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 AT :Blow
 Range Attack :Shock wave range attack
 AT% :Damage magnification
 Range :Range of shock wave
 Half life Attack :Probability to halve life of enemy
 AT :Slash
 Critical Chance :Probability of occurrence of critical hit
 Critical Damage :Damage magnification of critical hit
 Sword Strike :Range attack by wind pressure of sword
 Strike Range :Range of wind pressure of sword
 AT :Shoot
 Arrows :Multiple arrow
 Range :Flying distance of arrow
 Pierce Chance :Probability of arrow to pierce
 Pierce Damage :More damage magnification of pierce
 Electric Shock :Enemy adjacent to electric shock
 Multiple Chain :Probability of electric shock is branching
 Lightning :Evoke lightning
 Flame Armor :Burn surrounding enemies wearing a flame
 Flame Range :Range effect of magic
 Burn :Enemy burned in flames assume burn, all damage is increased

[Walking algorithm]
Switch by flick ground beneath the player down.
Green : Move
Blue : Fixation

All Control Player Monster Special Stats Medal Home Formula
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