App Games Comments | 1000posts

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Use appropriate expressions.
Don't post offensive comments.
Don't reply to any inflammatory comments but ignore them.
#4TGLrNDv Mar 14,2025 14:00
"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.3.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS18. -Improved stability and performance.
#Q43U7L0n Mar 11,2025 05:18
Rain Traffic
Dear @otascube, how do I get Ivan’s mod working on the mobile game of Stick Ranger? Thank you!
#4TGLrNDv Mar 07,2025 11:12
"Powder Game" updated version 4.0.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Feb 28,2025 10:57
"Powder Game" updated version 4.0.0 (Android) -Support for Android 15. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Feb 21,2025 11:37
"Powder Game" updated version 4.0.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS18. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Feb 14,2025 14:21
"Monster Box" updated version 2.7.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. @ Rain Traffic I don’t have a Discord account. If you need to contact otascube outside of this board, you can reach me on X (Twitter) at @otascube ( ). But I can’t say anything very interesting, and since I’m Japanese, my English isn’t very good… :'(
#Q43U7L0n Feb 08,2025 00:55
Rain Traffic
Hello @otascube, do you specifically have a Discord account? Thanks!
#4TGLrNDv Feb 07,2025 17:07
"Monster Box" updated version 2.7.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance. @Lightning Lord I don't know if ha55ii has a Discord account. There is no official DAN-BALL Discord account. @Trollzor48 Sorry, there are no specific plans for that at the moment.
#0nUFRuP3 Feb 06,2025 15:02
Indian gamer
#qmDtA5sa Feb 04,2025 09:20
Bring Stick Ranger 2 too mobile!!
#YsYDAtXq Feb 01,2025 08:22
Lightning Lord
Im asking if there is a dan ball Discord
#nNgWvq3m Feb 01,2025 04:46
Lightning Lord
@otascube do you have discord? does ha55ii have discord?
#4TGLrNDv Jan 31,2025 17:22
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.5.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jan 24,2025 17:30
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.5.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance. @Aeolk2 さん 応援ありがとうございます、そう言ってもらえると嬉しいです!
#dhtW0aGh Jan 19,2025 20:26
Dan-Ballの「パウダーゲーム」を楽しんでいます! RoCatsとCat Hanabiも楽しくプレイしました。 かわいい3人の猫が出てくる壁紙もよく書いています、面白いゲーム作ってくれてありがとう!
#4TGLrNDv Jan 17,2025 19:47
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.4.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. -Fixed some bugs. @Rain Traffic Thank you for your suggestion! While we don’t have plans to implement this feature at the moment, we appreciate your feedback and will keep it in mind. Thank you for supporting Stick Ranger!
#HELWtou3 Jan 11,2025 02:40
Rain Traffic
Hello @otascube, can you add this function to the Stick Ranger app game which allows the player to switch items while pausing the game?
#4TGLrNDv Jan 10,2025 21:39
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.4.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance. @ Thr build If you uninstall the app, you cannot play it as an app. However, even without installing it, you can still play the game as a browser game by accessing the following link: That said, we recommend installing the app version for a better experience, as the UI and other features are optimized for smoother gameplay.
#UoN8vi8z Dec 31,2024 21:37
Thr build
Samsung Galaxy S10 8GB Ram Storage 128G Android 12.0
#UoN8vi8z Dec 31,2024 21:36
Thr build
How to play the apps if they are not installed in Android I installed powder game then Uninstalled it can I play it even when it is Uninstaller. My phone is Damsung
#4TGLrNDv Dec 27,2024 13:33
"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.2.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. -Fixed some bugs.
#4TGLrNDv Dec 20,2024 14:17
"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.2.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Dec 13,2024 16:33
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.6.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Dec 06,2024 17:08
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.6.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance. @About ads Sorry
#S5x3APMR Nov 30,2024 22:42
About ads
Please have a way in the apps to permanently disable ads.
#4TGLrNDv Nov 29,2024 17:45
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.8.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. @Update it Sorry, for requests about Powder Game 2, please post them on the Powder Game 2 message board ( ). That way, I believe it will also reach ha55ii (the website programmer). @stinkyyy Thank you for your support, we're happy to hear that.
#7wNSMwrP Nov 28,2024 14:42
you guys are amazing, I deeply admire your game design philosophy and commitment. the physics for most of your games might look simple at first sight but they are so fun and unexpectedly complex. Hope y'all are doing well, sending many hugs from tequila land ?
#kn1ybbbw Nov 23,2024 06:00
Update it
Update powder game 2 to have bubble
#4TGLrNDv Nov 22,2024 12:06
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.8.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Nov 15,2024 17:07
"Cat Halloween" updated version 2.1.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Nov 08,2024 16:04
"Cat Halloween" updated version 2.1.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Nov 01,2024 11:54
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.7.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Oct 25,2024 11:44
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.7.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Oct 18,2024 15:08
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 2.1.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Oct 11,2024 10:16
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 2.1.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Oct 04,2024 16:05
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.4.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Sep 27,2024 16:12
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.4.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Sep 20,2024 11:43
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.3.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Sep 13,2024 14:45
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.3.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Sep 06,2024 10:38
"World Cat Cup" updated version 2.3.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Aug 30,2024 15:13
"World Cat Cup" updated version 2.3.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Aug 23,2024 15:25
"Rocats" updated version 2.4.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. @128percent Although Tylor doesn't appear publicly often, he works hard to ensure that the website runs smoothly without any issues.
#JDnzOJZw Aug 19,2024 01:49
@otascube tylor is one of the three Webmasters, does he ever talk on any comment boards? I believe he’s the one who made the website code. I’m asking because he hasn’t posted on his blog in 7 years and I see you and ha55ii comment regularly.
#JDnzOJZw Aug 16,2024 20:28
Me too
#L77BULoL Aug 16,2024 20:01
I commented on the mobile version of dan-ball
#4TGLrNDv Aug 16,2024 13:32
"Rocats" updated version 2.4.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Aug 09,2024 10:57
"valistroke" updated version 2.4.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Aug 02,2024 10:32
"valistroke" updated version 2.4.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jul 26,2024 18:25
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.9.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#TjrKdmCX Jul 22,2024 04:17
I wouldn't say this is the least active, because Otascube comments every week. Probably one of the inactive web games are the least active like Mine Tower
#4TGLrNDv Jul 19,2024 17:39
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.9.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jul 12,2024 23:57
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.3.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#JDnzOJZw Jul 08,2024 02:20
I had covered that on the 6th line
#L77BULoL Jul 07,2024 23:54
This is the most inactive comment section in dan ball
#L77BULoL Jul 07,2024 23:52
Works on chrome in android phones as well. Press the three dots and scroll down until you see "add to home screen". Then press it and the app that leads to the website should appear in your android phone.
#JDnzOJZw Jul 05,2024 12:55
To those who want mobile versions of some of these web games, you can do this, which kind of works, but isn’t an official app. iOS: in Safari, (other browsers won’t work) go to the game web page and click the share button, scroll down, and click Add To Home Screen. Then type the name of the game (ex. Stick Ranger 2). This will add a shortcut to the site on the home screen. Android: in Chrome, tap the three dots icon on the game web page. Then click Add to Home Screen. Choose a name for the shortcut and it is now on your Home Screen. If you use a different device, my apologies, but you probably could find some information online about it. Note that this won’t work for games that require arrow keys and buttons to work, as most pc games transferred to mobile have built in buttons on screen. However in some games like Powder Game that buttons aren’t necessary, it will work just fine. Hope this makes sense and helps a few people
#4TGLrNDv Jul 05,2024 11:51
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.3.2 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jun 28,2024 23:18
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.8.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#ZoNBHGmM Jun 28,2024 08:29
#4TGLrNDv Jun 21,2024 14:50
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.8.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#JDnzOJZw Jun 21,2024 13:38
I can’t wait for "Elemental Box" updated version 1.8.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jun 14,2024 15:53
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.8.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jun 07,2024 14:30
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.7.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. @128percent Thank you!
#JDnzOJZw Jun 01,2024 11:58
@otascube Oh, I figured out where it is used. I’m not sure how I got the treasure in that area, either I glitched the game and got it out without the card key(which I can’t remember if I had card key yet or not) or I used the card key without realizing it. I tried troubleshooting it and I couldn’t get the glitch that could have happened again, so I probably am just remembering wrong.
#h9k2cAIy Jun 01,2024 00:33
@otascube Thanks for the clarification! Super fun game btw
#4TGLrNDv May 31,2024 21:27
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.7.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance. @128percent I believe the card key is used at some point in the game. Items do not disappear after use, so you have likely used it somewhere. (I won't specify the exact location to avoid giving away hints about the game.)
#h9k2cAIy May 31,2024 09:42
*SPOILERS FOR TREASURE CUBE* In Treasure Cube, is there a point of the card key? I couldn't find a use for it, and I got 100% without it, so is there a use for it?
#4TGLrNDv May 24,2024 11:51
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.7.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv May 17,2024 17:54
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.9.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv May 10,2024 16:33
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.9.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance. @Aliben Thank you for your proposal, and congratulations on releasing your music on Spotify! As of now, we do not have plans to incorporate new soundtracks into our games, but we appreciate your interest and enthusiasm. Best of luck with your musical endeavors. @128percent Thanks for your support, as always!
#JDnzOJZw May 05,2024 23:13
yo otascube keep up the great work been a while since I chatted with you
#6LB2wp0X May 04,2024 10:40
Hello. I have been playing some of your simple games for quite a while and quite enjoyed them. At the start of this year I set a goal to release my music on Spotify, and to make the soundtrack for a simple phone game. I already released my music on the Spotify streaming platform and am quite proud. I live in Mexico and theres very little game developers here so i haven't been able to achieve my other goal. I have contacted many ios game developers but have received no response or they are uninterested. I know this is a long shot, but if you have any small game projects that are in need of music please let me know. I will do my best, and as long as my artist name is in the credits after the words “Music By” i consider myself paid. Thank you, and keep making games. God bless. Contact: instagram -badassbelievers
#4TGLrNDv May 03,2024 11:27
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.9.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance. @¯l_ツ_l¯ Thank you for your request. At the moment, I have no plans to create an original smartphone app, and if I were to create an app, I think it would be a port of the one created by ha55ii to a smartphone app. (There are no concrete plans for that yet.)
#L77BULoL May 01,2024 15:12
Make a game similar to geometry dash or a rhythm game
#4TGLrNDv Apr 26,2024 15:38
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.8.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Apr 19,2024 12:27
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.8.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance. @623 Thank you!
#I7p0RClI Apr 14,2024 04:52
Thanks for all the hard work
#4TGLrNDv Apr 12,2024 17:20
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.8.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Apr 05,2024 14:41
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.3.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. @joaovicente Which app are you asking about?
#FdTYB7wq Apr 01,2024 21:16
Pls tell me how to generate energy
#4TGLrNDv Mar 29,2024 17:25
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.3.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance. @¯l_ツ_l¯ Thanks for the suggestion. The specifications of the app have been decided by ha55ii. I am making a mobile app accordingly. @Tested000 Thank you for your request. But I'm sorry. There are no concrete plans yet.
#uRg9VY71 Mar 23,2024 13:41
Powder game 2 app plz
#L77BULoL Mar 22,2024 22:46
I recommend you to add save game codes to the app games
#4TGLrNDv Mar 22,2024 14:13
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.3.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Mar 15,2024 16:57
"Powder Game" updated version 3.9.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Mar 08,2024 17:37
"Powder Game" updated version 3.9.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#O6Ih0ltM Feb 23,2024 09:22
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 2.2.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. @Ellyewao Thanks for your support!
#7Lxj65gF Feb 18,2024 07:08
Love your games so much! Would love it if stick Ranger 2 was ported to mobile (if ever planned) with much love, Ellyewao <3
#4TGLrNDv Feb 16,2024 17:22
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 2.2.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Feb 09,2024 17:11
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 2.2.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Feb 02,2024 19:21
"Ham Race" updated version 2.6.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. @Toaster Thank you!
#DdDbJAPI Feb 01,2024 13:55
I love your games :)
#4TGLrNDv Jan 26,2024 14:02
"Ham Race" updated version 2.6.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS17. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jan 19,2024 17:22
"Ham Race" updated version 2.6.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance. @¯l_ツ_l¯ It is not produced as a smartphone app. The PC version of Powder Game 2 was full-screen compatible by ha55ii, so although the UI is not suitable for smartphones, I think it will work on smartphones as well.
#ljMn9DPu Jan 13,2024 22:36
@¯l_ツ_l¯ probably not
#L77BULoL Jan 12,2024 22:24
Is powder game 2 going onto mobile?
#4TGLrNDv Jan 12,2024 16:26
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.8.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Dec 29,2023 16:05
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.5.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Dec 22,2023 15:31
"World Cat Cup" updated version 2.3.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#Cmn6jNRv Dec 18,2023 09:06
Yeah it sounds y
It's the most difficult way that it was the other
#4TGLrNDv Dec 15,2023 11:18
"Rocats" updated version 2.4.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance. @Conner26278-4 There are no plans to add features to Powder Game 1. However, when a new OS is released, apps will be removed from the store if they are not compatible with the new OS, so even if the content does not change, the app must continue to be compatible with the new OS.
#MuPzeBVV Dec 11,2023 11:19
@otascube do you have any future plans of updating Powder Game 1?
#4TGLrNDv Dec 08,2023 15:37
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 2.1.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Dec 01,2023 14:03
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.7.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#MuPzeBVV Nov 28,2023 02:19
@LavaFlows what? I think that’s a bit off topic.
#FrjYi9hd Nov 27,2023 15:20
I have even played Roblox Build a boat For treasure but they tryna kill me So i even take revenge
#4TGLrNDv Nov 27,2023 12:04
@error I'm sorry I couldn't be of help to you. If there is advice from Conner26278-4 or a reply from ha55ii in the Support Comments, I hope that it will be of assistance to you. @Conner26278-4 Thanks for your support.
#MuPzeBVV Nov 26,2023 14:04
@error , I said this in the support comments but a powder game id is a random combination of numbers and letters you make when making an account, like a second password, hope this helps.
#0rHzUWTD Nov 25,2023 00:47
@otascube I was referring to the webpage, I just thought it would be faster for me to get a response if I asked you, sorry
#4TGLrNDv Nov 24,2023 18:47
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.4.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance. @LjPlayz I personally use the '@' symbol in social media and other platforms to indicate that a message is directed to a specific person. Could there be another interpretation you had in mind? @error(#0rHzUWTD) Are you referring to a webpage or an app? If it's about a website, please direct your inquiry to ha55ii via the Support Comments. If it's regarding an app, could you please specify the name of the app?
#0rHzUWTD Nov 24,2023 06:46
@otascube apologies about this, but I'm having trouble getting a response. in the sign up page it asks for an ID, what does it mean by that?
#NDSCuLTV Nov 21,2023 07:44
do you know the symbol @
#4TGLrNDv Nov 17,2023 13:37
"valistroke" updated version 2.4.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Nov 10,2023 17:16
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.6.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Nov 03,2023 16:21
"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.2.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance. -Fixed some bugs.
#4TGLrNDv Oct 27,2023 14:25
"Cat Halloween" updated version 2.1.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Oct 20,2023 17:31
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.4.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Oct 13,2023 14:12
"Monster Box" updated version 2.7.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Oct 06,2023 14:27
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.3.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Sep 29,2023 13:28
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.9.0 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#N549fNe5 Sep 23,2023 11:04
All these people with Amazon fire tablets must be so happy
#4TGLrNDv Sep 22,2023 17:46
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.3.1 (Android) -Support for Android 14. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Sep 15,2023 09:45
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.4.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Sep 08,2023 11:33
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.4.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Sep 01,2023 11:36
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.4.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Aug 25,2023 14:36
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.7.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Aug 18,2023 17:39
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.7.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Aug 12,2023 00:48
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.7.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance. @128percent Thank you
#N549fNe5 Aug 10,2023 06:10
You guys are so good at working on games. I can’t believe all that you’ve achieved :)
#4TGLrNDv Aug 08,2023 13:34
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.6.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. @Casper Thank you for your support! @128percent Thank you for your support! At the moment, we're fully focused on updating our old apps to be compatible with the new Android OS and iOS. However, we do hope to create new apps in the future.
#N549fNe5 Jul 30,2023 22:03
I can’t wait to see what future updates hold :)
#BuqLZxbj Jul 29,2023 22:47
Keep up the good work Dan Ball! <3
#BuqLZxbj Jul 29,2023 22:46
I am arguably the worst programmer and computer scientist, so I have always admired the cohesiveness and stability of your games. Even my university's app has many bugs.
#4TGLrNDv Jul 28,2023 15:13
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.6.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jul 21,2023 07:51
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.6.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jul 14,2023 21:15
"Rocats" updated version 2.3.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jul 07,2023 16:32
"Rocats" updated version 2.3.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jun 30,2023 15:48
"Rocats" updated version 2.3.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#4TGLrNDv Jun 23,2023 15:20
"valistroke" updated version 2.3.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. @128percent Thank you.
#N549fNe5 Jun 16,2023 22:08
I especially liked treasure cube, and I still play it constantly even though I’ve finished it. Keep up the good work!
#kbZ0HF5N Jun 16,2023 17:54
"valistroke" updated version 2.3.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jun 09,2023 17:17
"valistroke" updated version 2.3.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance. @128percent We're thrilled to hear that you're enjoying the smartphone web games! Unfortunately, at the moment, time constraints make it difficult to create new games. However, we value your feedback and hope to incorporate it in the development of new apps and web games in the future. Thank you for your support! @YuriiXD We're thrilled to know that our site and games have been a part of your childhood. Your continued support means the world to us.
#N549fNe5 Jun 05,2023 07:20
Also, the smartphone web games are incredible. Please make more, they are extremely fun.
#QVA53mea Jun 05,2023 03:25
havent commented here in a long time (i love this sites games its also apart of my childhood)
#N549fNe5 Jun 03,2023 08:21
I don’t have any of the apps, but based off of the pictures and descriptions of them, I can tell that they would be so entertaining and fun. Especially the ones also on the Free Games section like Liquid Apptoy.
#kbZ0HF5N Jun 02,2023 17:47
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 2.1.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N May 26,2023 21:17
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 2.1.1 (iOS) -Support for Android 13. -Improved stability and performance. @GreenMan36 It’s my pleasure. ^-^
#uTMe15lN May 22,2023 19:57
Thanks for being a huge part of my childhood! ^-^
#kbZ0HF5N May 19,2023 14:33
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 2.1.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N May 12,2023 11:38
"Cat Halloween" updated version 2.0.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kSJn26dU May 09,2023 03:57
Who needs a smartphone when you can type the URL of the smartphone site
#kbZ0HF5N May 05,2023 12:57
"Cat Halloween" updated version 2.0.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Apr 28,2023 16:57
"Cat Halloween" updated version 2.0.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Apr 14,2023 17:40
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 2.0.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Apr 07,2023 17:26
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 2.0.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Mar 31,2023 20:21
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.7.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Mar 24,2023 10:06
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.7.1 (Android) -Support for Android 13. -Improved stability and performance.
#OUCgHdZI Mar 22,2023 07:43
RdeedD deserve Off faded defects Saw this on the internet before posting From Earth Read some more Forest Park was pretty much all that was pretty good for him and the other team was pretty much better at this time though because
#kbZ0HF5N Mar 17,2023 19:30
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.7.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Mar 11,2023 10:53
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.3.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Mar 03,2023 17:51
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.3.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance. @ginger Thank you for supporting me, always. We will announce any new apps on the front page of the site and on otascube's Twitter feed, but as for "Powder Game 2", ha55ii has created a full-screen version of the program, so no positive plans for an app version are underway.
#neKqeHDJ Feb 25,2023 14:58
@otascube Is there a way to subscribe to a newsletter or an email? I would love to know if there are plans to port Powder Game 2 onto an application. Powder Game 1 is already incredibly entertaining and the second would be even better on mobile devices. Thank you for responding!
#kbZ0HF5N Feb 24,2023 19:44
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.3.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance. @ginger There are no concrete plans yet for the production of an app version of "Powder Game 2.
#neKqeHDJ Feb 21,2023 10:33
is dan-ball ever going to create powder game 2 on app store?
#kbZ0HF5N Feb 17,2023 13:46
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.5.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Feb 10,2023 20:10
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.5.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Feb 03,2023 13:17
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.5.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jan 27,2023 14:02
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.7.2 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jan 20,2023 19:13
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.7.2 (Android) -Support for Android 13. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jan 13,2023 17:33
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.7.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Dec 30,2022 16:04
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.2.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Dec 23,2022 10:58
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.2.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Dec 16,2022 16:01
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.2.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Dec 09,2022 16:10
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.3.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Dec 02,2022 16:03
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.3.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Nov 25,2022 13:40
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.3.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Nov 18,2022 16:39
"World Cat Cup" updated version 2.2.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Nov 04,2022 11:35
"World Cat Cup" updated version 2.2.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Oct 28,2022 16:29
"Ham Race" updated version 2.5.0 (Android) -Improved stability and performance.
#Y9R3Jmng Oct 21,2022 16:23
How to
#kbZ0HF5N Oct 21,2022 15:39
"Ham Race" updated version 2.5.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Oct 14,2022 14:21
"Ham Race" updated version 2.5.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Oct 09,2022 14:23
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.2.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Sep 30,2022 14:28
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.2.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance. @Junkywheat6 Thanks for the bug report. I'll investigate.
#Vs4CKOfD Sep 29,2022 07:46
Hello. Loving powder game on the iPhone. Although the view button is broken, when we hit play it shows up with a blank level, and some buttons go missing in the settings menu.
#kbZ0HF5N Sep 23,2022 20:08
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.2.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Sep 16,2022 17:58
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.2.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Sep 09,2022 13:25
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.2.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Sep 02,2022 14:55
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.2.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Aug 26,2022 11:03
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.8.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Aug 19,2022 23:01
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.8.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Aug 12,2022 10:56
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.8.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Aug 05,2022 11:19
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.6.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jul 29,2022 22:56
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.6.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12. -Improved stability and performance.
#p1AFwF16 Jul 22,2022 18:39
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.6.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jul 16,2022 20:31
"Monster Box" updated version 2.6.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jul 08,2022 16:04
"Monster Box" updated version 2.6.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12 -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jul 02,2022 15:28
"Monster Box" updated version 2.6.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jun 24,2022 14:53
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.8.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jun 18,2022 13:03
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.8.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12 -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jun 10,2022 13:34
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.8.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Jun 03,2022 15:06
"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.1.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N May 27,2022 13:52
"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.1.0 (Android) -Support for Android 12 -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N May 20,2022 17:04
"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.1.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N May 13,2022 16:44
"Powder Game" updated version 3.8.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#8ByaLGzD May 08,2022 11:35
#fU2YswEm May 06,2022 17:28
#kbZ0HF5N May 06,2022 15:05
"Powder Game" updated version 3.8.0 (Android) -Support for Android12. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Apr 29,2022 11:05
"Powder Game" updated version 3.8.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS15. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Apr 15,2022 17:35
"World Cat Cup" updated version 2.1.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance
#kbZ0HF5N Apr 08,2022 13:49
"World Cat Cup" updated version 2.1.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Apr 01,2022 17:09
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.6.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance. @LjPlayz ご要望ありがとうございます。 しかし、申し訳ないのですが具体的な計画は進んでいません。 Thank you for your request. I'm sorry I don't have a concrete plan in place.
#7wKK2U63 Mar 25,2022 07:31
I'd rather play MineCraft.
#fU2YswEm Mar 22,2022 10:20
#kbZ0HF5N Mar 18,2022 15:46
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.6.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance.
#fU2YswEm Mar 18,2022 10:19
#kbZ0HF5N Mar 04,2022 15:59
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.2.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance
#kbZ0HF5N Feb 25,2022 17:10
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.2.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Feb 18,2022 17:42
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.1.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance
#kbZ0HF5N Feb 11,2022 17:38
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.1.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance
#kbZ0HF5N Feb 04,2022 16:42
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.1.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance. @nickname! I will send a message to ha55ii, but it might be better to post it in "Powder Game 2 Comments" so that ha55ii can get the message directly. @Nyan ありがとう。そう言ってもらえると嬉しいです。 ကျေးဇူးတင်ပါသည်။ အဲဒီစကားက ကျွန်တော့်ကို ပျော်ရွှင်စေတယ်။
#9wUJmvc5 Feb 02,2022 23:28
僕はニャンと申します。ミャンマー人の大学生です。このコメントは「Stick Rangers」というゲームを作ってた人達を感謝したい理由として書きました。 「ha55ii」と「tylor」と「otascube」に、「Stick Rangers」この面白いゲームを作ってくれてありがとうございました!所来に飽きても、このゲームをまた思い出したら「懐かしいなー」と、もう一度最初からやっても熱心で遊べると信じてます! では。
#kbZ0HF5N Jan 28,2022 14:49
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.5.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#zHi94N91 Jan 14,2022 23:22
Logic box fan
#kbZ0HF5N Jan 14,2022 10:00
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.5.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance. @Logic box fan Thanks for the request. There are no plans to make a mobile version of Logi Box at the moment, but I'll pass your request on to ha55ii (the creator of Logi Box).
#zHi94N91 Jan 14,2022 02:14
Logic box fan
Do you have any plans to add logic box to mobile? Its one of my favorite games on this site and it would be nice to play it on the go and maybe get some new official levels.
#kbZ0HF5N Jan 07,2022 19:22
"Rocats" updated version 2.2.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#kbZ0HF5N Dec 24,2021 15:47
"Rocats" updated version 2.2.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance. @robot the fire Sorry, I don't have those plans at the moment.
#NBtOKz9Z Dec 18,2021 06:14
robot the fire
@otascube Hey there! Any plans for console edition like Stick Ranger, Powder Game 1 & 2, Micro Panda, Monster Box and Ham Race 1&2 etc? It would be part to Nintendo switch, Xbox, PlayStation 5 and etc?
#FUCtjzAh Dec 17,2021 12:09
"Rocats" updated version 2.2.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance. @Alltor_King Hello
#zb39cmuy Dec 16,2021 02:32
#FUCtjzAh Dec 10,2021 10:17
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 2.0.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Dec 03,2021 16:24
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 2.0.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Nov 26,2021 15:26
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 2.0.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance. @Cheeto @rrrrqwsd Thank you. I'm sorry I don't have a concrete plan in place.
#vKu8klqN Nov 24,2021 22:58
me TO !!!
#g9cZ8sQ5 Nov 23,2021 14:31
Please add Powder game 2 and Aqua Box to mobile! I love your games
#FUCtjzAh Nov 19,2021 09:35
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.6.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Nov 12,2021 15:52
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.6.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Nov 05,2021 13:50
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.6.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Oct 29,2021 13:55
"Cat Halloween" updated version 1.9.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Oct 22,2021 16:44
"Cat Halloween" updated version 1.9.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance We have created an official Twitter/TikTok account for DAN-BALL. Please follow us if you like. (It is still in trial operation) ■TikTok ■Twitter
#FUCtjzAh Oct 15,2021 12:12
"Cat Halloween" updated version 1.9.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Oct 08,2021 11:35
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.3.2 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Oct 01,2021 16:43
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.3.2 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance @AndrewGaming589 If you have a problem with "Powder Game 2", please report it to ha55ii via "Support Comments" or "Powder Game 2 Comments".
#9JwaYLnT Sep 26,2021 23:00
(Powder Game 2) Bug report thunder isnt affected by gravity can be seen if you turn off gravity or put a black hole next to it it still heads downward
#FUCtjzAh Sep 24,2021 10:22
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.3.2 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance. @teh1337player The specifications of Powder Game 2 are all that are currently available for the PC version. However, the plan to make it into a smart phone application is not going ahead at all yet.
#Va3fpCR5 Sep 18,2021 17:20
Nvm they are already added
#Va3fpCR5 Sep 18,2021 06:35
Can you add black holes to powder game 2 or power game 1?
#FUCtjzAh Sep 17,2021 15:25
"valistroke" updated version 2.2.5 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Sep 10,2021 14:33
"Ham Race" updated version 2.4.2 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Sep 03,2021 09:14
"Ham Race" updated version 2.4.2 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Sep 02,2021 09:13
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.7.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Aug 20,2021 10:06
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.7.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance
#FUCtjzAh Aug 13,2021 14:24
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.7.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance.
#DUvO5pzt Aug 07,2021 12:45
King Masochist
Thank you otascube!
#FUCtjzAh Aug 07,2021 10:09
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 1.9.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 30,2021 12:17
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 1.9.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance.
#9cdBKorT Jul 20,2021 00:38
Idea for powder game and powder game 2 if it is set to bg dark and side loop the light from light emitting objects such as torch fire magma etc can be seen on the opposite side as if it were actually following the rules of side loop just an idea though
#FUCtjzAh Jul 16,2021 20:35
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.2.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#i7LJThzW Jul 12,2021 03:51
drip kapi
the next upload here
#FUCtjzAh Jul 09,2021 14:59
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.2.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance. @nickname! Thank you for your request.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 02,2021 10:26
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.2.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance. @AndrewGaming590 Thanks for your suggestions. With the current work process, ha55ii may complete all PC games on mobile first.
#9cdBKorT Jun 27,2021 09:42
Maybe you could also add a “freeplay mode” to monster box (both web and mobile) basically like a sandbox mode where you have infinite money and gems and you can modify how much damage your people do how much life a monster has etc. and maybe you cant lose idk im just getting tired of getting to hours of work then losing it because of the game over
#9cdBKorT Jun 27,2021 08:49
Please maybe could you make a mobile version of powder game 2 or stick ranger 2 please?
#FUCtjzAh Jun 25,2021 13:47
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.6.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Jun 18,2021 15:26
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.6.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Jun 11,2021 09:29
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.6.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Jun 04,2021 14:51
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.1.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Enabled to change all colors.. -Enabled to change background color.
#FUCtjzAh May 28,2021 16:41
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.1.1 (Android) -Enabled to change background color.
#FUCtjzAh May 21,2021 19:52
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.1.1 (iOS) -Enabled to change background color. @Applesauces Thank you for your request. This app also, the web version created by ha55ii with a mobile user interface may be completed earlier.(I can't make any guarantees)
#O7VHRd0b May 19,2021 11:34
Please make stickranger part 2.
#FUCtjzAh May 17,2021 16:48
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.4.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance. @Brads2k03 If the specifications of the PC version become so, it will be so.
#7J4UkJZP May 12,2021 19:46
could you please make the dots infinite in Powder Game 2
#FUCtjzAh May 07,2021 14:52
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.4.1 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance. @nickname! Thank you for your request. Sorry, I have a desire to make it, but I haven't made any plans yet. The web version created by ha55ii with a mobile user interface may be completed earlier.(I can't make any guarantees)
#FUCtjzAh Apr 30,2021 14:03
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.4.1 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance. @ImWideTerrance What do you mean?
#I1P2rG7M Apr 27,2021 23:39
#I1P2rG7M Apr 27,2021 23:39
why did they remove the physics stuff from Powder Game? BRUH why
#FUCtjzAh Apr 23,2021 14:53
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.1.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Apr 16,2021 14:35
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.1.0 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Apr 09,2021 14:47
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.1.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance. @CapeMan1008 I'm glad to hear that. @Corgi Thank you for your opinion. Sorry, I have a desire to make it, but I haven't made any plans yet.
#8kgfH8rd Apr 09,2021 01:28
It would be awesome if Stick Ranger 2 was released on mobile! I'm working on beating Stick Ranger 1right now and I'd love to be able to beat Stick Ranger 2 after I do!
#GLCrscjw Apr 03,2021 07:22
I prefer the Stick Ranger app over the web version, but I don't know why... Probably the sound effects, or maybe it's because it's easier to access. I'm not sure whether to post this here or on the Stick Ranger comments.
#FUCtjzAh Apr 02,2021 10:13
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.0.0 (Android) -Enabled to change all colors.. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Mar 26,2021 22:51
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.5.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Mar 19,2021 16:15
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.7.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Mar 12,2021 14:41
"Monster Box" updated version 2.5.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance.
#qct1Frfa Mar 09,2021 08:39
no name
please add more games ❤️❤️❤️
#FUCtjzAh Mar 05,2021 08:21
"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.0.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Feb 19,2021 15:50
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.5.0 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Feb 12,2021 15:30
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.5.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Feb 05,2021 16:13
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.7.0 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance. @NoArms 提案ありがとうございます。 日本語以外の言語だと、私はGoogle翻訳等の自動翻訳ソフトを使って会話させていただいています。 パウダーゲームや棒レンジャーのアップデートについてはPCバージョンを作っているha55iiが今後どうしていくかによって変わってきます。 otascubeはPCバージョンをスマートフォンでプレイしやすいようにUIを考えたり移植したりという作業分担をしています。
#jEjVHBWR Jan 29,2021 22:21
一つには、私はあなたと話すために日本語を使わなければなりませんか? ええと、私は声を出して提案をします。なぜなら、パウダーゲームや棒レンジャーには人々が望むものがたくさんあるからです。
#FUCtjzAh Jan 29,2021 14:55
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.7.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance. @betatester1024 Sorry for the uncrowded leaderboard, continuous writing is automatically prohibited.
#9CuC1MoL Jan 26,2021 07:55
Why is it sometimes impossible to post comments? Is there a time limit for commenting or something?
#FUCtjzAh Jan 15,2021 16:27
"Monster Box" updated version 2.5.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Jan 08,2021 16:57
"Powder Game" updated version 3.7.0 (iOS) -Support for iOS14. -Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Dec 25,2020 23:30
"Powder Game" updated version 3.7.0 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance. @picking shrimp Sorry to bug you. If you don't mind, it would be helpful if you could tell us your OS (iOS or Android), OS version, and device information.
#s4eL0PZX Dec 25,2020 04:11
WHOA THIS GAME UPDATES THIS IS SO AWESOME sorry my expectations are rather low
#sDrHTdKa Dec 24,2020 04:21
picking shrimp
"Stick Ranger App" Feedback. Sometimes, after selecting opponent to combat in VS mode, the game crashes. Screen does not load. Forced to reload app, if challenging same tier, results in a loss. VSモードで戦う相手を選択した後、ゲームがクラッシュすることがあります。画面が読み込まれません。同じTierにチャレンジした場合、アプリのリロードを強制すると、損失が発生します。
#FUCtjzAh Dec 18,2020 16:22
"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.0.0 (Android) -Support for Android 10. -Improved stability and performance. @betatester1024 There may be few people watching it.  ¯_(ツ)_/¯
#RjMIRk7J Dec 14,2020 08:19
Does anyone still read this?
#FUCtjzAh Dec 04,2020 12:40
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 2.0 (iOS) .-Enabled to change all colors. .-Improved stability and performance.
#FUCtjzAh Nov 27,2020 11:05
"Ham Race" updated version 2.4 (iOS) .-Support for iOS 14.
#FUCtjzAh Nov 20,2020 10:06
"valistroke" updated version 2.2 (Android) .-Support for Android 10.
#FUCtjzAh Nov 13,2020 12:00
"valistroke" updated version 2.2 (iOS) .-Support for iOS 14.
#FUCtjzAh Nov 06,2020 11:50
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.9 (Amazon Fire Tablet) .-Added moving field with two-finger swipe.
#FUCtjzAh Oct 30,2020 10:48
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.9 (iOS) .-Added moving field with two-finger swipe..
#FUCtjzAh Oct 23,2020 09:04
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.9 (Android) .-Added moving field with two-finger swipe..
#FUCtjzAh Oct 16,2020 10:03
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.5 (Amazon Fire Tablet) .-Added a grid line that can be snapped.
#FUCtjzAh Oct 09,2020 10:34
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.5 (iOS) .-Added a grid line that can be snapped.
#FUCtjzAh Oct 02,2020 09:05
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.5 (Android) .-Added a grid line that can be snapped.
#FUCtjzAh Sep 25,2020 10:53
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.4 (iOS). -Updated SDK. -Changed the display of ads. -Fixed some bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Sep 04,2020 12:28
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.8 (Amazon Fire Tablet). Added Hide banner ads when watching rewarded ads. Adjusted UI icons.
#xIJFbPN0 Aug 29,2020 18:13
#FUCtjzAh Aug 28,2020 12:22
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.8 (iOS). Added Hide banner ads when watching rewarded ads. Adjusted UI icons.
#FUCtjzAh Aug 21,2020 13:49
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.8 (Android). Added Hide banner ads when watching rewarded ads. Adjusted UI icons.
#FUCtjzAh Aug 14,2020 16:22
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.7 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Changed the main screen to full screen. - Changed the UI. - Improved the accuracy of graphic drawing. - Adjusted graphics.
#FUCtjzAh Aug 07,2020 13:20
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.7 (iOS). - Changed the main screen to full screen. - Changed the UI. - Improved the accuracy of graphic drawing. - Adjusted graphics.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 31,2020 16:41
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.7 (Android). - Changed the main screen to full screen. - Changed the UI. - Improved the accuracy of graphic drawing. - Adjusted graphics.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 24,2020 11:22
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.6 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Changed the display of ads. - Bug fix.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 17,2020 11:10
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.6 (iOS). - Changed the display of ads. - Bug fix.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 11,2020 08:31
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.6 (Android). - Changed the display of ads. - Bug fix.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 03,2020 14:38
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.4 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Adjust layout. - Bug fix.
#FUCtjzAh Jun 26,2020 08:57
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.4 (iOS). - Adjust layout. - Bug fix.
#FUCtjzAh Jun 19,2020 14:36
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.4 (Android). - Adjust layout. - Bug fix.
#FUCtjzAh Jun 12,2020 14:10
Add game of BGM. Lim Rocket
#FUCtjzAh Jun 05,2020 18:17
Add game of BGM. Irritation Stickman - Result
#FUCtjzAh May 29,2020 15:42
Add game of BGM. .Irritation Stickman - Main
#FUCtjzAh May 22,2020 14:06
Add game of BGM. Irritation Stickman - Title
#FUCtjzAh May 15,2020 11:29
Add game of BGM. Flip Ball - Opening
#FUCtjzAh May 08,2020 11:11
Add game of BGM. Flip Ball - Clay
#FUCtjzAh May 01,2020 13:48
Add game of BGM. Flip Ball - Japan @Kacper11PL Thank you for your request.
#SiGlOvKU Apr 29,2020 03:15
i want powder game 2 for android
#FUCtjzAh Apr 24,2020 11:42
Add game of BGM. Dot Sniper - Result
#FUCtjzAh Apr 17,2020 17:02
Add game of BGM. Dot Sniper - Play
#FUCtjzAh Apr 10,2020 14:35
Add game of BGM. Dot Sniper - Opening @StarTrekSpock @AndresV Hello! :D
#IyEzqaLX Apr 06,2020 07:27
I appreciate your work!!
#QDFNuk5n Apr 05,2020 08:03
Hello Otascube!! Hope you're doing good <3
#FUCtjzAh Apr 03,2020 14:24
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.5 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Added music. - Changed sound effects.
#IwO7UO1h Apr 01,2020 00:37
Jike New updated
"Dot editer Updated version 6.2 name doster line 1 1. you can use sell New line 2 2. dirt olny your sand! line 3 3. do lose your powerd game do i can line 4 4. to your husked stoped bot 54213568
#FUCtjzAh Mar 27,2020 16:50
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.5 (iOS). - Added music. - Changed sound effects.
#FUCtjzAh Mar 20,2020 13:42
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.5 (Android). - Added music. - Changed sound effects.
#FUCtjzAh Mar 13,2020 14:57
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.6 (Amazon Fire Tablet). Changed banner ad removal from 3 hours to 24 hours when watching videos.
#o45xfTdm Mar 08,2020 15:14
get it anyways
#FUCtjzAh Mar 06,2020 14:02
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.6 (iOS). Changed banner ad removal from 3 hours to 24 hours when watching videos. @RadiantDarkBlaze Thanks to the bug report, we resolved the problem early. Thank you. Thanks for the invitation, but I do not use the messaging app. If you have any message to otascube, please contact us on this bulletin board or Twitter on otascube.
#DXAPTy2f Mar 06,2020 03:50
Emma Snelson
I have to go pick it up tomorrow.
#rlgwIgQb Feb 28,2020 22:00
No problem, thanks for fixing the bug~ On an unrelated note; scrolling down through the comments here I noticed a little over a year ago somebody (Lightning Lord) asked if you and ha55ii had "Discord", which I believe was likely referring not to any "disagreement" between you and ha55ii but to an instant-messaging app by the name of "Discord": I suppose it's an unusual choice of name for an IM app; though from your response to that person at the time, I take it you were likely unaware of the existence of the "Discord" IM app at the time? If you do get the Discord app, my Discord tag is "RadiantDarkBlaze#0626"; a few years ago by now within the Discord app I established an unofficial server for members of the Dan-Ball community to chat in, which has 376 members in it by now (though only about ~20 give or take actually currently frequently chat there). I'll leave an invite link to the server here: Please let me know if you create + start using a Discord account~
#FUCtjzAh Feb 28,2020 14:32
"Monster Box" updated version 2.4 (iOS). Added an option to turn off damage and money effects. @RadiantDarkBlaze Thanks for reporting the bug.
#rlgwIgQb Feb 26,2020 22:31
I'm experiencing a bug in VS Mode for Stick Ranger, a handful of uploaded teams are impossible for me to fight despite displaying a "VS" button; what happens is I press the "VS" button and the fight won't start. While this is only a handful of teams, it's persistent with the teams that it does happen with. Currently, on the 1st page of Rank 1 with the "Sort: AVG, Period: All" search method, I cannot fight the teams with the comments "galaxy's fear owner" down through to "hi"; and I got other people to check and they can't fight those teams either. There are likely more teams with the same unfightable bug somewhere further down the list from those teams, however those are the current easiest examples to point out as they are clustered together at the moment.
#FUCtjzAh Feb 21,2020 13:30
"Monster Box" updated version 2.4 (Amazon Fire Tablet). Added an option to turn off damage and money effects.
#FUCtjzAh Feb 14,2020 09:46
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.6 (Android). Changed banner ad removal from 3 hours to 24 hours when watching videos.
#FUCtjzAh Feb 07,2020 13:48
"Monster Box" updated version 2.4 (Android). Added an option to turn off damage and money effects.
#FUCtjzAh Jan 31,2020 14:42
"Monster Box" updated version 2.3 (Amazon Fire Tablet). Added an option to split the monster bar by each color.
#crPZcXsj Jan 29,2020 01:20
#FUCtjzAh Jan 24,2020 16:12
"Monster Box" updated version 2.3 (iOS). Added an option to split the monster bar by each color.
#FUCtjzAh Jan 17,2020 13:48
"Monster Box" updated version 2.3 (Android). Added an option to split the monster bar by each color.
#FUCtjzAh Jan 10,2020 13:51
"Rocats" updated version 2.1 (iOS). -Support for iOS 13. -Supported for iPhone X/XS/XR/11/11Pro. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Dec 27,2019 15:08
"Rocats" updated version 2.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Dec 22,2019 13:28
"Rocats" updated version 2.1 (Android). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Dec 13,2019 15:37
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.5 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#z6mLhDlV Dec 11,2019 08:19
#FUCtjzAh Dec 06,2019 16:00
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.5 (iOS). -Support for iOS 13. -Supported for iPhone X/XS/XR/11/11Pro. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Nov 29,2019 13:56
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.5 (Android). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Nov 22,2019 13:53
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.4 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability. @Soomo That's cool !
#Hyr4ap6g Nov 17,2019 03:17
I'm No.1 on dot sniper, white 2!
#FUCtjzAh Nov 15,2019 14:41
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.4 (iOS). -Support for iOS 13. -Supported for iPhone X/XS/XR/11/11Pro. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Nov 08,2019 13:50
"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.4 (Android). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Nov 01,2019 09:55
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.3 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Oct 25,2019 17:10
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.3 (iOS). -Support for iOS 13. -Supported for iPhone X/XS/XR/11/11Pro.
#MKEn7QqO Oct 19,2019 12:31
#MKEn7QqO Oct 19,2019 12:30
i like app games!!!
#FUCtjzAh Oct 18,2019 13:58
"Labyrinth of Red and Blue" updated version 1.3 (Android). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Oct 11,2019 14:08
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.6 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Oct 04,2019 13:48
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.6 (iOS). -Supported for iPhone X/XS/XR/11/11 Pro. -Improved image quality on some devices.
#FUCtjzAh Sep 27,2019 15:38
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.6 (Android). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Sep 20,2019 11:43
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.9 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability. -Fixed some bugs.
#1yL2PG7B Sep 14,2019 00:08
@otascube Ok thanks
#FUCtjzAh Sep 13,2019 14:00
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.9 (iOS). -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability. -Fixed some bugs. . @dominic035 The only way I know is to write in this comment.
#1yL2PG7B Sep 10,2019 02:10
Hey @otascube! Do you know what the best way for me to contact @ha55ii is? I want to ask him/her some questions about the site...
#QPzQXSKS Sep 06,2019 13:15
Lightning Lord
#FUCtjzAh Sep 06,2019 09:45
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.9 (Android). -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability. -Fixed some bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Aug 30,2019 11:34
Add game of BGM. Flip Ball - Circus @StarTrekSpock Hello!
#UulFhKUd Aug 28,2019 06:47
Hello Otascube <3
#FUCtjzAh Aug 23,2019 15:21
Add game of BGM. Flip Ball - DanBall
#FUCtjzAh Aug 16,2019 14:52
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Added music.
#FUCtjzAh Aug 09,2019 14:51
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.0 (iOS). -Added music.
#FUCtjzAh Aug 02,2019 15:48
"Flip Ball" updated version 2.0 (Android). -Added music.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 26,2019 18:12
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.5 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Added music. -Updated sound effects. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability. -Fixed some bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 19,2019 15:14
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.5 (iOS). -Added music. -Updated sound effects. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability. -Fixed some bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 12,2019 13:46
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.5 (Android). -Added music. -Updated sound effects. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability. -Fixed some bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Jul 05,2019 13:44
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.5 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability. @Tim It is rendered with OpenGL.
#ynYYlOjQ Jul 03,2019 13:05
How did you guys manage to make stick ranger on iOS did you render it using a CGImage from a bitmap or using many CGContextFillRect or is there some other way of rendering a frame from pixel data that I don't know about. Very cool and fun.
#FUCtjzAh Jun 28,2019 11:05
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.5 (Android). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Improved stability.
#Za7XTwMu Jun 27,2019 15:53
I like the monster box game I'm op at it a most dead because or delta wings and 3 archers op
#FUCtjzAh Jun 21,2019 15:20
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.4 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Improved image quality on some devices. -Fixed a bug that can not play music on some devices. -Improved stability.
#U0o7n2q0 Jun 19,2019 12:33
What was used to make these games?
#FUCtjzAh Jun 14,2019 16:10
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.5 (iOS). -Supported for iPhone X/XS/XR. -Improved image quality on some devices.
#FUCtjzAh Jun 07,2019 11:19
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.4 (iOS). -Supported for iPhone X/XS/XR. -Improved image quality on some devices.
#FUCtjzAh May 31,2019 14:33
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.4 (Android). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Fixed a bug that can not play music on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh May 24,2019 10:16
"Ham Race" updated version 2.3 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Improved image quality on some devices. -Fixed a bug that can not play music on some devices. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh May 17,2019 11:28
"Ham Race" updated version 2.3 (iOS). -Supported for iPhone X/XS/XR. -Improved image quality on some devices.
#FUCtjzAh May 10,2019 16:40
"Ham Race" updated version 2.3 (Android). -Supported displays with aspect ratio over 16:9. -Improved image quality on some devices. -Fixed a bug that can not play music on some devices. -Improved stability.
#ZSZiCNfM May 06,2019 00:22
#FUCtjzAh May 03,2019 15:12
"valistroke" updated version 2.2.1 (Android & Amazon Fire Tablet). -Fixed a bug that can not play music on some devices. -Improved stability. -Fixed minor bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Apr 26,2019 15:16
"Flip Ball" updated version 1.9.1 (All platforms). -Fixed bug in leaderboard rank display. -Improved stability.
#FUCtjzAh Apr 19,2019 10:23
"Monster Box" updated version 2.2.1 (Android & Amazon Fire Tablet). - Improved stability. - Fixed minor bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Apr 12,2019 11:42
"valistroke" updated version 2.2 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Updated the leaderboard. - Fixed some bugs. @dominic035 I would like to create Powder Game 2 in the future, but I have not done anything yet. Stick Ranger PC version and mobile version can not play together.
#yT9ZoR7c Apr 06,2019 02:13
And also, can the Stick Ranger app VS Mode parties interact with parties made on PC?
#yT9ZoR7c Apr 06,2019 02:10
Will there be a Powder Game 2 app?
#FUCtjzAh Apr 05,2019 14:14
"valistroke" updated version 2.2 (iOS). - Updated the leaderboard. - Fixed some bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Mar 29,2019 11:03
"valistroke" updated version 2.2 (Android). - Updated the leaderboard. - Fixed some bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Mar 22,2019 11:29
"Monster Box" updated version 2.2 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Added an option to display the number of bosses in the monster bar.
#FUCtjzAh Mar 15,2019 10:07
"Monster Box" updated version 2.2 (iOS). - Added an option to display the number of bosses in the monster bar.
#FUCtjzAh Mar 08,2019 11:40
"Monster Box" updated version 2.2 (Android). - Added an option to display the number of bosses in the monster bar. - Fixed a bug that the monster bar was not displayed.
#FUCtjzAh Mar 01,2019 15:55
Add game of BGM. Mine Tower
#FUCtjzAh Feb 22,2019 15:29
Add game of BGM. Cat Shot
#FUCtjzAh Feb 15,2019 09:51
"Flip Ball" updated version 1.9 (iOS). -iOS 12 Support. -Updated the leaderboard. -Fixed some bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Feb 08,2019 13:16
"Flip Ball" updated version 1.9 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Updated the leader board. - Fixed some bugs.
#FUCtjzAh Feb 05,2019 09:38
@Perthro Sorry to bug you. That bug fix has been added in the latest version(iOS version 1.8.3).
#AtdN5Fgm Feb 04,2019 00:37
When I try to play VS mode on Stick Ranger, I get an error: "Get some party: Network connection error (600)" This only happens sometimes and goes away after a while but has come back recently.
#FUCtjzAh Feb 01,2019 11:30
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.8.2 (iOS/Android/Amazon Fire Tablet). - Fixed some bugs. - Support latest OS.
#FUCtjzAh Jan 25,2019 11:22
"Flip Ball" updated version 1.9 (Android). - Android 9.0 Support. - Updated the leader board. - Fixed some bugs.
#r4NNOCnx Jan 18,2019 13:12
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.3 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Added acceleration sensor.
#r4NNOCnx Jan 11,2019 10:40
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.3 (iOS). - Added acceleration sensor.
#r4NNOCnx Dec 28,2018 13:04
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.3 (Android). - Added acceleration sensor. @buttersnack Thank you for the bug report, Sorry to bug you. What device are you using? I have not changed the stage, It might be a bug in something, so I will check it.
#W9oVMQWx Dec 28,2018 07:02
Also, why was stage 8 of Micro Panda made easier? Originally, there were more objects in the stage.
#W9oVMQWx Dec 28,2018 07:01
On the current version of Micro Panda on Android, controls become unresponsive after any full-page ad is shown.
#r4NNOCnx Dec 21,2018 11:25
Add game of BGM. Flying Santa Cat Remix.
#r4NNOCnx Dec 14,2018 14:35
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.4 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Updated the leaderboard.
#r4NNOCnx Dec 07,2018 11:22
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.4 (iOS). -Updated the leaderboard. -Support for iOS 11.
#r4NNOCnx Nov 30,2018 14:06
"Irritation Stickman" updated version 1.4 (Android). -Updated the leaderboard.
#r4NNOCnx Nov 23,2018 14:16
"Monster Box" updated version 2.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Added a feature to draw a number of monsters chart.
#r4NNOCnx Nov 16,2018 14:13
"Monster Box" updated version 2.1 (iOS). -Added a feature to draw a number of monsters chart.
#r4NNOCnx Nov 09,2018 15:05
"Monster Box" updated version 2.1 (Android). -Added a feature to draw a number of monsters chart.
#r4NNOCnx Nov 02,2018 15:56
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Updated the leaderboard. -Fixed some bugs.
#r4NNOCnx Oct 26,2018 17:53
Add game of BGM. Cat Halloween Remix. @Avi Thank you very much for your detailed information. I will investigate.
#e8jjRhN5 Oct 20,2018 00:59
@otascube the button would not light up and was unable to be pressed. using a Samsung Galaxy tab A, model number SM-T580 android version 7.0 also the app/game this was on was stick ranger. it hasnt stopped working like that since then but it was still strange that it did.
#r4NNOCnx Oct 19,2018 11:34
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.1 (iOS). -Updated the leaderboard. -Support for iOS 11. -Fixed some bugs. @Avi The "remove ads" button is not hiding ads all the time but hides ads for a certain period of time. But does that mean that it does not work? I do not know if I can solve it, but I'd appreciate it if you can tell me about your OS and model.
#e8jjRhN5 Oct 12,2018 20:18
The "remove ads" button doesnt seem to be working on any of the app versions of dam ball games
#r4NNOCnx Oct 12,2018 16:44
"Micro Panda" updated version 2.1 (Android). -Updated the leaderboard. -Fixed some bugs. @Lightning Lord Why? We are good friends.
#QPzQXSKS Oct 12,2018 15:20
Lightning Lord
@otascube do you have discord? does ha55ii have discord?
#r4NNOCnx Oct 05,2018 11:59
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.2 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Added dark color mode. @austenyo Thanks for your suggestions. But,I think it is difficult.
#Xdgj8ALw Oct 02,2018 01:36
Please add support for powdergame on iphone X (Meaning a larger screen view) I want to see more of this beautiful game... :) also, is it possible to import the artwork from the webversion for the menu buttons over to IOS and Android? I love the look of the web version and would love to see it on my phone!
#r4NNOCnx Sep 28,2018 11:05
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.2 (iOS). -Added dark color mode.
#r4NNOCnx Sep 21,2018 11:19
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.2 (Android). -Added dark color mode.
#r4NNOCnx Sep 14,2018 11:25
"Monster Box" updated version 2.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Added a feature to draw multiple chart on the background of the game screen.
#r4NNOCnx Sep 07,2018 15:20
"Monster Box" updated version 2.0 (iOS). -Added a feature to draw multiple chart on the background of the game screen.
#r4NNOCnx Aug 31,2018 11:45
"Monster Box" updated version 2.0 (Android). -Added a feature to draw multiple chart on the background of the game screen.
#r4NNOCnx Aug 24,2018 13:18
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 1.8 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Added some sound effects. -Improved graphics.
#r4NNOCnx Aug 17,2018 13:18
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 1.8 (iOS). -Added some sound effects. -Improved graphics.
#r4NNOCnx Aug 10,2018 13:35
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 1.8 (Android). -Added some sound effects. -Improved graphics.
#r4NNOCnx Aug 03,2018 10:54
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 1.7 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Updated the leaderboard.
#r4NNOCnx Jul 27,2018 13:28
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 1.7 (iOS). -Updated the leaderboard.
#r4NNOCnx Jul 20,2018 13:31
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 1.7 (Android). -Updated the leaderboard.
#r4NNOCnx Jul 13,2018 13:29
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Add some sound effects.
#r4NNOCnx Jul 06,2018 13:12
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.1 (iOS). -Add some sound effects.
#r4NNOCnx Jun 29,2018 13:09
"Elemental Box" updated version 1.1 (Android). -Add some sound effects.
#r4NNOCnx Jun 22,2018 17:21
Add game of BGM. Planet Simulation
#r4NNOCnx Jun 15,2018 16:44
Add game of BGM. World Cat Cup
#r4NNOCnx Jun 08,2018 10:20
"World Cat Cup" updated version 2.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Added some background music.
#r4NNOCnx Jun 01,2018 13:18
"World Cat Cup" updated version 2.0 (iOS). -Added some background music.
#r4NNOCnx May 25,2018 15:00
"World Cat Cup" updated version 2.0 (Android). -Added some background music.
#r4NNOCnx May 18,2018 13:34
"Monster Box" updated version 1.9 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Added a feature to draw a chart on the background of the game screen.
#r4NNOCnx May 11,2018 10:54
"Monster Box" updated version 1.9 (iOS). - Added a feature to draw a chart on the background of the game screen.
#r4NNOCnx May 04,2018 17:33
"Monster Box" updated version 1.9 (Android). - Added a feature to draw a chart on the background of the game screen.
#r4NNOCnx Apr 27,2018 14:31
"World Cat Cup"(Amazon Fire Tablet)1.9 released. A sports action game. Score as many goals as you can.
#r4NNOCnx Apr 20,2018 13:24
"World Cat Cup" updated version 1.9 (iOS). -Updated the leaderboard. -Support for iOS 11. -Support for iPhone X.
#r4NNOCnx Apr 13,2018 13:21
"World Cat Cup"(Android)1.9 released. A sports action game. Score as many goals as you can.
#r4NNOCnx Apr 06,2018 19:02
"Elemental Box"(Amazon Fire Tablet)1.0 released. Physical simulation game that enjoys real physical operation of each shape and change in each material.
#r4NNOCnx Mar 30,2018 15:44
"Elemental Box"(iOS)1.0 released. Physical simulation game that enjoys real physical operation of each shape and change in each material.
#GJZuOe9g Mar 29,2018 05:57
I have ALL of them
#r4NNOCnx Mar 23,2018 13:11
"Elemental Box"(Android)1.0 released. Physical simulation game that enjoys real physical operation of each shape and change in each material.
#r4NNOCnx Mar 16,2018 10:01
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Added share button.
#r4NNOCnx Mar 09,2018 10:06
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.1 (iOS). - Support for iPhone X. - Added share button.
#r4NNOCnx Mar 02,2018 11:15
"Cross Virus" updated version 1.1 (Android). - Supported 18:9 ratio display. - Added share button.
#r4NNOCnx Feb 23,2018 13:31
"Monster Box" updated version 1.8 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Added a history chart of money and damage to the stats tab. - Fixed some bugs.
#r4NNOCnx Feb 16,2018 11:12
"Monster Box" updated version 1.8 (iOS). - Added a history chart of money and damage to the stats tab. - Optimized for iPhone X. - Fixed some bugs.
#r4NNOCnx Feb 09,2018 14:46
"Monster Box" updated version 1.8 (Android). - Added a history chart of money and damage to the stats tab. - Supported 18:9 ratio display. - Fixed some bugs.
#r4NNOCnx Feb 02,2018 14:01
"Ham Race" updated version 2.2(Amazon Fire Tablet). -Updated the leaderboard. -Improved interface and graphics. -Fixed some bugs. @Angryblacksheep2 Sorry to bug you. What model are you using?
#PmZf02TE Jan 27,2018 05:09
I have the apple app of powder game, and I made a lot of creations (already uploaded some under the name of angryblacksheep) but every time I tap ‘upload’ the app just shuts down. This of course didn’t happen before but now I can’t upload anything anymore.
#r4NNOCnx Jan 26,2018 11:30
"Ham Race" updated version 2.2 (iOS). -iOS 11 compatibility. -Updated the leaderboard. -Improved interface and graphics. -Fixed some bugs.
#r4NNOCnx Jan 19,2018 13:15
"Ham Race" updated version 2.2 (Android). -Updated the leaderboard. -Improved interface and graphics. -Fixed some bugs.
#r4NNOCnx Jan 12,2018 14:32
Add game of BGM. Shisen-Sho.(Animal)
#r4NNOCnx Dec 29,2017 11:35
Add game of BGM. Shisen-Sho.
#r4NNOCnx Dec 22,2017 14:02
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 1.9(Amazon Fire Tablet). -Updated the leaderboard. -Improved interface and graphics. -Fixed some bugs.
#r4NNOCnx Dec 15,2017 11:48
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 1.9(iOS). -iOS 11 compatibility. -Updated the leaderboard. -Improved interface and graphics. -Fixed some bugs.
#r4NNOCnx Dec 08,2017 11:17
"Flying Santa Cat" updated version 1.9(Android). -Updated the leaderboard. -Improved interface and graphics. -Fixed some bugs.
#r4NNOCnx Dec 01,2017 13:21
"Monster Box" updated version 1.7 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Add Damage Boost of key section.
#r4NNOCnx Nov 27,2017 13:19
@RadiantDarkBlaze Thanks for the screenshot. 10000 is amazing! Certainly, its notation is hard to see. I am going to think about it. @amazingdude Thanks for the screenshot. I will confirm that.
#padtckOV Nov 26,2017 13:24
Lim rocket planets can overlap
#5EcgArGT Nov 24,2017 19:16
@otascube Thanks for letting me know~ However; while the after-match win count display and the listing win count display both look fine after reaching 10000+ wins, the team select win count display could probably use some visual optimization. Here's a screenshot I took when I saw my team select screen right after my 10000th win: I fought several more matches since taking that screenshot, and my win count is increasing normally; the way it's displayed on the team select screen just looks *really* weird now xD Seeing what the team select screen display looks like with a 5-digit win count and a 2-digit loss count, I do have to wonder what will happen once my loss count hits 3 digits (100+); which will likely happen slightly before I reach 30000 wins (at least going by my average win/lose ratio thus far). I realize I'm probably the only one in the world who sees that awkward display right now (possibly unless it also happens to 1000+ win 100+ lose teams), so I can fully understand if visually optimizing that team select screen win/lose display is low on your priority list (;
#r4NNOCnx Nov 24,2017 10:47
"Monster Box" updated version 1.7 (iOS). -Add Damage Boost of key section. @RadiantDarkBlaze There is an upper limit, but the upper limit is higher, so it is OK even if it is over 10,000. @OwenDaPanda Someday... However, the plan has not proceeded specifically.
#VYQpyVtv Nov 22,2017 06:09
Please make powder game 2 app. And also, can you edit what's in comments and make it say something different? If so change this NO to yes
#5EcgArGT Nov 18,2017 00:27
@otascube My Rank 1 VS Mode team (name "Ardibii", comment "The Janitors") now has well over 9000 wins (9398 at time of posting). I've noticed that no teams of any Rank on either PC or mobile have ever surpassed 10000 wins; does mobile SR VS Mode have the capacity to display a win count of over 9999 should I continue playing to the point where my team hits 10000+ wins? While I haven't hit that point just yet, if possible I would like to know whether or not VS Mode can support displaying that win count before I reach it. I've been almost exclusively using the "Sort: AVG, Period: All" search method to fight almost exclusively teams that have 1 win and 0 losses, with the occasional team that gathers 2+ wins with 0 losses in the mix of teams that I fight; putting the first losses on almost all of them. There were a few teams that I couldn't quite best here and there, which I got a friend with a team arguably stronger than my team to defeat. As a result of my battles, no Rank 1 team that was uploaded before the start of 2017 has 0 losses anymore; and I fully plan to keep going until every Rank 1 team has at least 1 loss each.
#r4NNOCnx Nov 17,2017 10:58
"Monster Box" updated version 1.7 (Android). -Add Damage Boost of key section. @RadiantDarkBlaze Thank you for the detailed information.
#padtckOV Nov 15,2017 12:57
The wiki is not maintained by danball staff
#5EcgArGT Nov 12,2017 01:03
@otascube I've been continuing to play VS Mode since my last post, and I've experienced no further crashes even after over 3000 more matches (7045-26 by now at time of posting). Loading times do still vary a little bit, but not usually to the point of rendering the game feeling any less playable like as caused me to report in the first place anymore. However, it did happen before; so thank you for looking into it. A couple things I forgot to mention in my original report; if in the opponent list a team's comment has an apostrophe in it (as in the words "I'm", "don't", "won't", "can't", etc.), the apostrophe and everything after it will not display in-battle. If I recall correctly, a plus sign ("+") contained in a team's comment in the opponent list will instead display as something similar to "%20" in-battle.
#oivMsWIR Nov 11,2017 08:43
@AD It says that on the Dan-ball wiki. :/
#r4NNOCnx Nov 10,2017 13:09
"Cat Halloween" updated version 1.8 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Updated the leaderboard. -Updated some music. @RadiantDarkBlaze Thank you for the bug report. I will confirm that.
#padtckOV Nov 06,2017 10:10
@UH2V How do we know they are not archived on a hidden page?
#oivMsWIR Nov 06,2017 06:11
@AD Once a comment is older than the 1000 limit, it gets automatically deleted, probably to prevent too many comments on one webpage.
#padtckOV Nov 06,2017 00:48
Is it possible to view comments older than the 1000 limit?
#5EcgArGT Nov 05,2017 14:36
@otascube I've been playing VS Mode in Stick Ranger on Android quite extensively recently. Today I noticed that the loading time before or (more frequently) after a match, as well as the loading time for the opponent list, has on frequent occasion been much longer than usual. Also, a couple of times so far the app actually crashed while I was in the middle of a VS Mode match; costing my team ("The Janitors", Rank 1, 3728-17 at time of posting) a couple of 'disclaimed/forfeit' losses due to the crashes. One crash was when loading a match, and the other was while a match was in progress. Could you fix whatever bug(s) may be causing crashes during VS Mode play + let me know the most likely reason why loading times suddenly got longer for me please? Slightly less importantly than the above; when choosing a username for VS Mode, I couldn't use more than 10 English characters; thus leading to me using the name "Ardibii" (7 chars) instead of my usual "RadiantDarkBlaze" (16 chars). However, when fighting various teams in VS Mode I have seen multiple teams where the username of the uploader of the team was clearly more than 10 characters. Is this a(n unintended) difference between iOS and Android versions of the app?
#rlVcr8lp Nov 04,2017 05:48
It’s dumb
#r4NNOCnx Nov 03,2017 10:40
"Cat Halloween" updated version 1.8 (iOS). -Support iOS 11. -Updated the leaderboard. -Updated some music.
#r4NNOCnx Oct 27,2017 13:54
"Cat Halloween" updated version 1.8 (Android). -Updated the leaderboard. -Updated some music. @U HAVE 2 VOTE!!! I am sorry I couldn't be more helpful. I think that it is possible for you to write English on the bulletin board, but since I do not know why you could not write it,I will let the ha55ii know.
#oivMsWIR Oct 23,2017 12:59
@otascube I didn't know it was there, because it's on the Japanese side. To read the stuff, I pressed "Translate to English". I tried to post "Remove because it's offensive" (in English) there, but it won't post.
#r4NNOCnx Oct 20,2017 16:33
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.3 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Add music & sounds. -Leaderboard(Ranking) Renewal. -Add settings. -Improve interface. @UH2V #2 If there is an inappropriate problem of dust please comment to Comments ( ). ha55ii is also watching comments. Thank you for your cooperation.
#6xTqws52 Oct 19,2017 09:54
UH2V #2
@otascube Can you tell ha55ii that in the Powder Game comments, mashed potato keeps dropping F bombs, and ha55ii should remove it? It's very inappropriate.
#r4NNOCnx Oct 13,2017 10:40
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.3 (iOS). -Support iOS 11. -Add music & sounds. -Leaderboard(Ranking) Renewal. -Add settings. -Improve interface.
#r4NNOCnx Oct 06,2017 13:16
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.3 (Android). -Add music & sounds. -Leaderboard(Ranking) Renewal. -Add settings. -Improve interface.
#r4NNOCnx Sep 29,2017 13:26
"Monster Box" updated version 1.6 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Add Money Boost of key section.
#UssduMir Sep 27,2017 12:49
Dark Doctor
Also I dont think otascube can really have an influence on what games ha55ii should update. ha55ii is sort of the main boss.
#UssduMir Sep 27,2017 12:47
Dark Doctor
Do you mean powder game 2. Powser game 1 is basically discontinued.
#oivMsWIR Sep 24,2017 10:36
#VYQpyVtv Sep 23,2017 07:13
#r4NNOCnx Sep 22,2017 13:44
"Monster Box" updated version 1.6 (Android). -Add Money Boost of key section. @OwenDaPanda @NV No not yet plan is progressing.
#h1fufRDm Sep 22,2017 04:03
#jjxf0sJs Sep 21,2017 10:15
I'd really like to see an app for Powder Game 2 as well, are there any plans for it?
#VYQpyVtv Sep 20,2017 10:55
For ios And if it's not too hard, make it for ios 7?
#VYQpyVtv Sep 20,2017 10:55
@ostacube Can you guys possibly think of making an app version of powder game 2? I enjoy powder game two from the few times I've played it, but I can't play it that much due to it not haveing a app version
#r4NNOCnx Sep 15,2017 11:46
"Monster Box" updated version 1.6 (iOS). -Add Money Boost of key section. @Dark Doctor Thank you. ha55ii is also watching comments.Probably.
#UssduMir Sep 11,2017 05:30
Dark Doctor
@otascube can you tell ha55ii that I really enjoy his games? I enjoy your games too! :D
#Nl3t12Mz Sep 10,2017 04:54
#6SuGG3GY Sep 08,2017 09:54
Is it just me or is otascube taking over all the comments
#r4NNOCnx Sep 08,2017 09:41
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Add background music. -Renewal world-wide leader board. @OwenDaPanda Hello!
#VYQpyVtv Sep 07,2017 22:10
#r4NNOCnx Sep 01,2017 10:26
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.0 (iOS). -Add background music. -Renewal world-wide leader board.
#r4NNOCnx Aug 25,2017 11:53
"Cat Shot" updated version 3.0 (Android). -Add background music. -Renewal world-wide leaderboard. @9132 For the website version please comment to Comments ( The person in charge is ha 55ii. I am not involved in the Web site version. Best regards, ;)
#Nl3t12Mz Aug 25,2017 01:14
@otascube Who do I talk to about computer Powder-Game?
#r4NNOCnx Aug 18,2017 10:05
"Monster Box" updated version 1.5 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Fix the player with a button.
#meTmo64c Aug 16,2017 14:13
#r4NNOCnx Aug 11,2017 11:36
"Monster Box" updated version 1.5 (iOS). -Fix the player with a button.
#r4NNOCnx Aug 04,2017 10:38
"Monster Box" updated version 1.5 (Android). -Fix the player with a button.
#r4NNOCnx Jul 28,2017 10:55
"Powder Game" updated version 3.6 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Remove ads on watching videos.
#r4NNOCnx Jul 21,2017 11:40
"Powder Game" updated version 3.6 (Android). -Remove ads on watching videos.
#r4NNOCnx Jul 14,2017 10:47
"Powder Game" updated version 3.6 (iOS). -Remove ads on watching videos.
#r4NNOCnx Jul 07,2017 10:25
"Monster Box" updated version 1.4 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Add the key item.
#r4NNOCnx Jun 30,2017 11:26
"Monster Box" updated version 1.4 (iOS). -Add the key item.
#r4NNOCnx Jun 23,2017 11:24
"Monster Box" updated version 1.4 (Android). -Add the key item.
#r4NNOCnx Jun 16,2017 10:54
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.4 (iOS). - Add background music. - Remove ads on watching videos.
#r4NNOCnx Jun 09,2017 10:26
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.4 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Add background music.
#r4NNOCnx Jun 02,2017 14:06
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.4 (Android). - Add background music. - Remove ads on watching videos.
#r4NNOCnx May 26,2017 09:37
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.8 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Add stages.(Cavern 7, Cavern 8, Hell 7, Hell 8, Hell Gate, Hell Castle, Volcano) - Add weapon and component item. - Add ending screen. - Add restart mode. - Add option. (Drag DeadBody) - Remove ads on watching movies.
#S5HUqWVd May 22,2017 05:28
New update is fantastic! So glad to have new levels!
#UVmmYAhi May 19,2017 11:09
#r4NNOCnx May 19,2017 10:52
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.8 (iOS). - Add stages.(Cavern 7, Cavern 8, Hell 7, Hell 8, Hell Gate, Hell Castle, Volcano) - Add weapon and component item. - Add ending screen. - Add restart mode. - Add option. (Drag DeadBody) - Remove ads on watching movies.
#94lM4iJE May 18,2017 07:31
Não Mas Não
#qYF6PPmk May 14,2017 13:38
Thats a good question
#jBoRtFu3 May 13,2017 03:19
When will stick ranger be updated on kindle?
#yup0BJ1M May 13,2017 00:52
A joyful day when stick ranger gets an update. Now we can finish this mobile adventure.
#8iGGWeKF May 12,2017 22:50
Awesome - thanks so much for the update! Thanks for making this game, I have played it for years on the browser and it is such a great rpg experience - definitely can't say enough good about it.
#UssduMir May 12,2017 12:10
Dark Doctor
Wow! You added pretty much everything! Thanks!
#r4NNOCnx May 12,2017 11:32
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.8 (Android). - Add stages.(Cavern 7, Cavern 8, Hell 7, Hell 8, Hell Gate, Hell Castle, Volcano) - Add weapon and component item. - Add ending screen. - Add restart mode. - Add option. (Drag DeadBody) - Remove ads on watching movies.
#r4NNOCnx May 05,2017 11:03
"Planet simulation" updated version 2.3 (iOS,Android,Amazon Fire Tablet). -Compatible with latest OS
#r4NNOCnx Apr 28,2017 14:00
"Monster Box" updated version 1.3 (Amazon Fire Tablet). -Added "BAR MAX" on monster bar. -Added setting to disable auto sleep. @Jb @Jon Please wait a moment
#VAinQPdU Apr 24,2017 02:50
On my android phone I have the version 16.7 I think but I have reached the end of the levels that are in this version and hoped you could update to version 18.9 if that is not too hard to do
#8iGGWeKF Apr 23,2017 00:27
Is it possible to update the android version of stick ranger?
#r4NNOCnx Apr 21,2017 14:10
"Monster Box" updated version 1.3 (iOS). -Added "BAR MAX" on monster bar. -Added setting to disable auto sleep.
#0AZo8dsW Apr 15,2017 01:08
#r4NNOCnx Apr 14,2017 11:57
"Monster Box" updated version 1.3 (Android). -Added "BAR MAX" on monster bar. -Added setting to disable auto sleep.
#r4NNOCnx Mar 31,2017 15:17
"Monster Box" updated version 1.2 (iOS). -Remove banner ads on watching movies. -Changed the button to post to SNS. -Updated the sound. @MooseyMoose The inside of the game is the same. The PC version is the newest update. The user interface is different.
#tfqH4kYN Mar 27,2017 16:01
Hey all, is the stick ranger app identical to the browser game? What are the differences?
#iII9Ldml Mar 26,2017 01:20
@otascube I will wait
#r4NNOCnx Mar 24,2017 11:31
"Monster Box" updated version 1.2 (Android). -Remove banner ads on watching movies. -Changed the button to post to SNS. -Updated the sound. @Jon Sorry. I have not made it yet.
#iII9Ldml Mar 22,2017 12:35
(Stick Ranger iOS) When is the update coming? I want to beat the game allready and fight the final castle boss
#r4NNOCnx Mar 17,2017 11:13
"Monster Box" updated version 1.1 (Amazon Fire Tablet). - Added option to select decimal mark and thousands separators. -Updated the sound. @RadiantDarkBlaze I am sorry, I do not know. The specifications of Stick Ranger and Powder Game games are decided by ha55ii.
#UssduMir Mar 13,2017 22:11
Dark Doctor
This version if sr is supposed to be parallel with pc sr so the other version would have to add those ideas first
#iII9Ldml Mar 12,2017 07:01
@RadiantDarkBlaze Thanks for the help :)
#BB9VzH3b Mar 11,2017 11:39
@Jon There's a place for suggesting + creating ideas for Stick Ranger and other Dan-Ball games: Some ideas from there later showed up in Stick Ranger for real; most notably the "Copter" species and the "Castle" head. There does seem to be a slight chance that could have been coincidence, though there's no way to know for sure without asking.... @otascube Do you and ha55ii know about the Fan-Ball Wiki? If "yes"; how long have you known about it for, and how frequently do you browse it?
#iII9Ldml Mar 11,2017 10:07
(Stick Ranger iOS) You should add new classes. You should add a healer that does 1-1 damage but heals teammates and also add a defender that has defense points but is weak at attacking. You can also add a necromancer that summons minions to attack and dex increases the number of minions. This game is a great RPG and I hope you add these
#r4NNOCnx Mar 10,2017 10:50
"Monster Box" updated version 1.1 (iOS). - Added option to select decimal mark and thousands separators. -Updated the sound.
#r4NNOCnx Mar 03,2017 11:16
"Monster Box" updated version 1.1 (Android). - Added option to select decimal mark and thousands separators. -Updated the sound.
#r4NNOCnx Feb 24,2017 14:22
"Monster Box"(Amazon Fire Tablet)1.0 released. Monster overflowing and Battle of Stickman!
#r4NNOCnx Feb 17,2017 11:16
"Monster Box"(iOS)1.0 released. Monster overflowing and Battle of Stickman! @Dark Doctor @rtrtet Thank you for waiting!
#x5rVAqxf Feb 15,2017 11:52
plz apple for monster box
#uGKvxgkS Feb 10,2017 13:15
Dark Doctor
@otascube Thankyou so much! I have waited a long time for this game! :D
#r4NNOCnx Feb 10,2017 11:38
"Monster Box"(Android)1.0 released. Monster overflowing and Battle of Stickman!
#r4NNOCnx Feb 03,2017 11:41
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.3 (Amazon Kindle). - Add Animal tiles mode. @Dark Doctor Sorry,Thank you for waiting.
#uGKvxgkS Feb 03,2017 01:43
Dark Doctor
Thank you for the bug fix
#r4NNOCnx Jan 27,2017 13:14
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.3 (Android). - Add Animal tiles mode.
#r4NNOCnx Jan 20,2017 13:31
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.3 (iOS). - Add Animal tiles mode.
#r4NNOCnx Jan 13,2017 16:11
Add game of BGM. Rocats.
#BggFiuao Jan 11,2017 23:41
great,thanks for sharing this.
#F9I1OwED Jan 01,2017 16:11
#Xi1Q51HU Dec 31,2016 00:24
Forget all other games and focus on stick ranger. Stick ranger is one of the best games ever made. I want moooore... (Platform IOS)
#r4NNOCnx Dec 30,2016 15:38
Add game of BGM. Cross Virus.
#F9I1OwED Dec 24,2016 22:19
and app power game 2 pleaseee ha55ii :(
#r4NNOCnx Dec 23,2016 20:59
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.2 (Amazon Kindle). - Add Gravity mode. @Lol A little more. @s6th Sorry. I will look into that a little.
#RD4dgDPE Dec 19,2016 05:10
Hi, Otascube! I'm playing Stick Ranger on Android and whenever I drag certain weapons off of my characters and into my inventory, I get a check error. The pointer included is 0x001800. How can I get a more detailed crash log/summary to submit?
#0EhIA4wk Dec 17,2016 06:09
Do you have an approximative date of when Monster box will be avalable on mobile?
#r4NNOCnx Dec 16,2016 16:42
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.2 (Android). - Add Gravity mode.
#nCtlwohq Dec 13,2016 15:12
#nCtlwohq Dec 13,2016 00:20
hey guys its me power and ha55ii please app stick ranger is 18.6 okay ? NOW!, no 17.0.
#vTs69XGW Dec 10,2016 23:28
Hey @ostacube any ideas of the next update? Also I guess I've returned.
#RD4dgDPE Dec 10,2016 11:39
Hey, Otascube. It's really good to hear that Monster Box is being developed for mobile. I really appreciate all the hard work you do. Thank you!
#r4NNOCnx Dec 09,2016 11:46
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.2 (iOS). - Add Gravity mode.
#0EhIA4wk Dec 06,2016 06:38
Okay thanks
#r4NNOCnx Dec 02,2016 10:36
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.1 (Amazon Kindle). - Add background music. @Mathis Please wait a little more.
#0EhIA4wk Nov 28,2016 10:14
You should do the Monster box game on iOS because it's a very good game and i love that game
#r4NNOCnx Nov 25,2016 12:04
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.1 (Android). - Add background music. @SwoopingEvil Sorry. Nothing is concrete at the moment.
#PtKc3zFj Nov 25,2016 10:09
When will cavern 7,8, Hell 7,8, Hell Gate, and Hell Castle be released on mobile?
#vTs69XGW Nov 20,2016 07:17
*knocks on door* Guess who's back.....
#r4NNOCnx Nov 18,2016 13:18
"Shisen-Sho" updated version 1.1 (iOS). - Add background music. @Schaubbit Sorry. The cause is unknown. I will look into that.
#6a9GiZZW Nov 17,2016 07:38
DON'T READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU'VE STARTED READING, DON'T STOP.1. Say your name 10x. 2. Say your mums name 5 times and your crushs name 3 times. 4. Paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday. But if you read this and don't paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES. WHEN YOUR DONE, PRESS F6 AND YOUR CRUSHES NAME WILL APPEAR IN BIG LETTERS. THIS IS SO FREAKY IT ACTUALLY WORKS
#Q5Xdad9v Nov 12,2016 22:43
Also, I cant move items in my inventory and when the inv tab goes down the game glitches to where my inventory and the buttons at the top just go black! I can still access levels though. And since it glitched when i took weapons off my characters... Only my boxer can attack, he has mach cestus w/ vampire 4, and quick 5.
#Q5Xdad9v Nov 12,2016 09:01
HELP!!! I got an error while playing stick ranger mobile, what happened was i took an item off my sniper (indra arrow) and went to put it in my inventory, but the inventory tab slid down and then an error popped up. Now i cant select anything and an indra arrow appears wherever i tap! Thats my best team! I can't do anything now! Help, what do i do!
#r4NNOCnx Nov 11,2016 15:38
"Shisen-Sho"(Amazon Kindle)1.0 released.
#r4NNOCnx Nov 04,2016 11:49
"Shisen-Sho"(Android)1.0 released.
#r4NNOCnx Oct 28,2016 18:24
"Shisen-Sho"(iOS)1.0 released. Puzzle game to remove all Mahjong tiles according to rules @cameron It is currently in development.
#qqhGpCod Oct 24,2016 23:59
please make monster box for iphone, i need it in my life more
#r4NNOCnx Oct 21,2016 13:28
"Rocats" updated version 2.0 (Amazon Kindle). - Add new stages
#r4NNOCnx Oct 14,2016 11:38
"Rocats" updated version 2.0 (Android). - Add new stages
#r4NNOCnx Oct 07,2016 10:55
"Rocats" updated version 2.0 (iOS). - Add new stages.
#r4NNOCnx Sep 30,2016 10:50
"Rocats" updated version 1.9 (Amazon Kindle). - Add background music.
#LndQxvhu Sep 29,2016 03:20
#LndQxvhu Sep 29,2016 03:19
#r4NNOCnx Sep 23,2016 10:43
"Rocats" updated version 1.9 (Android). - Add background music.
#r4NNOCnx Sep 16,2016 15:14
"Rocats" updated version 1.9 (iOS). - Add background music.
#8gavcLb4 Sep 14,2016 09:57
I seriously beat all stick ranger app levels up to blood lake, now im just finding ways of how to make strong weapons (even for my starter magician orbs)
#r4NNOCnx Sep 09,2016 17:55
"Rocats"(Amazon Kindle)1.8 released.
#r4NNOCnx Sep 02,2016 13:49
"Rocats"(Android)1.8 released. A racing game with comical cats on a rocket hitting a wall and aiming at the goal.
#r4NNOCnx Aug 26,2016 10:47
"Rocats" updated version 1.8 (iOS). - Support for iPad. - Support for Retina display. - Support for iOS 9.
#r4NNOCnx Aug 19,2016 16:57
Add game of BGM. Cat Hanabi.
#oju38bYQ Aug 19,2016 09:40
Dark Doctor
Whats header challenge
#ZAMR3cFT Aug 17,2016 20:46
Hi guys! I have done my first game! Header challenge! Game is addictive and challenging so you can play all day :) Play with your friends and write here what is your record! I have 68 and you?
#r4NNOCnx Aug 12,2016 12:43
"Powder Game" updated version 3.5 (Amazon Kindle). -Added Italian language.
#r4NNOCnx Aug 05,2016 16:12
"Powder Game" updated version 3.5 (Android). -Added Italian language.
#oju38bYQ Jul 29,2016 23:07
Dark Doctor
"App Games"
#r4NNOCnx Jul 29,2016 13:03
"Powder Game" updated version 3.5 (iOS). -Added Italian language.
#NhEh9fHi Jul 23,2016 07:22
#mF9nhQOL Jul 23,2016 07:21
ima ball
#NhEh9fHi Jul 23,2016 07:21
#r4NNOCnx Jul 22,2016 15:09
"Powder Game" updated version 3.4 (Amazon Kindle). -Added German language.
#r4NNOCnx Jul 15,2016 11:23
"Powder Game" updated version 3.4 (Android). -Added German language.
#r4NNOCnx Jul 08,2016 14:32
"Powder Game" updated version 3.4 (iOS). -Added German language.
#BW5wK2x0 Jul 06,2016 01:49
Stick ranger really likes to crash on google play when i enter a vs mode match. It's quite annoying and it makes it really hard to get a good win/loss ratio on the team that was designed to do well in vs mode
#ZhnCFNEf Jul 04,2016 00:10
My first post on The Good Phight might be under fan post btw. I can't post/comment till tomorrow, so yeah.....
#ZhnCFNEf Jul 03,2016 22:31
@storm23516 Doesn't that already exist? Idk... Anyways, I'm sad to say I will be leaving. I enjoyed being here, posting and all. Yes, I know I wasn't consistent with posting, but I really will miss u all. I have a new account on SB Nation, on The Good Phight, the Phillies community. I will try to post tomorrow, so if you want to, feel free to go on and see if whatswrongwithnola27 posted yet. Thanks for a great journey and goodbye! Oh, and one more thing... Maybe I should have been a little more clear.... It's not a forever gone. I might post rarely, but not very often. Peace!
#r4NNOCnx Jul 01,2016 09:56
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.7 (Amazon Kindle). -Add stages. (Blood Lake, Inferno 3) -Add weapon and component item. -Bug fix.
#Dbu9iW3x Jul 01,2016 01:08
#t0gWy1vy Jun 28,2016 07:55
ima ball
Ima ball
#t0gWy1vy Jun 28,2016 07:54
ima ball
#NhEh9fHi Jun 28,2016 07:54
#NhEh9fHi Jun 28,2016 07:54
#oju38bYQ Jun 24,2016 13:36
Dark Doctor
Thank you :D
#r4NNOCnx Jun 24,2016 10:22
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.7 (Android). -Add stages. (Blood Lake, Inferno 3) -Add weapon and component item. -Bug fix.
#ZhnCFNEf Jun 19,2016 08:02
The blog is on hold for a little, but yay for stick ranger updates!!
#oju38bYQ Jun 18,2016 10:15
Dark Doctor
#r4NNOCnx Jun 17,2016 10:46
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.7 (iOS). -Add stages. (Blood Lake, Inferno 3) -Add weapon and component item. -Bug fix.
#NhEh9fHi Jun 14,2016 06:36
How do you save I'm new
#NhEh9fHi Jun 13,2016 08:01
Can you add some more games?
#r4NNOCnx Jun 10,2016 13:59
"Powder Game" updated version 3.3 (Amazon Kindle). -Added French language.
#Q7zzFnJP Jun 04,2016 16:17
In the new update you have dôme fault in traduction : seed = graine not semence , c-4 =c-4 not plastic explosif. But thanks to have added a french traduction.
#O2aT82gb Jun 03,2016 13:46
My guess would be, probably not before the PC version is actually finished. Might as well get everything done at once.
#r4NNOCnx Jun 03,2016 13:34
"Powder Game" updated version 3.3 (Android). -Added French language.
#vzF2611T Jun 03,2016 08:42
@otascube Any estimate on when the next Stick Ranger Mobile update will be?
#vzF2611T Jun 03,2016 06:15
I am all caught up on Stick Ranger Mobile with my 3 sniper 1 boxer build. Inferno 2 and Hell 6 are under my belt. I need an update please!!!! Also, if you don't add the new caverns levels soon could you at least add in the drops for inferno? I need my Mach Cestus 7!!!! Hahaha
#djL7hmD5 May 31,2016 10:49
Salut Dan-Ball, j'aimerais que vous fassiez une nouvelle mise a jour sur mobile pour Stick Ranger. Je parle au nom de tout ceux qui ont fini le jeu!! Merci! Ps: super jeu en passant!
#u9sR9yDg May 30,2016 17:55
Can u plz create monster box for mobile
#zDh6uYKk May 30,2016 04:06
@4gibme I would like to second that. I would be very happy to support the development of your ports.
#tlWOZcPP May 28,2016 05:31
Hey there I am so glad you made stick ranger for mobile too! I am waiting patiently for it to catch up with mobile, as well as monster box for mobile For now I was hopeing you could create a way to pay to remove ads. I know myself and a few friends would be more than willing to spend a few dollars towards your amazing games thanks for all the hard work
#r4NNOCnx May 27,2016 14:02
"Powder Game" updated version 3.3 (iOS). -Added French language. @Go me =D Thanks for supporting me.
#tpaTRy84 May 27,2016 06:03
Go me =D
@otascube love your games :) keep up the good work!
#ZhnCFNEf May 27,2016 05:43
Help me it's 90° here!!! Blog post 2: With a gunner, save money and invest most of his skill points into MAG. It reduces the gold used per bullet. @stixx44 Dude, that ain't right....
#67io4RzJ May 26,2016 03:35
please help me! stick ranger for me just doesn't load anything! its just the background! can someone help me please?
#oxfu2uAE May 25,2016 13:19
@Soeash: Look 8 comments below your comment. Stick Ranger VS mode in mobile version is better than PC version because it is not hac.ked. Yet. Just don't merge both version.
#Y9LRWr3D May 25,2016 12:45
Can you add monster box to mobile games
#r4NNOCnx May 20,2016 12:45
"Powder Game" updated version 3.2 (Amazon Kindle). -Added Arabic language. @BoredToDeath There is no plan of porting to the "Windows Phone". @SSirus It will be of "Stick Ranger"? As stixx44 says, there is no compatibility. @stixx44 I believe some of the update of "Lim Rocket". (It's a bit far into the future.)
#hgsDeWbx May 19,2016 06:38
@TheEmeraldMiner Full STR, Long Gold Rod 7 (Silver Staff 6 in SR Mobile's case) with Black Stone 7 and Red Stone 7 (again, LVL 6 in Stick Ranger Mobile's case). Needle Claw 6 with 90 MAG, 22 DEX, rest LP 100 MAG if using Spark Claw for primary. Quick's Card 5 and Bullet's Card 6 is also ownage and one of the highest Physical DPS. Mach Cestus 7 with Yellow Crystal 6/Quick's Card 5/Vampire's Card 4/Explosion's Card 4 and Critical's Card 6 on all STR Boxer is also powerful. Then again, I've been involved in something like this before on SRCBs (Needle Claw is a physical weapon, siggy mistook it for a different type of weapon). @ostacube Is Lim Rocket going to get updated? I know the PC versions timeline is done so this is pretty similar to StarTrekSpock's comment on Labyrinth of Red and Blue. Just asking. :)
#6ELVSb0T May 17,2016 06:31
Wait, WAIT. I JUST POSTED SUCCESSFULLY!!!!!!! :) Ok, here goes Blog Post 1: If you have a priest with all strength, and a gladiator with full STR and DEX, get the gladiator a GreatSword 7, with a Yellow Crystal 6 and a Vampire's Card 4. It's rather late game, as the GreatSword 7 is from (correct me if I'm wrong) Hell 3, and someone's probably found a more OP idea, but hey, pretty strong!
#6ELVSb0T May 17,2016 06:27
Forget the blog for now, having posting troubles. Will do it when the troubles stop though! @ostacube No worries, take your time, I'll survive lol! Thnx :) Peace Everyone! -TEM
#hgsDeWbx May 15,2016 04:26
They are completely different versions of the game. So as I know you can't view SR Mobile Games version's VS Mode teams on the PC version of Stick Ranger.
#kwPxPc9x May 15,2016 02:47
Just asking but I submitted a VS team from my android phone earlier today and I tried checking on it with my computer but it didn't show up? I searched the exact wordings that I used for my team too. Are VS mode in mobile and PC different?
#YRZubx3t May 14,2016 02:56
@otascube Is it maybe also possible for the mobile games to be ported to Windows Phones?
#r4NNOCnx May 13,2016 17:05
"Powder Game" updated version 3.2 (Android). -Added Arabic language. @S6th Sorry.For now, there is no such function. @I am mobile The development of the Monster Box is still in the early stages, However is under development. just a moment please. @TheEmeraldMiner Update of "stick ranger", so we do from time to time, please wait for a while.
#6ELVSb0T May 12,2016 07:54
HEY OS... oops I had caps lock....let's try again Hey @ostacube, when does stick ranger iOS get updates? Just wondering if you wait for a certain time or point in stick ranger PC's timeline. And to everyone, you can submit questions to me, and I'll do my best to answer. Peace everyone!
#6ELVSb0T May 12,2016 07:46
If anyone remembers me, that's a miracle from heaven. I'm going to attempt a daily blog post kinda thingy about iOS stick ranger advice, with news also about SR, update estimations, and the final score of the MLB team, my favorite, the Phillies. Good to be back, I will upload at least 3 times a week starting next week. This week will be maybe 2 uploads.
#hgsDeWbx May 12,2016 02:00
Ranking for 1-2 Rank Name Stick Coin Medal Score 1st stixx44 4 49 1 572.32 2nd kuba 4 49 1 572.04 3rd Marsymoo 4 48 1 570.52 4th stixx44 4 49 1 569.80 5th stixx44 4 49 1 568.24 I just got first on the recent ranking!
#FasgDWRC May 11,2016 04:41
ih i'm sans sans the skeleton
#FasgDWRC May 11,2016 04:33
{cool dude}
powder toy is cool powder game is good i guess
#xWKkfgby May 11,2016 03:47
@S6TH if you are lagging on stick ranger then you are using a device with a weak processor. Either deal with it ir get a device with a stronger processor
#zK5i9ASB May 11,2016 02:50
I am mobile
There is one game i wish was on the App store: Monster Box. Please make that soon. Thanks.
#17xOcLwi May 10,2016 09:57
I can't play cavern levels in Stick Ranger because of the lag. Will we ever get an option to disable the cavern effect like the mist, desert, and snow?
#r4NNOCnx May 06,2016 09:49
"Powder Game" updated version 3.2 (iOS). -Added Arabic language. @StarTrekSpock I’m glad you like it. But,Currently, there are no plans to update.
#hgsDeWbx May 05,2016 04:54
Whoops, forgot the stixx44 in that.
#hgsDeWbx May 05,2016 04:53
Test comment.
#lT4Ubtd3 May 02,2016 14:58
As some may know I make various cities type of deals on The Powder Game, and I was wondering if it could receive an update for more dots? The amount you get may seem big at first, but for me it is quickly turned into barely making it over 6000 dots with a large amount on.
#uP9TCIfQ May 02,2016 01:31
I love the games of this page and i wonder, could you make a game of build cities?
#4wVe7ZAN Apr 29,2016 20:05
could the next stick ranger update add weapons and levels from the web version? On a side note, I love the trailer for stick ranger, but I don't see it in the App Store yet.
#O2aT82gb Apr 29,2016 12:11
Also, are you planning to add more levels to Labyrinth of Red and Blue? It's my favourite Dan-Ball mobile game and I'd love to see more updates ^_^
#oju38bYQ Apr 29,2016 10:50
Dark Doctor
#N6LRt7a6 Apr 29,2016 10:10
Created a video of Stick Ranger. DAN-BALL:Stick Ranger Official Preview (iOS & Android)
#zKfQE3gv Apr 28,2016 01:06
I love stick ranger mobile :) can't wait for the next update:)
#oju38bYQ Apr 24,2016 00:34
Lightning Lord
#N6LRt7a6 Apr 22,2016 09:44
Created a video of Earth editor. DAN-BALL: Earth Editor Official Preview (iOS & Android)
#N6LRt7a6 Apr 15,2016 09:58
"Powder Game" updated version 3.1 (AmazonKindle). -Add skin of Korean language.
#N6LRt7a6 Apr 08,2016 10:01
"Powder Game" updated version 3.1 (Android). -Add skin of Korean language. Update of Stick Ranger is not yet. It takes a long time.Sorry to keep you waiting.
#8lnkzdgt Apr 08,2016 03:51
My enlarged baby
Hype for stick ranger
#oju38bYQ Apr 07,2016 21:23
Lightning Lord
#2ImleCXA Apr 07,2016 08:11
21 Lines. I love counting lines.
#2ImleCXA Apr 07,2016 08:11
CAN'T ANYONE SPELL MY NAME CORRECT. Fled with these PG Viewer updates and Stick Ranger (bt that the original PC version) updates man, I am bored. Welł Sirus yes, this is what BurritoMan said 5 months ago: "@BurritoMan (2015/12/18 23:42) @otascube it occurs with any weapon. For example, if i have a sniper equipped with the starting bow, if i pick up a triple shot, throw it out of my inventory, then drag the starting bow over the slot the triple shot was in, the error occurs." Check error "(0x001800)". Thank Darkwolf1371 and BurritoMan once otascube gets this fixed. "@stixx44 (2016/01/06 23:55) It also happens to me (I had a Topaz 2, I threw it out and put the Fire Arrow 1 that the Sniper has equipped over to the Topaz 2 was, it crashes). Wonder if this would happen at the PC version (most likely no)?" This doesn't happen in the PC version. I've tested it. Lightning Lord also found another glitch when the Magician shoots its sound effect doesn't sound. And that team I was using was almost the same as Radiant's old team setup by using the guide he made on the DB Wiki (also notice the "s" in my name, it is lowercase!).
#kwPxPc9x Apr 04,2016 12:34
Could you guys update the Mobile version of Stick Ranger? (Possibly for Android) and also I've noticed the same glitch with BurritoMan and Stixx44 From my observations, it can occur with any item and it might also occur if you attempt to move an item into a slot in your inventory
#W4LZ9rpc Apr 03,2016 12:26
For some reason I can't save my works on Powder Game 3.0 on Kindle since the app crashes. Is there a better way to do it?
#ln5bm3HK Apr 03,2016 01:28
@otascube When will we get the next update for Stick Ranger (IOS)?
#N6LRt7a6 Apr 01,2016 12:01
"Powder Game" updated version 3.1 (iOS). -Add skin of Korean language.
#N6LRt7a6 Mar 25,2016 10:25
"Powder Game" updated version 3.0 (AmazonKindle). -Add the upload function.
#nzKEqt1O Mar 23,2016 05:10
#qgj5A9xA Mar 22,2016 05:01
Search Games "Tropix 2: Quest for the Golden Banana" And "Tropix! ...your island getaway" in Mobile Games
#2ImleCXA Mar 22,2016 04:36
Also, isn't it strange that the Green Smiley Walker (OS) drops the White Stone 1 and not the Green Stone 1? The Blue X Walker drops Blue Stone 1 so that is correct. The Red Smiley Walker instead drops Green Stone 1 rather than Red Stone 1, the Cyan Smiley Walker drops the Red Stone 1 when we think he should be dropping White Stone 1 (closest it would get). The Grey Boss Smiley Walker should drop Black Stone 1 but there wouldn't be enough room. But drops instead the Iron Medal 1 (similar color to the Grey Boss Smiley Walker) so that should be counted against that.
#2ImleCXA Mar 22,2016 03:49
@Lightning Lord I've encountered something like that before when the new update came (the Gunner shoots like sometimes if he had a suppressor (might have been spelt wrong, but I've seen that word before) equipped on his gun (even though you can't find this in Stick Ranger because it doesn't exist in the Stick Ranger world, but there is no sound in the PC version)). A projectile hits an enemy and the initial shooting sound isn't heard but the hit is (for physical it sounds like the Boxer punched him even though if it isn't the Boxer). There is another glitch. If you throw out the weapon or compo item and unequip one of your character's weapons and move it to the place where the other weapon or compo used to be, the game crashes.
#2mR4PCp0 Mar 18,2016 19:32
Dark Doctor
Ok then
#N6LRt7a6 Mar 18,2016 11:05
"Powder Game" updated version 3.0 (Android). -Add the upload function. @Eminem_Jeff @Dark Doctor I have a plan for Monster Box. But a plan isn't developed concretely yet. Sorry to keep you waiting.
#oju38bYQ Mar 16,2016 12:25
Dark Doctor
@The Boss Yes?
#VwVprlXX Mar 16,2016 00:56
The Boss
Dark Doctor
#oju38bYQ Mar 15,2016 19:50
Dark Doctor
Monster Box on mobile please. Pleeeeeeeaaase
#OW0zkEwA Mar 15,2016 16:57
Requesting Monster Box for mobile version
#N6LRt7a6 Mar 11,2016 10:22
"Powder Game" updated version 3.0 (iOS). -Add the upload function.
#oju38bYQ Mar 09,2016 08:19
Lightning Lord
Not sure if any one knows but the magician's sound when it shoots magic is really quiet
#N6LRt7a6 Mar 04,2016 10:59
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.2 (AmazonKindle). - Add a post button of Twitter and Facebook.
#N6LRt7a6 Feb 26,2016 11:51
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.2 (Android). - Add a post button of Twitter and Facebook.
#lODaOA30 Feb 26,2016 00:10
#lODaOA30 Feb 26,2016 00:10
#GYDeFYkQ Feb 23,2016 07:21
Ability to pick up onigiri into inventory?
#N6LRt7a6 Feb 19,2016 11:18
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.2 (iOS). - Add a post button of Twitter and Facebook. @Viper Sorry, its function is still no.
#HXbuLZRo Feb 18,2016 12:19
Is it in your plans to bring the save system out of the cache memory for stick ranger? I am disappointed that I cannot transfer my data to other devices
#65sFw9pz Feb 12,2016 17:14
Adds disks I
#N6LRt7a6 Feb 12,2016 11:48
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.9 (AmazonKindle). -Add a skin of Russian language.
#iaC7goUK Feb 06,2016 04:34
Not sure why the Compo Item glitch wasn't fixed.
#N6LRt7a6 Feb 05,2016 13:13
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.9 (Android). -Add a skin of Russian language.
#N6LRt7a6 Jan 29,2016 09:32
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.9 (iOS). -Add a skin of Russian language.
#N6LRt7a6 Jan 22,2016 11:11
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.5 (AmazonKindle). - Add a post button of Twitter and Facebook. - Fix bugs. @exho Sorry, Its function is not.
#2ImleCXA Jan 21,2016 07:17
@exho I don't think so. It said that the iOS SR is compatible with version 15.9 of the original Stick Ranger (PC version). The wiki doesn't have info for that however.
#QpbBQQak Jan 20,2016 06:26
is it possible to put stick ranger saves from a computer to ios?
#N6LRt7a6 Jan 15,2016 13:22
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.5 (Android). - Add a post button of Twitter and Facebook. - Fix bugs.
#N6LRt7a6 Jan 08,2016 14:31
"Liquid Apptoy" updated version 1.5 (iOS). - Support iOS 9. - Support iPad retina resolution. - Add a post button of Twitter and Facebook. @stixx44 Thank you for the report. I'll try checking.
#2ImleCXA Jan 06,2016 23:58
Guess what, the PC version does not have that error! I already had the Topaz 2 and doing the same thing causes the error anyway.
#2ImleCXA Jan 06,2016 23:55
It also happens to me (I had a Topaz 2, I threw it out and put the Fire Arrow 1 that the Sniper has equipped over to the Topaz 2 was, it crashes). Wonder if this would happen at the PC version (most likely no)?
#N6LRt7a6 Dec 25,2015 14:12
Add game of BGM. Flying Santa Cat. @BurritoMan Thank you for the report. It will investigate.
#Cca2k636 Dec 18,2015 23:42
@otascube it occurs with any weapon. For example, if i have a sniper equipped with the starting bow, if i pick up a triple shot, throw it out of my inventory, then drag the starting bow over the slot the triple shot was in, the error occurs.
#N6LRt7a6 Dec 18,2015 10:53
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.6 (AmazonKindle). - Add stages. (Hell 3, Hell 4, Hell 5, Hell 6, Inferno 1, Inferno 2) - Add shop. (Island) - Add weapons, component items and card. - Adjust LP. (VS mode) - Fix bugs. (*Compatible with the Website version 15.9.) @Darkwolf1371 @BurritoMan Could you tell me the name of that weapon?
#Cca2k636 Dec 17,2015 00:01
I have noticed a bug on mobile stick ranger that causes an error. When throwing an item out of the inventory, dragging a stickman's equipped weapon on the space previously occupied triggers a crash. I think this is triggered because items thrown out of the inventory are recognized as invalid and trying to equip that item causes the glitch. This is a serious bug and it really needs to be fixed.
#O5y8wG18 Dec 13,2015 12:11
@otascube Webmaster Apologies for the double post, but this error seems to be potentially fatal. Check error (0x001800)
#O5y8wG18 Dec 13,2015 12:09
encountered a somewhat serious error: tried to remove a bow or staff, and this error comes up. Check error. (0x001800)
#cC8OpVma Dec 13,2015 10:00
Oh man I almost forgot about this game until the update today. I'm going to ask though, is it possible to add more saves on the Mobile version of Stick Ranger. Thank you!
#qg92D7DK Dec 12,2015 20:54
You know what'd be interesting? Dan-ball games on the New Nintendo 3DS. It could work quite well, but I'm not sure how two screens could be used on games like Monster Box. Maybe the action at the top could be controlled with the circle pad, and the character to move selected at the bottom, and the upgrades could be down there too. I'd pay quite a good amount for a bundle of dan-ball games.
#2ImleCXA Dec 12,2015 01:36
New SR iOS update! Yey!
#N6LRt7a6 Dec 11,2015 11:31
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.6 (iOS). - Add stages. (Hell 3, Hell 4, Hell 5, Hell 6, Inferno 1, Inferno 2) - Add shop. (Island) - Add weapons, component items and card. - Adjust LP. (VS mode) - Support iOS 9. - Fix bugs. (*Compatible with the Website version 15.9.) @TheEmeraldMiner Thank you for waiting. @MaximumGrubO "Monster Box" app plan there is. But, I do not know is what time to become.
#JjKCSxqy Dec 11,2015 11:05
Hello,it is nice to meet all of you! Is there by any chance a mobile version of "Monster Box" coming up? I would like to see if there will be a mobile release or not. Thanks!
#TwpaHGOh Dec 11,2015 08:21
Back in October 23rd, you said you'd like to renew SR Mobile for iOS within this year. With 2015 coming to a close, will we see it later? Or early-mid 2016? Thnx @ostacube! Peace! -TheEmeraldMiner
#cqS7y81r Dec 09,2015 08:10
The Xros
#TwpaHGOh Dec 08,2015 09:06
Waits... Please come soon iOS update.
#N6LRt7a6 Dec 04,2015 11:42
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.6 (Android). - Add stages. (Hell 3, Hell 4, Hell 5, Hell 6, Inferno 1, Inferno 2) - Add shop. (Island) - Add weapons, component items and card. - Adjust LP. (VS mode) - Fix bugs. (*Compatible with the Website version 15.9.) @Dark Doctor Update's basically Friday(Japan).
#2mR4PCp0 Dec 04,2015 05:07
Dark Doctor
Do mobile games only update on Friday like the computer ones do?
#2mR4PCp0 Nov 28,2015 14:46
Dark Doctor
I hope not...
#cqiYwwVD Nov 28,2015 00:59
Maybe too unstable or too big on iOS & Android?
#N6LRt7a6 Nov 27,2015 10:55
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.1 (iOS). -Add to take a screen shot.
#2mR4PCp0 Nov 24,2015 12:43
Dark Doctor
It must be big if it's taking this long Or maybe they are waiting for the computer version to get farther before the mobile game can update again...
#wpBE2uw1 Nov 24,2015 10:37
I'm dying for the next stick figure update! when is it!
#wpBE2uw1 Nov 24,2015 10:36
could the other stages be added in the stick ranger game plz? i need the new items and stages in order to get stronger
#cqiYwwVD Nov 20,2015 15:02
-> I meant, could it be supported? (Since I've never seen an AmazonKindle in any shop nearby myself, in Denmark..)
#N6LRt7a6 Nov 20,2015 11:29
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.1 (AmazonKindle). -Add to take a screen shot. @Kuramakami I'm sorry. Windows Phone does not support.
#cqiYwwVD Nov 16,2015 07:31
Windows Phone support? [Microsoft & Nokia phones]
#N6LRt7a6 Nov 13,2015 13:17
"Earth Editor" updated version 1.1 (Android). -Add to take a screen shot.
#RZk3IBws Nov 12,2015 08:41
Dark Doctor
Will Stick Ranger Mobile Game be updated before the year ends? It would be great to know. -Dark Dactor
#xfIDR63d Nov 09,2015 08:20
@otascube what's a "renewal policy"?
#N6LRt7a6 Nov 06,2015 11:37
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.8 (iOS). -Add a skin of Portuguese language. @amazingdude Sorry. I don't know a renewal policy of java version.
#TwpaHGOh Nov 05,2015 11:12
MY NAME IS JOHN CENA!!! (amazing music) Lol. Sorry. Here's to iOS stick ranger being 100% accurate to PC at the end of 2015! #John CENA #MOBILE SR #Fully updated #too many hashtags
#TGCuSHBU Nov 03,2015 09:24
Make games for thebpebble smartwatch!
#z10E3LuS Nov 01,2015 05:54
@otascube will the java version for the web games be updated?
#N6LRt7a6 Oct 30,2015 11:46
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.8 (AmazonKindle). -Add a skin of Portuguese language.
#azcue0Rj Oct 30,2015 02:13
Please make this game available for iPad, it looks so fun
#TwpaHGOh Oct 29,2015 20:21
Osta said he'd like to renew it within this year @Domigon. So, here's to stick ranger being updated this year for iOS!
#azcue0Rj Oct 29,2015 00:07
Stick ranger needs more classes like animals of some sort, or special abilities that r devastating
#hQ0UQIqM Oct 28,2015 19:40
When is next update for stick ranger
#azcue0Rj Oct 28,2015 00:38
Stick ranger
You should add more classes for the iPad version
#TwpaHGOh Oct 24,2015 09:03
Updateless for a year. Please tell me when the next update for Moblile SR is coming out. Unless you have dropped @ostacube. BTW Sorry, I know I sounded rude.
#N6LRt7a6 Oct 23,2015 16:28
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.8 (Android). -Add a skin of Portuguese language. @TheEmeraldMiner When it's possible, I'd like to renew SR within this year.
#TwpaHGOh Oct 19,2015 20:19
@ostacube When will stick ranger's next update come out? It's been almost a year without an update and I've been finished SR for 7 months.
#N6LRt7a6 Oct 16,2015 16:36
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.7 (iOS). -Add a skin of Spanish language.
#TGCuSHBU Oct 11,2015 03:34
Please make liquid apptoy and more for the PEBBLE SMART WATCH!
#N6LRt7a6 Oct 09,2015 02:24
Add game of BGM. Cat Halloween.
#N6LRt7a6 Oct 02,2015 12:58
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.7 (AmazonKindle). -Add a skin of Spanish language.
#N6LRt7a6 Sep 25,2015 17:11
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.7 (Android). -Add a skin of Spanish language.
#N6LRt7a6 Sep 18,2015 15:07
"Earth Editor"(iOS)1.0 released.
#N6LRt7a6 Sep 11,2015 09:53
"Earth Editor"(AmazonKindle)1.0 released.
#N6LRt7a6 Sep 04,2015 15:10
"Earth Editor"(Android)1.0 released. A simulation game that creates the Earth using various dots on the field of gravity.
#N6LRt7a6 Aug 28,2015 10:07
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.6 (iOS). -Add a skin of Chinese(Traditional) language.
#N6LRt7a6 Aug 21,2015 09:29
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.6 (AmazonKindle). -Add a skin of Chinese(Traditional) language.
#N6LRt7a6 Aug 14,2015 11:17
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.6 (Android). -Add a skin of Chinese(Traditional) language.
#N6LRt7a6 Aug 07,2015 22:37
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.2 (iOS). -Add BGM.
#N6LRt7a6 Aug 01,2015 01:57
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.2 (AmazonKindle). -Add BGM.
#4eIHuzwd Jul 24,2015 21:50
I remember back when I first played stick ranger in 2011... I had no idea what I was doing. Good times, good times...
#N6LRt7a6 Jul 24,2015 13:20
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.2 (Android). -Add BGM.
#Zqi1ri17 Jul 23,2015 16:28
Hey,is there a way to get your android save in stick ranger?, im changing my mobile and i have 3 lvl 60 teams, that i don't want to loose.
#ndb9jdDX Jul 17,2015 14:00
@roosephu Wait, what? SR is still available on mobile. It's not completely up to date, but it's still there. If you played it previously on your device, you can almost certainly play it again.
#N6LRt7a6 Jul 17,2015 09:57
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.5 (iOS). -Add a skin of Chinese(Simplified) language. About Android plate and Kindle plate. Fixed a crash bug in VIEW mode.(2.5.1)
#T12eVv8K Jul 16,2015 15:23
Please, bring SR back to mobile. I missed it very much.
#4eIHuzwd Jul 14,2015 03:15
@anyone Ah... Stick ranger.....
#jQCzQxIM Jul 14,2015 03:12
I am really bored. *Checks uploads in Powder Game Viewer, and plays the Smiley Pix Art Upload I made yesterday* All Smileys look really nice in the upload.
#N6LRt7a6 Jul 10,2015 12:04
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.5 (AmazonKindle). -Add a skin of Chinese(Simplified) language.
#N6LRt7a6 Jul 03,2015 11:54
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.5 (Android). -Add a skin of Chinese(Simplified) language.
#Kkkg9cMI Jul 01,2015 16:20
lets hope for the best :)
#ndb9jdDX Jul 01,2015 08:05
@stixx I doubt it. SR is a really popular game, and to leave it out of the HTML5 updates is to lose a lot of DB's visitors. Besides, even though SR is a different genera, the physics behind it really aren't very different from the rest of the DB games. It just has a clear goal behind it, unlike the physics simulation games. You'll notice how the snow in SR behaves like sand in PG2 and the stickmen are just players from PG with arms. HTML5 is also versatile enough to handle any multiplayer aspect, and the rest has been proven to work, so creating an HTML5 version of SR is entirely possible. As it is, players have a chance of losing a vs mode battle by navigating away from the page. They just have to be smart enough to not do it. @BiggieWalker I just respond because I'm bored ;) Otascube also doesn't speak a lot of English, so I figured I could be more helpful there.
#GqGzItiq Jun 29,2015 16:26
I do apolagize for commenting on the pc verion on the mobile forum. I have made my acount recently and I will not comment on the wrong forum in the future.
#GqGzItiq Jun 29,2015 16:17
I'm suprised that anyone actually read and then replied to me. Thanks for acknowleging my comment. Lets hope they update the mobile version of stick ranger sooner. Startrekspock you should see that Stixx44 has made a very valid point in concerns to stickranger. You need to accept the facts and perhaps if your lucky things will go in your favor.
#8Tq3ltRE Jun 29,2015 05:57
I love mario!
#8Tq3ltRE Jun 29,2015 05:56
Janro89 Office
Use the lastest version Flash Player 1 if you have an ipad.
#Dcew5K2H Jun 28,2015 06:41
@stixx44 That's bull
#jQCzQxIM Jun 28,2015 01:33
@STS and BiggieWalker (Biggie Walker's name refers to the Green Big Smiley Walker, I think that's correct) There could be a huge chance that SR will not have HTML5, its different from other DB games and SR is an RPG and not a Fluid Dynamics or Physical Simulation Game like Powder Game and Powder Game 2, and if on VS Mode, the player will have a chance of LOSING a battle by switching from JavaApplet to HTML5.
#N6LRt7a6 Jun 26,2015 10:02
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.1 (iOS). -Add sound effect.
#ndb9jdDX Jun 19,2015 12:46
@BiggieWalker Otascube is in no way involved in updating the PC version of any of the games. He only develops mobile games. Sadly, I highly doubt the default screen size will ever change, but once Stick Ranger is updated with HTML5, you'll be able to zoom in and see the screen better that way with your browser's zoom funtion.
#N6LRt7a6 Jun 19,2015 10:30
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.1 (AmazonKindle). -Add sound effect. >BiggieWalker >TheEmeraldMiner Thank you for continuous support. When the update of the PC version of stick ranger once stopped, it is scheduled to be transplanted.
#4eIHuzwd Jun 19,2015 05:55
@StarTrekSpock I won't be suprised
#4eIHuzwd Jun 19,2015 05:53
> Ostacube It's alright. It's just that I'm having save problems playing stick ranger on my computer and I've been finished mobile stick ranger for about 6-7 months since the last update.
#WCTv2lVf Jun 18,2015 20:04
Can you please update the stick ranger and I you cant I would like and many others that you can make the screen bigger for the pc version of stick ranger. You don't have to to change the resolution just make the screen bigger while keeping the same resolution. I have recently lost the ability to clearly see small words and screen ext. When my eye sight was better I played this game all the time. I really hope that you read this.
#N6LRt7a6 Jun 12,2015 15:28
"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.1 (Android). -Add sound effect. >TheEmeraldMiner Sorry to keep you waiting. >PowderGameFan I don't schedule development of windows phone application. Sorry that I can't live up to your expectations. >StarTrekSpock Thank you.
#ndb9jdDX Jun 12,2015 14:44
@PowderGameFan I can't say for sure, but otascube mentioned a while ago that there was no plan to make any support for Windows devices for any of the apps. That's not to say it won't happen, but yeah. @TheEmeraldMiner Don't be surprised if the app only gets updated after the PC version is finished, which might be a while, what with all these HTML5 updates.
#h6HYw2Lw Jun 11,2015 15:08
When are you going to make the powder game as an app for windows phone?
#N6LRt7a6 Jun 05,2015 21:40
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.4 (iOS). -Add a skin of Japanese language.
#46vYlSWn Jun 05,2015 18:14
#4eIHuzwd Jun 02,2015 20:38
Sorry... I was a little mad. But are you almost done?
#4eIHuzwd Jun 02,2015 20:36
EARTH TO ... Who ever's in charge of iOS stick ranger!! Just update the dang game! PC HAS ALREADY CRUSHED MY FEELINGS!
#N6LRt7a6 May 29,2015 11:44
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.4 (AmazonKindle). -Add a skin of Japanese language.
#N6LRt7a6 May 22,2015 12:54
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.4 (Android). -Add a skin of Japanese language.
#N6LRt7a6 May 15,2015 16:28
"Lim Rocket"(iOS)1.0 released.
#bsPepAoe May 08,2015 22:11
I would like Elemental Box to have a mobile port, or maybe just an update. I like it.
#EKWpBAwK May 08,2015 17:08
otascubeWebmaster Thanks for telling me, otascube :) I love playing Monster Box, it would be awesome on Iphone, Android and th Amazon Appstore! :D No rush, take your time, it will be great!
#N6LRt7a6 May 08,2015 11:52
"Lim Rocket"(AmazonKindle)1.0 released. >DaMinecrafer115 >Stick _Player We're planning to production. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting so long.
#in18WAlE May 06,2015 08:17
Stick _Player
Hey, What ever happened to Stick Ranger (Mobile). I noticed that you stop making updates on it. Please continue making updates. I lost my save data on the PC, so I gave up, and that's why i continued on my Mobile Stick Ranger. So Please Please start making updates on stick ranger, it should be continued.!
#EKWpBAwK May 05,2015 15:07
Will Monster box come out on mobile? I really enjoy the pc version and i wish i could play it on the go, when im out places! Creators of DAN-BALL, please make this a mobile game :) (Note: they may be working on it now. We'll never know)
#wBwvGSBD May 01,2015 12:57
"Lim Rocket"(Android)1.0 released. Game to advance by operating the rocketwhile avoiding collision with the planet.
#N6LRt7a6 Apr 24,2015 13:45
Add game of BGM. Micro Panda "Ranking".
#N6LRt7a6 Apr 17,2015 17:27
Add game of BGM. Micro Panda "Opening".
#EAAazCqE Apr 17,2015 01:33
Monster Box for Mobile! Pls
#HGGX6CYz Apr 13,2015 07:48
Please make "Monster Box" for mobile. Please!
#Txfr3EWl Apr 10,2015 13:12
Add game of BGM. Micro Panda.
#F5DQP5uV Apr 09,2015 23:56
ok i will update monster box tomorrow
#N6LRt7a6 Apr 03,2015 14:29
Add game of BGM. Ham Race. >Tyler PC version update is I will consider when you are finished .
#efW83jCi Apr 03,2015 10:56
Need powder game 2 for Google play please
#tVsEOV9E Mar 27,2015 13:16
Add game of BGM. This is the outtake version of Valistroke.
#tVsEOV9E Mar 20,2015 17:26
I has released the BGM in the game. The first version is Valistroke.
#4guVwv0q Mar 20,2015 01:35
I hope Monster Box comes out on mobile, that'd be fun.
#v9cUhEBV Mar 18,2015 22:55
I love the cats
#1FISWsey Mar 14,2015 15:47
OMG the stick ranger for mobile is SO ADDICTIVE ITS AWESOME
#yb7Ev9LX Mar 13,2015 15:37
Thanks for writing back! I still love the game, and play it often.
#N6LRt7a6 Mar 13,2015 08:38
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.3 (iOS). -Add high resolution images.(for iPad retina display model.) >C14Clay Sorry that I can't live up to your expectations. Have no current plans for ad free version. >ManDonkey12 Sorry, is not scheduled for development in Windows phone.
#Kwdm1ir3 Mar 11,2015 11:10
#NP1IVeF8 Mar 10,2015 04:47
I've played these mobile games on my iPod, but now i wish there were these games on Windows Phone. *sigh* Please make these games on the Windows Store.
#LwNktRMM Mar 06,2015 15:59
I really enjoy planet simulation, is there any way to get an ad free version? The ads are far too bright, and make the app almost unusable. A paid for, ad free version would be great! (Android/Nexus 7)
#N6LRt7a6 Mar 06,2015 13:03
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.3 (Amazon Kindle). -Add high resolution images.(for high resolution devices.)
#UAoTdxfx Feb 28,2015 02:31
i cant log in!! but i like it
#N6LRt7a6 Feb 27,2015 13:18
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.3 (Android). -Add high resolution images.(for high resolution devices.)
#HV3Us7aM Feb 21,2015 23:11
Please can you make stick ranger avaiable for mobiles with java touchscreen
#N6LRt7a6 Feb 20,2015 12:46
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.2 (iOS00). -Add speed change button.
#HliLB0VK Feb 14,2015 17:19
Powdergame really should have more themes And powders...
#N6LRt7a6 Feb 13,2015 13:42
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.2 (Amazon Kindle). -Add speed change button.
#oWqCPNQK Feb 06,2015 13:51
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.2 (Android). -Add speed change button.
#EFOyCzPZ Feb 04,2015 22:56
#N1QxHigb Feb 02,2015 23:16
#oWqCPNQK Jan 30,2015 17:21
Resize the smartphone wallpaper.
#JJ6cMQPf Jan 29,2015 07:38
In need of fish
Will the element "fish" ever be added to the Powder Game Viewer, its one of my favorite elements & I would really love for it to be on the mobile version :)
#N6LRt7a6 Jan 23,2015 14:04
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.1 (AmazonKindle). -Add text drawing function. >aeinstein I'll think about what you said for slot. I do not know unpublished stage of the PC version SR.
#RivCdBGX Jan 21,2015 01:39
Also, do you know if the level 6 cards are going to be added in SR 15.5? sorry bothering you twice in a row, i know i'm annoying, but i'm VERY anxious for the LV6 cards!
#RivCdBGX Jan 20,2015 06:30
please otascube! update mobile SR (new stages, level 7 weapons... the island... you got it) what about the increased saved game slots in mobile SR? i have 12 teams in computer version! and only 4 in mobile! also, how about a way to change the players weapon in mobile SR WHILE the game is paused? another question: if you could your SR playing skills from 0-10 being 10 the best and 0 the worst, how would you rate yourself?
#eNce53Kb Jan 20,2015 06:02
Will there be an android version for Powder game 2 at some point? :)
#N6LRt7a6 Jan 16,2015 13:51
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.1 (Android). -Add text drawing function.
#N6LRt7a6 Jan 09,2015 17:16
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.1 (iOS). -Add text drawing function. >StrawTheBerry Sorry. I'll try to find the cause of the bug.
#kot6JFpu Jan 07,2015 03:42
Hus sainT
I was really good at the game and I can't get my account back
#kot6JFpu Jan 07,2015 03:41
Hus sainT
So one day my bro got really peed of at me so he reset my iPad i played so much stick ranger and I have to start again
#ZQEzbl96 Jan 06,2015 13:18
#ZQEzbl96 Jan 06,2015 13:18
How do you lost levels?
#tQVfgBn8 Jan 01,2015 22:04
ismail benzerga
40000 ote not enough I want more than 60000 ote sufficient dot I want to ash, bee, gunpowder, wax, wood, motor, aluminum, gun, steampunk, fish, note, heater, block, cooler, of expanded, multi, body, soft mud, dust, vacuum cleaner. screen effect is not that hard if you have a problem ask me send [email protected]
#80pHcGTz Dec 31,2014 08:22
@otascube I'm experiencing crashes when I enter vs or when I start to fight a team (which gives me 1 lose automatically).
#N6LRt7a6 Dec 26,2014 14:00
Created wallpaper. Cat enjoy skiing.
#N6LRt7a6 Dec 19,2014 14:07
"Cross Virus"(AmazonKindle)1.0 released.
#N6LRt7a6 Dec 12,2014 14:08
"Cross Virus"(Android)1.0 released. Game to be enclosed by a block, virus to grow in a cross direction.
#N6LRt7a6 Dec 05,2014 10:51
"Cross Virus"(iOS)1.0 released. Game to be enclosed by a block, virus to grow in a cross direction.
#FJ3u4wrH Nov 29,2014 11:29
I had actually beaten SR tons of times, my Underwatound Bases are popular and I will get to play soon.
#N6LRt7a6 Nov 28,2014 11:36
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 1.7 (Amazon Kindle). -Fixed the bug that can not save/load. -Fixed the bug of screen ratio in some devices.
#N6LRt7a6 Nov 21,2014 13:54
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 1.7 (Android). -Android 5.0 (Lollipop) support. -Fixed the bug that can not save/load in Android 5.0. -Fixed the bug of screen ratio in some devices.
#4UxCb68r Nov 21,2014 12:32
@Daniel It appears I was stopped by the text limit, but I have addressed your comment and had to post it in here: If you wish to know what I think, please click on that link and read the comment within.
#4UxCb68r Nov 21,2014 12:29
@Daniel I support you and your religion and don't mean any disrespect, but simply addressing your point, the term "magic" is just a way to represent that aspect of the game. Surely you've heard old fairytails talking about wizards and witches, and I don't think you would have truly hated them all because they contained magic. It is just a videogame, and the term "magic" isn't meant to do any harm to anyone, so I don't think it should be changed. It's simply used as a word to describe a stat in this game. To do so would mean not only the title change to the game, but also massive changes to the Dan-Ball wiki. Besides, the creators of Dan-Ball and its games are Japanese, so the term may represent something else in their language, but simply through poor translation software, was changed to "magic." The game isn't trying to glorify the practice of magic, and to be honest, I think there are worse parts of the game religion-wise, compared to just the term. As for the guns, yes it can be a pain, but it's also to build strategy. Instead of simply rushing through the levels, it makes the player pause to collect more money. Besides, you'll get more money in later stages.
#nY1fXapA Nov 19,2014 12:57
To continue my previous post, I believe that the term magic should remain unchanged to avoid future confusion
#nY1fXapA Nov 19,2014 12:53
>Daniel While I can appreciate that you are a servant of God, I think that the term "magic" can be interpreted in whatever way you think it should be. "magic" does not necessarily mean "magic", but rather, a force from within the stickman's own body; an inner "force", if you will. To say that "magic" is a negative term also opens the doors to say that any force that cannot be explained is negative. And, once again, I mean no disrespect to your religion, but, saying that an inexplainable force is something bad, also implies that God is something bad, as both magic and God cannot be explained. With genuine respect to your religion, Darkwolf1371
#Hw96wLSR Nov 19,2014 10:16
Dear Dan Games, I really do love Stick Ranger, but there are two things that are very disappointing. The first being the use of magic in the game. I realized that the magic acts as a specialty slot. I am a servant go a God and avoid games that use magic. If you could change the name of the magic slot, then I could fully appreciate the game. Second, my favorite class is the gunner, but it is virtually unplayable, because the stronger weapons use up money in turn of bullets. I like the realism behind it, but at the same time there isn't any realism. In the game, the very first gun you buy shoots bullets that cost $5 each. I can't use any of the weapons my team finds because one level of using a pistol drains all of my money. Instead, you should make 1 dollar equal 5 bullets. That way every five shots issued costs 1 dollar. This helps, because I had to solely upgrade my men towards dexterity in order to speed up their shooting, because I couldn't afford any more guns. After a while, it seems impossible to save money when your squad is so high in dexterity that they shoot 10 bullets a second and each bullet costs $5. Please edit these two things if possible and Thank you for reading.
#fITYUb0L Nov 14,2014 15:08
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.1 (Amazon Kindle). -Improve sound quality. -Optimization.
#fITYUb0L Nov 07,2014 14:47
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.5 (AmazonKindle). - Add new stages. - Add some weapons and compo items. - Change the drop rate of some items. - Fix some bugs. I will try to consider increasing the save slots.
#XIgj8Iuw Nov 07,2014 11:30
The Dragoon
I second the idea that there should be more teams XD. I really want to try more team combinations
#4DrUdUgY Nov 07,2014 07:02
Question about "Stick Ranger" on Android... Does save data persist through the updates or do our save slots get wiped with each update (using Android)? Thanks!
#dN7mTYG3 Nov 04,2014 01:01
I think they should increase the maximum number of teams in the mobile version of SR! i have 12 in my pc!
#N6LRt7a6 Nov 02,2014 11:37
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.5 (Android). -Fix a bug of black screen in some models. >newborn I'm glad you like it.
#QXf3ymGd Nov 01,2014 00:25
So happy update in Android. Love playing this game (^v^) Enjoy so much
#N6LRt7a6 Oct 31,2014 13:44
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.4 (Android). - Add new stages. - Add some weapons and compo items. - Change the drop rate of some items. - Fix some bugs.
#xOGLNSkp Oct 31,2014 02:56
#8qAluSVV Oct 30,2014 09:43
Keep updating stick ranger mobile because its easier to play on the phone than the computer.
#SVQc8XY9 Oct 27,2014 08:33
>otascube Just a thought, but an app for viewing the comment boards would be cool.
#iERgh0qp Oct 25,2014 07:54
Please the stick ranger game for ios is great but those take over ads that try and play a video are beyond annoying forcing me to play in airplane mode, im cool with banner ads and supporting danball but not like this
#N6LRt7a6 Oct 24,2014 13:51
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.3 (iOS). - Add new stages. - Add some weapons and compo items. - Change the drop rate of some items. - Fix some bugs. >arroumas Plan is undecided. However, I want to do someday.
#FbHCHtP6 Oct 22,2014 09:29
I would rely like it if you made a monster box app Me and my brother love the game and if you made a app we would play it a lot to. Thanks already -Andrew R.
#oOFfFZNi Oct 17,2014 13:46
"valistroke" updated version 1.8 (Amazon Kindle). - Optimization. >StarTrekSpock >newborn Thank you for your patience. It is under manufacture now. >Randomystick I will take it under advisement.
#KPYijj7x Oct 13,2014 09:10
Really hope SR update in android , i want the rest of stage and more powerful items
#REIVx7ZQ Oct 11,2014 23:58
Will you guys include more save data slots for SR mobile in the next update? I'd like to create some weird loadouts (all angel team, all sniper) for fun but I already maxed out :(
#4UxCb68r Oct 10,2014 12:46
>>otascube Are you going to add more mobile Stick Ranger levels soon, or are you going to wait for ha55ii to finish the rest of the stages first? Just curious.
#BoqLun2o Oct 10,2014 11:42
"Ham Race" updated version 1.5 (Amazon Kindle). -Bug fix. (Drawing the ground.) >Randomystick cross-transfer data -> Is not its function .
#BEzuwbjj Oct 04,2014 17:57
Will there ever be an option to login to our dan-ball account on the mobile app? To cross-transfer data across android phones. @【IS MASTER】 That's not what I meant. I'm asking if the game saves the completing of Ice Castle, because there's currently no way of telling until SF9 / B4 is released on mobile.
#oOFfFZNi Oct 03,2014 13:52
"Ham Race" updated version 1.5 (Android). -Bug fix. (Drawing the ground.)
#EKTyvvdp Sep 27,2014 03:44
every friday i pray for android stick range update, the continuation of the beautiful fighting world. what a good day when it happens.
#oOFfFZNi Sep 26,2014 14:17
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 1.6 (AmazonKindle). -Add post to Twitter. >Jman88s I'm sorry. There is no plan to make the windows phone version. >pinkiemc I am sorry if my interpretation is mistaken. Android version of "micro panda" has been released.
#AfetXyRH Sep 24,2014 08:05
dan-ball should port their games to the Windows RT platform. Maybe even windows phone 8.1.
#1Mz4p9Na Sep 20,2014 01:17
you should make there be free play on android micro panda
#oOFfFZNi Sep 19,2014 13:47
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 1.6 (Android). -Add post to Twitter.
#1B4Endz3 Sep 12,2014 14:05
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 2.0 (iOS). -Add post to Facebook. (More than iOS 6.0)
#FJ3u4wrH Sep 09,2014 02:09
@Randomystick Every game on DB is different on their mobile version.In PG viewer you cannot upload like in the original Powder Game.
#BEzuwbjj Sep 06,2014 14:25
If we've defeated Ice Castle already, will we be able to advance to Snowfield 9 / Beach 4 immediately after they're available (in a future update)? I've just defeated the Ice Castle boss a while ago, and I really don't want to fight it again. :/
#oOFfFZNi Sep 05,2014 15:41
"Ham Race" updated version 1.4 (Android). -Support tablet. -Performance improvements. -Bug fix.
#oOFfFZNi Aug 29,2014 11:06
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 1.9 (iOS). -Add post to Twitter.
#sYJT32G2 Aug 28,2014 21:18
good games
#oOFfFZNi Aug 22,2014 13:59
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.2 (iOS). -Fixes bugs.
#oOFfFZNi Aug 15,2014 13:39
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 1.5 (AmazonKindle). -Added to save multiple files. -Improved interface. -Fixes bugs.
#RvuJapnR Aug 09,2014 05:21
SR 5/5 stars
Be patient for the SR update, I challenge each of you to conclude the game 100%. 1- Get Lvl 80(max lvl currently) 2- Complete the book 100% 3- Fill out the inventory with perfect items(all compos lv 5) each line for each character. Make your favorite weapons. Enjoy the VS mode.
#iCkx2x11 Aug 08,2014 13:56
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.3 (KindleFire). - Fixed a bug that wrong status display when you drop an item on the field. - Fixed a bug that screen of opponent selection is reversed in VS mode. - Fixed a bug that display of component items column of the bottom is wrong.
#FV1vO44R Aug 03,2014 12:02
Latest version of stick ranger please
#FV1vO44R Aug 02,2014 14:25
Please. I want to play the hell 1 and 2 .. Update the stick ranger on ios/android... Please please please
#iCkx2x11 Aug 01,2014 11:03
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 1.5 (Android). -Added to save multiple files. -Improved interface. -Fixes bugs.
#iCkx2x11 Jul 25,2014 14:06
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.1 (Android). -Improve sound quality. -Optimization. - Support tablet.
#G8I2JJS6 Jul 22,2014 22:27
@quavio try making multiple teams
#urwnQP4H Jul 21,2014 22:16
He ostascube I was just wondering roughly when you will update stick ranger for ios/android because i want to play foret 4/5/6 and hell 1/2 thanks. ~ Quavio
#4UxCb68r Jul 19,2014 07:19
>otascube I know you have SR to work on, but is there ever going to be a Powder Game 2 Viewer? I mostly use Powder Game Viewer when I can't use my computer to look at uploads, and there are a lot more on Powder Game 2, so it would be very useful for me.
#iCkx2x11 Jul 18,2014 14:21
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.3 (Android). - Fixed a bug that wrong status display when you drop an item on the field. - Fixed a bug that screen of opponent selection is reversed in VS mode. - Fixed a bug that display of component items column of the bottom is wrong. >SR mobile update >cecy >omega-13 >Quavio Sorry to keep you waiting.
#urwnQP4H Jul 17,2014 10:02
#IfjwMAlO Jul 17,2014 09:57
need more stick ranger updates
#J4KMK22w Jul 12,2014 11:12
I cant wait for android stick ranger to update to have forest, forget tree, past ice castle! Thank you, for this a wonderful game for android and pc! I played this game as a 13 years old in 2009, 2011 and very excited to play again on mobile. Thank you, otascube and all!
#iCkx2x11 Jul 11,2014 08:21
"Powder Game Viewer" updated version 1.8 (iOS). - Added to save multiple files. - Improved interface. - Fixes bugs. >StarTrekSpock I also want to make game of cat.
#4UxCb68r Jul 10,2014 03:57
Hey, otascube. Are you going to make anymore cat themed games? I enjoyed playing them, and would like to see more ;)
#6nqU8zeq Jul 07,2014 21:21
SR mobile update
Please update the SR please im playing.this game on pc and mobile i really need the 26th weapon on mobile plz
#iCkx2x11 Jul 04,2014 14:25
"valistroke" updated version 1.8 (Android). - Improve sound quality. - Optimization. - Support tablet.
#iCkx2x11 Jun 27,2014 14:02
"Cat Halloween" updated version 1.5 (iOS). - iOS 7 compatibility. >"Stick Ranger" version 1.2 The purpose is to match the version of AmazonKindleFire version and Android version.
#pgkbXKAX Jun 26,2014 05:09
Stixx... why are you being so rude? I'm sure there was a reason, or it was just a simple mistake. Don't insult someone who is giving you free games, especially when the mistake is hardly noticeable, and only affects the title.
#XWqfVaDI Jun 23,2014 03:18
Screw you idiot! *Pukes over computer*
#XWqfVaDI Jun 21,2014 11:49
Guys "otascube Webmaster" skipped Ver 1.1, should he probally look it over before he updates it.
#iCkx2x11 Jun 20,2014 14:16
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.2 (AmazonKindleFire). - Added VS mode. - Fixed bugs.
#OhHDPb4j Jun 20,2014 11:32
Dose anyone know when there updating stick ranger?
#iCkx2x11 Jun 13,2014 13:36
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.2 (Android). - Fixed bugs. ("Check error" when swapping weapons.) - Improved interface. (Bottom of column items.) - Improved interface. (Bottom of composite items.) >Connor69704 Sorry, There is no currently scheduled to application development for Windows Phone.
#pvLcUD9D Jun 10,2014 09:27
how do you do these games
#98ZzNpbY Jun 08,2014 22:45
Can you add the mobile games to Windows Phone? ( Mostly the Stick Ranger game)
#iCkx2x11 Jun 06,2014 14:00
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.1 (Android). - Added VS mode. - Fixed bugs.
#FrnbtMXp Jun 03,2014 04:39
Hey tornado, whats up?
#IJJAC131 Jun 02,2014 13:12
#IJJAC131 Jun 02,2014 13:11
#FrnbtMXp Jun 02,2014 05:11
Hello Dan-ball, Could you please add "black hole" and "white hole" in the powder game (pg viewer) for mobile? (Especially for Android) it could be so cool! Like in your pc game "earth editor"! Thank you very much.
#igESCUTz Jun 02,2014 01:00
I think you should make a mobile monster box
#iCkx2x11 May 30,2014 13:33
"Stick Ranger"(KindleFire)1.0 released. Adventure of 4 Stickmans!
#DfcvGVYZ May 28,2014 01:51
well they have everything done already 4 them all they need 2 do is format it for app version and screw android they suk anyways
#cFETR1k7 May 27,2014 08:24
@MetroidLord9 PC version SR has been being updated for years. It will probably be a while before it catches up. --- Thank-you, otascube! :D
#I7RM9eJF May 26,2014 05:32
when r u going to update it to pc version?
#vurv4h54 May 24,2014 18:43
#D8piSTDf May 24,2014 10:14
Has anybody noticed that the poison staff 2 in the android version (possibly the other version, too. I don't know) is underpowered? you can't add both a peridot and an emerald to it, so you either have 1.4-5.4 seconds of 0-1 damage, or you have 0.4 seconds of 2-4 damage. (assuming that no sp is invested into strength. that means the max damage (once again assuming no sp is in strength) is about 262.5 and 80, respectively, and you can't get very far on that amount of poison damage. Especially not where you get the emerald 3 and peridot 3.
#rr6liPFq May 24,2014 03:51
Thank you stick ranger is finally on android
#1Mz4p9Na May 24,2014 00:11
you should make monster box for mobile
#iCkx2x11 May 23,2014 20:49
"Stick Ranger"(Android)1.0 released. Adventure of 4 Stickmans!
#601agY4T May 23,2014 00:19
Big Boss
BIue #00000000FF
#owjVgPUG May 22,2014 22:43
Do you have an estimated date for SR android?
#I5r30yMe May 22,2014 04:26
I <3 your games!!! Your PG Viewer is 1000% better than the Sandbox. Keep up the very very good work!! Greats
#Cyuego1l May 21,2014 18:07
The VS mode is not work for me :( when I clicked "vs" on the other team the app just stopped :( please fix it as soon as possible!
#4aQxcMEU May 21,2014 06:26
Amazing that we have stick ranger on iOS! But I already completed it (except mountaintop and snowland7, because i use 4 archers) Keep up the good work!!
#XR7pyICx May 17,2014 06:45
Will stick ranger ever come to android?
#iCkx2x11 May 16,2014 12:35
"Cat Hanabi" updated version 1.6 (iOS). - iOS 7 compatibility.
#iWerovug May 15,2014 23:00
Stick ranger map
The map is not full I only reached up to ice castle please update
#QLHM0sTn May 14,2014 08:51
Can you PLEASE add Monster Box to Mobile Divices
#ncGhtkBX May 09,2014 13:21
So its coming at some point? Is it going to be in the nearest weeks?
#iCkx2x11 May 09,2014 11:49
"Mine Tower" updated version 1.2 (iOS). - iOS 7 compatibility. >NNW Sorry. Android and Kindle Stick Ranger --> Please wait.
#vurv4h54 May 09,2014 02:21
Can you add for android on friday? Please?
#grYC34Zy May 08,2014 21:51
Noticed a bug with Stick Ranger on iOS where the player is sometimes unable to attach a compo item onto a weapon. Please look into this, thanks!
#cFETR1k7 May 04,2014 08:45
Please add Stick Ranger on all the systems, Android and Kindle, before you majorly update one, more than the others! Not everyone has iOS, and most of the ones who don't still want to play, including me! D:
#O1ewIyqc May 02,2014 15:27
Versus Mode! I wish I could update it. Good night
#iCkx2x11 May 02,2014 11:43
"Stick Ranger" updated version 1.1 (iOS). - Add VS mode.
#8Kl9uLi4 Apr 29,2014 01:59
Monster Box
Can Monster Box come out for IOS please?
#mqN361qw Apr 25,2014 23:28
Stick ranger for android?
#iCkx2x11 Apr 25,2014 10:51
"Cat Shot" updated version 2.1 (KindleFire). - Performance improvements.
#GXTdn4ET Apr 24,2014 07:03
#WyKh4bIK Apr 23,2014 04:54
Thank you, Based Otascube
#umiU7QXb Apr 22,2014 06:13
Read me Please
If I read properly, Stick Ranger came out for IOS, but I can't find it. Is there a link to it? Thanks.
#GXTdn4ET Apr 20,2014 02:06
See guys. Be patient, and it will come :3
#uH20CwBT Apr 19,2014 15:27
非常希望Stick Ranger未來能夠出Android版!
#nvjoXaFY Apr 19,2014 12:41
So, here I am after about 20 minutes of playing, what's my opinion on SR mobile? 4 out of 5 stars! This game captures core features of the original and handles them perfectly. For example, the GUI is smooth, clean, and easy to understand. The gameplay is just like the original, but, I have complaints: 1. The options menu doesn't allow you to multi-task in the inventory and options while fighting 2. The sound effects could get some work, but as it is in "beta" I'll let it slide. Good news: The XP bar is comprehensive, and the inventory isn't always in the way. The stickmen move smoothly. Finally, despite the map being incomplete, by the time you get that far, it will have more. Hope you liked my review.
#nvjoXaFY Apr 19,2014 10:23
Holy sh!t! SR on MOBILE!???!?!?! Getting that!
#inaZESfh Apr 19,2014 01:46
I'm very happy that you released Stick ranger for mobile, but you should add a feature that lets you copy your save into other slots so I can have a backup in case I accidentally do something I didn't want to do that can't be undone. Thank you so much for stick ranger mobile!
#9uLLt2Mx Apr 18,2014 19:30
Stick ranger for ios thank you!!!
#KpDXEMgt Apr 18,2014 14:51
Yay. It's out. When's the android release??????
#cFETR1k7 Apr 18,2014 12:02
WHOO!!!! STICK RANGER ON MOBILE!!! Now it just has to come out on android, before I can use it...
#iCkx2x11 Apr 18,2014 11:14
"Stick Ranger"(iOS)1.0 released. Adventure of 4 Stickmans!
#GXTdn4ET Apr 12,2014 00:43
IDK how many times I've said this, guys, but just be patient. You need to keep in mind that Stick Ranger is a large game compared to the others, so it will take longer to actually port it to mobile devices.
#iCkx2x11 Apr 11,2014 14:43
"Cat Shot" updated version 2.1 (Android). - Performance improvements.
#A3tvRxrg Apr 07,2014 11:08
i have a suggestion: can you guys make monsterbox and stick ranger for all mobile phones because those are the best games ever made on this site, i hope a creator is reading this, thanks.
#NH3BGx7j Apr 05,2014 07:03
How much longer are we talking about here for Stick Ranger?As I am a great fan of the game, I'd really love to see it come to android and iOS.
#iCkx2x11 Apr 04,2014 14:00
"Dot Sniper"(KindleFire)1.0 released. >aeinstein Monster Box --> It is still a long way off. Stick ranger --> Please wait a while longer.
#dN7mTYG3 Apr 03,2014 06:32
Stick ranger and monster box for smartphone and android!!
#iCkx2x11 Mar 28,2014 12:23
"Dot Sniper"(Android)1.0 released.
#cFETR1k7 Mar 28,2014 12:06
"Android app "Dot Sniper"" WHOOO! Thanks, otascube ;D
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