Support Comments | 1000posts

Comments code of conduct
Use appropriate expressions.
Don't post offensive comments.
Don't reply to any inflammatory comments but ignore them.
#wxO9dr1Z Feb 28,2025 22:26
The game in the link is supposed to be "Bat Country"
#wxO9dr1Z Feb 28,2025 22:23
This sent me to a inappropriate website Mark it as nsfw or remove
#LsV0Zejm Feb 02,2025 10:25
ive tried 3 seperate accounts and i cant log in and use user features. i put in the password and id correctly and it doesn't work
#LsV0Zejm Jan 27,2025 21:19
repost from general, im logging in with the id and password i set but its not letting me use features that you can use once you log in??? is there some sort of login indicator or something? every time i leave the page it still shows the "register now" and "login buttons"
#LcDIEGdq Jan 17,2025 04:03
#wxO9dr1Z Dec 21,2024 15:36
I have glitchy text in the game and I do not have an adblocker how to fix
#ZItSV08J Dec 21,2024 05:41
@ha55ii, what's a "Fish Tracking Function"?
#f2JegANJ Dec 14,2024 11:26
Bug Report: In "Stick Ranger 2" in "Terraced Cave", the "Light Bow" is unobtainable because the giant yellow slime was replaced with small yellow slimes. This also makes the medal "Pick up 225G" unobtainable. I love this game!
#AxLq0gKx Nov 18,2024 23:43
#xXTMkh3H Nov 15,2024 07:37
For my previous comment about forgotten ID, please contact at [email protected] if anything can be done.
#xXTMkh3H Nov 15,2024 07:34
I forgot my ID for my old account, name "PancakeMonkey", is it possible for me to get my ID back? I still have my password, and can enter it if needed.
#L77BULoL Nov 12,2024 16:42
There is a upload glitch when I use 2 accounts especially 100bit When I upload on one account the other one will not allow me even though it's past the upload time limit
#dEz3GOZ9 Nov 03,2024 19:28
@sandwizard it comes when the images didnt load correctly. long ago i played ivans mod and entering boss room can crash the game,it's because of the same issue xD @128percent there may be more hidden limitations. eg. special keywords,html tags,typing a space at the end of name,etc. even if it posts the developer will try to remove them all (once he even cleared all my comments! that's the biggest glitch ever!)
#J6irftQU Oct 21,2024 08:00
Powder game mobile has an issue with its remove ads feature. Instead of playing an ad, and then removing ads for 24 hr, the ad will just bring me straight to the app store upon ending instead of allowing me to close it, and get the 24 hr of no ads
#sXM0wwrU Oct 15,2024 09:45
@Bobis24 There are some hidden limitations You cannot comment over a certain amount of times each day Your posted comments can not be 3 of the 5 latest comments Some words are unable to be sent, for example, a tall building (skys____er) cannot be commented because it contains a negative word.
#PJ4y8nAw Oct 15,2024 07:52
I tried to type a comment but it didn't work even if it is appropriate
#L77BULoL Oct 09,2024 20:11
I can't upload on 100bit even though it's more than 6 hours
#L77BULoL Sep 13,2024 16:04
@samdwizard I also have this problem but it got fixed suddenly
#OOEMaRl9 Aug 24,2024 16:16
hey everybody, my game at stick ranger 2 has some elements and terrain removed as well as some text look glitchy and unreadable. it makes the game particularly harder (some monsters can freely approach me without their cave). I'm playing on mobile web (browser is chrome), and I've already tried removing adblocks and such as suggested under the game information. any tips? this problem doesn't occur when i am using my PC (microsoft edge)
#OEInRPRM Aug 15,2024 20:12
Why can I only upload once a week or longer It had happened another time Ha55ii fix it immediately
#zMnb83HM Jul 13,2024 02:10
(ㆆ _ ㆆ)
The only reason why I would spam would be if I am trying to make someone shut up
#JDnzOJZw Jul 12,2024 07:39
You can also log in on another device if you want to comment more but don’t spam lol
#zMnb83HM Jul 12,2024 02:53
(ㆆ _ ㆆ)
@128 percent Yes is does help :) Yay! I’m able to comment again!
#JDnzOJZw Jul 11,2024 22:59
128percent @ (ㆆ_ㆆ) There are some hidden rules that are not written. They are: You can not comment from the same IP a certain number of times per day You can not comment from the same IP 3 times in the last 5 comments on any comment board. If your comment has any sort of profanity, your comment will not be posted. Your comment can’t be too long, but there isn’t a known max length. Hope this helps
#hGcbB3Tu Jul 06,2024 05:29
I cant upload even though i havent uploaded since july 4
#zMnb83HM Jul 05,2024 04:48
(ㆆ _ ㆆ)
Probably the app and website are getting the time in Japan and the English countries mixed up. So like if you are in Japan and you upload, the next day the system might think your time is the same as the English time which is one day behind Japans time. Or the system is just confused all together.
#h9k2cAIy Jul 01,2024 12:47
@¯\_-_-_/¯ if it's still happening your accounts cursed lol or possibly your time is glitching? maybe it thinks your uploading more often than you are bc your clock is being affected by something else idk
#zMnb83HM Jun 29,2024 03:01
(ㆆ _ ㆆ)
Not one clue
#yW4yMIbB Jun 27,2024 05:00
#OEInRPRM Jun 13,2024 18:25
And now when I upload it won't be in the save data and count it as an upload and it will say "one time in one day" when I press upload
#JDnzOJZw Jun 13,2024 12:09
no clue
#OEInRPRM Jun 05,2024 16:38
Why can I only upload once a week or longer
#JDnzOJZw Jun 03,2024 02:26
@ ¯l_ツ_l¯ about the phone resizing thing yea I go through that too sometimes even after the fix if it happens just zoom out all the way and scroll up all the way and then let go it usually works for me And ham race 2 works for me on mobile what device are you using
#eEZdSlJ7 Jun 01,2024 18:59
Full screen doesn't work on chrome IOS(17.4.1, iPhone 12 pro)
#L77BULoL May 22,2024 17:07
Ham race 2 does not work on my phone When I press start it crashes
#L77BULoL May 22,2024 17:04
@128% It's already fixed
#wyMKj0Cw May 19,2024 12:52
@¯l_ツ_l¯ Womp womp it should have supported smartphone resizing a while ago what device u using I might be able to help
#bSZqoeYp Apr 25,2024 22:49
Whenever I try to log in, it just sends me back to the login page over and over again. I have created two new accounts and both wont let me log in either. What do I do?
#Cn7mh4ws Apr 14,2024 16:35
Alright, I hace a big problem. I forgot my account ID and I changed my device, the problem is that I can’t access my account anymore. I would like to obtain the ID of my account, the account name is Benji1593_15, I can enter my password and recover it.
#L77BULoL Apr 05,2024 20:21
Does somebody have the same problem and knows how it happens
#L77BULoL Apr 05,2024 20:20
There is a problem with games resizing on my phone and the games are more blurry than before
#cpELbg7T Apr 04,2024 10:05
Seeing some potentially suggestive advertisements "Get some head" does not seem like an appropriate message to broadcast on the website... But, whatever helps pay the bills.
#xoDQkXJf Apr 03,2024 16:10
I want to play cavern chronicles but when I go to the html file its just get/set thingy I dont know how to play it
#t33mEYH1 Feb 26,2024 06:47
(also, I don't have an adblock)
#t33mEYH1 Feb 26,2024 06:46
I'm trying to make an account but keep getting a cookie error
#OEInRPRM Feb 24,2024 11:03
The games with upload function just says 1 time in 1 day only and I have been waiting for weeks to upload
#IgJtSgJH Feb 19,2024 01:19
I love sites that don't redesign. You don't see sites letting you pick your color anymore, do you? Think about it...
#y4vVK93Y Feb 16,2024 16:40
Hi! Can I contact you more privately? I have many questions, ideas etc. If you are interested please message me e-mail [email protected] Telegram @dodogiee Thanks in advice -dogiee PS. I’m begging you please contact me ?
#L77BULoL Feb 03,2024 23:50
My game crashes wherever I save and load fan in powder game and press start in ham race 2
#pGoQXvS3 Jan 31,2024 12:55
Beleaf me
#pGoQXvS3 Jan 31,2024 12:54
Kimmie Ma magic torchball thing isnt real. he drew the balls with torch
#OEInRPRM Jan 16,2024 20:45
I can't upload on powder game, powder game 2, 100 bit and logi box
#OEInRPRM Jan 13,2024 23:05
I can't upload on 100 bit after more than 6 hours of account registration
#hHQChJ4K Jan 09,2024 03:48
it keeps saying cookie error and im not using an adblocker
#hHQChJ4K Jan 09,2024 03:46
happening to me too, cant even make an account
#zDSzNFGT Jan 08,2024 22:07
we should have a delete option for our own post, also vote scams are still the top voted levels
#L77BULoL Dec 30,2023 09:32
I can't upload on any games
#SaL7wuoD Dec 29,2023 11:46
@ArchiveDinner turn off your adblocker
#L77BULoL Dec 29,2023 08:41
@ha55ii I can't login after getting logged out without withdrawing
#FrjYi9hd Nov 27,2023 15:16
What the?
#MuPzeBVV Nov 25,2023 06:56
@error , a powder game id is a number you make when making an account, like a second password.
#0rHzUWTD Nov 22,2023 11:47
@Ha55ii in the sign up page it asks for an ID, what do you mean my that
#cLEQInue Nov 19,2023 04:43
what the flip is cookie error ive tried to register on two different browsers in mobile and i did it on desktop but that red text saying "cookie error" is staring me tf down
#VWGggyTn Nov 18,2023 16:21
In elemental box
Brick does not save!
#edtmctxV Nov 05,2023 13:12
Some Games not showing Some games do not show on Firefox but work just fine on Chrome Dgo and Ham Race 2 are examples of this. Firefox version tested: 119.0 Chrome version tested: 119.0.6045.105
#SR1VeDzN Nov 03,2023 12:40
Azareel James
100Bit: 6 Hours Only Powder Game (2): 1 Day Only Stick ranger: Same as 100Bit
#otVuKpW5 Oct 31,2023 22:53
need registration
#otVuKpW5 Oct 31,2023 06:02
что нужно сделать чтобы падающий вниз предмет генерировался сверху
#sNPtFc4H Oct 28,2023 14:48
Help me plz
#sNPtFc4H Oct 28,2023 14:44
I can't upload in any game
#xhuD1WX9 Sep 18,2023 20:36
i cant login
#iM1ZF8lE Sep 17,2023 23:02
i can't upload in 100bit
#N549fNe5 Jul 28,2023 10:56
>>Beauo To fix this I just had to wait a day or two. But if it doesn’t fix after a few days, idk what to tell ya. >>SuperMatCat24 same issue, just wait a few days and it should fix :)
#S6AsCNAz Jul 27,2023 19:39
Hi i was playing 100 bit but i cant upload with error 8 but i am logged in i might be having the same error
#TNmN3De9 Jul 25,2023 23:00
>>ha55ii I can't upload on Powder Game 2 for some reason. I realized 2 days ago, and I'm pretty much having the same issue as 128percent.
#OptCc36m Jul 15,2023 14:31
Hello. I want to make a new account since I forgot my main's pass (which the account is Alphaner). When I tried to make a new account, it said cookie error. What should I do?
#N549fNe5 Jun 03,2023 09:13
>>ha55ii Now I have an even bigger problem. I am unable to upload on 100bit or Powder Game 2, I am not sure why. I noticed it this morning, and every time I try to upload, it says Cannot Upload. Can you please try and look into this? Thanks
#N549fNe5 Jun 01,2023 07:08
>>ha55ii I have an issue. Rhythm Editor doesn’t seem to play any sound on Safari on an iPad. Is there any way to fix this issue? Or is there some way to trigger the sound I don’t know about? Thanks!
#0UmU7BUz May 25,2023 22:23
>>ChaoSeven Password cannot be changed. If you cannot remember, please register as a new user.
#SgFLX6aR May 25,2023 19:25
>> ha55ii Thank you for your help! Is there a way to reset the password? Or do I need to create a new one? Thanks for your time
#0UmU7BUz May 24,2023 21:22
>>ChaoSeven Your login failed, probably because your password is incorrect.
#6Ir87rQ8 May 24,2023 03:41
Hello ha55ii!I have some issues regarding the Login. I hit the Log In button with my username (ChaoSeven) and password but nothing happened. I tried also to create a new account but after registration I cannot log in Can you look into this issue? Thanks!
#RiZ8Os19 May 02,2023 15:41
hello. there is normally no audio in the games like in stick ranger on the website right? i have played mobile before, so i am used to hearing sounds.
#SZGx0ECi Apr 17,2023 23:39
Cookie error when trying to register
#l8c6ibJW Apr 11,2023 02:37
Well so here I have seen how you said that my old account was deleted due to fraud, I wish I could fight that, but I know whatever I say no one will believe me so I'm not even going to try. What I want to know if there is any way I can access the save data that I exported for the different games?
#J6W3mJXj Mar 24,2023 07:12
I feel like I am posting to much. But what I was reacting to in my previous comment is the fact I could not post comments in the comments areas. But I think that might just be because I posted to many comments in a short time period. As I seid in it I figured out my new account issue with logging in. Do you mind if I try post in 100 bit or should I wait 6 hours before I check if that works. Also could delete the comments in 100 bit as they are a bit off topic and the one below this as acted prematurely and maybe I am not block cause I can post one my phone. Also please tell me if this is off topic.
#J6W3mJXj Mar 24,2023 06:58
I apologize for posting extraneous content I did not realize that this one existed when I posted in the other. And honestly did not know any other rules then these ones Comments code of conduct Use appropriate expressions. Don't post offensive comments. Don't reply to any inflammatory comments but ignore them. Nor did I know did I realize that was the wrong spot to post them. Any when I did I could not delete them. Could I be aloud to comment once more. Also I figured out how to log into my new account just have to delete the special character
#m5bPLfpt Mar 24,2023 06:34
>>weesechedge ok so that's the reason I can't log in with my new account
#m5bPLfpt Mar 24,2023 06:32
I tried creating a new account under aurora1325. because I don't use this name much online any more. I then tried to upload some thing to 100bit and it would not let me saying could not upload en8. so I cleared my data for local data for this site which logged me out. the it seid please put in correct for matt and would not let me log in with the auto saved password for my now account or what I thought was my password for it. So I logged backing with my old account and posted what I was going to post on 100bit. then log out and tried a few times still not letting my log in with my now account but when I try registering again it say account is taken along side can't register more then 1 time a day
#0UmU7BUz Mar 21,2023 23:00
>>PrismaticJunimo I checked the logs. The account was deleted because there was fraud in "100bit".
#l8c6ibJW Mar 21,2023 02:35
I tried to log in with my old account, but it will not let me, it doesn't say my password is wrong it just doesn't do anything when I press the button. Since it will not let me use my old account I got a new one, but it also will not let me load exported save data. could you please fix whatever is going on? looking at other comments many other people seem to be having problems. .
#B8Dgv0wj Mar 16,2023 05:10
this crazy
#VWuN4Gci Mar 15,2023 05:03
Hello, how do i recover a forgotten password? Moreover I also can't register because i get "cookie error" every time i try. I can't save progress.
#fTxSVScg Mar 12,2023 06:49
I just want to register so I can save my progress, but every time I try, the site just says, "Cookie error." Please fix this.
#VLfbeHGr Feb 19,2023 14:30
Hello, I've found a bug with the password entry. When I made my account, I used special characters that aren't letters or numbers in my password. The website allowed me to do this. When I try to log into another device, it rejects the password saying it is the incorrect format. It lets me enter passwords so long as there are no special characters. It is impossible for me to log in because my password contains special characters.
#fMG4b1Xo Jan 23,2023 11:14
Adding onto my last post I mean moveable parts in powder game So blocks would still be frozen in place but steel can move, however it moves with other steel blocks as one, basically if it touches other steel it binds with it and can move with it as one
#fMG4b1Xo Jan 23,2023 11:11
Hello, I would like to add a suggestion. Basically I feel like it would be neat to add joints like the wheel whee you can connect stuff to it and make it like a joint, Example, it would be nice to have joints that you could connect to metal to make engines such as the simple combustion piston engine
#KKL8imE5 Jan 13,2023 15:41
If anybody sees this I'm getting check code (0x001800) whenever I try to put a weapon from a character into an empty inventory slot on the stick ranger 1 game from google play store. Any way to fix or is it intended?
#eM92L31V Jan 11,2023 13:19
i logged out and
cant go back in. H E L P
#qHBRBzSD Jan 04,2023 21:04
Caught masturgating homemade wife creampie Kelli autumn Renww ross goddess alexandra snow Solo small ass bending over Wife lets hubby Mther and aunt seduce boy nri uk girl Shemale on female orgies
#lZnVOpKJ Jan 01,2023 09:52
this site will be 20 years old in 3 years
#lZnVOpKJ Jan 01,2023 09:52
happy 2023
#kZ3gQON2 Dec 20,2022 12:26
100bit looks a bit messy
#ucctXxGq Dec 11,2022 14:48
I would also like to point out that the "Contact Us" page on the English website never got translated to English
#ucctXxGq Dec 11,2022 14:47
Hello, ha55ii the following games don't work on Firefox browser: Ham Race Irritation Stickman Stick Ranger Mine Tower Cross Virus Lim Rocket Shisen-Sho Ham Race 2 Dgo Logi Box can we get a bugfix update to make them load properly on Firefox?
#meTaOXWd Nov 20,2022 11:01
problematic guy
Now its telling me "Cookie error"
#3BEgR9h3 Nov 20,2022 10:50
guy with problem
Apparently when i attempt to register it tellls me that theres a database error? is there some kind of way to fix this or am i just being dumb and missing something.
#1p4hcs4o Nov 20,2022 03:34
no freaking way !! boobieyokners ??
#oSQ5LY1W Nov 17,2022 13:01
i like the Support Comments it can let me talk to more pepall
#oSQ5LY1W Nov 17,2022 12:59
hi i'm new to this game !! my 1 uplod was my only one that becaus it does not let me make more uplods is this the Support Comments plase do you get a lot of vots i don't pepal are mean and i cant evan make eny more uplods! : -(
#g3esg280 Nov 13,2022 04:24
i like boobioe yonkers!
#g3esg280 Nov 13,2022 04:24
hello i am boobie yonkers
#gDTAKYSa Nov 05,2022 00:37
The 100bit comments have been very inflammatory recently, especially from #dTvRqmSM. Is there anything you could do about this Ha55i?
#vHqY3JP0 Oct 02,2022 08:00
every time i try to make an account, it says "cookie error". I have cleared my cookies, but retain the error. PLEASE HELP!
#7Nm6oSnK Sep 25,2022 02:45
Any plans on making the original JavaScript source code for some of the web games available? They look good for learning.
#MresJH5X Aug 28,2022 23:41
Hey am new
#7DBxAQHj Aug 08,2022 03:46
#7WD81ZxN Jul 23,2022 22:16
me to it keep reseting
#7WD81ZxN Jul 23,2022 22:14
plsfix the glich
im keep reseting in powder game back the level where it save
#4zVGRmGH Jul 05,2022 02:07
This one is not the report but please do not delete me, just testing if you can read me. Hi ha55ii!
#4zVGRmGH Jul 03,2022 13:13
@N8ckname this happens if you upload too early. Needs a bit more to uploaded. If "please carefully created" error dosent exist, most of users ended up upload it with less stuff in thier's project and might not notice about that can only upload a day
#5Hp5K9DO Jun 30,2022 19:54
When I want to upload a game I always get this error "please carefully created" how to fix it
#UNU7xkDP Jun 30,2022 03:05
je ne sais pas
qui est ce mec "dudebro". Je l'ai vu sur le truc 100 bits avec plusieurs comptes. étrangement, je ne les ai pas vus dernièrement.
#UNU7xkDP Jun 29,2022 03:55
not an aver user
i have been hearing about this thing with "dudebro" accounts. Ive noticed that they havent been showing up at 100bit lately. can you get banned on dan-ball lol
#CTikaNJG Jun 27,2022 08:40
The user "JunoTehPlanet" continues to create clone accounts "JunoTehPlanet8" and "JunoTehPlanet9"
#Wl79rtkt Jun 26,2022 07:28
maybe tomorrow
Wow thanks ha55ii!
#H9vOFCdB Jun 25,2022 22:35
>>maybe tomorrow "JunoTehPlanet" was the same user. "garagebowl123","dudebro50","dudebro54","clayarro123" This was also the same user. It is unknown if it is the same user as "JunoTehPlanet".
#Wl79rtkt Jun 25,2022 04:18
maybe tomorrow
On 100 bit, are these the same user?: "JunoTehPlanet2", "JunoTehPlanet3", "JunoTehPlanet4", "JunoTehPlanet5", "JunoTehPlanet6", "JunoTehPlanet7", "garagebowl123", "dudebro50", "dudebro54" and "clayarro123". They are making very suspicious edits similar to "Flopkop", "Nickios", "YZrie", and "Kiskii"from before.
#2IiYA3G9 Jun 22,2022 22:22
I'm not really sure what's going on but in the 100bit comments, it seems like "JunoTehPlanet2," "JunoTehPlanet3," "JunoTehPlanet4," "NotJunoTehPlanet" and "JunoTehBadPlanet" might be alternate accounts? some of them may just be changing the name for comments but there is at the very least a difference between 2, 3 and 4 it seems, as they've all edited the 100bit board
#H9vOFCdB Jun 08,2022 23:44
>>Rebmiami Since I was able to confirm that they were the same user, I suspended the account.
#0SD8XWQY Jun 08,2022 19:19
I believe the accounts "Flopkop", "Nickios", "YZrie", and "Kiskii" are being used as alts on 100bit because they tend to edit all in quick succession and work on the same projects. Look at their editing history. (If this is not the appropriate place to report accounts, please tell me where)
#23ZlZcDm May 09,2022 00:37
It is possible to be banned from Dan-Ball?
#H9vOFCdB Apr 30,2022 22:10
>>atilla There is a near miss.
#RygP5uSP Apr 30,2022 12:33
I don't believe so, i'm confident the information is correct , but is there any way I can reset my password or register a new account?
#PsjtXw89 Apr 29,2022 20:23
Comment not add mental breaked crash. here: Logi Box:
#H9vOFCdB Apr 28,2022 20:09
>>atilla Are there any misspellings such as uppercase and lowercase letters?
#RygP5uSP Apr 28,2022 18:57
I'm having trouble logging into my account, and I don't see a password recovery or a new account registration button :(
#yINijbYK Apr 16,2022 03:42
Help! I cannot register because it gives an error
#dR1Ot9Mj Apr 11,2022 21:19
>>ha55iiは、あなたがPG2のコメントを見てみることができます 私たちはそこにかなり悪いことを言っているトロールを持っています 彼の名前はkg03hbneomnです あなたが彼を取り除くことができるかどうかを見ることができますか
#QhyovM2q Apr 10,2022 03:15
Thank you, I will tell him!
#H9vOFCdB Apr 09,2022 13:58
>>Rebmiami I watched the video, but it seems that my account is not registered. At least the ID wasn't in the database. You need to register as a user again.
#QhyovM2q Apr 09,2022 12:24
My friend is having some problems logging in and I don't know how to help him. When he tries to log in, he just ends up back at the login prompt and nothing happens. He says he used a valid password when registering his account. Any idea what the problem could be?
#u0w9hTHC Apr 08,2022 18:12
guys, when i try to upload my krakatoa vulcano level on powder game, it says "Please carefully created", what does that mean??
#xBvbxNQi Mar 17,2022 10:11
Error: Cookie error?
#H4NvOBHX Mar 17,2022 04:31
its my first time in powder game 2
#zc7B1DZe Mar 09,2022 22:26
only 1 time in 1 day !!!!!
#SOLw8hZH Feb 25,2022 06:17
how do you get User registration?
#ZlMT9Lpc Jan 25,2022 07:52
Help! I can't register because it keeps saying "Cookie Error"
#7gpMPY6l Jan 12,2022 10:41
and i am still thinking how to logout...
#7gpMPY6l Jan 12,2022 10:40
i can't registration... it keep saying (Registration is accepted only 1 time in 1 day) someone pls help me!!!
#LJxvkoH1 Jan 07,2022 11:05
Something is wrong when I press upload it says "Please carefully created."
#LJxvkoH1 Jan 07,2022 11:04
#giLXTTit Dec 31,2021 06:28
Pls add controls to move players. Also pls add a third player.
#giLXTTit Dec 31,2021 06:19
The emojis turn into question marks
#DEWKgvu5 Dec 28,2021 22:35
@ha55ii i kinda want to add this button which can like show your password or something like that BECAUSE I FROGOT MY PASSWORD-
#xICw4VnM Dec 25,2021 20:38
can you add something such as : 50,000 dot limit and more object limit ( like 100 ) for pg2
#NBtOKz9Z Dec 12,2021 06:32
robot the fire
@ha55ii Hey there! Any plans for console edition like Stick Ranger, Powder Game 1 & 2, Micro Panda, Monster Box and Ham Race 1&2? It would be part to Nintendo switch, Xbox, PlayStation 5 and etc? Maybe packs bundle and dlc would be nice?
#NYcCHG8j Nov 12,2021 13:06
pls @ha55ii,make an update(not phone resizing)
#F37RDvhU Nov 10,2021 02:14
BUT I GOT BANNED AGAIN IN TPT,i will leave tpt forever now
#F37RDvhU Nov 10,2021 02:13
I was afk because i was in tpt...
#euFTwT92 Oct 31,2021 15:01
#euFTwT92 Oct 31,2021 15:01
I just amde a acc hello
#C6pLhv4A Sep 18,2021 04:04
I forgot my password to my old account (TehEpikDuck871) so I created a new account
#J7P7BmMS Sep 07,2021 23:29
#0IzDJtlO Aug 18,2021 22:00
if ha55ii dont speed up the smartphone resizing progess the community will die out cus they waited ages for content updates
#ah1XPB6G Aug 05,2021 04:55
Ive been enjoying this site for over a decade. Ever since I was a little kid this has always been one of my favorite website to visit. It's inspired me in ways I can't really explain all that well. Thank you
#Y4tFSeEs Jul 30,2021 20:14
I can't register. Please help me!
#RLkorQst Jul 30,2021 05:33
Nevermind, It Uploaded For Some Reason...
#RLkorQst Jul 30,2021 05:31
'"Cannot Upload" What Does This Mean? (100bit)
#i7LJThzW Jul 12,2021 03:50
drip kapi
the next is here
#0IzDJtlO Jul 06,2021 10:22
oh no
#0IzDJtlO Jul 06,2021 10:18
my wishlist for pg1 : 1. make size M have 40000 dot, size L have 60000 dot and a new size XL having 80000 dot 2. add a player have triangle head and move using i as jump, j as left, l as right, and k as action in japanese 209 / 5000 Kết quả dịch pg1の私のウィッシュリスト: 1.サイズMに40000ドット、サイズLに60000ドット、新しいサイズXLに80000ドットを作成します。 2.三角形の頭を持つプレーヤーを追加し、iをジャンプ、jを左、lを右、kをアクションとして使用して移動します。
#p3BbNs96 Jun 27,2021 03:46
This site is awesome! Thanks for maintaining and improving it for so long!
#SnGW2eoA Jun 24,2021 00:46
hi I cant make an account for some reason
#b2MgWhPY Jun 11,2021 19:28
#1zZY4PdP May 07,2021 01:40
i remember this site from as a kid so awesome :D
#KTEzy3qp May 03,2021 00:14
on ham race 2, sometimes your ham goes YEET mode and flys away for no reason
#CiYXQwH8 Apr 30,2021 05:10
Hello, DAN-BALL team. The flash section has ceased to function. I find that pretty crazy.
#3VHCvpHF Apr 28,2021 23:52
ok I already found a way to log out from Dan-ball and to log out is to simply clear your cookies
#56Jx11pw Apr 28,2021 23:45
how do I log out?
#I1P2rG7M Apr 27,2021 23:42
Hi! I am wondering why y'all removed the physics stuff from PG2 k thx
#DE9DP2dU Apr 15,2021 23:42
Please UN-PG2 comment ban me
#DE9DP2dU Apr 15,2021 23:38
I can't post anywhere, help!!!!
#seVAWQjc Apr 11,2021 22:41
ha5511, why did you say, "Registration is accepted only 1 time in 1 day"?! I've been trying to sign up for TWO DAYS. Just let people sign up multiple times every day. Or if you've already allowed that, then tell me, why is this happening? Japanese: ha5511「登録は1日に1回しか受け付けない」と言ったのはなぜですか? 私は2日間サインアップしようとしています。 人々に毎日複数回サインアップさせるだけです。 または、その後私に話させていただければ、なぜこれが起こっているのですか?
#hN3LDlrJ Apr 10,2021 18:42
Can this website more mobile friendly? i mean i try to play the web version of 100 bit on mobile and it is really painful. i mean i need to be really patient :(
#kv1s8NgR Apr 09,2021 20:50
So it turns out that danball isn't saving any of my progress in any of your games. THis is most likely a chrome problem and I would like for ways to fix it :)
#yT4aBMIy Apr 08,2021 02:01
ha5511 can you make it so that you can upload multiple works on both powder games? it drives me crazy that you can only upload one work every day. JP: ha5511両方のパウダーゲームで複数の作品をアップロードできるようにできますか? 毎日1つの作品しかアップロードできないことに夢中になります。
#Znviwo75 Apr 02,2021 03:59
Hey how do i open console on powder game 2? someone showed me an image of a console button but i don't have that
#Znviwo75 Mar 31,2021 10:48
i wish i could ask for the guy who makes all the games to make the powder game 2 save button somewhere else cuz i accidently clicked it on one of my saves i was working on, and i lost everything.
#kv1s8NgR Mar 27,2021 01:48
Monstah box not saving my progress every time chrome starts :(
#j0SeJtYE Mar 25,2021 12:13
Ok... It turns out that special characters are not saved when your password is saved, so I couldn't properly put my password in... I also have two accounts now! Yaayyyy............................
#sB7jce2X Mar 24,2021 12:08
I can't log in. I might have gotten the password wrong, but I just made the account today and can not access it again. Please if you are on the dan-ball team please reply at [email protected] and I'll give the id if needed!
#5ipHhmJt Mar 23,2021 22:57
it's not letting me log in
#UVsTIoYN Mar 21,2021 11:01
ok i found out
#rKK7R5Js Mar 20,2021 01:15
how do i make an account
#YnFy16mz Mar 16,2021 08:49
@nickname OMG i really agree with this they should really add a English section for this game hahaha
#kv1s8NgR Mar 10,2021 16:34
Never mind
#kv1s8NgR Mar 10,2021 16:34
Am I comment-banned?
#qct1Frfa Mar 09,2021 07:48
no name
i can't register Dan-Ball please help I click register and it basically just reloads the page if you know what I mean
#3FQVC9md Mar 09,2021 03:17
I just posted something on powder game 2, and it didn't show up. Then I tried reuploading it, then it said "1 time in 1 days only"
#24WWwevh Mar 04,2021 02:37
@nighter i assume so this comment system is on all games on the site. maybe some people should be able to apply for being able to use the comment system more then twice a day
#8HdkuuOh Mar 03,2021 03:45
Can we add a nuke block to powder game 2. If you put fire in it then it will explode filling the whole screen destroying everything except block plz.
#24WWwevh Mar 03,2021 02:12
Powder game 2 wish list 1: make the players more controlable and make the powders effect them in more ways 2: a way to change the background to a set color (to make glass easy to see) 3: Allow creations to have descriptions 4: make a setting to make the balls less slippery 5: give a stat to show how many of a object or powder you have 6: make the small cube you have for powder larger 7: ability to size up players
#Znviwo75 Feb 26,2021 09:26
How come on pg2 im only allowed to comment twice? is it to prevent spam?
#H9vOFCdB Feb 10,2021 00:16
>>tonytwo Please contact us from here.
#AWlNDRE6 Feb 10,2021 00:02
I use to use this website a lot around 2008, but i unfortunately do not remember the password for the account "tonytwo". How would i be able to go about recovering it as i just recently rediscovered this place and would like to retain the name i normally use.
#FWCmdIHJ Feb 07,2021 00:54
PG2 will have a 3rd player?
#on1P9i5d Jan 31,2021 00:21
Hello, I need help please, the powder game 2 comments won't let me post. Thanks for your help
#jEjVHBWR Jan 29,2021 22:21
#KM85IpMi Jan 27,2021 00:05
The Dizzy
I lost My account known as the dizzy's info. is there a way to get it back?
#IgFqGmOe Jan 26,2021 06:56
Hey let make a map, join us in the PG2 comments, this is the support comments. Click "comments" then scroll to "Powder game 2 comments"
#ydWlKp5O Jan 12,2021 22:49
let make a map
#h82gV0uF Jan 07,2021 02:59
Is there a way to log out of my account? I wasn't logged in on stick ranger 2 and lost all my data when I logged in.
#0mPNtJmc Dec 30,2020 01:52
You have to get there from the sky gardens
#uktVH0mC Dec 11,2020 23:14
#uktVH0mC Dec 11,2020 23:13
Can anybody else not use the chat
#zQYDmSDO Dec 09,2020 14:00
#zQYDmSDO Dec 09,2020 13:58
#HI1HuZjn Dec 08,2020 02:55
Powder Panda
Japanese: Powder Game 3を手に入れてください。多くの人が新しい要素と新しい機能を使いたいと思っています。人々も概念を作った。 English: Can we please have Powder Game 3, so many people want new elements to use as well as new features. People have even made concepts.
#HI1HuZjn Dec 08,2020 02:52
Powder Panda
@yahydapiggy If that appears, it means you have clicked less than 50 times on the screen. Thats what I read from a Wiki page.
#gBZr5TC4 Dec 07,2020 10:58
why am i muted
#iMdQrmHw Nov 30,2020 04:26
it keeps saying please make carefully
#rF9zi8kP Nov 28,2020 09:07
and also please add rope and ladder and more
#rF9zi8kP Nov 28,2020 09:06
i am great builder and can you make powder game2 a app
#sISnMXdn Nov 23,2020 00:57
Hi. I can't sign in and I can't stand having to drag it to the next level, but then it hovers with my cursor! Plz help!
#NImbzdPw Nov 21,2020 14:01
Update iOS powd
Please update powder game for iOS! It is too small to fit in the screen and I need more weapons or tools thanks
#vf9X2H5U Nov 11,2020 00:51
Elise ✧
The access counter show 241 000 visitors at one point. What happened ?
#lwtwAtf6 Nov 04,2020 06:23
very cool site! good for passing the time in an especially boring class...
#spWlVvW9 Sep 28,2020 22:21
#4jKe8WLG Sep 27,2020 03:16
i love your games and web sight, i use to play them way back when i was in school and i sorta refound monster box is there any chance you can update to monster box in browser but the same as the phone version ? keep up the amaseing work !! o7
#Funzkjks Sep 17,2020 04:57
2011 player
Just an appreciation post. I've been playing this game since later on in Kindergarten (2010-2011) and really had good times with it, Powder Game especially. I remember going to Prime Time hoping that we'd get to use the computers for that special moment where we just mess around in the Powder Game, experimenting, and blowing things up. Still a good game to this day, even though I haven't played it in awhile. Thanks, DanBall.
#EdZqHO6E Sep 08,2020 11:32
I'm not sure what's causing this, but whenever I attempt to log in, I get a message saying to "please enter again." I've tried creating a fresh account and it still doesn't work.
#owil74iT Aug 26,2020 19:12
#tOlqA7BW Aug 21,2020 12:53
i cant post a comment before anyways
#L5NYEcnC Aug 20,2020 20:49
desktop sphere
i lost my data at stick ranger 2 i just logged in to export and import my save just incase but i lost my data
#8kIl4Omm Aug 13,2020 10:16
Is there anyway to change your password on this site?
#7T37hFnq Jul 25,2020 01:46
Cant log in qwq
#KXmU00Zw Jul 07,2020 11:07
the log in dosent work litterlly
#0jDWtNac Apr 29,2020 10:56
I'm having the same problem as @julian . I have entered my credentials CORRECTLY (I checked) many times, yet the login page says "please enter again." How do I fix it?
#AzFhVNif Apr 29,2020 08:07
Mahjong tiles are not displayed when playing Shinsensho Shinsenshoをプレイすると麻雀牌が表示されない
#W1MvGCXH Apr 28,2020 02:36
how do i make account
#wSqWRTv2 Apr 12,2020 12:21
Stick Ranger is fun! However, why is there no sound on PC and sound on Mobile?
#o45xfTdm Mar 07,2020 01:41
Stop deleting my messages ffs
#hS0tLnqq Feb 19,2020 22:32
for somereason every time i try to login in it says please enter again. please help
#tEdRHZCZ Jan 29,2020 22:42
Anybody know how to log off their account? Not sure about you, but I just got almost all medals on Monster Box and I kinda wanna get the last one.
#n5NtLd6i Jan 06,2020 02:55
is some own thar
#4hT9Yx3R Dec 27,2019 16:12
The illusion images with Flash don't work for me anymore :(
#Q93lI0GL Dec 02,2019 01:56
They need to let you get to registered parties to switch them. I beat the game, registered but now i don't know how to choose that party.
#qAB72rOS Nov 09,2019 08:13
Trying to register an account (lost my account a while back) just comes up with a "Database Error."
#O6xErOEw Nov 05,2019 19:36
More alive than i thought tbh
#jGWMfpy8 Nov 03,2019 02:30
wow this place is dead
#jGWMfpy8 Oct 25,2019 08:59
#kbB79ynv Sep 07,2019 01:14
#rFrmDM63 Aug 24,2019 17:44
how do i load an old save on stick ranger 2? i deleted my internet history by mistake and now it's gone
#KBqCoxJh Jul 21,2019 00:59
On pg2...
#KBqCoxJh Jul 21,2019 00:59
I just cant comment now
#OSAMfnOV Jul 17,2019 04:04
how do i login to a different account because i need help
#U0o7n2q0 Jun 20,2019 09:28
There is an imposter
#CYQvy6ML Jun 18,2019 18:27
I was without a account on here and had a save file, now its gone and im very sad... I was very far in stick ranger 1 and 2, i had everything in sr2 ( i was lvl 14 ) And in stick ranger 1 i had good weapons.. pls help me get my save back Jp 私はここにアカウントがなくて保存ファイルを持っていましたが、今ではなくなっていてimはとても悲しいです... 私はスティックレンジャー1と2で非常に遠かった、私はSR2ですべてを持っていた(私はレベル14だった) そしてスティックレンジャー1で私は良い武器を持っていました.. plsは私が戻って私のセーブを得るのを助けます
#CYQvy6ML Jun 18,2019 17:06
I was without a account on here and had a save file, now its gone and im very sad... I was very far in stick ranger 1 and 2, i had everything in sr2 ( i was lvl 14 ) And in stick ranger 1 i had good weapons.. pls help me get my save back
#ULa715bb Jun 17,2019 10:58
I can't access the Mountain 1 level in Stick Ranger. There is only a black screen
#xt5vEY4Y Jun 07,2019 17:20
Stick Ranger ver19.1 -- Mountain 2 & Mountain 1 level only black screen and not loading.
#xt5vEY4Y Jun 07,2019 17:17
Stick Ranger ver19.1-- Mountain 2 and Mountain 1 level not loading.
#d8s32CMP May 01,2019 04:43
Japonese: Powder Game 3を手に入れてください。多くの人が新しい要素と新しい機能を使いたいと思っています。人々も概念を作った。 English: Can we please have Powder Game 3, so many people want new elements to use as well as new features. People have even made concepts.
#d8s32CMP Apr 28,2019 10:37
@Superdino you can only put 2 comments every 12 hours Japanese time zone.
#hC2LjNJU Apr 26,2019 12:20
I mean, my comments on STICK RANGER are not posting.
#hC2LjNJU Apr 26,2019 12:18
My comments aren't even posting anymore for some reason.
#dH2P2Q8W Apr 26,2019 07:00
Hey the balls on the Powder game don't duplicate anymore, can you fix that? THX if you can
#Pred1Oet Apr 21,2019 22:54
ha55ii can you ban #fh9I8f5e they are raging about the updates on stick ranger 2 and it is making this site toxic
#XKOWlkOH Mar 21,2019 03:53
A few games are not working at the time, and it would be nice if you could fix them on your time.
#ppWEPA7k Mar 18,2019 01:39
Yes, if someone could take care of the alts that would be wonderful. Andree2, BeFree3, Celix4, Deltaa5, Logicet, Eryk6, Fantastic7, Genous8, Hektor9, and Ivan10 are the offending accounts.
#yT9ZoR7c Mar 14,2019 21:53
The bot accounts that are making / printing the castle, I mean
#yT9ZoR7c Mar 14,2019 21:52
Andree is alting 100bit and using bots, please delete the bot accounts (working on the castle)
#f8NoJoRd Mar 14,2019 02:12
can you delete sectumsempra ?
#hlDSd425 Mar 09,2019 03:52
Japonese: Powder Game 3を手に入れてください。多くの人が新しい要素と新しい機能を使いたいと思っています。人々も概念を作った。 English: Can we please have Powder Game 3, so many people want new elements to use as well as new features. People have even made concepts.
#z63Yc1LD Feb 24,2019 01:14
An absolute COPY of my Super Mario Bros has appeared. This copy has been created by “the death of” Here is a link to the copy: Here is a link to original: Please delete the copy.
#goEUrUAU Feb 14,2019 05:31
Ok this is me
Can you delete fire works dispenser it has the same name that I put it to my own fireworks Dispenser that I created he has created the exact same thing that made exact its a little more complicated
#goEUrUAU Feb 14,2019 02:36
Ok this is me
Can you plz delete all of cool lauritz’s escape rooms
#YONlpQC9 Feb 13,2019 06:39
#4 weekly
Please delete “woodland defence” by Kurt Pena 1810, I have seen that it is a copy of someone else’s. But I may be wrong. Don’t sue me if I’m wrong!
#FDONX878 Jan 31,2019 08:52
Is there a way to get my upload back? I made an original 3-d gun for polishedmind’s contest and it has since been deleted. I have no idea who would want it deleted, but all I want is it back.
#f8NoJoRd Jan 14,2019 06:27
can you delete "IMS Kotohiro"
#yT9ZoR7c Jan 12,2019 05:25
If you forget your password, is there a way to reset it?
#3C7ZM5jF Nov 02,2018 20:35
Still can't log in
#rKE5VM7o Oct 27,2018 09:32
mighty miles
try to remember your password
#rKE5VM7o Oct 27,2018 09:31
mighty miles
#3C7ZM5jF Oct 27,2018 04:37
I can't log in to my account. I know it exists, because when I try to register with the same name, it says it's taken. Also, my PG2 upload has the username I'm trying to log in with. Note that when logging in, it doesn't say ”Incorrect password” or anything.
#IB3QrvvH Sep 07,2018 03:18
Help. I am 9132 but recently when I switched to Linux Mint I forgot my password. If by any chance you have it, please let me know and you can contact me within 10 minutes (I use 10 Minute Mail). Thank you. Also for proof, I hid a secret code in one of my projects and will gladly show it to you.
#mF10NvsM Jul 30,2018 21:45
I have cookies enabled and even used the "get" and "set" system however the code i saved in my notepad when pasted into the stick ranger save code box all i get is a data error message :( i just want to play stick ranger.
#PF9Ldm9k Jul 21,2018 22:26
Why can't I log in? I'm dying to play Stick Ranger but I can't because the log in module doesn't work... and therefore I can't save my progress
#4l5GBal3 Jul 21,2018 04:18
When I click "Upload" It just gives me a dialogue box saying, "Please Carefully Created" with my only option being "Cancel". Am I doing something wrong?
#MXXXhBIb Jul 18,2018 02:22
my comment won't post
#nooqDBes Jul 15,2018 00:06
Bug fix: smartphone + scroll is NOT what's new.
#w249iPKD May 22,2018 21:51
#zhX7zEdZ May 22,2018 08:17
lol destoyer
By the way u dummy?!?!?!?
#zhX7zEdZ May 22,2018 08:15
lol destoyer
HEY! YES YOU MAKER OF THIS WEBSITE powder game 2 and 1 only lets me upload 1 thing a day,please tell me why it does that!It bothers me WAY to much!Why do YOU haft to kill me as if i`m a dirt bag,no not a dirt bag a....Um hmm lets see maybe a VERY WEEK BAG OF EXPLOSIVES!?AND YOU ARE A RIFLE MAN SHOOTING AT ME AND YOU LOOK LIKE A LORD AS YOU STAND 20 YARDS AWAY LOOKING AT ME!!!!! .P.S.why u no smart?!
#QPzQXSKS May 18,2018 13:19
Lightning Lord
There is a problem with your game Stick Ranger version 19.0. You released a version of the game that is already completed. All stages cleared, all books bought. The team is Priest, Sniper, Angel, Boxer. The team is at max level with max gold. Hope you fix it soon!
#fnPk136O Mar 31,2018 01:12
I can’t upload creations from the ios app, because when I want to log in it just doesn’t do it. I have pushed ‘withdraw’ once, maybe that is the case? If so, can you please bring my account back?
#jB6NzqXu Mar 19,2018 08:42
I keep getting server error.(600)... Started happening after i got an acct. ... How do I fix it?
#5VM0bddN Mar 08,2018 02:52
#BR42kygZ Mar 05,2018 11:13
Hello developers of dan-ball. I have been a member playing the website for almost 10 years. As this is 2018, the majority of computer monitors are now either 1080p, 1440p, or 4k (2160)p with 16:9 ratio. I think it is about time that this website gets a redesign and an interface more suited for both HD and HDR resolutions, as well as the games being magnified for these resolutions as well. To be honest, I really miss seeing updates for your two most famous games powder game and stick ranger. A dream come true would be a reworked version of both games, and in much larger resolutions than their current resolutions at this moment.
#s3GnaUZE Feb 21,2018 04:13
first one to solve the code correctly gets an Instagram shout out
#s3GnaUZE Feb 21,2018 04:12
m11 z25 v19
#VI2wJyyT Feb 08,2018 17:43
Skidaddle Skidoodle! Your wiener is now a noodle!
#0rob4al8 Jan 01,2018 02:36
When I copy and pasted the saved code of a powder game 2 upload it gave me a very long (about 70 pages) list of "row"s, "col"s, and "color"s. Is this a glitch?
#XPxSaPQ0 Dec 22,2017 23:17
#lk90NoOd Dec 15,2017 00:19
#UssduMir Dec 10,2017 02:14
Dark Doctor
Access counter
Free game list