive number
10 MINUTEScore after 10 minutes from the restart

DeleteRestart by deleting all of the data
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Please use the click on the buttons or press "Update".

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