Stick Ranger 2 Comments

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#Ex5SaOTi May 19,2024 03:59
Beijing Corn
Sorry if my messages has started morphing into entire paragraphs lately, it's just because I have a lot to say or ask ha55i still, please add what I asked for, they aren't way to OVERPOWERED or anything that is too helpful, but just more original styled items that would make the game more expanded and stuff the new amulent idea gives more space for medals in future areas or already added areas
#Ex5SaOTi May 19,2024 03:56
Beijing Corn
Vlorparius I hooked you up with this epic number one lightning burst if you wanna know mine i use for a normal kill a quick power kill combo which involves 75% is speed 50% is power and its power and speed is in the explosion the others are ice blade, any mist and arrow of an attribute explosion and lightning burst (for lightning burst to be so powerful like mine you would want a stickman to be jacked into its elemental status, have lightning power ups (Topaz Ring + Craft Amulent [Craft Amulent is the best for lightning burst for some reason]) (Also I would be glad if ha55i would add The/An "Lightning arrow"{which smites the monster that as shot with the arrow} and "LightningCurrent shot"{which travels like the trail and mist shots but which instead a lightning bolt trail bouncing off things}) also would be cool if ha55i also added a extra rebounds ring or amulent which allows any particle to bounce off walls 1 or 2 times or 1 or 2 More times if its already a rebound attack
#FIjhqdJL May 19,2024 03:30
I cant really choose the best magic charge and arms does anyone know whats the best.
#gTRfCgxC May 18,2024 17:38
i love torturing stickyman guaguaguaguaguagyafyafyafayfa!!!!
#gTRfCgxC May 18,2024 15:34
i love getting stickyman in this game stuck in a place and dance around heyshhahrshhahajahahahahakauewuaijakalalaoa
#Z1L2zFX3 May 18,2024 12:05
I feel like it would be possible to clip through walls if you had a very long monitor by dragging very long distances. Also you can cheese some bosses by getting your torso through the wall and have your legs and arms on oppisite sides. Enemies only can hit your legs for some reason
#qPXiEZog May 18,2024 12:04
also i should stop wasting my gold on upgrading the new useless charges although i dont have much else to do with it
#qPXiEZog May 18,2024 12:03
guys what if ha55ii forgot how to add an arms
#45be0A0H May 18,2024 08:45
Ha55i pls add new arms instead charge :(
#FIjhqdJL May 18,2024 02:52
1% drop rate for the fan laser lance is wild PS: I already got it.
#FIjhqdJL May 18,2024 02:51
Im requestiing in the update for a better chain lightning arms weapon.
#gTRfCgxC May 18,2024 01:52
#Ex5SaOTi May 17,2024 22:49
Beijing Corn
for real lightning BURST is just too op all you need is just one stick man max dodge and everything else into elemental stat and lightning burst becomes the embodiment of Gigachad
#Ex5SaOTi May 17,2024 22:37
Beijing Corn
new weapon = mine now time to speedrun to get it
#L77BULoL May 17,2024 22:05
New weapon attack pattern looks like ice blade attack pattern
#QGb26adL May 17,2024 21:56
Yes, and there is one at upper cave 3 too
#VUsMTsoI May 17,2024 21:14
New charge is actually... ehhh.... Lightning charges will never recover ever since lightning burst came around
#5RQWVHHH May 17,2024 20:55
New Charge is very good, but I had to exterminate all those stupid blue worms 2 times to get it!
#vvu1gzLM May 17,2024 19:33
I ♡ this weapon XD it deals good splash dmg weapon ideas: icicle blizzard rains 10 needles that slide and slow 30%. charge 10. AT 10-15x10
#gTRfCgxC May 17,2024 16:20
The new weapon called the super mega omega sigma ultra namakastra
#L77BULoL May 17,2024 15:09
New weapon good at crowd control and deal a lot of damage
#RL9nyUWn May 17,2024 14:23
yo guys i was messing around in cave one and i figured that you can move the little stick guy in the background, is there something you can get from this, is it a secret or soemthing?
#wXZw4Ob6 May 17,2024 14:08
btw the new charge is pretty good it's like thunder halberd but doesn't really spread so much.
#wXZw4Ob6 May 17,2024 13:50
plz add new arms :(
#gTRfCgxC May 17,2024 12:24
let's keednep ha55ii so he adds arms
#cpELbg7T May 17,2024 11:19
new charge the chargemaxxing is crazy
#gTRfCgxC May 17,2024 11:14
#0UmU7BUz May 17,2024 11:02
Stick Ranger 2 ver22.2 Weapon addition. Bug fix: stage 13
#YImQqf2T May 17,2024 10:28
you are not level 54 you liar go sit in the corner and cry until you learn to be honest
#FIjhqdJL May 17,2024 08:31
Does anyone have any tips for grind? im lvl 54 a one level takes way too much time.
#1jlLWzJT May 17,2024 07:17
how the heck do you get that far?
#Ex5SaOTi May 17,2024 07:16
Beijing Corn
Also @someon2 my lightning burst is way stronger than last time and does anyone know a faster way to kill a monster(grey slime or blue head medium fish) who only takes one damage per hit rate besides my (all weapons I am using right now are max level) flame bow + Explosion + Poison bow + PoisonMist shot + Thunder Halberd + ice blade + Lightning spear + Lightning burst Also, don't say use more trail emission weapons because that isn't as effective as what I am currently using because it rebounds off walls and bounces into the wrong direction making the kill slower I also think and maybe know that it would be better to replace either lightning burst or the Poisonmist shot with soul arrow but the soul arrow's orb can just clip throw terrain and doesn't lock to the stick fighter like the soul blade orb does so I can't really decide
#Ex5SaOTi May 17,2024 06:44
Beijing Corn
@someon2 well erm, look at who's the one with skill issues now i easily got that medal it took me 5 minutes of trying when I actually used my brain Here is a hint for the medal Clear all enemies first, remove all weapons that on their own spawn particles make sure all your stickmen are on the platform closest to the exit of the level then use some force when throwing them up high and just keep throwing them upwards mid-air
#5RQWVHHH May 17,2024 02:25
@someon2 You have to keep all four stickmen in the air for 5 seconds by throwing them up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up But it also took me a long time to achieve it, it's a tough achievement
#qPXiEZog May 16,2024 21:57
can someone get the float for 5 sec with everyone medal for me bc idk how to do it i got all the other sky garden medals tho
#gTRfCgxC May 16,2024 20:24
namakastra LV 2 at 2-2 EMIT -infinity SML long ATR ice
#gTRfCgxC May 16,2024 11:44
he's lying i did my super sigma smart calculation LB cannot do THAT much damage
#qPXiEZog May 16,2024 11:16
@beijing corn my lightning burst only does 2200 how are you so pro
#wyMKj0Cw May 16,2024 10:15
I feel a little late bc I been here since 2022 but I'm prob gonna play @Salthunter ya 100bit is kinda lame these days but my army atm is huge
#Ex5SaOTi May 16,2024 05:57
Beijing Corn
13608 is the most damage i can do therefor proving i can one shot monsters up to well now 13608 as long as they have no resistance for lightning attacks
#Ex5SaOTi May 16,2024 05:55
Beijing Corn
Heh- you inferior beings Lightning burst 6 (Lv.5) AT 1-1701(still increasing with each skill point added to elemental) x8 EMITE 10 SML Long ATR Lightning
#5RQWVHHH May 16,2024 00:34
@donjosamdavid I bet it's a new Charge
#gTRfCgxC May 16,2024 00:01
Narendra Modi
#GKr5jxvA May 15,2024 23:25
I Wonder if Their Is New Enemy, Weapon, Stage And Other.
#gTRfCgxC May 15,2024 20:49
namakastra AT it just destroys the entire website Emit -infinity ATR salt
#VUsMTsoI May 15,2024 19:30
peepee poopoo caca lance lvl1 AT infinite all emit 6 (otherwise it'd be too OP)
#vvu1gzLM May 15,2024 19:11
poop lance lvl1 AT 6-66666 1000hit Emit 1 ATR freeze (shoots a full-screen attack that is big enough to hit all enemies) XD (freeze 50s for anythin' that survives da shot lol)
#gTRfCgxC May 15,2024 17:33
that's too op Salt Lance lvl 1 AT 1-1 150 hit Emit 0 ATR physical
#L77BULoL May 15,2024 16:23
Quick lance lvl 5 AT 1-119 6hit EMIT 8 SML middle ATR physical
#gTRfCgxC May 15,2024 14:31
#qPXiEZog May 15,2024 13:50
ha55ii should add thunderburstshot it would be very op. kill the big red dragon in 2 seconds
#wXZw4Ob6 May 15,2024 13:10
@Salthunter001, me is thundershot
#gTRfCgxC May 15,2024 12:46
ha55ii should add poisonmistshot 2
#jwCW3u09 May 15,2024 12:33
Texas Red
thank u will try it now
#qPXiEZog May 15,2024 12:31
and also keep dragging him out of the way of the brown thingies so he doesnt kill them. it might take a while when there keeps being more and more but ive done it !! so what i say must be right idk
#qPXiEZog May 15,2024 12:31
if by 100 enemies you mean the sky garden 2 one you just avoid the brown thingies that spawn and try to use someone with all short range attacks in order to not kill them. i did it with a light knuckle + deadly blow guy but also hope that the deadly blow cant do over 500 damage otherwise you could just overkill it
#jwCW3u09 May 15,2024 10:50
Texas Red
guys i nearly have all the medals, any advice for the 100 enemies one? Have a blessed day
#Dcdtospl May 15,2024 05:44
Beijing Corn, I know exactly how you feel. Not a single ring in sight!
#cpELbg7T May 15,2024 04:29
@Itaiko that idea sounds kinda lame man gonna be honest but ha55ii should put in a reference to the beloved dan-ball mobile game Dot Sniper
#Dcdtospl May 15,2024 03:52
I've got an idea for next update if this doesn't already exist: Not only can you click on ores to mine for gold, but you can also click on enemies to deal at least 5-10 damage. Although it has a 1 minute cool-down so it isn't as easy/baby mode. Just a random idea.
#gTRfCgxC May 15,2024 00:10
according to my research with max in elemental attack level around 40~ a stickyman cannot oneshot a monster with 9152
#gTRfCgxC May 14,2024 21:43
stop lying xi jingping
#Ex5SaOTi May 14,2024 21:18
Beijing Corn
Also i finally got golden ring
#Ex5SaOTi May 14,2024 21:18
Beijing Corn
@wordejn i don't think he does >-> I can literally one shot up monsters with LP up to 9152 with one attack
#VUsMTsoI May 14,2024 20:46
does he know
#L77BULoL May 14,2024 19:24
By completing all terraced cave achievements
#L77BULoL May 14,2024 19:23
@Beijing Corn Obtain bandit amulet to increase drop rate
#vvu1gzLM May 14,2024 19:08
couldn't be bothered to make a SR2 mod.......................................... have to wait for new thingys also ice trail good at LC4 boss if you hit and run
#gTRfCgxC May 14,2024 12:26
yes 128percent this game is way superior to 100bit
#wyMKj0Cw May 14,2024 07:20
guys wsp should i start playing sr2
#cpELbg7T May 14,2024 06:57
Waiting patiently for new rings and amulets... My heart is heavy with the weight of the rings...
#qPXiEZog May 14,2024 02:55
beijing corn i think thats just a skill issue i got gold ring the first day i tried to get all the medals for terraced cave its so ez youre just bad i think. im not being offensive dont kill me
#6KzrfxEA May 14,2024 01:50
Beijing Corn
omg bro please Day 11 of trying to get the gold ring so far- Still nothing please increase the drop rate for gold ring ha55ii
#gTRfCgxC May 13,2024 23:31
sticky ranger vs stick rager
#RoTwV9vA May 13,2024 22:05
@Texas Red yeah like how
#VUsMTsoI May 13,2024 21:55
Bro tried to sneak in aqua box ?
#gTRfCgxC May 13,2024 21:20
stick ranger 2 and powder game 2 and aqua box best players 100bit worst
#QGb26adL May 13,2024 21:05
PLEEEAAASE can we get more arms weapons?
#VUsMTsoI May 13,2024 20:42
Real stick ragers rage with their sticks high in the air with an emit of 15
#vvu1gzLM May 13,2024 19:45
texas you need to be strong and react fast enough,bring characters at each pile of enemys. of course it's very hard XD (especially when you cleared this stage in 61 seconds) also gale slash is good for the lowest part of LC4 it might make you shout 'Ooooooh,oh my little god!' lol also stick ranger 1 mod commin' soon (so hard that i became stick rager...........)
#gTRfCgxC May 13,2024 12:42
sticky ranger 1 coming to dan ball and cinema halls in 25 may!! source: CIITPMHE brain
#6KXT2eRh May 13,2024 12:31
does anyone know if/when stick ranger 2 will get an ios port?
#jwCW3u09 May 13,2024 11:11
Texas Red
how in gods green earth do you clear upper cave in 60 seconds???
#gTRfCgxC May 13,2024 00:46
ha55ii is dumby dumbus dumb but we like him
#hU9ZOcw1 May 13,2024 00:36
#gTRfCgxC May 12,2024 11:56
i read a poem called the rebel in 7th grade and it's basically a biography of wjordan
#cK7tiuQ0 May 12,2024 11:15
Just played again really briefly. Giant Tadpole is no joke fr fr.
#744E4QCq May 12,2024 10:12
I dunno, quick slash hits tons of targets
#cpELbg7T May 12,2024 02:26
Yknow what screw you guys I'm gonna main with this weapon I don't care that it's mid it looks pretty and that's what counts
#gTRfCgxC May 12,2024 01:12
i just found out power lancer is way better than the new weapon ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
#gTRfCgxC May 11,2024 13:18
wow wjordan so high iq
#Q8ez4KFQ May 11,2024 06:45
#YImQqf2T May 11,2024 05:24
You can change the type of fish that spawns in the passage by killing the chambers in a specific order.
#RoTwV9vA May 11,2024 03:32
salt, I did not mean get a combo :c I meant how to beat upper cave in 60 seconds!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
#gTRfCgxC May 11,2024 01:55
dragon opens gate for ez travel lol I hope it's drops in future have 100% drop rate
#qPXiEZog May 11,2024 01:21
why did you spend an HOUR figting the dragon its not worth that much time at all... he only drops 1000G
#gTRfCgxC May 11,2024 00:58
put more stickman against slow spawn enemy and less against quick spawn so combo remains use something like bow for less damage ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
#QGb26adL May 11,2024 00:48
I just spent over an hour fighting the dragon and he dropped nothing grrrr
#RoTwV9vA May 11,2024 00:20
how do I beat upper cave in 60 seconds tho :c
#6KzrfxEA May 11,2024 00:06
Beijing Corn
you can tell me drop chance of gold ring of course! :)

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