- App Games Comments -

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Rain Traffic
#Q43U7L0n 2025/02/08 00:55

Hello @otascube, do you specifically have a Discord account? Thanks!

otascube Webmaster
#4TGLrNDv 2025/02/07 17:07

"Monster Box" updated version 2.7.0 (iOS)
-Support for iOS17.
-Improved stability and performance.

@Lightning Lord
I don't know if ha55ii has a Discord account. There is no official DAN-BALL Discord account.

Sorry, there are no specific plans for that at the moment.

#0nUFRuP3 2025/02/06 15:02

Indian gamer

#qmDtA5sa 2025/02/04 09:20

Bring Stick Ranger 2 too mobile!!

Lightning Lord
#YsYDAtXq 2025/02/01 08:22

Im asking if there is a dan ball Discord

Lightning Lord
#nNgWvq3m 2025/02/01 04:46

do you have discord?
does ha55ii have discord?

otascube Webmaster
#4TGLrNDv 2025/01/31 17:22

"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.5.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet)
-Improved stability and performance.

otascube Webmaster
#4TGLrNDv 2025/01/24 17:30

"Lim Rocket" updated version 1.5.0 (iOS)
-Support for iOS17.
-Improved stability and performance.

@Aeolk2 さん

#dhtW0aGh 2025/01/19 20:26

RoCatsとCat Hanabiも楽しくプレイしました。

otascube Webmaster
#4TGLrNDv 2025/01/17 19:47

"Cross Virus" updated version 1.4.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet)
-Improved stability and performance.
-Fixed some bugs.

@Rain Traffic
Thank you for your suggestion! While we don’t have plans to implement this feature at the moment, we appreciate your feedback and will keep it in mind. Thank you for supporting Stick Ranger!

Rain Traffic
#HELWtou3 2025/01/11 02:40

Hello @otascube, can you add this function to the Stick Ranger app game which allows the player to switch items while pausing the game?

otascube Webmaster
#4TGLrNDv 2025/01/10 21:39

"Cross Virus" updated version 1.4.0 (iOS)
-Support for iOS17.
-Improved stability and performance.

@ Thr build
If you uninstall the app, you cannot play it as an app.
However, even without installing it, you can still play the game as a browser game by accessing the following link:

That said, we recommend installing the app version for a better experience, as the UI and other features are optimized for smoother gameplay.

Thr build
#UoN8vi8z 2024/12/31 21:37

Samsung Galaxy S10 8GB Ram Storage 128G
Android 12.0

Thr build
#UoN8vi8z 2024/12/31 21:36

How to play the apps if they are not installed in Android I installed powder game then Uninstalled it can I play it even when it is Uninstaller. My phone is Damsung

otascube Webmaster
#4TGLrNDv 2024/12/27 13:33

"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.2.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet)
-Improved stability and performance.
-Fixed some bugs.

otascube Webmaster
#4TGLrNDv 2024/12/20 14:17

"Stick Ranger" updated version 2.2.0 (iOS)
-Support for iOS17.
-Improved stability and performance.

otascube Webmaster
#4TGLrNDv 2024/12/13 16:33

"Mine Tower" updated version 1.6.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet)
-Improved stability and performance.

otascube Webmaster
#4TGLrNDv 2024/12/06 17:08

"Mine Tower" updated version 1.6.0 (iOS)
-Support for iOS17.
-Improved stability and performance.

@About ads

About ads
#S5x3APMR 2024/11/30 22:42

Please have a way in the apps to permanently disable ads.

otascube Webmaster
#4TGLrNDv 2024/11/29 17:45

"Dot Sniper" updated version 1.8.0 (Amazon Fire Tablet)
-Improved stability and performance.

@Update it
Sorry, for requests about Powder Game 2, please post them on the Powder Game 2 message board ( ). That way, I believe it will also reach ha55ii (the website programmer).

Thank you for your support, we're happy to hear that.

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