Planet simulation

Planet simulation

Planet simulation game

Price: Free of charge

Enjoy world of gravity! Planet simulation game can also reproduce solar system.

Planet simulation
Compatible with Android 14 (Amazon)

How to play
Click on the screen to place a star
Select menu to change the type of star

Game Tips
Create the universe with various stars.
You may be able to recreate the solar system.

In spare time or boring time, it is a recommended game.

[ Menu Buttons ]
TrackChange type of trajectory.
SizeChange size of planet.
ColorChange color of planet (8 colors + random colors).
MovesSelect a movement.
Target - Drag to add a planet moving to a random direction.
Random - Add a planet to a random direction.
Circle - Add a planet with a circular orbit.
SpeedChange speed of time.
TitleReturn to the title screen (default position).
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