Stick Ranger ver19.3
Overview :
Action RPG game where 4 Stickmans defeat monsters and advance the stage!
Let's make your own party by customizing class, status and items!
You can play against world players in VS mode.
Genre : Action RPG
Controls : Left click and drag
VS Mode
Stick Ranger Comments
Game TipsControls
Move | Drag the Stickman |
Attack | Fully automatic |
Items | Drag and drop |
Pause & Option | Space key |
LP | Life point |
STR | Strength |
DEX | Dexterity |
MAG | Magic |
AT | Min. attack - Max. attack |
AGI | Min. attack speed - Max. attack speed |
RANGE | Attack range |
AURA | Aura of Attack (AT), Aura of Defense (DF) Apply to yourself and your Stickmans around |
BULLET | Number of additional attacks |
RING | Number of continuous attacks |
TYPE | Weapon attributes |
MP | Required magic for additional attacks |
\$\$ | Money you consume for an attack |
TIME | Time effect |
SLOW | Chill effect |
LV | Level |
SP | Skill point (2 points per 1LV) |
EXP | Experience point |
\$\$\$ | Money |
FP | Fighting power (FP = LV + WEAPONx2 + COMPO + COMPO) |
Revival | Pay and join to the game again |
Compo Item:Items to combine with a weapon (COMPO) by overwriting
There is a town at the starting point.
You can complete a stage by defeating a boss.
The game is over when all Stickmans have been killed.
Save FunctionThe progress will be automatically saved when you pass each stage.
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