Stick Ranger 2Great adventure with 4 stickmen! Explore the dungeon deeper and get rare items!

Logi BoxA puzzle game that fills cells with hints of numbers. It is generally called "Nonogram"

Aqua BoxGrow aquatic plants and tropical fish. A game that reproduces the Nature Aquarium.

Rhythm EditorSimulation game to anyone can easily play a rhythm and visualize sound waves.

Dgo"Go" is one of the most played board games in the world.

Ham Race 2Renewal "Ham Race". 3 lap system! Enjoy the action with an improved operability!

Shisen-ShoA puzzle game that removes all mahjong tiles. Programming so that there is a correct route.

Lim RocketGame in which a rocket advances while avoiding collisions with planets. Let's enjoy swing-by.

Cross VirusA puzzle game that blocks and isolates a growing virus.

Monster BoxA battle between overflowing monsters and Stickman! Enjoy last-minute battle.

Powder Game 2Realistic physics. Make scientific experiments and works of art and play with them!

100bitGame that draws dots on drawing paper shared by everyone. Play back history and paint process!

Elemental BoxA rigid body simulation game to realistic physics and material changes.

Ray Trace FighterA fighting game drawn with drawing method "ray tracing" that is also used in full CG.

Mine TowerA puzzle game to find bomb hidden in tower and aim for top floor. Vertical scroll Minesweeper.

Stick RangerAction RPG game where 4 stickman capture dungeon. VS mode to play against players from over world.

Earth EditorSimulation game to creates earth using various dots on field of universal gravitation.

Font GameA work made by testing a game font that scatters colorful characters.

Powder GameWhirlwind picks up leaf, visibly interesting. Simulation game reproduced with powder!

Micro PandaA game to control a panda and light the park. Panda's slapstick action!

SAND MOJITyping, sentences are broken and pile up below. Unique typing game.

CompassesI made something interesting with magnets. Move hundreds of compasses around.

Ham RaceHard-working hamster race. Turn pulleys of two hamsters and aim for the goal!

Planet simulationPlanet simulation game. Enjoy world of universal gravitation! The earth a miracle.

Liquid WebtoyFluid simulation game to play in water with web browser. Let's paint and mix!

RocketsGame to aim for goal by steer a rocket that accelerates while hitting a wall.