Dgo : Detailed Rules

Board game that is played all over the world "Go"
2players hit alternately, wide end of final area is winner.
1.Black stones and White stones hit alternately
1.Black stones and White stones hit alternatelyBlack is first move. White is second move.

Lower right is Black area, Upper left is White area, likely calm fight.
2.Wider wins of their own area
2.Wider wins of their own areaBlack 47 point
White 34 point

47(Black) - 34(White) - 6.5(komi) = 6.5

Black wins by 6.5 point difference
3.Disappear to surround four sides opponent's stones
3.Disappear to surround four sides opponent's stonesWhen the Black hit in , White stones will disappear.
3.Disappear to surround four sides opponent's stonesFigure after hitting
4.Area that is surrounded by opponent's stone can not hit
4.Area that is surrounded by opponent's stone can not hitSince become suicide, White does not hit in .
4.Area that is surrounded by opponent's stone can not hitIt hit if opponent's stone is erasable.

When the White hits in , Black stones disappears.
4.Area that is surrounded by opponent's stone can not hitFigure after hitting
5.Does not hit stone in area to go back to one before
5.Does not hit stone in area to go back to one beforeRule that prohibits infinite loop is ko.

After White is hit disappear Black stones,Black does not hit become Kou.

After hitting elsewhere in Black-and-White both, Black can hit in .

In addition, it will not be Kou.
6.Dead or alive
6.Dead or aliveEven create my own area, it will disappear if you enclosed.

When the White hit in , Black stones will disappear all.
6.Dead or aliveHow to as not disappear even if enclosed, you must make 2 points.

Black stones is alive.
6.Dead or aliveWhite stones, which is in the alive Black area is dead.

Since dead stones are not counted in area, ■ all is Black area.
6.Dead or aliveAlive example
6.Dead or aliveDead example
7.SekiI want disappear each other, a form that is indelible, is called Seki.

Once you hit the previously, it is loss.

In this case, living with both.
When not advantageously, will be path.
End in both continuous path.

Komi is 6.5 points
Go because first move(Black stones) is favorable, there is a handicap.

Adopt a scoring method China rules
Points = My stone + area
8.End●26point + ■20point + dead 2point = 48point
23point + 10point + ●dead 0point = 33point

48(Black) - 33(White) - 6.5(Komi) = 8.5

Black win by 8.5 point

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