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All Control Player Monster Special Stats Medal Home Formula

Move : Flick the Stickman
Attack : Fully automatic
UP button : Touch or press and hold

Player does not die, it is invincible.
By increasing each skills, defeat more enemies.

Monsters will not attack. Is the weakest.
By increasing each skills, pop-up more enemies.

If you touch the box, "pop-up speed" goes up.
Keep in mind it will be game over monster exceeds a certain limit!

It is a game to collect achievements and more money.
Save Function
Automatically saved in time.

 AT :Blow
 Range Attack :Shock wave range attack
 AT% :Damage magnification
 Range :Range of shock wave
 Half life Attack :Probability to halve life of enemy
 AT :Slash
 Critical Chance :Probability of occurrence of critical hit
 Critical Damage :Damage magnification of critical hit
 Sword Strike :Range attack by wind pressure of sword
 Strike Range :Range of wind pressure of sword
 AT :Shoot
 Arrows :Multiple arrow
 Range :Flying distance of arrow
 Pierce Chance :Probability of arrow to pierce
 Pierce Damage :More damage magnification of pierce
 Electric Shock :Enemy adjacent to electric shock
 Multiple Chain :Probability of electric shock is branching
 Lightning :Evoke lightning
 Flame Armor :Burn surrounding enemies wearing a flame
 Flame Range :Range effect of magic
 Burn :Enemy burned in flames assume burn, all damage is increased

[Walking algorithm]
Switch by flick ground beneath the player down.
Green : Move
Blue : Fixation

Toughness :"LP" and "Money" is up
Pop-Up :Pop-up number
Boss :Boss! maximum level of monster goes up when you defeat

[Option skill]
Revival :Probability of revival after defeating
Bound :Pop-up time, to appear a new enemy with bound
Delta feather :Feathers appear "two" as a new enemy after defeating
Tower :Enemy does not fall down the tower until the low

 Touch AcceleratorAccelerated magnification of when you touch the box
 Maximum MonsterMaximum appearance number of monsters
 Money BonusAcquisition amount increase
 Money BoostAcquisition amount magnification
 Max Time BonusMaximum magnification of time bonus
 Time Bonus IntervalInterval reduction of time bonus

 Max Player LvMaximum level of player (Need Boss Kill)
 Monster SelectionReduce Pop, Raise Money (Need Boss Kill)
 Multiple BossPlurality of boss (Need Boss Kill)
 Box AcceleratorAccelerated magnification of box (Need Boss Kill)

 Get KeyObtain key
 Remove AdsHide ads (Need Key)
 Money BonusAcquisition amount increase (Need Key)

 MPS :Money per second
 MPS MAX :Money per second maximum
 MPM :Money per minute
 MPM MAX :Money per minute maximum
 DPS :Damage per second
 DPS MAX :Damage per second maximum
 DPM :Damage per minute
 DPM MAX :Damage per minute maximum
 KILL :Monster punitive number
 BOSS :Boss punitive number
 BAR MAX :Monster maximum incidence
10 minutes
 Money :Money after 10 minutes from the restart
 Jewel :Jewel after 10 minutes from the restart
 KILL :KILL after 10 minutes from the restart
 TOTAL TIME :Total play time
 TOTAL KILL :Total monster punitive number

Medal is given if achieve the specific conditions

Medal Rate :Number of medals acquired / Maximum number of medals
Money Bonus :Acquisition amount increase
Money Boost :Acquisition amount magnification
Damage Boost :Damage magnification

Restart :Restart
Game Sound :ON/OFF of sound effect
System Sound :ON/OFF of BGM
# :How to display money digits

Money = (Monster + MedalMoneyBonus + SpecialMoneyBonus + keyMoneyBonus) x MedalMoneyBoost x SpecialMoneyBoost x MonsterSelection x BoxAccelerator x TIME BONUS x MonsterBar

 Damage = (AT or RangeAttack) x AT% x MedalDamageBoost x Burn
 Half life Attack = MIN((MonsterLP / 2) or 9999)
 Damage = (AT or SwordStrike) x CriticalDamage x MedalDamageBoost x Burn
 Damage = (AT + AT x PierceDamage x PierceNum) x MedalDamageBoost x Burn
 Damage = (Rand(1, (1 + ElectricShock + MultipleChain) x 10) or Rand(1, Lightning) or FlameArmor) x MedalDamageBoost x Burn

All Control Player Monster Special Stats Medal Home Formula
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