100bit Comments

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#18Nu313P Jul 27,2024 00:15
inactive comment section
#gTRfCgxC Jul 24,2024 14:50
i would've commented but WEED-BALL prevented it..
#JDnzOJZw Jul 24,2024 02:56
No one commented on the 22nd I felt like pointing that out
#gTRfCgxC Jul 23,2024 06:28
@Mgrobing people can have opinions that's okay but you're just joking lololol also evil bad guys balance out the weebness just look at ragnarok final stage
#EcrkFJ2R Jul 23,2024 03:37
They ned to add colors the first one PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS dont be red or this game will fill with blood
#EcrkFJ2R Jul 23,2024 03:34
IM why Why -> MatiasCO
#ij7SGEYN Jul 21,2024 01:57
@Salthunter003 zero is bad, plot is boring, characters have too much detail or too complex design, no robot masters, and it looks made for weebs
#gTRfCgxC Jul 20,2024 23:43
@mgrobing zero is the best classic is stupid wily gets away everytime though I like it much more than legends
#ij7SGEYN Jul 20,2024 18:07
@Salthunter003 Classic mega man is the best! No complex story, bosses aren't redundant, and it doesn't try to be realistic too much.
#gTRfCgxC Jul 20,2024 15:16
classi mega man is the wor- smash Bros doesn't count but still cool @JuuJuu i agree with 100bit>r/place
#J3sONPaI Jul 20,2024 08:10
I have never played a mega man game. Would you count super smash bros? hey! a big mega man art would be super cool. 100bit > r/place
#EcrkFJ2R Jul 20,2024 06:43
100day < 1min
#EcrkFJ2R Jul 20,2024 06:40
Litterary r/place in 1984
#gTRfCgxC Jul 19,2024 19:13
wow it's so quiet time for some nefarious individuals to appear!
#P6zFhSCw Jul 18,2024 14:38
Thank God bob is back.
#gTRfCgxC Jul 18,2024 12:12
@mgrobing anything after classic series is better ngl @Brodent2 we're talkin about mega man
#SVGBZh9U Jul 18,2024 07:02
#ij7SGEYN Jul 18,2024 02:12
@Salthunter003 I played MM1 & MM2, kinda gave up after 2.
#gTRfCgxC Jul 18,2024 01:34
have y'all ever played a mega man game my favourite is zero series ❤️♥️
#AzU6uRoT Jul 17,2024 22:06
Everybody chill the beans, Dont fear, bob is back.
#gTRfCgxC Jul 17,2024 03:40
@WizardLizard Ah..it's okay then i apologize i f e e l s o n e f a r i o u s
#P6zFhSCw Jul 16,2024 22:47
Wasn't talking about you Salthunter it's alright.
#ij7SGEYN Jul 16,2024 20:33
For GOD'S SAKE why are we bringing POLITICS in to a DRAWING GAME!! JUST SHUT UP AND DRAW!!!!
#gTRfCgxC Jul 16,2024 19:29
@WizardLizard shut up inferior reptile mammals are superior also i literally said it's not my country I'm not some politics expert
#P6zFhSCw Jul 16,2024 17:11
Possibly the dumbest take.
#gTRfCgxC Jul 16,2024 10:48
@JuuJuu not my country but isn't biden like a robot so it's sad news for trump
#SVGBZh9U Jul 16,2024 08:49
I hope Biden loses that guy won’t last another 4 years
#J3sONPaI Jul 16,2024 07:51
what are your thoughts on Donald Trump getting shot? open to anyone ( ´-ω・)︻┻┳══━一
#gTRfCgxC Jul 16,2024 03:54
kittco36 is Nefarious anyways tbh I agree with JenWR we should all play the superior game ELEMENTAL BOX AND AQUA BOX
#ij7SGEYN Jul 16,2024 02:40
@kittco36 TF you got against Mr. Saturn?
#18Nu313P Jul 16,2024 01:46
hi everyone
#tFxEMECK Jul 16,2024 01:26
This is why I don't like the 100bit community. You guys are mad toxic + you guys are always having silly arguments. You guys are (mostly) grown. go outside or something. I'm tired of this.
#ij7SGEYN Jul 16,2024 00:28
Can we stop this argument? I want normal-talk again.
#3tQPYFTC Jul 16,2024 00:05
its literally hard irrefutable proof, there isnt anything for anyone to "change their mind" about, and i dont know why you keep picking fights tbh its kinda pathetic
#4tzA2fx3 Jul 15,2024 22:32
@Brodent2 No offense but: I think we're past the point of discussing whether you used alts or not, since its pretty clear that you did! Because of the amount of proof, facts, and logic being used, making it clear that you used them. Not to mention that we keep seeing lies and expose them to you to explain. And as an explanation we get pretty much boils down to "i forgot", "im right ur wrong", etc. Which doesn't make you look better. Yes, you actually could've forgotten all about it! But only you know that, to everyone else it looks like you're trying to cover it up. So how can you expect for kittco or anyone else for that matter to change their minds on this?
#SVGBZh9U Jul 15,2024 21:23
kittco, why do I even fight with you, your clearly not going to change your mind on this
#gTRfCgxC Jul 15,2024 17:59
my exam finished it was 20 marks only i walked to school in 40+degree Celcius exam was ez though
#3tQPYFTC Jul 15,2024 16:15
ah yes of course, the facts are all "bs" it must be really hard on you, to be this hypocritical
#gTRfCgxC Jul 15,2024 09:48
@mgrobing i will.. today is my English exam yay
#ij7SGEYN Jul 15,2024 04:45
Please keep the Mr. Saturn safe. please.
#SVGBZh9U Jul 15,2024 00:49
Lotta bs being thrown at me, it’s hard to remember what you’re actually accusing me of
#zg9gFSv8 Jul 15,2024 00:49
@salthunter003 srry the platform won't let me say what nova Scotia is
#SVGBZh9U Jul 15,2024 00:48
I guess I forgot then
#gTRfCgxC Jul 14,2024 22:50
guys play kiomet with me or territorial io ♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️♥️❤️❤️
#3tQPYFTC Jul 14,2024 18:17
thats yet another lie, you already said it was their account on May 17 2023 (see last linked evidence)
#gTRfCgxC Jul 14,2024 14:00
ha55ii should add 'Bits History' so nefarious individuals can be caught of doing nefarious action @CITPMHE what's nova scotia i forget??
#SVGBZh9U Jul 14,2024 11:02
I didn’t even know my brother was behind the Chicken Tender account until today.
#zg9gFSv8 Jul 14,2024 09:49
Aside from that My throat is hurting and I'm having a hard time telling if I'm getting sick or not
#zg9gFSv8 Jul 14,2024 09:36
One month ago this wasn't even happening can you believe that
#4tzA2fx3 Jul 14,2024 05:50
@Brodent2 Right... This honestly makes you look silly at this point. Facts aren't supposed to be like "This is my brother! And the others are impersonating me! End of discussion!" it should be more like "This is my brother! And the others are impersonating me! Here's the proof to back up my claims!" Besides, the SHERBONATOR account is very unnecessary to make since you could've just logged into your brodent account. This further supports my claim that you used alts. Not to mention that you specifically said "The first two are just impersonating me" (about the proof i showed you) So apparently Chicken tender your brother who's also impersonating as you... ok. You're free to explain! But if all we're getting from you is "im right! you're wrong!" Without any proof or something of that nature. Then i highly doubt anyone here is going to believes you.
#SVGBZh9U Jul 14,2024 04:45
I couldn’t tell you which one he did but he owned chicken tender & suiq at one point
#SVGBZh9U Jul 14,2024 04:43
I genuinely don’t know why but my brother had two accounts and gave one to his friend
#gTRfCgxC Jul 14,2024 03:19
all hail mgrobing/Mr saturn all hail salthunter001/002/003
#ij7SGEYN Jul 14,2024 01:10
Mr saturn1
#ij7SGEYN Jul 14,2024 01:08
#gTRfCgxC Jul 13,2024 22:59
subscribe to @salthunter001 on YT to get infinite bits and infinite bots/alts and become a webmaster
#3tQPYFTC Jul 13,2024 22:40
Nope, heres the evidence: https://imgur.com/a/c8XXbUk its interesting you claim a different account is your supposed brother now.
#SVGBZh9U Jul 13,2024 22:32
And @kittco36 is just making stuff up at this juncture
#SVGBZh9U Jul 13,2024 22:30
@XisN I have already said this to you not even 6 months ago but clearly you have literally no memory at all or you just like to bring up the same old nonsense because it’s all you have; The first two are just impersonating me and suiq is my younger brother who received my old phone last October so that explains the bold text, @XisN come at me all you like I can explain any of your “evidence” with real facts.
#gTRfCgxC Jul 13,2024 20:30
wait nvm this was said against brodent not me
#gTRfCgxC Jul 13,2024 20:27
@Kittco36 for your kind information,002 isn't accessible now and I wasn't even able to draw from it 99% of the time and you're the most mean and stinky pppoopoo here
#ij7SGEYN Jul 13,2024 19:41
Tf is happening?
#4tzA2fx3 Jul 13,2024 19:33
Brodent2 Besides, if you are so keen on proving that kittco uploads every 6 hours on the dot, i have given you a step plan on how to do it! Just to help you out a little, when you type "u" in the console, it would list out an array of every user that have placed their bits in the game! So just do this every minute and log the time of the latest player who uploaded their bits! Run this program for 24 hours and share the results with the program itself! this way, you have an absolute fact! And that no argument can be made against you like "oh its faked" --- About you using alts. saying they are your brothers or people impersonating you isn't enough to debunk any claims. Again, here's my proof from before: https://imgur.com/qsrCq9y Anyways, lets focus on the facts. First of all, your code (in the comment boards) is directly related to your device/browser. Secondly, You cant bypass the 6 hour wait limit by just logging into a different account. Your previous upload carries over this other account. UNLESS! You use a VPN! bypassing the 6 hour wait limit! So THIRD! Since ALL of these accounts are coordinated and upload after eachother AND use the same code, Its enough evidence to proof that you used alts. because for example: if you have brodent and suiq uploading after eachother while also having the same code, it would be impossible unless you used a VPN to bypass the 6 hour limit!
#4tzA2fx3 Jul 13,2024 19:06
If you want, i can show you a trick to make it more easily to place your bits on the board! @Salthunter003 I still don't see how having 100% precision is a problem. When your drawing is big and someone draws near it. Its going to get "nuked" anyways whether the dude is using a bot or not. Also i should note that he is using a SINGULAR bot. Not multiple, Here's an actual example of someone using it to gain an unfair advantage: https://dan-ball.jp/en/javagame/bit/?code=454 Im pretty sure you're talking about bot users like these, which kittco isn't a part of. --- @Brodent2 This alone doesn't prove much, but lets give this the benefit of the doubt! What this basically says is that you and kittco were very close together to uploading at the same time. When you open up a page of 100bit, the game is set to a frozen state at that time, no matter how long you're taking the time to draw. People can/will draw before you! And assuming kittco's bot is fast, it makes sense why your bits would be glitched out when you uploaded your bits in roughly the same area where kittco uploaded. Besides, you gotta wait another 6 hours to wait for confirmation if you two would upload at the same time again (or roughly about the same time) But this only proves it for yourself tho, you need evidence/proof that you can share!
#3tQPYFTC Jul 13,2024 15:09
you were caught using alternate accounts and you admitted they were yours and your "brother's"
#gTRfCgxC Jul 13,2024 14:46
@XisN YOU LITERALLY SAID HE USES BOTS yes it cannot give him 10000 bits HOWEVER! it increases the precision to 100%! it's not even fair considering you can't even draw near it otherwise your art gets nuked it's not fair in any means! @JuuJuu i will sodium you
#J3sONPaI Jul 13,2024 11:29
My goodness, XisN! So eloquent and well written. I'm inclined to agree with this man on all accounts. 。・゚・(ノД`)ヽ( ̄ω ̄ )
#SVGBZh9U Jul 13,2024 08:26
Kittco edited quickly enough that it inverted some of my edits, this means that he quite literally had to place all one hundred pixels perfectly in a grid without messing up once within one minute because that was how fast i had edited
#SVGBZh9U Jul 13,2024 08:20
@XisN for the LAST time I never did any alts, i have debunked everything you’ve thrown at me and some, so stop saying I did something I didn’t, and stop yelling at me for calling someone out over something that he did definitively do.
#4tzA2fx3 Jul 13,2024 06:38
@Salthunter003 I'm honestly willing to be talked out of it really, if you believe that i am wrong then tell me so with an explanation instead of just telling me "no ur wrong" and leaving me with some insults. The reason why i believe using a bot is fine is mainly because it doesn't really break any rules, nor does it harm anyone! It just helps you draw more easily! In this game we're all playing together, and its not supposed to be a competitive kind of game where we fight each other over petty reasons, we all draw our own stuff on the board and i really don't see a problem with someone else doing it faster than others. Again, i'm open to be talked out of it. As to "he draws every 6 hours on the dot" that's only an accusation and as a community we shouldn't get so riled up over something that might not even be true, acting like this is unhealthy for the game and for the community as it pushes people away. If you truly want to win an argument on such topics then focus more on facts and proof. Instead of talking about how much you hate kittco for whatever accusations you can come up with, since this leads to rallying other people up! For example: i can say something along the lines of, "Salthunter stole my account!! Get him!!!" do i have proof? do i have any facts to back it up? any sort of explanation? No? well this can be a really great recipe for disaster isn't it? And that's pretty much what's been happening. its why i'm sharing my opinion on the matter.
#gTRfCgxC Jul 13,2024 05:46
@XisN Ah yes..using a bot..such a great and normal act which isn't unfair.. and don't talk like you're mixing Hebrew with English it sounds so horrible holy sodium wth a group is covering 1/4 of the screen and some dude is using robots while you're zipping his pants so slowly for some reason
#igdprVPS Jul 13,2024 01:53
@Xisn Thanks for the game I gave it to a friend
#4tzA2fx3 Jul 13,2024 01:03
@Brodent2 No? there's no way know let alone prove that he uploads every 6 hours to the minute. Unless there's an update that adds an feature to see the time when someone uploads. Its practically close to impossible to know when someone (besides yourself) to see when they uploaded their bits. Theoretically: you could refresh the page every minute and see who the latest uploader is and at what time! This way, you COULD create a program that does this for you! However, since this hasn't been done before. There's no other way to know when someone (in this case kittco) is uploading on the dot every 6 hours. --- besides, i think its quite hypocritical to complain about having an unfair advantage considering you used a bunch of alts. Preeetty much bypassing the 6 hour wait limit, while also having more of an unfair advantage compared to kittco. So, why is this such a problem to you?
#SVGBZh9U Jul 12,2024 23:42
@kittco36 using a bot gives him an advantage over us who can’t edit every 6 hours to the minute and have to actually place our pixels @XisN make sure to zip up his pants when your finished
#4tzA2fx3 Jul 12,2024 20:56
Role playing isn't my strong suit but sure i'll give it a shot! @Salthunter003 Greetings oh mighty Salthunter from the third iteration! I am but a humble chef in the kitchen, May i use a sprinkle of sacred salt into my stew today? Thou mou something chou would make me burst with joy! (how as it? lol) --- Anyways! Naw yeah i'm not denying that he's using a bot to draw! I just don't see it as a problem is all.
#gTRfCgxC Jul 12,2024 19:49
#gTRfCgxC Jul 12,2024 16:22
he's literally bots @XisN is just a meatrider wth also stop yapping you should worship me instead of kittco36 the nefarious individual
#iwUjBcVd Jul 12,2024 13:05
Huh, I wonder what this game is about.
#4tzA2fx3 Jul 12,2024 11:42
Anyways! I come bearing gift! Not gifts sadly. I got a steam key for fallout 3! And since i already own the game, i figured i'd let someone here have it! i tried sharing with someone i know personally but most of em either have the game or didn't want it! So here ya go! WVIA2-6I9VP-2QFW5 Hope ya have fun with the game whoever redeems it! Just let me and everbody else know if it worked or not!
#4tzA2fx3 Jul 12,2024 11:28
I'm honestly quite surprised that this one cat has such a big impact on people. @128percent I mean, the guy just keeps finding his own way of fun in the game. Atleast that's how i see it! Kittco never really goes out of his way to attack anyone, unless you count getting rid of drawings that were in progress, but it doesn't make sense why people hate him so much on THIS level. So what happened? To summarize: Brodent, Juno, and a few others decided that you're not allowed to draw on one half of the board anymore. And overtime the community were getting quite annoyed by it, so they decided to fight back! I putted my own 2 cents into the mix by drawing kittco's cat in it! At first brodent 'n friends were managing it quite well, however it started to fall apart shortly after. However, the last thing that was still standing from that incident was Kittco's cat! And from there, brodent 'n friends spend over a year trying to get rid of this one cat by coming up with crazy accusations to rally enough people up against kittco. And it worked! So, a few days later after 2024, the cat was no more! And yeah! that's mainly where all of this hate for kittco mainly comes from! Incase you're curious for yourself, here's the time range for it! https://dan-ball.jp/en/javagame/bit/?code=608 (2022/10/27) https://dan-ball.jp/en/javagame/bit/?code=655 (2024/01/07)
#J3sONPaI Jul 12,2024 05:52
speaking of bots, have ya'll heard of the dead internet theory? crazy stuff, man. i found this website when i was a little kid. are any children finding this place now or are they all getting rerouted to some attention farm hosted in Timbuktu? {{ (>_<) }} @¯l_ツ_l¯ Welcome back traveler.
#gTRfCgxC Jul 12,2024 00:47
mlp is ugly also i agree with brodent now i remember those bots when I was less active on 100bit @¯l_ツ_l¯ YO DUDE WASSUP
#SVGBZh9U Jul 11,2024 23:51
Oh please, everyone who wasn't born yesterday knows you used bots to keep the cat around as long as it was, you quite literally were editing every 6 hours to the exact moment
#18Nu313P Jul 11,2024 23:31
and welcome back!
#18Nu313P Jul 11,2024 23:31
@¯l_ツ_l¯ hi, we're a group of people from different countries who both like doing pixel art and mlp, so we decided to draw pixel art of ponies
#JDnzOJZw Jul 11,2024 22:51
I can’t tell if kittco is a nice person or just a person people think isn’t nice
#L77BULoL Jul 11,2024 20:09
Returned to see 100 bit getting weird Why is there a pony in the northeasten part of 100 bit
#gTRfCgxC Jul 11,2024 15:05
@CITPMHE Brodent2 got a redemption arc now him and kittco36 are fighting like Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney
#zg9gFSv8 Jul 11,2024 08:35
What is happening????
#3tQPYFTC Jul 11,2024 02:02
thats great to hear! im not really sure how this proves anything about what you said, but it sure makes you look silly
#SVGBZh9U Jul 11,2024 01:01
Also notice how nobody disagreed with the anti bot I made, It really goes to show how hated you are
#SVGBZh9U Jul 11,2024 00:59
kittco you really are something special, all you did there was prove my point. I never worked on a bot for my own personal benefit like you have been doing for years, I simply was building something to stop a hindrance like you on 100bit
#gTRfCgxC Jul 10,2024 23:05
Either way he's mean like i said before this game is a dyarchy now ♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️♥️❤️ also who the heck is EclipseC
#igdprVPS Jul 10,2024 18:47
@Brodent2 That doesn't mean he's using a bot, maybe he is referencing an image and copying it line by line
#3tQPYFTC Jul 10,2024 18:41
sure thing, here you go! https://imgur.com/a/gwlqm9i
#SVGBZh9U Jul 10,2024 14:04
And I know very well that he’s using a bot, it always uses the same pattern and edits in a square pattern in strips
#SVGBZh9U Jul 10,2024 14:01
Never ever did anything like that, maybe you could provide some evidence since that’s the only thing you ever bring up
#gTRfCgxC Jul 10,2024 01:28
@mgrobing dude same this is not even fair at this point we should play mystera legacy instead which is a superior game in every aspect
#3tQPYFTC Jul 09,2024 20:08
im pretty sure @Drodent2 was working on a '100 bit bot' i wonder how that project is going
#ij7SGEYN Jul 09,2024 17:45
I hate you so much.

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