Free Games

List of free browser game which was created as hobby.
Since all game has been produced in HTML5 and JavaScript, anyone can play easily without a browser plug-in.
Enjoy from children to adults, because provides variety own genre browser games, please feel free to play.

Action RPG | Stick Ranger 2Stick Ranger 2
Great adventure with 4 stickmen!
Explore deeper dungeons & capture and get rare items!
Nonogram | Logi BoxLogi Box
It is a puzzle game that fills cells with hints of numbers.
In general, it is said to be "Nonogram" "Picross" etc.
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Nature Aquarium game | Aqua BoxAqua Box
Game reproducing the world of Nature Aquarium programmatically,
such as gorgeous color and growth of aquatic plants,
brilliant colors and swimming of tropical fish.
Sound wave simulation | Rhythm EditorRhythm Editor
Anyone easily can be played the rhythm.
Simulation game to visualize the sound waves.
Enjoy the sound in the eyes and ears!
Puzzle game | DgoDgo
Board game that is played all over the world "Go"
2players hit alternately, wide end of final area is winner.
Detailed Rules
Hamster's race game | Ham Race 2Ham Race 2
"Ham Race" was renewed.
Goal in 3 laps of rap system!
Improved operability, so enjoy the action!
Shisen-Sho with answerShisen-Sho
Shisen-Sho is a Mahjong puzzle game to remove all Mahjong tiles according to rules.
In how to erase Mahjong tiles are sure to programming so that correct route exists.
So it will change algorithm to place by degree of difficulty, please try to challenge.
Extreme swing-by | Lim RocketLim Rocket
Game to advance by operating the rocket while avoiding collision with the planet
Enclose puzzle game | Cross VirusCross Virus
Virus to grow is isolate enclosed in block is "enclose puzzle game".
Let suppress infection by placing block in anticipation of movement of virus!
If successful in reducing grow, can earn up to 3 stars.
Monster BoxMonster Box
Monster overflowing and Battle of Stickman!
Stickman after upgrade in gold and jewel, please earnestly defeat a lot of monsters.
By upgrade the monster, enjoy fight against powerful monsters.
Fluid dynamics | Powder Game 2Powder Game 2
Remake program of "Powder Game" and introduced more realistic physical calculation.
Since there are a wide variety of powders, please make scientific experiments and art works and play.
Since we can upload and share the work data, let's see various works!
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Everyone draw | 100bit100bit
Game for everyone to draw point in drawing paper of sharing.
I will enjoy the production process of the picture because it reproduces the clicked history.
History Territory Map
Rigid body game | Elemental BoxElemental Box
Physical simulation game that enjoys real physical operation of each shape and change in each material.
Real time CG | Ray Trace FighterRay Trace Fighter
A fighting game that uses the ray tracing method also used for the full CG animation.
Puzzle game | Mine TowerMine Tower
Puzzle game aiming at reaching top floor while finding hidden bombs from first floor of tower.
Minesweeper with vertical scroll type that marks with flag and widens safe area.
Since there are various modes and rankings, if you like puzzle games, please play.
Action RPG | Stick RangerStick Ranger
Action RPG game where 4 Stickmans defeat monsters and advance the stage!
Let's make your own party by customizing class, status and items!
You can play against world players in VS mode.
VS mode Edit Party Register Party
Earth creating game | Earth EditorEarth Editor
A simulation game that creates the Earth using various dots on the field of gravity.
Play with fonts | Font GameFont Game
Collect and scatter the colorful fonts.
It's an experimental font game.
Irritation Stick | Irritation StickmanIrritation Stickman
A dragging action game that manipulates a stickman and leads to goal by avoiding traps and obstacles.
A bold and careful mouse operation is a game of the strategy method.
Take the coins and medals and aim at top of the rankings!
Physics Simulation Game | Powder GamePowder Game
When whirlwind picks up the leaves, flow of the wind is visible and interesting.
Simulation game that reproduces such phenomenon with powder (dot)!
Let's vote by playing various uploaded works.
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3D action game | Micro PandaMicro Panda
Control panda with bright beam on its eyes, and light park.
How bright can you make it within time limit? It's panda's action game! It's first 3D game. We could finally make it!
As you succeed typing, letters crumble and pile up at bottom screen. It's very unique typing game.
Can play as much as want. There is no goal to complete.
List of romaji typing
Compass and magnet game | CompassesCompasses
It's a fun game with magnets.
Rotate hundreds of compasses and see how they move.
Hamster's race game | Ham RaceHam Race
Hamsters' spinning race game.
Keep two hamsters running in their wheel to reach the goal.
Let's run gimmicks skillfully use!
Planet simulationPlanet simulation
Planet simulation game. Enjoy world of gravity!
Can make solar system. See how beautiful Earth is.
Fluid simulation game | Liquid WebtoyLiquid Webtoy
Fluid simulation game that can play with water on browser.
Enjoy change of color or transform water or clouds or ice.
Crazy rocket game | RocketsRockets
The very first web game.
Control the crazy rocket, accelerate and reach the goal.
Don't worry if it hits the wall.
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Free game list